creepy friend zone memes memesplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny nice guys rape culture

Creepiest “Friend Zone” meme I’ve seen in a long time

Wait, what?

And this is why the notion of the “friend zone” is so damn toxic.

The comment below the meme seems pretty accurate to me, though.

H/T — r/GamerGhazi

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7 years ago

Well at least the guy got half of it right. Using girls for sex is psychologically damaging

So progress……?

Michael Brew
Michael Brew
7 years ago

“Waaa, waaa, valuing me as a whole person whose company and conversation you enjoy is just as bad as me valuing you only as a sack of meat I can ejaculate in!”

7 years ago

At least 1st comment also says this is creepy

1 step forward 2 steps back

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

So, according to these assholes, friendship doesn’t actually exist, but is some commodity to be “used”.

Fuck off.

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago

I bet the fucko who wrote that would be really mad if I invited him to have sex with me.

“why feeeeeemales not want have sex with meh?

Not u tho”

7 years ago

So whoever wrote this meme doesn’t have any male friends they’re not willing to have sex with, right?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

No no, it’s not friendship, it’s friends. Don’t use guys for friends. If you know a dude with the complete box set of Friends, don’t pretend to be his buddy just so you can borrow it and break up with him after. That’s really not cool, y’all…

Also, is there another good term for ‘end a friendship with’ other than ‘break up with’? People assume it’s a erotoromantic deal, and I’d rather have some clarity. I do so despise lexical gaps like these

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

I do not think that there is one single word in that ‘meme’ that the author actually understands.
“Using” – nope, they don’t understand what it means.
“Psychologically damaging” – ditto.
“Sex” – uh uh, no way*.
“Friends” – see above, x 1000
“Guys/girls” – nope, nope, nopitty nope.

I concede that they have used ‘for’ and ‘is’ correctly, on a purely technical level.
*Clarification: in saying they don’t understand “sex” I am not implying they are a virgin; I mean that they only view sex as a mechanical transaction or zero sum game.

7 years ago

Wait what? I love my female friends like sisters. I would feel damaged if I didn’t have female friends.

7 years ago

FUN HAT FACT: The term “fedora” doesn’t actually appear in literature very often before the late 20th century. When such hats are mentioned, it’s often descriptively – e.g., “soft-crowned hat”. It appears that those who wore hats as a matter of course weren’t so bothered about giving them names.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Wasn’t Fedora a woman in a book or something? Svengali springs to mind. Or was that Trilby?

ETA: Not quiteédora

So why am I thinking svengali? Ah well, it’s very hot here. My brain’s probably melting.

EETA: Ah, that was Trilby

7 years ago

Svengali was Trilby, but Fedora was also a woman in a book, yeah.

Tosca, Chaos made Flesh, Servant of the Purring Jew
Tosca, Chaos made Flesh, Servant of the Purring Jew
7 years ago

I have no idea what this meme maker is on about. He* doesn’t have any friends who are girls. He has girls he hangs around creepily, who give him ALL the side-eye and team up with their friends to make sure they’re never alone with him. No female friends, no friend zone. No friend zone, no problem.

*It’s an assumption on my part that the maker of this meme is a cishet male; I think you’ll agree it’s a reasonable one.

7 years ago

Also if the asshat acknowledges it’s wrong to use women for sex then by default that just leaves friendship on the table. But that’s wrong too. So women and men are just not supposed to have anything to do with eachother at all.
My head hurts

Aunt Podger, Ketchup-Spewing Feminester
Aunt Podger, Ketchup-Spewing Feminester
7 years ago

So, not at all, if everyone’s above-board with their intentions and there is no coercion involved?

@Alan Robertshaw: :rimshot:

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


Also if the asshat acknowledges it’s wrong to use women for sex then by default that just leaves friendship on the table. But that’s wrong too. So women and men are just not supposed to have anything to do with eachother at all

There’s non sexual, romantic relationships as well. But, yeah, this little shit probably wouldn’t acknowledge the existence of such, so…

Aunt Podger, Ketchup-Spewing Feminester
Aunt Podger, Ketchup-Spewing Feminester
7 years ago

@Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger”

There’s non sexual, romantic relationships as well. But, yeah, this little shit probably wouldn’t acknowledge the existence of such, so…

“You’re not my real mom! You don’t even exist!”

