/pol/ 4chan alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism daily stormer kitties literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy racism white genocide

Are cats “purring Jews” bent on genociding the white race with their diabolical cuteness?

Our Globalist Overcats

By David Futrelle

It is with heavy heart I must report that they have figured it out:

It was a plan so beautiful in its simplicity:

  1. Flood the internet with pics of adorable kitties and thereby convince white women to adopt them as pets
  2. Suck the maternal instinct from white women thus genociding the white race
  3. ???
  4. Profit!

But alas, some of the world’s cleverer racists suspected that something was up from the start. They noticed that, as one writer for the “scientific racist” website Counter-Currents has pointed out, “feminist cat ladies … are surely one of the most anti-natal groups in America today,” fervent in their “opposition to motherhood.”

The Daily Stormer, meanwhile, has declared that

Feminism has been the most powerful tool in the white genocide agenda, to divert women from starting strong and healthy white families and people laugh at this but look around- we live in a world where a woman owning twenty cats is considered normal.

Meanwhile, on a site called The Burning Platform, an alt-right ideologue called Yojimbo has argued that feminism causes

Women [to] form bonds with pets that normally would be formed with men or their children, hence the meme of the cat lady.

And now tec63298, posting on Instagram, has clarified the role of the evil globalists in the cat-lady white genocide plot.

But I am happy to report that the goyim have not yet figured out who really is to blame for it all. As those of us in the inner circle have known from the start, it’s not the globalists using cats for their own nefarious purposes, but cats using globalists for their even more nefarious, if also adorable, purposes.

Alas, there’s one anon on 4chan’s /pol/ board who’s almost got it figured out:

Cats aiding white genocide Anonymous Is it possible cats are lowering the white birthrate? Because white women get to experience maternal love through the purring jew so they forgo babies. Cats are like the female equivalent of a sexbot.

Quick! Deploy the distraction gifs!

These little angels couldn’t be plotting anything evil, right?

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7 years ago

“If I’m not mistaken, people were roasting her on Instagram a few days ago for making a stupid statement.”

The fuck?

Bigots: White people are not allowed to be proud of their heritage.
Also bigots: White people are responsible for all of history. Let us all talk about white heritage nonstop.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ katiekitten & axe

There’s a phenomenon here that the areas with the highest degree of anti migrant sentiment are the areas with the fewest migrants. I think this may be related to the points you’re addressing, like with Utah.

Now obviously I wouldn’t want to mix up cause and effect. There’s ‘white flight’ and all that. But it does seem to be the case that when people do mix it up and get on, they just can’t see what all the fuss is about.

Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
7 years ago


But on a more serious point – do you know what would really help “white” birth rates? Generous family leave policies, childcare provision, real opportunities for mothers in the workplace, including flexibility, and dads who do at least their share of childcare at home.

Spot on. And you know why I know that? Because something similar has been tried in Italy and it’s working. Since the birth rates are plunging here too, the government decided to open a program that would assist pregnant women economically and would give them a certain amount of money for the baby. In the first 36 hours 33k women subscribed to the program, proof that money was a real problem for many of them. There are probably more than 100k subscribers right now. Some italian companies decided to do the same thing and offer their working moms/dads extra money at the end of the year for baby expenses. Some fringe political parties decided to join this new trend and they started offering monetary help to moms.
New pro-family associations are being born, some of them help single parents, some of them help divorced parents and so on.
Proof that helping people care for their babies is the best solution, not trying to force pregnancy down women’s throats and trying to lock them in the house.

7 years ago

Rubyyogi, I agree wholeheartedly.

Its very shocking to me that Americans don’t get maternity leave or childcare. Things aren’t great for mothers in England either, but at least we get a few months of maternity leave and a few hours of childcare a week.

But of course these guys don’t want actual support for actual parenting, because it costs tax money, doesn’t just help white people, and keeps women out of servitude even if they have kids, so…

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

So is Matt leaving the alt-right a case of same ‘not-racist-enough-for me’ mind set that created the alt-right to being with?

Nah, he’s bolting because Nazi McPunchedFace was outed as a paedophile. Of course, the alt right is paedophiles all the way down, from Trump to Forney himself, but whatever.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ bacon

Things aren’t great for mothers in England either, but at least we get a few months of maternity leave and a few hours of childcare a week.

And of course, before the MRAs start whinging, you can transfer that between partners.

