/pol/ 4chan alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism daily stormer kitties literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy racism white genocide

Are cats “purring Jews” bent on genociding the white race with their diabolical cuteness?

Our Globalist Overcats

By David Futrelle

It is with heavy heart I must report that they have figured it out:

It was a plan so beautiful in its simplicity:

  1. Flood the internet with pics of adorable kitties and thereby convince white women to adopt them as pets
  2. Suck the maternal instinct from white women thus genociding the white race
  3. ???
  4. Profit!

But alas, some of the world’s cleverer racists suspected that something was up from the start. They noticed that, as one writer for the “scientific racist” website Counter-Currents has pointed out, “feminist cat ladies … are surely one of the most anti-natal groups in America today,” fervent in their “opposition to motherhood.”

The Daily Stormer, meanwhile, has declared that

Feminism has been the most powerful tool in the white genocide agenda, to divert women from starting strong and healthy white families and people laugh at this but look around- we live in a world where a woman owning twenty cats is considered normal.

Meanwhile, on a site called The Burning Platform, an alt-right ideologue called Yojimbo has argued that feminism causes

Women [to] form bonds with pets that normally would be formed with men or their children, hence the meme of the cat lady.

And now tec63298, posting on Instagram, has clarified the role of the evil globalists in the cat-lady white genocide plot.

But I am happy to report that the goyim have not yet figured out who really is to blame for it all. As those of us in the inner circle have known from the start, it’s not the globalists using cats for their own nefarious purposes, but cats using globalists for their even more nefarious, if also adorable, purposes.

Alas, there’s one anon on 4chan’s /pol/ board who’s almost got it figured out:

Cats aiding white genocide Anonymous Is it possible cats are lowering the white birthrate? Because white women get to experience maternal love through the purring jew so they forgo babies. Cats are like the female equivalent of a sexbot.

Quick! Deploy the distraction gifs!

These little angels couldn’t be plotting anything evil, right?

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Robert Walker-Smith
Robert Walker-Smith
7 years ago

I have read that there may be a connection between the ‘cat lady’ stereotype and toxoplasmosis. The parasite affects men and women differently.

7 years ago

“Is it possible cats are lowering the white birthrate? Because white women get to experience maternal love through the purring jew so they forgo babies. Cats are like the female euivalent of a sexbot.”

This is creepy and enlightening. He equates love of pets (cats) to love of offspring, then immediately equates both with sex with a machine. It’s clear he has no concept of non sexual love, or that anyone is capable of having affection in a non sexual way. He seems think that any being other than himself is incapable of any sort of feelin…OHHHHH……

Haise, the husky puppy
Haise, the husky puppy
7 years ago

comment image

When they take over the planet, I would like it to be on the record that, like everyone else here, I too welcome our feline overlords.

7 years ago

Why did he say cats are like sex bots? That is little bit scarey…he should not be near animals. Or people. Or robots.

Paradoxical Intention - Leader of the Deathclaw Damsels

Iseult The Idle | June 19, 2017 at 4:00 pm
Why would this be more likely to work on white women?

Because to the nazis, (cishet) white women are the only ones who matter, apparently.* They very likely don’t give a shit about WoC having babies unless it’s to drive home a point about “White Genocide” and about how WoC are out having too many babies.

*Though, I could say that about a lot of White Feminists™ too.

7 years ago

I don’t think they believe only white women own cats. It’s just that they couldn’t care less about any women who aren’t white.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I have read that there may be a connection between the ‘cat lady’ stereotype and toxoplasmosis. The parasite affects men and women differently.

I’ve read that too, but am kind of skeptical. Especially since it’s typically misogynists bringing it up. Admittedly, I haven’t looked deeply into it but I suspect this theory is due to the bad science reporting in the media that gives people the wrong idea about a lot of things.

I think it’s partially because mentally ill people are more likely than neurotypical people to hoard animals, and cats are easier to hoard than dogs although the latter certainly does happen. I think it also goes back to the European witch trial days. Never married and widowed women with a notable affinity for pets were suspect. Both cats and dogs were viewed as suspected familiars but for whatever reason the witches and cats stereotype stuck around and people forgot that being too into dogs was also side eyed. I’m guessing it’s because dog ownership became associated with men and something men like is good whereas cat ownership became associated with women and something women like is bad.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I can’t be the only one who’s planning on starting to call their cat ‘purring Jew,’ right?

