/pol/ 4chan alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism daily stormer kitties literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy racism white genocide

Are cats “purring Jews” bent on genociding the white race with their diabolical cuteness?

Our Globalist Overcats

By David Futrelle

It is with heavy heart I must report that they have figured it out:

It was a plan so beautiful in its simplicity:

  1. Flood the internet with pics of adorable kitties and thereby convince white women to adopt them as pets
  2. Suck the maternal instinct from white women thus genociding the white race
  3. ???
  4. Profit!

But alas, some of the world’s cleverer racists suspected that something was up from the start. They noticed that, as one writer for the “scientific racist” website Counter-Currents has pointed out, “feminist cat ladies … are surely one of the most anti-natal groups in America today,” fervent in their “opposition to motherhood.”

The Daily Stormer, meanwhile, has declared that

Feminism has been the most powerful tool in the white genocide agenda, to divert women from starting strong and healthy white families and people laugh at this but look around- we live in a world where a woman owning twenty cats is considered normal.

Meanwhile, on a site called The Burning Platform, an alt-right ideologue called Yojimbo has argued that feminism causes

Women [to] form bonds with pets that normally would be formed with men or their children, hence the meme of the cat lady.

And now tec63298, posting on Instagram, has clarified the role of the evil globalists in the cat-lady white genocide plot.

But I am happy to report that the goyim have not yet figured out who really is to blame for it all. As those of us in the inner circle have known from the start, it’s not the globalists using cats for their own nefarious purposes, but cats using globalists for their even more nefarious, if also adorable, purposes.

Alas, there’s one anon on 4chan’s /pol/ board who’s almost got it figured out:

Cats aiding white genocide Anonymous Is it possible cats are lowering the white birthrate? Because white women get to experience maternal love through the purring jew so they forgo babies. Cats are like the female equivalent of a sexbot.

Quick! Deploy the distraction gifs!

These little angels couldn’t be plotting anything evil, right?

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7 years ago

David Futrelle,

So now even cats are minions of the Jews out to destroy the “white race?” Do these pathetic racist losers even care if other people think they are a joke now?

Oh those horrible anti white Jews, giving white women cats, what a horrible “Genocide” this is!

7 years ago

David Futrelle,

Seriously through, this makes me wonder if Tec63298 is some kind of poe. This sounds too much like something that someone who wanted to make fun of these people would come up with and post online in order to get a rise out of people

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen are acting gods, in my personal patheon. Though I wish I could’ve seen the Broadway production with Bert Lahr, for historical reasons (even if I’ve heard one critic complain that Lahr’s Gogo shouldn’t have had a pebble in his shoe).

History Nerd
History Nerd
7 years ago

The original idea of the “Aryan race” was part of an attempt to argue that the European nobility was intellectually and physically superior to and more resistant to disease than commoners (yes, people actually thought there were innate biological reasons why the nobles didn’t get sick as often as commoners). Commoners were inferior because they’d been corrupted by centuries of racial mixing since the Early Middle Ages, and the United States wasn’t an aristocratic monarchy because Americans were already racially mixed beyond repair. It all started as a “scientific” argument supporting anti-republicanism in the nineteenth century.

People in the South in the US and later the Confederate States co-opted that argument and tried to use it to justify slavery, ignoring all the stuff about anti-republicanism and Americans being racially impure. Pretty much all of scientific racism is bullshit trying to justify inequality that rips off other bullshit trying to justify inequality.

Katie's Elderly Minion
Katie's Elderly Minion
7 years ago

Dormousing it, so sorry to hear about your kitty. <3

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


DYING laughing at Israel Flag Nyan Cat. OMG

Flag by nyan cats are the best! I really like the Brazil one. Showed @Chio it way back last year, and I just gave myself a sad… 🙁


It reminds me of the Hoteptronic ramblings I’ve read about how interracial couples are White Devilry, so I expect that such a thing would be frowned upon

1)oh, that shit defintely goes way farther back than the teps. As if such bullshit artists could come up with any original ideas
2)*listening to hoteps, tryna keep a straight face like*comment image
*walks off laughing, hums Jungle Fever by Stevie Wonder*
Also, this video is really good about a white dude’s illuminating interaction with British hoteps

It’s difficult for me to enjoy myself in public anymore, now that I’m stuck playing this guessing game as to whether the people around me are Nazis in disguise or not

Same for me after the election. 63% of white men, 53% of white women voted Trump, and I couldn’t tell who on the street or at the store wanted me and mine dead or gone. Eventually, I learned that the white folks in my area are actually relatively decent (tho, there are some assholes that show up at the job I should tell you about sometime), so I loosened up. Had me shook for, like, a fuckin week tho…

7 years ago

Thing is, Poe, or not… it’s possible to imagine a real alt-wighty saying that. Everything that isn’t in favor of fascism must be part of an international conspiracy of people (or cats). To the alt-right, being fascist-like is the self-evidently correct way to be, and all other ideologies are so obviously wrong that only an international conspiracy can explain how non-fascists do so much better at nearly everything.

By that sort of logic, the conspiracy to keep down fascism MUST exist, even if no one else thinks it’s there.

ETA: A lot of those white folks were somewhat racist, yes, and the scandals the Republicans came up with gave them an excuse to choose Trump as the “lesser evil” because Hillary was somehow worse for doing things politicians have to do these days unless they’re Trump..

7 years ago


You’re most definitely Jewish now! 😀

My above thoughts are not serious, it’s a running joke in the US and UK that Jewish people love to eat Chinese food.