(Technically you can assign it to anyone; I was once considering a bit of long term babysitting for a friend so I could get some extra holiday)

7 years ago

Unable to confirm if giant orange cat Jewish.
Pro: Does no work of any sort on Saturdays
Con: Consumes meat and dairy together, and, indeed, nearly any food in nearly any combination, including fake sausage
Tried to check if cat circumcised. Unsuccessful.

7 years ago

The alt-right Mormon dipshit calls herself “Ayla”? That BETTER not be a Chrono Trigger reference. They already got their grubby hands on Warcraft (the “kek” nonsense), they do NOT get to profane one of the greatest RPGs of all time! Though of course, someone with a knuckle-dragger mentality would choose to name herself after the cavewoman…wait! No! No, Ayla was awesome just like all the player characters! We shall not yield anything to these bastards!

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

My cat is currently asleep and chasing dream-mice in a nest of shredded magazines. Are floofy bellies and sticking-out tongues a Jewish stereotype?

7 years ago


he’s bolting because Nazi McPunchedFace was outed as a paedophile

Wait, what? When? WHERE?

(Not that I doubt it, because anyone perverse enough to spout off about “white genocide” and believe in the “power” of cartoon frogs is probably a pervert in other arenas, too. But…HOLY SHIT! This I gotta google.)

Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
7 years ago


I wouldn’t be surprised(cause I learned recently, even now there are still many people in the whitest states this is true for)if she’s never even really spoken to a black person face to face in an actual conversation!(Ranting at the occasional rare black guy is not a conversation)I mean a real discussion(or debate, debate qualifies if it’s really debate and not just ranting at someone.)that begins with the knowledge that this person is a human being, just like you.

Exactly. She doesn’t care about the average black person or their problems, she doesn’t care if blacks are American citizens like her, she doesn’t care about their rights to reproduce. She merely sees them as competition.
Dehumanizing blacks to forward a white supremacy agenda is stupid and ineffective to their cause. If she thinks whites are going to start popping 6 babies per couple just to challenge the blacks she’s very damn wrong.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago


I’m not gonna link to the site directly, because they’re doxxers and proud of it, but you can get to the article from here.

7 years ago


Much obliged…and how did I manage to miss THAT? Wow,

EJ (the Scheming Liberal Race-Traitor)

I’m not gonna link to the site directly, because they’re doxxers and proud of it, but you can get to the article from here.

Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
7 years ago

@SFHC woah if true.
*reads the article carefully*
Whelp, I guess…damn.
I’m not gonna jump in happiness, this doesn’t mean anything for the alt-right in general.
It’s not the first time snakes are found in their circle. Milo leaving didn’t cause a loss of power for the alt-right and neither will Forney’s departure. They’ll just find new members.

Also people declaring that they do not associate with the Alt-right anymore doesn’t mean they lost those Alt-right ideals and that they will stop promoting them. It just means that they’re going to create a new platform.

7 years ago


Feel free to ignore this comment if yours was rhetorical in nature. Otherwise: I grew up as a bi trans kid in that movement and have a tendency to vomit words on a page when I think I’ve got a useful perspective so here we go.

What the fuck is up with these people and “white genocide”?

Assuming this is a serious question: It’s about being able to play the victim. Think how the typical sleazebag date rapist responds to one of their victims reporting or going public. I didn’t do it, she’s a crazy bitch who’s out to ruin my life – and if I did do it, it’s only because she’s a tease who wouldn’t give a solid yes or no so how was I to know? Also it was years ago and I was just a stupid kid at the time, I shouldn’t have to pay for what happened back then! It’s ancient history! This accusation is making me see threat of consequences for my actions! My life is ruined! I’m the real victim here!

In this case, it’s generally-unacceptable in mainstream society to argue that various genocides didn’t actually happen or that Jewish people deserved the Shoah or Natives deserved to be exterminated – so instead they turn it around and pretend that whatever happened in the past is water under the bridge and we need to talk about how they’re the real victim right now because how dare you blame me for something my great-great grandfather did even if I’m still benefiting from the legacy and enabling a milder version of the same thing that continues to this day?

Do they think about anything else?

Speaking as someone who grew up in a white supremacist-adjacent household (folks who bought into all the tea party schtick and white supremacist myths and told all the jokes but at least officially didn’t agree with the non-whites should be oppressed and enslaved part. Unless they “brought it on themselves” by committing a crime), sure they do!