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

No no, it’s not friendship, it’s friends. Don’t use guys for friends. If you know a dude with the complete box set of Friends, don’t pretend to be his buddy just so you can borrow it and break up with him after. That’s really not cool, y’all…

comment image

Austin Loomis
7 years ago

On a lighter note, while I was reading about Fédora Romazov at the Wikipedia link provided by Alan, I decided to see if there was a “literal fedora with arms” (and legs and torso) character on Lidsville, and it turned out there was: Mr. Big, Hoodoo’s right-hand hat. Except he’d be ashamed to be thought capable of a post like that.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Can I ask you all an unrelated to this post question?

Does anyone have the HBO add on with Amazon? If so, does it properly stream their shows at the same time as the TV broadcast without trouble? Does it have all the same movie options?

The HBO Now video player gives me all sorts of problems both on my notebook and my Fire stick both and with the latest update it’s practically unwatchable. The Amazon video player almost never gives me trouble. So I was thinking of cancelling my HBO Now subscription and getting the Amazon HBO add on.

Anyone have thoughts? It’s very important to me that I get to see Game of Thrones ASAP when the season starts next month. I suppose it can’t hurt because there’s a free trial with Amazon HBO and I can always go back to HBO Now if need be. I just thought I’d ask around before going through the trouble.

Sister Bat'leth of Rational Discussion
Sister Bat'leth of Rational Discussion
7 years ago

@ Axecalibur: I think we can just borrow the common term from social media — “defriend” or “unfriend” (I’ve seen people use both). If necessary for clarification, add “IRL” or “in meatspace”.

7 years ago

Hello, Houston? We have a false equivalence…

7 years ago


*It’s an assumption on my part that the maker of this meme is a cishet male; I think you’ll agree it’s a reasonable one.

There are plenty of misogynistic women who believe in the friend zone, sadly. I know we haven’t heard much from JudgyBitch lately, but I’m sure she’s still out there threatening feminists with crossbows and there are plenty of others like her.

Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
7 years ago

(tl/dr: fuck them, I’m not going there)

I have friends who are women. I call them “friends” (note, I also call them sisters, buds, etc. I also call at least one of ’em for coffee probably once a week or more) Some of these friendships I value, some I cherish. I really don’t think any of my friends are “using me for [a] friend[]”, tho I never really thought about it. Just tonight I had two friends and an acquaintance tell me I am very important in their lives. They’re all in intimate, romantic, likely sexual relationships, none of ’em with me. I’m not in an intimate, romantic relationship, tho I would like to be in an intimate, romantic relationship.

My point is this: my relationship status (in-cel, single, between relationships, not-with-anybody-right-now, or what-the-fuck-ever) has no bearing on any of my friendships and it should not have any bearing on any of my friendships. It is NOT the “fault” of any of my friends, it’s not something that even HAS a “fault”.

I have a particular friend who is a very leftist feminist… you’d like her…. We go for coffee and discuss intersectional oppression and more. I get emotional intimacy and intellectual intimacy in these interactions. Very gratifying, very fulfilling. I can’t get this from any of my men friends, simply because none of them are this committed and informed on these subjects.

According to MGTOW philosophy I’m not supposed to value this kind of interaction because there’s no sexual intercourse involved. I think that is, well, I have a lot of adjectives in mind but I’ll just say I think it is a degree of shortsighted selfishness that I have no use for.

These men (assuming, but I believe it is a good assumption) have forgone any possible relationship with women and instead spend their days in miserable hatred… because of a choice they themselves have made.

ETA: @Sister Bat’Leth, “in meatspace”. LOL, not heard that!

7 years ago

So this guy thinks that women go around telling men that if they hang around and be friends enough they might get sex? Or, he just thinks he’s justified in assuming that he can buy sex from any woman he pleases but without any of the things that characterize transactions between equals, like explicit and openly agreed upon terms. Does he go around trying to buy other things in his life while keeping the exchange a secret from the service provider?

It would make me feel a lot better if when grocery shopping he hid random barter goods of insufficient value in the shelves and tried to walk out with groceries while giving the cashier a meaningful look. At least it would be consistent, you know?

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