By David Futrelle
It is with heavy heart I must report that they have figured it out:
*speaks into collar* they're onto the cat thing. pic.twitter.com/3AW1WPqk0O
— Stephen Mangan (@StephenMangan) June 18, 2017
It was a plan so beautiful in its simplicity:
- Flood the internet with pics of adorable kitties and thereby convince white women to adopt them as pets
- Suck the maternal instinct from white women thus genociding the white race
- ???
- Profit!
But alas, some of the world’s cleverer racists suspected that something was up from the start. They noticed that, as one writer for the “scientific racist” website Counter-Currents has pointed out, “feminist cat ladies … are surely one of the most anti-natal groups in America today,” fervent in their “opposition to motherhood.”
The Daily Stormer, meanwhile, has declared that
Feminism has been the most powerful tool in the white genocide agenda, to divert women from starting strong and healthy white families and people laugh at this but look around- we live in a world where a woman owning twenty cats is considered normal.
Meanwhile, on a site called The Burning Platform, an alt-right ideologue called Yojimbo has argued that feminism causes
Women [to] form bonds with pets that normally would be formed with men or their children, hence the meme of the cat lady.
And now tec63298, posting on Instagram, has clarified the role of the evil globalists in the cat-lady white genocide plot.
But I am happy to report that the goyim have not yet figured out who really is to blame for it all. As those of us in the inner circle have known from the start, it’s not the globalists using cats for their own nefarious purposes, but cats using globalists for their even more nefarious, if also adorable, purposes.
Alas, there’s one anon on 4chan’s /pol/ board who’s almost got it figured out:
Quick! Deploy the distraction gifs!
These little angels couldn’t be plotting anything evil, right?
Axe, I just judged from the 4 major hoods I chill in. Harlem(I’ll accept 20%, I was doing it by eye)Washington heights was 99% Spanish 30 years ago, same with Little Italy for Italians. Now other races live in both places. Not tons, but it’s definitely noticeable. They put my dad in the hospital for being with my mom in 1980, but they’re polite and some are even kind when my white boyfriend and I go for dinner there. The village, which was a total melting pot of races til like my college days, but now it’s twice as white as it was 20 years ago, all because of gentrification.
I definitely agree gentrification is totally fucking awful and literally ruining NYC. I feel it is slowly getting killed. I still love it and couldn’t live anywhere else, but they’ve closed down at least 50% of everyplace I used to go.( 90% if you only count bars and clubs) I sobbed for days when they closed CBGB’s, literally not figuratively.
You seem to know more than me so I’m going to read that link you posted. But judging by my eyes and not just counting people who live in the specific neighborhood, I’m talking about how many different races you see while walking through it. Yes there are a bunch of neighborhoods that are 90% white or 90% black or 90% Asian but tons of people who aren’t go to work there and visit and more.
My point was if you walk around Manhattan and some other parts of NYC in a lot of neighborhoods, you’re going to see multiple races of people, it’s unavoidable. And unlike places like Utah when you encounter and talk to and see people of different races constantly, you can’t help but realize they are people unless you’re truly an awful person or horribly brainwashed and indoctrinated by your family, your church, or others. At least that’s what I think.
I’m definitely aware there are outliers but blatant direct racism seemed to be pretty rare(excluding the NYPD)here until Trump won the election. I’ve been called an N word over a dozen times now in my life. 9 of those have happened since the election. The other four or five happened in the 32 years before. NYC seems to have reached a progressive peak in the late 90s-mid 00s and now it is regressing. But that’s just my opinion.
PS: Fran I have an answer and a query for you also, but I literally just got home so I’m going to take off this tight-ass dress, my 5 inch stilettos and my makeup and get comfortable. I went to a birthday party and I’m kinda vain, as you can probably tell. I’ve been dating my boyfriend for eight and a half years but we’re polyamorous so I don’t want to come across someone awesome and look busted?
It’s partially about what you said earlier and partially about the one thing we don’t have in common, computers and technology. I need some help please. You guys probably won’t see this till you wake up anyway, it’s 3:47 here.
Both of y’all and anyone else who reads this have a lovely night and a wonderful tomorrow. Luv Katie
NYC is definitely multicultural and a great city – been there a few times for work and loved it.
One thing I have noticed is that when I (feminine-read white person) go travelling with my company’s business associates in NYC – if I’m traveling with one guy in particular, cops always “check in” with me. Or they’ll see him driving the rental car and pull us over for literally no discernible reason beyond the fact that he in particular is driving a nice car. Or if we go to a cafe for coffee, the counter workers will look straight past him and try to take my order first even if he was first in line. Or if we’re going into a building, he will be selected to “randomly” have his bag searched. Or in a restaurant they make a point to ask how he’ll pay before they take orders. Or I could go on. Difference? He’s black.
There’s not a whole lot of explicit racism like the kind common in my home city, but there’s a lot of implicit stuff that’s only obvious to me because I see the stark difference in how I’m treated vs how he’s treated. And all but one of my trips was before the election – and there was no real difference between my post-election trip and the trips before that.
Funny thing is he’s actually way more important to his company than I am to mine. Like, he’s an international executive with his company – and I’m junior management. So if there’s anyone they should be fawning over, it’s him, cuz he’s got the money and he’s important.