7 years ago

There may never be a more perfect topic for this site than white genocide cats.

7 years ago

Well, cats can be trained to lick.

7 years ago

How strange to see this post…my own purring Jew, 18 years old, is dying of kidney failure as I type this. I have an 8:30 PM appointment set up with the vet to have her put to sleep.

Well, she lived a good life.

I’ve read MRA garbage along these lines, before. Like someone else in this thread mentioned, love isn’t a finite resource. It’s possible to love your family, AND your pets.

7 years ago

Dormousing it,

That is heartbreaking ((( i am sorry. But 18 is quite old! Im sure you made her life wondeful ?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

Re: toxoplasmosis

There is definitely a statistical possibility of behavior change in people with toxoplasmosis, but it’s simplistic to assume that the change will be identical in people vs. rats. Rats and other rodents with toxoplasmosis become attracted to the smell of cats and cat urine (as opposed to normal behavior of being repelled). Are we really making the leap that humans with toxoplasmosis behave identically to rats? I don’t recall my attraction to cats being related to their repulsive urine stink, personally.

There is a statistical correlation between toxoplasmosis and bipolar disorder. I’ve heard of a correlation between toxoplasmosis in men and aggressive behavior, but I would not personally swear by that since the analysis used proxy measurements for both “toxoplasmosis” and “aggressive behavior” to make comparisons between states (!). It’s not unreasonable to think that a parasite which has behavior reprogramming of the intermediate host as its core strategy will do some unintentional reprogramming of incidental hosts, but “toxoplasmosis” = “cat lady” seems trite.

7 years ago


I tried. Thank you.

7 years ago

This is agent Yarmulcat, they’re onto operation Gefilte Fish.

7 years ago

I just woke up to this garbage. Why is it only white women who are controlled by cats?

I’ll tell you what, my whole family has 8, and there’s more guys than ladies, so jokes on them!

That aside, how did multiple morons have the same brain fart?

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
7 years ago

Aw, Dormousing_It, I’m so sorry.


And if whites are that easy to genocide, why should they survive?

Good point, if we’re that fragile maybe our time is past. I somehow think we’ll creak along for a while longer, in spite of our problem children.

Viscaria the Cheese Hog
Viscaria the Cheese Hog
7 years ago

I own cats and yet every time I see a small human I can’t help but exclaim “I WANT SEVEN.”* This is a really poor genocide strategy.

*We don’t actually plan on having seven children

7 years ago

@Virgin Mary

This has gone way, way, beyond satire now. I can’t believe these posts are real. I’ve never been maternal, not at all. I have a hamster, does that count?

Same. No maternal instincts here. Except with guinea pigs! Now, I know one of my pigs has always been a bit diabolical, but never did I imagine……

7 years ago

Jews like me get to be responsible for cat pics on the internet? I’ll take it.

7 years ago

@Dormousing_it, I’m delurking to send you and your dear friend lots of love and good thoughts, because I’m just nursing a kitty out of it (well, possible kidney stone, kidney failure, pleural effusion, congestive heart failure, kidney infection). And with Chai…it was close enough that I could have had to say goodbye to her (very, very close) due to kidney failure and attendant issues. So I hope this doesn’t sound weird (I don’t delurk very often and I’m akward), I just know if you love your cat half as much as I do (and since she’s 18, it’s quite obvious you love her Very much) that I’d be pretty devestated; so Chai and I are sending you and your kitty friend lots of love and good thoughts. It’s the hard part of being a good pet person. I hope this is comforting, like I intend, but I’m sick and medicated at the moment and it’s entirely possible I’m sounding terrible.

It’s just. I’ve been there, and it hurts to let them go. Your situation hits close to home because my situation was almost the same (though her Royal Chai-ness is 8 and not 18). Losing a kitter is a tough thing.

