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MGTOW life advice: Revel in your ex’s pain, because “women aren’t even people, not really.”

The number one MGTOW sexual fantasy of all time

By David Futrelle

The Men Going Their Own Way subreddit is such a good place for men to get solid life advice from their peers. Today, our MGTOW of the Day has some advice for a guy who seems to be having a little trouble moving on from a failed relationship.

ADDDDT 12 points 10 hours ago I was with my ex for 12 years and I think she got spoiled because I was basically a nice guy that treated her with respect and tolerated her horseshit. Once she ended the relationship she couldn't wait to get pumped and dumped by a Chad. She's still pining away for him and hasn't accepted the fact that she got used. In a way I almost feel bad for her. permalinkembedunsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]indus360 10 points 9 hours ago Don't feel bad for he. Revel in her pain. She did you wrong and deserves to suffer. Women aren't even people. Not really. Like overgrown toddlers. They never should've been given the rights to vote,own property,or to hold positions of authority. They've proven themselves unfit to government their own lives much less anyone else's. Like other women she's out of harmony with her natural role as a nurturer and without paying the consequences for her actions will never learn her lessons.

What better way to go through life than obsessing endlessly about how your ex is a bitch and all women are subhuman monsters who deserve to suffer? Clearly the healthy and adult way to handle a breakup.

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ScarlettAthena (not a sock puppet... or am I?)
ScarlettAthena (not a sock puppet... or am I?)
7 years ago

There are some details missing in that story… you were with her 12 years and putting up with horseshit? There’s something wrong right there. I’m sure this guy was totes “nice”.

Then, *she* broke up with him – no details. Then, she got “pumped and dumped” by Chad…. how do you even know that?

Of course, the typos in the, ahem, “advice” are good… don’t feel bad for he… women are unfit to government.

I mean, why wouldn’t you take him seriously?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

With the use of words and phrases like ‘nice guy’, ‘Chad’, and ‘pumped and dumped’ I’m more willing to believe he is 12 rather than he’s been in a 12 year relationship.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

So, toddlers aren’t people?

7 years ago

As usual, migtoes project what should be the case with them: Not allowed to vote, govern, or own property (and no, fellas, we womenfolk are NOT your property). Because these guys are all 12 years old on the inside, however old they may be on the outside, with all the bitter wankery that’s the province of the permanently immature. They’re not adults. They can’t think like them, and they sure as hell can’t write like them. Their “advice” is not to be respected any more than their spelling, grammar, syntax and punctuation. And certainly not to be respected any more than their continual, bogus threats to Go Their Own Way. (When, oh WHEN? The only thing they go their own way from is the English language!)

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
7 years ago

@Axecalibur that was my initial reaction as well.

I… guess I’m in good company? Screechy and sticky and occasionally damp, but pretty good company. Compared to these idjits, anyway.

Haise, the husky puppy
Haise, the husky puppy
7 years ago

Remember this and how some mgtows weren’t for it 100%? I see they’ve rebounded from that.

Hope that guy’s ex (if she’s real) stays far, far away from him forever.

Viscaria the Cheese Hog
Viscaria the Cheese Hog
7 years ago

TIL that treating a woman with basic respect and “tolerating” her qualifies as spoiling her.

She’s still pining away for him and hasn’t accepted the fact that she got used.

Or maybe she wasn’t used? Maybe she was in a relationship and then her partner ended the relationship and she’s sad about that, but no “pumping and dumping” was involved? Maybe your belief that every man in the world other than yourself is a “Chad” (instead of a complex human being like yourself) is wrong?

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Sure, I totes believe you.
Chad. Pumped and dumped. Women shouldn’t vote, blah blah, ad nauseum. To which I say, MEH.

Shit they’ve posted to each other about women 987654321 times before. It’s trite. It’s boring.

Honest to God, I don’t see how David reads this same shit over and over and comes up with funny, humorous things to say about them. They’re starting to bore me to tears, and not the kind they so desperately want to see…tears of boredom probably isn’t what these guys want to inspire.

7 years ago

Nothing says getting over women like wishing for nothing but pain to your exes.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago


Yes, exactly, that right there. It’s the same stupid little catchphrases over and over and over. I’m starting to think there’s a mgtow version of the gobbledegook generator:

Step 1: input frothing rage and bitterness
Step 2: generator churns out default ‘sentences’
Step 3: mgtow hits copy and paste – done.

@Bina – fyi, I followed you on Twitter yesterday (MishMei); just so you know it’s not some random oddball. It’s a Mish oddball 🙂

7 years ago

Wanna bet his 12-year-relationship was him hanging around in classic Nice Guy (TM) fashion, letting her think they were just friends while he was convinced she was going to turn to him because he was so ‘nice’ (read: manipulative, expecting sex in exchange for common human decency). Then she got a real boyfriend, and then that ended after awhile, and now he’s got the Sad Boner Blues.

