And this is why the notion of the “friend zone” is so damn toxic.
The comment below the meme seems pretty accurate to me, though.
H/T — r/GamerGhazi
And this is why the notion of the “friend zone” is so damn toxic.
The comment below the meme seems pretty accurate to me, though.
H/T — r/GamerGhazi
@Gussie Jives
Happy early birthday!
I remember posting something in DeviantArt in solidarity with Muslim friends after the 2004 Madrid Bombings (Islamophobia was what got me into Social Justice) and having to block randos from the comments section. My stuff didn’t even get 100 views and somehow ‘phobes crawled out of the woodwork to shout at some hastily-drawn furry art.
Kudos to the new generation of activists, though, for making easy-to-understand and thorough videos/tweets/articles on stuff that helps push back against the new breed of bigots who keep whining about “why there’s a Black Entertainment Television channel but no White Entertainment!”. Dudes, BET has been around since the 80’s. Just drop it.
I know you’re targeting women but can I go on your list too please? It’s the one ‘L’ spelling.
Well, if you’d be kind enough to actually turn up this time, I’m happy for you to try.
@Weird Eddie
Thanks for picking up my slack there! Now to get a new banjo…(Man, I’m really regretting my decision to go as Brittany from Pikmin 3 over young Fiddleford McGucket (Gravity Falls) for Halloween this year.)
As a gay man, I’ve had gay male friends who I didn’t want to have sex with. Heck, I’ve even had straight male friends I didn’t want to have sex with.
The entire ‘friendzone’ concept seems to be code for ‘i wants to bone, y u no want to?!’ Because a boner denied is a sad boner, and life holds no greater tragedy.
The friendzone: a magical thing that doesn’t exist along with ‘reverse racism’, useful police officers, and ethical capitalism.
The issue isn’t really that Laci used the T-word, it’s that she used it and then openly expressed her resentment of people who called her out and assumed apologies are for her rather than people she hurt. Feeling bad about something or learning better social skills doesn’t wipe your offenses away. Forgiving someone might help heal the damage someone did to you, but it doesn’t heal the social damage caused by someone’s words or actions.
It seems a lot like Laci was a liberal who didn’t understand how deeply people’s opinions are rooted in maintaining their economic and social dominance. You can’t have a “dialogue” with reactionary people from a neutral and objective point of view because that doesn’t exist. In common parlance, “objective” means a slightly less explicit form of economically privileged white able bodied cishet male dominance.
When I see people from marginalized groups (and yes, Laci, whether you want it to be or not, women ARE marginalized) supporting the oppression of “others”… geez, do you not PAY ATTENTION???
Laci, what happened to Megyn Kelly?… Tomi Lahren??… Christina Hoff Somers???… yeah, yeah, I know, they strayed from the party line… and you will, too, as soon as the party decides it’s time to eat YOUR face.
I kinda like the line John Colicos delivered as Baltar in the original Battlestar Galactica…
Ugh… Indeed. I left my last girlfriend around the time of the Zimmerman and Wilson trials – I supported #BLM, she supported the racist murderers, and just thinking about staying with her despite that horrificness made me feel like an asshole. I can’t even imagine backstabbing so many people, throwing millions under the bus to die, for the sake of only one.
The people I knew who supported the Iraq War thought we weren’t killing enough people and we should just steal their oil.
These were all middle to upper middle class college educated (at top schools) people who weren’t from the South.
@Alan @Weird Eddie, the thing that really bothers me about that article in relation to people like Laci Green and other female alt-rightists is that the behaviors that Aurenheimer says will exempt you from the “purge”, and all the terroristic violence that goes with it, are impossible for modern people of either sex to do. You can’t live under the system of coverture, because the legal mechanisms that supported it have been changed. A woman is considered to be an independent person by the law, and no amount of crying about it (assuming that this crying doesn’t eventually result in the government being overthrown) is going to make her a part of her father’s or husband’s household property. So, essentially, every single woman who aligns herself with Aurenheimer is automatically “on a list”. It’s all there in black and white: to our allies, you must conform to this legal and cultural doctrine that cannot exist under the current system of laws, or we will rape you to death. To our enemies, we will rape you to death. Either way, somebody’s getting raped, and either way, that somebody is going to be you. How can you look at that and say “when they say ‘THIS MEANS YOU’ they don’t really mean me, they mean some other you that is coincidentally extremely similar to me”? What causes that line of thinking? Is it fear? Is it ignorance? Is it greed, or hubris?
Yes, that’s exactly the case. It’s nothing to do with law or norms, it’s a post-apocalyptic fantasy that the igno-right is doing it’s utmost to make reality. Every woman would, under this system, eventually run afoul of the system, not for any overt or inadvertent act, but simply because the overlord tired of her. Oh, there would be some bullshit pretext, but the reason the woman would be killed is because she “hit the wall”….
@ runsinbackground
After reading the full piece I was curious about him. He’s got the mentality of an angry teenager who wanks over Gor books after being ignored by the cheerleaders. But he certainly knows his obscure legal history and, whilst his views are abhorrent, he writes quite well.
One thing I did pick up on reading about his trial experiences, is that he subscribes to the legal fantasy view that over here is the hallmark of what are called ‘Freemen-on-the-land’. They too are prone to grandiose fantasies that their (‘correct’) version of the law will ultimately prevail.