(on topic)
MRAs really can’t seem to handle any love that isn’t directed at them (or man). “Oh, women with cats/pets only love them because they can’t get a man” or “Pets take the place of men in women’s lives” are two very insecure concepts. How dare women love something not them, apparently. Eeeew.

7 years ago

I’m a (non religious) Jewish person, I do not have any cats.

Nor do I propagandize to others that they should get cats.

I must’ve missed this part of The World Takeover Plot. So I went and looked at a local Temple’s website –

I’m not seeing anything about cats.

An upcoming bake sale and parking lot resurfacing, yes. Cats?
Not seeing anything about cats.

It’s a pretty big place too, you’d think they’d know about “The Cat Plan”. I’m not seeing any info about it on their website.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
7 years ago

…I can has cheez now, burger tomorrow?

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago

@Admiral Valentine

Heeeey, Admiraaaaaaaal!

I’ll explain this puzzling conundrum to you.

CW: Sex

According to White Supremacist and White Nationalist ideology, all Superior Aryan White Women must be forcefully mated to a Superior Aryan White Man, and the White Woman must then allow the White Man to ejaculate in her vagina and spread his Superior Baby Batter all up in her ovaries, so that she can then expel up to ten Superior White Aryan Babies to Secure a Future for the White Race and White Children.

Basically, imagine a human-shaped machine-gun shooting out bullets that are babies. White Women are basically Biological Weapons in the fight against DA JEWS: their role is to function as a walking Military Barracks of the Greater White Reich, trained to make more White Superior Aryan Men and Women.

This is 100% serious shit they say.

Every single waking moment a White Woman is alive, she must be expelling white babies, and if she isn’t, she is defective and ruined by the Great Jewish Conspiracy to Do A White Genocide; in short, these White Nationalists and White Supremacists believe THE JEWSSS tell White Women to have sex with colored people, lesbians, and have cats instead of spewing forth Superior White Babies, and because the White Woman are not making Superior White Babies, there will be a White Genocide.

So, basically, anything a White Woman does that isn’t letting a White Man impregnate her, growing new Superior White Babies, or birthing them, is a big Jewish Conspiracy.

Buying cats, videogames, or reading books, or being non-heterosexual, or transgender? Those are all Tools of the Jews To Prevent White Women from making babies.

And this explains why the Pepe-posting proud Alt-Right teenage boys like White Supremacist and White Nationalist ideology so much: these old Nazis and White Supremacists from yesteryear teach them that the reason why they aren’t surrounded by Superior White Aryan Women jockeying for their cocks is because of DA JEWS, and these maladjusted young Internet pepe-posting fuckwits eat it up, because they can blame someone else for not being able to get their dicks wet, as opposed to introspectively looking at themselves and how dumb and toxic they are.

So the old white nationalists tell them that DA JEWS told the White Women to have sex with black people and become LGBT or Asexual or such solely to spite the White Man and cause his genocide. If Hitler was still around, he would force White Women at gunpoint to have sex with Superior Aryan White Males, basically.

There is why so many young Internet kids get with the White Nationalist regime. They hope that when the Race War comes and the New Nazi Reich is made, they’ll all have Superior Aryan White Women as sex slaves.

As an aside, this is why I am now suspicious when I see a white man and a white woman as a couple. I think to myself, “Did you two form a relationship out of love, or do you both believe in that gross shit about forming more white babies to further the White Race?”

There are other racial nationalists, such as the Black Nationalist Hoteps, who like to say gross shit about how we should only have sex with black people, and I view them with great disgust, because fuck people who tell me what to do with whom. Henceforth, I also view same-race black couples suspiciously, and wonder if they got together for love, or because they want to be Hotep Kang/Kweens making Black Chilluns.

Same goes for any other couple comprised of the same race. If I see an Asian couple, I wonder if they’re racialist pigs or just in a normal relationship. Latino couples, same. Indian couples, same. And so on, and so on.

Elizabeth Regina
Elizabeth Regina
7 years ago

Have cat.

And kids.

Didn’t realize any of them were Jewish, though. I’ve been very culturally insensitive. Ah well, we’ll do Hanukkah as well as Christmas this year!