Not to say that NYC is like the Deep South where in some cities you will pretty much never see a PoC in visible authority or a white person working the counter at a fast food joint, cuz it’s not. But racism is there.
@Policy of Madness whoops, sorry. I figured it was unnecessary but forgot to remove it in time.
I would never try to claim there’s no racism in New York City I even mentioned that I’ve even experienced direct racism. The things you are talking about are definitely there it’s a constant in American society. It’s better in NYC then some places but black people are casually treated like second-class citizens, everywhere I’ve been in America at least.
My point was that in my experience the majority of people(but definitely not all of them) who come here from all white bubbles where they’ve never truly interacted any other races seem pretty quick to accept that people are people no matter what race they are.
The neighborhoods maybe kinda segregated, especially in Staten Island and the Bronx, plus a few spots in the other three boroughs that have been ridiculously gentrified so you can’t live there anymore if you’re not rich unless you have rent control or some other loophole.
But in their classes at college, and on the subway, in the movie theaters and clubs and concert halls, you can’t help but interact with other races unless you were truly truly determined to be a straight-up racist. Some kids who were raised that way when they get to college in NYC do change their minds. I’ve seen it happen many times.
TL-DR : I definitely think NYC has its flaws there’s definitely casual racism that doesn’t seem to have gotten that much worse but I’ve definitely experienced more direct racism like slurs and being verbally attacked because I was black or cuz I was specifically a black woman in the last 6 months. So have most of the people of color I know.
But as a whole I definitely think NYC is a great cause for good. I think coming here changes a lot of people and makes them grow more than if they had stayed in their one little home town or city their whole life. I honestly think NYC creates liberals and progressives out of rebellious red-state teenagers who come to college here and end up experiencing people and things and concepts they’ve never heard. But that’s my opinion and opinions are like assholes everybody has one. I’m a day-sleeper so I’m going to bed. Good night/morning Fran, Axe and everybody else. Thanks for your responses and I hope you all have a lovely day
My own purring Jew caught and brutalized a mouse and brought it into my bedroom at 2 in the morning. AGAIN. We just had an exterminator come in and get rid of the mouse nest on my grandmother’s side of the house this winter and we’ve already got more finding their way in? Between the two sides of the house we have three cats and two dogs. Why are they so drawn to our basements? We were talking about toxoplasmosis earlier in the thread. I’ve got to wonder if the mice in my neighborhood have it. My childhood house had a bunch of mice when we moved in but after we got cats, we never had much of a problem again.
At least this time I managed to trap it and put outside. Hopefully it was a stray who wandered in and not indicative of another nest. Poor thing was in a bad way though. It had a wound on its side and the reason I was able to catch it so easily is that it wasn’t moving very fast. Not sure if it survived but there’s no corpse in the spot where I set it so maybe it recovered. Poor mousie.
Please, take your time. <3
One of your new missions, if you're okay with it, when we finally meet up is to help me re-arrange my wardrobe. It sounds like you'd be able to pick out some nice stuff for me.
Ah, fashion…if only I had the money to buy all the pastel goth, gothic Lolita, and fairy kei of my dreams…or at least the skill with a sewing machine and patterns to make them (and the money to purchase materials).
Alas it’s all too true. I grew up on this Island and have witnessed my peers be publicly accused, by fucking strangers, of being uneducated and/or not working for a living. Hell, there must not be many less MAGA hats/bumper stickers here than in the bloody south. Between us and the city, it’s a wonder why NY deserves its reputation as a beacon of inclusion and progress.
wwth, any chance your purring jew might be going to the neighbors to catch mice? Once our grandmother cat cleared our yard she started hopping the fence to clear the neighboring yards.
She’s an indoor cat so the basement is the only possible place she can find mice.
but I was already ‘inferior’ in their eyes before I got my cat (I have Aspergers, and PCOS) so can I keep him and not start an aryan family?
I love cats even though I am a dog person. Hmmm…maybe cats are purring Jews though–not that there is anything wrong with that. “Happy Cat” is supposed to represent Jesus, who was a Jew.
OMG, I’ve only just stopped laughing. I love Stephen Mangan, that is a perfect example of his sense of humour.
I make no apologies for being a cat lady, technically cat non-binary, but you catch my drift. I’ve had cats all my life and can’t imagine life without them. My current furbabies (two of them, not twenty btw), are biological brothers who had been through the mill when I adopted them. They are spoiled rotten because they deserve it after their dismal early life.
I am also the first one to say that I don’t understand why the threat of ‘ending up on your own with 13 cats’ is supposed to be the worst thing ever. The older I get, the more appealing it becomes. The worst thing ever is not being single, it’s being with the wrong person, or worst still, with a violent, abusive person. Being single is cool! So is being in a relationship. I’m just saying there’s more than one way to be happy.
Oh, and for the record, worshipping and being owned by cats never suppressed my maternal instinct. I have two grown up children (a cisman and a ciswoman) aged 27 and 24 who are also mega cat lovers, so ? to tec63298.
Old post but I’m adding this comment because I feel like it.
My cat > neo nazis.
No contest whatsoever
@The Chubby Sabertooth
My two cats are also much > neo-Nazis, not to mention old-school Nazis.
Also, my cats are (mostly) about love and peace.
Okay, sometimes the girl cat gets mad at Stinky Boy (not his given name), but that’s because he wants to play with her on his terms. She’s not having that, and I don’t blame her.