Now whether he actually believes any of it, or he’s just being provocative, I don’t know. But plenty of them do believe.
It seems akin to the apocalyptaphilia so common with that type too.
How could 30 million women vote for a man who said that he could rape them and, because he is “a ‘star’ “, he could get away with it??
Yup… yup
I think it’s partially activist burnout. A major goal of the alt-right is to make it clear that people on the left are not welcome to openly express their views without being threatened or harassed.
I’ve been physically assaulted by (now former) “friends” for criticizing Trump. There are situations in which I have to lie for my own physical safety.
A few years ago, some radio host did a factual expose on American Sniper and Chris Kyle (how Kyle said he thought Iraqis were savages and we should kill more of them, how the film falsely portrayed him as having PTSD when he clearly had no problem with anything he saw or did, etc.). The radio station was inundated with calls and emails that were graphically threatening and extremely vulgar.
Never underestimate the backlash you will get from TELLING WHITE MEN “NO”
@Weird Eddie
It’s definitely manipulative abuser thinking and behavior. They’re either violent or manipulative depending on what they think will give them more power. I know people who read Howard Zinn and had a literal “He’s on to us!” reaction.
@Citizen Rat
Thanks for the B-Day wishes and high five to a fellow furry! While I don’t post to the DA Forums anymore, I do post my furry stuff there, so feel free to check me out @gussiejives
Most of my recent stuff is marked “Mature” though. O.o
I echo a lot of the sentiments RE: Laci Green. I already feel like I’ve used up too much mental energy thinking about her and what she’s doing, but it’s like one of those slow-motion train wrecks that you’re trying desperately to prevent, but is nigh but inevitable. Because you just know that the very first thing she says that can’t be “both sided” to lend her new friends rhetorical cover, they’re going to run her out of town on a rail. I give it less than a year.
Ooh ooh ooh, I know this one! 30 million white women decided that their identity as “white” was more relevant to their daily lives than their identity as “women”, so they voted for the guy that said he was going to put white men back in charge because hey, I’m white, right? White people from all walks of life voted for Trump as the representative of White Identity: A white woman voting for a confessed sexual predator isn’t any harder for me to explain than a white plumber of any gender voting for a man notorious for stiffing contractors. What I have trouble with is the descriptions I’ve read of the alt-right as a movement that claim that one of the differences between them and old-school white ultra rightists is that they make an effort to be more welcoming to women and gay men. Reading articles like this, it makes it hard for me to see what that welcome consists of, since men like Aurenheimer make it clear that joining the movement doesn’t exempt you from maltreatment if you are a woman or a gay man.
It’s weird because given the way the alt-right is eating it’s own even though they won and should feel happy and unified and the way the Trump presidency is an undeniable disaster, it’s pretty clear that the alt-right is a flash in the pan. A backlash trend. They’re too incompetent and petty to accomplish much or hang on to power for long. That’s becoming crystal clear. Even setting aside morality, why align yourself with them now? 6 months ago they were on the rise. There’s already signs they’re on the decline. Where’s even the self interest?
I hope I’m not coming off as dismissive of the damage that this past election can and will do. Even if their time is short lived. I’m just saying it’s painfully obvious that the alt-right and the Trump administration are both jokes. Aligning with the alt-right can only bring extremely short term gains. It’s just not a wise move.
trump n the ‘publicans blew a hole in the bottom of the “Ship of State”, and then marked all the lifeboats “Rich White cis/het X-ian Only”
The trump-(doesn’t)-care health insurance bill will torpedo about 10-15 million people who voted for him, and I betcha they ALL go down screaming “they won’t do it to US!!!”
The modern conservative is a player in an Olympic-sized demonstration of Synchronized Denial
Isn’t speech that incites violence forbidden at The Daily Stormer? So why did this porn violence masturbation fantasy get published?
I agree with the reasoning that led to weev’s conviction being overturned, but I can’t say I’m thrilled that he’s out of prison with a clean record.
The EFF attorneys who represented him even said nobody thinks he’s a good guy, etc.
@Valya(If I may be so familiar)
This; I’d be happy to go to bed with basically all of my friends, but that’s unrelated to being friends with them. (Not entirely unrelated, I’m more attracted to people I actually like, but nevertheless irrelevant to our friendship.)
This, all of this.
Around here, they call themselves ‘Sovereign Citizens’, and number among their peculiar beliefs the idea that everyone has a large government bank account assigned them at birth, which they can access by punctuating their names strangely.
Oooh, oooh, I know about freemen-on-the-land/sovereign citizens! They’re also known for clogging up the legal system with nonsense, having no idea how law or words actually work, and are usually white and prone to violence!
@ dalillama & troubelle
The legal fiction known as alan:robertshaw writes (without standing under admiralty law)…
Yup. That sounds like the same thing. One common trope of theirs is to issue invoices to authority figures for their time; as matey boy did.
At first courts here just assumed they were standard litigants in person and just a bit confused. But now they’re sick of them. So the courts have been issued guidance on how to spot them and how to deal with them (and the occasional supporters they bring with them). The guidance would probably breach aspects of the comments policy here; but it’s basically give them enough rope to hang themselves with, in a way that doesn’t raise any appeal points.