By David Futrelle
The Men Going Their Own Way subreddit is such a good place for men to get solid life advice from their peers. Today, our MGTOW of the Day has some advice for a guy who seems to be having a little trouble moving on from a failed relationship.
What better way to go through life than obsessing endlessly about how your ex is a bitch and all women are subhuman monsters who deserve to suffer? Clearly the healthy and adult way to handle a breakup.
> Women aren’t people and are too stupid to “government” themselves.
> Women are somehow also “out of harmony” with their “natural role as nurturers”
I’m on mobile so I don’t have time for a proper gif, but ????????
How are women too stupid to run their own lives, but are somehow capable of raising the next generation by running their children’s lives for roughly two decades????
My feeeemale mind, it boggles.
If anything one of these guys ever says starts making sense to me, I’ll know dementia has finally got me. It’s actually a pretty good test.
sounds intriguing, looking forward to reading it.
Loved the video of detective kitty.
Also enjoyed watching Kristen Powers take down icky, terrible, no chin would have a neckbeard if he had a neck, balloon face Jason Miller for calling Kamala Harris hysterical.
Not three hours after my last post complaining about being harassed, it happened AGAIN. FUCK.
Urgh. Double standards are just so lovely, aren’t they? If it’s white dudes, they’re “just nice boys having a little harmless fun, why can’t you smile?” But if they’re anything else, they’re A Menace To Western Civilization!!! The fact that sexism is a problem the world over, and that the differences in problems faced between women “here” and women “there” is one of degree more than of kind, somehow always escapes these irony-impaired chaps. Just because a Saudi woman is obliged to veil and forbidden to drive, doesn’t mean that street harassment and “honor” killings aren’t problems here also.
@RingBlade, welcome! Pull up a cup of your favorite hot and nourishing stuff and join the frivolity.
@Gr8Dane and @Laserqueen: ugh, what a pool of suck these jackwads are. Hope better things happen to both of you soon.
I am oppressed because I have to share my biological sex with such trash.
Let’s be generous and try to take the story at face value for a moment:
She left MGTOW-bro for “Chad”.
“Chad” left her and now she’s “pining away for him”.
Notice who she isn’t “pining away” for?
Yuh, MGTOW-bro.
Maybe somebody should consider doing a wee bit of introspection and reflection.
Hey, if I could figure out how to “government” my own life, I would do it. But my feeble female mind can’t quite unravel the syntax of that sentence, so I’m just left confused. I think I will go put on some lipstick instead.
That’s not a real MGTOW forum
The first MGTOW subreddit has unfortunately been invaded by Incels and traditionalists
r/MGTOW2 is the current one.
They wouldn’t say that…
But do you people have a Problem with
Date of post: June 19, 2017
Date MGTOW2 was created: Jun 30, 2017
Hmmmmmm …
Tell that to the MGTOWs.
What does that mean? I don’t support killing all men or believe that all men are rapists, if that’s what you’re asking. I’ve never met anyone who does believe it, either.
Yes. I have a problem with 4chan trolls creating hashtags and falsely attributing them to feminists. I have a problem with dipshits like you falling for this very obvious ploy.