They think about black-on-black crime and moral panics and how if their kids do anything at all that exhibits a ghost of a hint of a chance that the kid might be capable of critical thought and independence, the kid is Destined to end up as a Strung Out Junkie unless desperate measures are taken (a lot of the altrighters and religious bigots are involved heavily in the homeschool movement to avoid “state indoctrination” of their kids, and they do their level best to prevent their kids from meeting or socializing with the types of people they hate. And if the kid themself turns out to be someone they hate – well, that’s what those torture the kid straight pray away the gay camps are for). See also how I was half-convinced if I ever went alone to an actual city, I’d end up dead in a ditch until my mid-20s, and why I spent my early to mid-20s trying very hard to be the girl I never was.

They also think about how trans people taking a leak is going to magically lead to Silence of the Lambs playing out in mall restrooms, and how gay people want to corrupt their children by being gay in public, and how kids these days have no sense of humor because they won’t laugh at my racist jokes which hurts my feelings but they’re also too sensitive because I can’t call black people the n-word anymore.

Finally, they also think about how having to face civil consequences for your speech supposedly means “free speech” is under attack (because free speech isn’t about not getting attacked by the government for what you say, it’s really about saying whatever the fuck you want to whomever you want and not even getting a whiff of a hint of disagreement on it).

I wonder what the alt right thinks about white/white Hispanic couples? If a WASP marries a Hispanic German, is it still white genocide? If so, is it the Hispanic part, or the Catholic* part that does it in? Is race genotype or phenotype?

Whichever is more convenient for the argument at hand. So if you have a white-passing Native person, they count as white for the purpose of arguing they shouldn’t have benefits, but as Native when the native jokes and stereotypes come up. Likewise, phenotype always counts except when it doesn’t (the “you’re not like those minorities!” line. Like how back before I knew I was trans some guys I used to hang with gave me an “honorary man card” that in retrospect I should’ve taken as a sign something was up on the gender front because I got weirdly choked up about that one… anyway. The intersection of non-cis gender and sexism is complicated, kids).

The folks I grew up around (Canadian precursor to the alt-right –
a mix of white collar white supremacists – your Heritage Party, Northern Foundation,* Heritage Foundation, Canadian Heritage Front, and Canadian Heritage Alliance types – gun nuts, apocalypse preppers, and religious bigots. Why, yes, calling yourself “heritage” anything IS a white supremacist dogwhistle in the Great White North, in case you’re wondering) genuinely do not give a rat’s ass about what flavor of Christian you are – so long as you’re some flavor of Christian. Atheist and some varieties of paganism (Odin worship) are acceptable in some circles, as well.

And regardless, it’s more important that you have a hate-on for Judaism and/or Islam and/or Natives and/or LGBT people and/or women and/or racial minorities in general than that you’re the “right” type of religion. Also if you’re a minority who’ll shit on your own type of minority, they will accept you, conditional on your continued shitting on that minority and their being able to use you as their token minority. “I can’t be racist – I have a black friend!” or “I’m not homophobic – this gay guy agrees with me!” (think Gays for Trump) type of thing.

*Fun fact: this one was co-founded by Canada’s former PM, Stephen Harper, who was also one of the earliest members of the Reform Party – which more-or-less staged a hostile takeover of conservatism in Canada and gave the Tea Party types the idea to take over the Republican party. The Reform Party had a lot of ties with and support from white nationalists in Canada. Anyway, decades of shit happened and the Reform eventually cannibalized the other major conservative party in the country and rebranded itself the Conservative party. Officially, the modern Conservative party disavows such beliefs… yet their leadership often runs on xenophobic and implicitly white supremacist platforms.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago


It’s not even the pedo part that has Forney protesting. It’s the fact that it’s boys. Forney is in favor of raping children as long as they’re girls. He’s disassociating because of good old gay panic. He’s been panicking about Milo for a while already.

Ghost Robot
Ghost Robot
7 years ago

I’m about to move in with my partner, along with her beautiful tuxedo cat, and a feisty Siamese Fighting Fish, and neither of us wants kids. We had both made this decision long before the cat (or fish) entered our lives, though.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

But on a more serious point – do you know what would really help “white” birth rates? Generous family leave policies, childcare provision, real opportunities for mothers in the workplace, including flexibility, and dads who do at least their share of childcare at home.

Higher wages and less expensive housing would be a big help too. But social conservatives are really, really invested in the idea that having babies and going on welfare is a get rich scheme. Acknowledging that having kids is prohibitively expensive takes away a lot of their justification for cutting social programs and keeping wages low and labor conditions shitty. So they’ll never admit that the reason a lot of middle class white women delay having children or never have them at all is that there’s really no reason at all to have kids from a strictly cost benefit analysis. Not saying people shouldn’t have kids because they really want to of course!