Tosca, Chaos made Flesh, Servant of the Purring Jew
Tosca, Chaos made Flesh, Servant of the Purring Jew
7 years ago

Making this comment just to change my ‘nym. These people are surely – surely – just fucking with us now.

Banananana dakry: Fat, Short-Haired, and Deranged
Banananana dakry: Fat, Short-Haired, and Deranged
7 years ago

If eating Chinese food at Christmas makes me Jewish, then Jewishness is awesome.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Back in the days when I could have cats, (Hubs and kid are both extremely allergic; I miss having mousers) I had a pure white cat with heterochromia iridium eyes, and a pure black cat.

I’m confused. Was I contributing to white genocide or trying to force better race relations by feline cooperation?

I never bothered to ask their religion…I always figured the worshiped Bastet.


Austin Loomis
7 years ago

@Alan: What about the Steve Martin/Robin Williams Godot from the late eighties?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ Austin

Ooh, not seen. But now I want to. That sounds potentially amazing. Although I would have to stop myself yelling “Stay away from the cans!” at inopportune moments.

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago

@Admiral Valentine

I dont think nazis are secret – when you meet someone who is nazi or racist then very soon you know that. I sail before with one cheif engineer – first i didnt like him and soon i know why, he make holocaust jokes, he say bad things about black people wherever he can even though no black people in our crew – he always starts on this subject. He not hiding anything.

I understand that you have many reasons for be suspicious – because you black and trans – but to be suspicous of all? I think it much more likely when you see this same race couples it only because of what axe saying about segregation. And like i also said before – usa most segregated place i have experienced.(((

You’re right!

Here’s some more homegrown US grossness you might find interesting:


Same for me after the election. 63% of white men, 53% of white women voted Trump, and I couldn’t tell who on the street or at the store wanted me and mine dead or gone. Eventually, I learned that the white folks in my area are actually relatively decent (tho, there are some assholes that show up at the job I should tell you about sometime), so I loosened up. Had me shook for, like, a fuckin week tho…

In my case, it was after Obama was elected and people were fucking hanging mannequins with his face on them.

I always knew the US was a hateful place, because my mother would tell me about how racism basically did not exist in her home country of Guyana, but I allowed myself to turn a blind eye to it and ignored it for a while.

The hideous backlash to Obama changed all that. The final straw was when Trayvon Martin was killed and all these white people were bouncing around screaming about how Trayvon deserved to die, and I realized that they just wanted to kill some black people for no particular reason.

I knew Trump was going to get elected but I bitterly insisted to myself that surely things would have been different this time, but they weren’t, and he merely confirmed what I had suspected. I was still devastated when he won, though, because I realized we’re all gonna die now, through some sort of cataclysmic disaster, unless we’re extremely lucky.

7 years ago

@Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
4,000 years but we were late on making Glass, damn Hoteps got to it first.
/ shakes empty fist

@Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
A jewish Nyan Cat, that is hilarious and adorable.

@Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
That woman was a jerk for saying something like that to your son.

@Iseult The Idle
We have so much control that no even notices the REAL Lizard people under the Lizard people suits.

Yeah I know, just had a little fun there too.

the real cie
the real cie
7 years ago

Welp, it’s time to go home and check on the purring Jews now! It’s a shame because I could be out there breeding with some alt right dudes…
Psych–I’m menopausal, so nope!
Wouldn’t even if I could, as it happens.

7 years ago

Don’t forget to have your purring Jews circumcised. Er…. wait, what?

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago

Oh snap, David just retweeted an example of exactly what I was talking about.

comment image

“I’m solving Da Jooish Problem! I’m helping Secure A Future For The White Race and White Children!

7 years ago

I, for one welcome our feline overlords.

(And yes, this is the SECOND time today I got to use this line.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

Utah has, like, 12 black people total. This is just sad…

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago


I, for one welcome our feline overlords.

(And yes, this is the SECOND time today I got to use this line.

But … we all chant the line at set times, don’t we? As it is written, in the holy text of the Feline Overlords? Are you some kind of heretic? 😛

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago


This reminds me of your earlier point for a second; okay, so let’s explore this thing they’re talking about in which interracial couples are WHITE GENOCIDE.

Let us first consider your observation that racial enclaves in the U.S. are already tightly closed, with very little migration between the races.
Furthermore, most of the maniacal white supremacists live in places that are largely inhabited only by white people. What they’re afraid of, this hellscape they imagine of black people milling about everywhere, like a sea of melanin-infused bodies, is totally unlikely to occur.

These people, like Miss Arya-na in that picture, are throwing water on damp wood whilst screaming about how their houses are burning down around their ears. In other words, they are defending themselves against a threat that is almost non-existent.

I don’t know what it is – do they think we’re like the Xenomorphs from Alien, that once you let two black people in it’s all over; we latch onto people’s faces and inject even more black babies down their throat, then months later your town looks like Mogadishu?

Hmm. That’s a hotep-worthy idea I just had, I mean, the Xenomorphs are black in color and quitestronger than normal humans in most ways.

7 years ago

@Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy

I thought the chant was “Aren’t you a sweet kitty? Yes you are!” as you use the Sacred Furminator Brush right before the Holy Feeding Time.

7 years ago

“Cats are like the female equivalent of a sexbot”? That’s funny, I thought it was vibrators.

Or, you know, male sexbots. They exist now. I don’t know anyone who’d cop to owning one (or who can afford it and not be seriously hurting for cash, our dollar being still just 77 man-cents), but hey.

(Sorry, I’m still chuckling from the masturbation thread.)

7 years ago

Pets are surrogate children, but also… like sex bots? What in god’s name do these men think parent-child relationships are like? Hell, what do they think romantic relationships are like?