allegedly false accusations alt-lite alt-right anime nazis drama kings homophobia matt forney men who should not ever be with men ever men who should not ever be with women ever pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles richard spencer twitter

Alt-right fractures as former allies accuse leaders of sexually exploiting teen boys

Matt Forney: The alt-right is “aiding and abetting sodomites who groom teenage boys”

By David Futrelle

White supremacist blogger Matt Forney certainly picked a dramatic way to announce he would no longer be affiliating with the alt-right. In a Facebook posting several days ago, which he subsequently deleted, Forney declared that the internet-enabled fascist movement had become “a coven for homosexual pedophiles.”

Repeating accusations from a podcast that he said had been proven “100 percent true,” Forney charged that self-declared “fashy faggots” associated with the website The Right Stuff were

using … pool parties (IRL meetups) to groom teenage boys into sleeping with them, which [one alt-rightist named] Ghoul did to a 17-year old … at the Chicago pool party. Oh, and Ghoul had been grooming this poor kid since he was 15. 

Forney said that others associated with The Right Stuff “knew what Ghoul was doing but didn’t say or do anything.”

Meanwhile, Lucian B. Wintrich of the far-right Gateway Pundit blog has been using Twitter to publicly question alt-right celebrity Richard Spencer about his alleged “degeneracy” — seemingly basing his “reporting” on DMs from second-hand anonymous sources.

In other tweets Wintrich gives up the pretense that he is practicing journalism entirely:

It’s worth pointing out that the “evidence” here is vague and second-hand, and that even if these charges are true it’s not clear that the accused have broken any laws. We don’t know the ages of the “younger men” referred to by Wintrich’s source. As for the “pool party” referred to by Forney, the age of consent in Illinois is 17, so Ghoul’s alleged sexual encounter would have been legal — if skeezy as hell.

It’s clear that both Wintrich and Forney expect others on the far-right to be at least as outraged by the idea that prominent alt-rightists have been having gay sex as by the possibility that they have committed statutory rape. In his deleted Facebook post, Forney repeatedly refers to allegedly gay alt-righists as “sodomites” and “homos,” and indignantly complains that

the people who freaked out about me living in the Phillipines and sleeping with non-white women were aiding and abetting sodomites who groomed teenage boys into sex. They’re worse than the left. …

If the alt-right is unwilling to expose, denounce, and cast out the homosexuals within its midst, then I am an enemy of the alt-right and I will work from this day forward to destroy it.

Forney and Wintrich’s accusations have been met with a good deal of skepticism amongst alt-rightists, most of whom seem far more concerned by other, more public, signs that their movement in on the verge of a virtual civil war.

Spencer, for his part, has devoted much of his time in recent days to attacking “alt-lite” troll Jack Posobiec and Rebel Media’s Laura Loomer for their instantly infamous disruption of a performance of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.

In other tweets, Spencer has kept the feud running, calling Posobiec “an outright liar and hypocrite,” “Cuck Posobiec,” and “Crooked Jack Posobiec, lion of the Fake Right.”

Posobiec has responded by signal-boosting the accusations against Spencer and The Right Stuff.

Spencer and other alt-rightists have been organizing for a “Free Speech Rally” in Washington on June 25th. Originally, both Posobiec and Loomer were scheduled to speak. Both have bowed out because of Spencer’s attacks.

Now Posobiec has decided to organize a competing rally — also on the 25th, also in Washington — to protest “Political Violence.” Both Loomer and Wintrich are scheduled to attend.

The dueling rallies neatly symbolize the current state of animosity between the alt-right and the alt-lite. Forney and Wintrich’s accusations didn’t create these divisions, but have certainly helped to cement them.

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7 years ago

Reminds me of the infighting that tore apart the British National Party. Fascists have a hard time getting along, because they all see themselves as the Leader whose commands cannot be questioned.

7 years ago


Though not so much at the possible sexual abuse 🙁

7 years ago

Today I’m wearing a shirt that was promo for that movie “Confessions of a teenage drama queen.” My shirt reads “so much drama, so little time.” It’s a perfect slogan for these people.