7 years ago

So, toddlers aren’t people?

I was wondering that, too. While angry toddlers can be funny, reveling in their pain would seem pretty awful.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

?Sad Boner Blues, you made me cry?

Mish, that’s got to be it.

Or an MGTOW workbook…”Page 4 deals with voting rights (dangling Chads)”

7 years ago


@Bina – fyi, I followed you on Twitter yesterday (MishMei); just so you know it’s not some random oddball. It’s a Mish oddball ?

Cool, just looked you up to follow you back! Sometimes Teh Tweeter is weird, it spits up all kinds of seemingly random follows who may or may not be ‘bots, but actual non-automated followers don’t get into my inbox as fast as the maybe-bots do.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


I was wondering that, too. While angry toddlers can be funny, reveling in their pain would seem pretty awful

I get the feeling that these are the typa people who would actually steal candy from babies…

7 years ago


I get the feeling that these are the typa people who would actually steal candy from babies…

I think they’d get outsmarted if they tried that.

EJ (the Scheming Liberal Race-Traitor)

These are the sort of people who would write long, angry screeds about how it’s perfectly justified to steal candy from babies, and in fact the candy was only given to the baby as a plot against men.

These are also the sort of people who, if a follower of theirs were to actually steal candy from a baby, would loudly object that he’s no follower of theirs and this is all an attempt by feminists to smear their noble movement.

To quote the immortal lines of Charlie Brooker in The Guardian: “[These are people who] have done for words what Bitcoin has done for coal.”

7 years ago

Mgtows don’t even try to be people. Or rather, if we invented a humanity test that even a toddler could pass they would fail it. Probably deliberately. And if they read this they will miss my point. Probably deliberately.

7 years ago

I don’t get how these people can consider themselves strong.

You worry about someone you don’t like for as long as they remain a realistic threat

Then you stop thinking about them and start thinking about you. You don’t revel in your enemy’s pain, because to do so is to admit they’ve won the battle and you need to cling desperately to whatever small, pathetic thing you can in order to avoid realizing this. Or that’s my view.

7 years ago

I’m getting the impression that this guy is Facebook stalking her to a level she doesn’t actually know about. Or if not Facebook, he’s digging up his info from somewhere.

I have an old major crush friended on Facebook (we started as friends, I developed strong feelings, never told him because too nervous, then he got into a relationship with another woman. We stopped conversational contact after I moved away for uni) and all I know about him is that he married her. Because the photos popped up. It took me a while to get over him – and this dude clearly hasn’t gotten over his ex yet – but I never learnt as much about his love life as this dude has about hers. I’m getting an “obsessive/possessive” vibe off of him, which, if I’m right, probably explains why she ended the relationship.

Ring Blade
Ring Blade
7 years ago

I’m new to this site. Nice to see others like me are tired of Deporables bs.

7 years ago

Whenever I think that I’m too hung up over my ex, I think it would do me well to remember that people like this exist, because wow.

Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
7 years ago

Aside from the topic, though never off-topic on THIS site… Slate article on whyyyyyy men harass women.

7 years ago

Best way to start the day. Having a coffee and coming here to read the comments section. Lol dangling chads and toddlers that outsmart migtoes.

I really needed a laugh this morning. I know that I don’t know any of you personally but sometimes coming here makes me feel less alone. Even though I have wonderful parents and a few close friends I don’t really want to share my thoughts on these topics with them because it can get a little depressing.

Last week was not a good week. I had outpatient surgery to remove a decent sized lump which was sent for biopsy. I took the train home afterwards and was doing my best to get down the stairs from the train station platform to street level. I was holding onto the handrail and was the only one on the stairs. Out of nowhere this guy comes storming up the stairs. There’s all this room on the staircase but the guy has to walk up the side that I am walking down and crowds me and says “stupid fucking bitch get the fuck out of my way” and then pushes me over to continue up the stairs. I was angry and said “what the fuck is your problem?” The guy turned back around and said “you, you’re the fucking problem, worthless bitch.” It was just a shock to the system to be minding your own business and then be confronted by such hate from some random guy. To add insult to injury another guy came down the stairs and saw this happen. He just walked around me while I was trying to pick myself up off the stairs. To have hate spewed at you when you’re in pain and feeling particularly vulnerable, well it just blows.
So again thanks for the much needed laughs

7 years ago

My ex basically lost visitation rights with our kids because he could not stop hating on me. He could not stop in court, in front of a magistrate, with an armed bailiff behind him. He could not stop in our court ordered and monitored communication.

He ran away when his play for a married friend of ours was discovered by her husband. He left our family for weeks, sent me a letter (addressed to “Fail Whale”) going over how I’ve never been good enough for him over the entire 20 year course of our marriage, and he still can not shut up about how horrible I am.

I would think he’d want to move on from such a horrible one as I, but apparently not.

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