By David Futrelle
Professional “pickup artists” tend to have a thing against masturbation, largely because (one suspects) men who are not continually sexually frustrated are less receptive to their nonsense PUA teachings. And so it’s hardly surprising to find an anti-masturbation tirade on Roosh V’s crap site Return of Kings today, filled with cherry-picked science and assorted weird leaps of logic intended to prove that masturbation is very very bad for men.
Overall the post, written by a self-proclaimed “licensed personal trainer, martial artist, musician, writer, and (barely) a video reviewer and cartoonist” named Larsen Halleck, is a pretty standard example of its very particular genre.
But there’s one part of the post that strikes me as original. Seems that one of the reasons masturbation is such a bad idea for manly men is that … it makes their hands unpleasingly soft. You know, because of all the lotion.
“[W]omen are just not attracted to buttery soft, womanly hands,” Halleck declares.
In my personal experience, women love to feel the calluses upon a man’s hands, and just one lotion-soaked fap session a week will take away from the sexy, alligator-like roughness of your palms.
So fellas, forget all you’ve heard about masturbation making hair grow on your palms. Apparently it actually turns your manly man hands into lady hands.
Of course, Halleck’s advice isn’t exactly useful for those dudes whose hands have already turned “buttery soft,” and who don’t have time enough to get them all callousy before their next hot date. Luckily there is another option: stop by the local hardware store to get yourself some sandpaper-coated sanding gloves like, say, these.
Take my word for it, fellas, the ladies love to be sanded down and buffed like an old dresser you found in the alley.
@Nequam yes to papayas but also to pineapples, which have the tenderizing enzyme bromelain. (Sorry can’t link from my phone).
I think they’re quite cute. But a little pricey (unless they’re more substantial than they look).
Also, don’t drop off a letter with your return address on it at the same time.
@Alan and greek drama readers
Google is our friend. Theophrastus is the man who came up with stock characters:
So either the list got added to later, or one of those started out as Misogynist and lost something in translation. Take your pick, they all have terrific misogynist capacity.
@ fran
One thing they seem to be forgetting about getting their history from “300” is that even within the film it’s racist propaganda. It’s just a rousing tale told to inspire a bunch of new recruits, and dehumanised the enemy, prior to their first battle. It’s not even meant to be true within the story itself.
As for MLP, I’ve only seen a few episodes, but I did really enjoy them. I can see why people love it. That gif was more a little tribute to Scildfreja, and her ability to produce exactly the correct one for any situation.
@ Alan and Greek drama readers
More from the web:
I miss edit again. It is also экзема on Russian, but i dont think it is this on my hands.
I have a rule where, if someone gives themselves such self-proclaimed labels, it’s likely they’re lying about it. For example: it’s not uncommon for people to claim they’re progressive even though they voice reactionary attitudes more often than not.
It’s difficult to believe that he’s any of those things except maybe the “(barely) a video reviewer” – the rest you’d expect to hear from someone like Napoleon Dynamite. It wouldn’t even be surprising if he added “wrestles bears” and “greatest marksman in the world” on that list to further inflate his ego.
@ lysistrata
Menander; yes!!!
I can’t pretend to know a lot about Greek theatre; but there was a rather excellent documentary series on BBC IPlayer a little while ago. And that’s where I (not quite) remembered it from. Also some great stuff about your namesake.
The Melian Dialogues are one of the best ‘bad guy’ speeches in all of history. The Athenian parts are the sort of thing you can imagine a supervillain saying.”For the strong do what they can, and the weak suffer what they must.”
Depressingly, there’s a Return Of Kings article by that very title. It purports to show how morality is useless, which is strange because the survivors of Melos are actually restored to the island after the war. (It also, bafflingly, asserts that Sparta was utterly destroyed by the Thebans. That’s not even close to true; Sparta’s hegemony is ended by Thebes, but they city survives and a Spartan-Athenian alliance eventually drags down Thebes’ hegemony.)
The moral decline of Athens during the Peloponnesian war is rather sad. At the beginning of the war the Athenians were not willing to do such things like the destruction of Melos, but they become desperate as the war drags on (the Spartan decision to destroy Athenian-allied Plataea doesn’t help matters.)