7 years ago

Popcorn anyone?

7 years ago

Can’t keep their own bullshit movement from collapsing in on itself, but think they ought to be the ones making the rules for everyone. Marvelous.

7 years ago

Honestly, this is not funny to me at all. All these right wing, facist or ‘old fashion’ groups somehow always abusing young kids when you look deep. Matt forney is racist and probably emotionally abusing this filipinas he slept with, but I see no reason why we shouldnt believe him about this. There is so many times this happen in before in other groups and then also what Milo saying before about he been abused by priests. They say if someone suffering abuse before when they young, they can also grow and abuse when they are old. And already, alt-right was trying to get young boys and men interested to agree with them, by saying all their problems caused by non-white people and feminsim. They already manipulating, can be very true that they manipulating and abusing to in other ways.

7 years ago

Favorite Left-Wing Nosh = popcorn

Favorite Right-Wing Nosh = each other

Vive la différence.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Yeah, sorry. If you’re going to be in a movement that makes excuses for men who prey on young girls, calling it a natural biological urge for men, you can’t even pretend to be outraged now just because the possible victims are boys.

Sister Bat'leth of Rational Discussion
Sister Bat'leth of Rational Discussion
7 years ago

Emotionally Complex Response here.

1) He’s probably correct about the behaviors.

2) So misogynistic violence is no problem, but homosexual urges are? And why is gay-bashing always the go-to?

3) Anything that sets these thugs at each others’ throats is probably a net gain for the rest of the world.

All in all, I think I’m going to put this whole mess firmly under a SEP* field.

* Someone Else’s Problem

7 years ago

It’s such a fine line between a circle jerk and a circular firing squad.

Gipsz Jakab
Gipsz Jakab
7 years ago

The sooner these fuckfaces rip each other’s throats out, the better.

7 years ago

The Alt Reich was never going to hold together for long. Put together a bunch of rampant egotists whose only real connection is the hate they feel and its only natural they’d begin to turn on each-other.

7 years ago

The only surprising thing here is that they are abusing boys, not girls, for once. One thing i learned linking up with antifa groups since the mid 90s is how many of these fascist assholes are abusers and using their leadership positions to groim victims.

7 years ago

[well, not if there’s actual abuse of the underage, of course]

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

The alt-lite right is people who really belong in default-right but wanted a separate movement so they went along with the alt-right meme. Then they found they also don’t want to be in a movement best known for nazi cosplayers.

Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
7 years ago

I’d like to say I’m surprised and dismayed… but that would be a lie.

ETA… let the feeding frenzy begin

7 years ago

I love the smell of popcorn in the afternoon.

7 years ago

Caramel Popcorn? Check
Bigoted groups against each other? Check
Water? Check
Dog? Check

This is gonna be good.

7 years ago

BlackBloc, it’s quite likely if there is abuse of boys, there’s abuse of girls as well. The difference is that the far right doesn’t consider the rape of female children to be abuse.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago

Ladies, gentlemen, respected rest!
Behold the content you’ll find the best!
Popcorn sellin’ for five ninety-nine
For a fight that’s brewin’ just fine

On the horizon a breeze just became a hurricane
Or at least that’s what they’re makin’ (of it)
And anyone with half a brain
Well, they’ll ask what’s shakin’ but stay clear of it

Sit at a safe distance, boys and girls
Watch these morons a-clutchin’ their pearls
Just don’t get near in case the claims are true
(I’d really hate for the next statistic to be you!)

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
7 years ago

“Groups of Anti-Social Men Have Difficulty Working Together.”

Who’da thunk it?

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
7 years ago

@Moggie just depends on why you’re shootin’, I reckon.

7 years ago

Now I’m morbidly curious about the supposed evidence. While I trust victims, I do not in the least trust this herd of gaping assoles. Making up shit to smear their enemies with is typical for them, so I would not put it past them to make this up purely out of petty spite.

7 years ago

Horrible people doing horrible things to each other. They couldn’t organize an ant march to a picnic.

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