It’s always kind of amazing to me that the right keeps going on about you shouldn’t have kids if you can’t afford them, does everything they can to make having kids unaffordable and then they turn around and whine about how middle class white women no longer want to be married with kids by the age of 22.

ETA: Getting rid of student loan debt would also be extremely helpful

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


And Axe, didn’t you just list a bunch of neighborhoods in NYC in a very recent comment? I assumed that meant you live here, but you should also please correct me if I’m wrong

I’m from New York (East Flatbush), I’ve lived in Metro Atlanta most of my life. I know the neighborhoods, cos I know the neighborhoods. Kind of a geography/demographics nerd anyway ? Also, you’ll notice all the hoods I mentioned were in Brooklyn. Been to the Bronx, like, once 🙂

Hillary Clinton won over 90% of the vote in NYC. I honestly don’t know one person in NYC of any race or religion who voted for Trump. I know of 1 or 2, but it’s less than one in ten total and women and people of color hate him even more

Using the bare, 5 county metro, the Atlanta Journal Constitution found that Clinton won by ~66% around here, including ~50% of white people* (49 Trump, <1 other). They have a cool map of census blocks, color coded by vote, and I live in a sea of blue in every direction. So that's nice. Not great, but nice enough to calm me…

NYC is one of the most mixed up cities in the whole world. There are people from almost 200 countries living here speaking notably more than 100 languages

… And a lot of it’s enclaved. My mom/uncles/aunts/etc could tell you stories about how, before the late 80s even, there’s places black people simply. Did. Not. Go. Bensonhurst and Bay Ridge notable among them. Hell, Ocean Ave Jews would go outta their way to stop brown people (any non Jews, but we know how this usually goes down) from setting up there. At least until pretty recently, and it might still be happening. If NYC is the most mixed up, that says worse things about the rest of the country than it does great things about NYC

Does anyone else have an opinion on the bloodthirstiness of the NYPD, cuz I’d be curious to hear it

My opinion is it doesn’t matter whether the NYPD has a shared fetishistic, orgiastic compunction to paint the walls of 1PP with the blood of minorities or whether they just don’t care either way. If blood is being spilled, their motives, ‘what’s in their hearts’, means not a jot


There’s a phenomenon here that the areas with the highest degree of anti migrant sentiment are the areas with the fewest migrants

Which is why I side eye people’s claims that the election was more about urban v rural than white v brown. Nah, fam, they’re the same thing. Urban white people tend vote more Dem, cos they’re less racist, cos they’ve actually been around brown folks. Or, in the case of New England, they’ve been trained by more decent white people than them not to vote like racists (Boston has the most wonky collectively progressive to individually regressive ratio I’ve ever heard of)

7 years ago

Women [to] form bonds with pets that normally would be formed with men

I want to assure the dudes who believe this that they are nowhere near in competition with pets. If all cats were to vanish from the face of the planet, it would do nothing to help the appeal of forming relationships with these guys. My white ovaries would still shrivel in rejection of their toxic ideologies and repulsive personalities.

Hope this eases their worries far as that.

7 years ago

It’s always projection. Honestly it’s so expected and dark that all I can muster is laughter at the thought of them trying desperately to purge any last data of this before any pf them face anything resembling lasting consequences.

Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
7 years ago

Virgin Mary and Mels – There is a simple test: Do you talk baby talk to your hamster/guinea pig? If yes, you are guilty of using small, furry animals as babby surrogates. Also, if no, you are still guilty of using small, furry animal as babby surrogates. If you have small, furry animals AND children, you are not off the hook because, obviously, without the small, furry animals there would have been moar babbys you evil, white genociding feminist slur! /sarc

Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
7 years ago


It’s always kind of amazing to me that the right keeps going on about you shouldn’t have kids if you can’t afford them, does everything they can to make having kids unaffordable and then they turn around and whine about how middle class white women no longer want to be married with kids by the age of 22.

My point exactly. But of course let’s blame it on feminism, jews and cats. The right has an elephant in the room and they refuse to speak about it. They’ll just blame everything on the left as usual.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

Oh! While on the elections kick, if you live in the 6th district of Georgia and haven’t voted yet, do that today. The fact that this is close is fuckin amazing, win or lose, but let’s keep it the former, eh? Please and thank you 🙂