I actually appreciated 300, because it was the story as the Greeks would have told it, down to Spartan troops wearing almost nothing (Greeks wore lots of armor, but thought nudity was heroic) and fighting in single combat (Greeks almost always fought in the Phalanx, but they liked to depict themselves in a heroic melee.) It’s inaccurate in most places, but it’s inaccurate in the way the Greeks would have liked it to be.
I agree entirely. In fact, I too can be delusional.
According to the Hotep Mythology, I am an invincible, totally powerful black Goddess-Empress who can make and unmake reality with a single movement of my hand, and summon hundreds of thousands of intergalactic Kemetic Egyptian Nubian Warships with a thought.
Beat that, MRA dude.
Sir Alan knows I’m not lying, he’s currently overseeing the Fleet Shipyards in the North of England, a centre for manufacturing of all sorts.
@ EJ if you see this
Speaking of documentaries, next time you’re around remind me “Ants/Voyager”. Picked up something you might find interesting.
I suspect they might not know that yet. As soon as they find out women had decent lives, they’ll drop the Spartans in a millisecond.
Exactly. Just like they reduced the French Revolution to “the destruction of the so much needed monarchy”. They love to butcher history.
“In his experience?”
@ aulma
Spartan women carried special knives so that if their husbands abused them they could scar them in a particular way. That way all the other Spartans would know why she kicked him out.
Can’t see that going down too well in MRA circles.
@ fran
Er, just to let you know our Ebony Mistress, we need some more rivets if you’re going near the hardware shop.
Re: fruits that take off finger prints, there’s an enzyme in dark orange squashes like pumpkin and butternut that will sometimes but not always cause the entire surface of my hands to peel away. I typically don’t notice until it’s already all over my hands, and then they start to feel tight. They turn orange, and then the skin comes off. It’s just the outer dead layer so it’s nice and soft and clean after, but it scares the crap out of me every time because it takes a while to come off and I’m always wondering if it’s just going to keep eating through my skin this time.
In an early example of slut shaming, other Greek women called Spartan women phainomērídes (“thigh flashers”) because of their penchant for scandalously short skirts. 🙂
New Deli Spermer article:
“The cucking of Spartans: how women destroyed the Spartan civilization”.
Now there’s a nym for somebody.
You know the oddest things, Alan. ETA: That’s a compliment.
The only reason we know Sparta existed was because some beta cuck Athenian mentioned them. Other than that, its all made up.
Now. Let’s do calendar math. Assume the ‘golden Age of Athens’ and it’s unadulterated influence ended around 100BC.
Jesus is born 100 years later.
Council of Carthage 397CE (AD)
Jerome writes the Vulgare Latin translation used throughout medieval Europe. 400CE
The prophet Mohammad is born 537CE.
The first Crusade 1100CE.
Not a Spartan in sight. Nope. No Amazons, either.
It wouldn’t be until the Renaissance that Europe decided thatGreece, rather than Europe, was the foundation of European culture.
Europeans appropriated Greek culture as their own. We get our Liberal Arts from them.
But Amazon’s are much more likely than Spartans.
@ lysistrata
Thank you. Yup I do seem to pick up some odd bits and pieces. But one of the many things I love about the people here is I learn something new every day. People though may have spotted my thing about badass women so Spartan women is obviously a favourite subject.
@dreemr: Ah, I had missed the stuff about bromelain. I remembered papain because when I used to wear contact lenses the solution used to clean protein deposits off them contained papain.
So now you can’t masturbate? What is it with these alt-right atheists acting like priests? Even right wing “mystics” like Evola said masturbating was bad because it depleted men of their “vitality”.
So if I tally what every alt-right asshole said so far (like the Golden One)… I can’t drink, I can’t fap, I can’t have sex with the “wrong” women, I can’t watch the wrong movies, I can’t read the wrong books, I can’t listen to jazz or rock or punk. I can’t do anything worth living for. Fuck these guys. Thou shalt not indeed!
And maybe this is a little off topic but I get annoyed at Greece taking all the credit as the start of civilization. Before the Greeks you had Mesopotamia, Egypt, Babylon, Persia, each with highly advanced art, architecture, mathematics, religion, philosophy etc. And this only covers the so-called West, ignoring civilizations elsewhere around the globe. Greek city states were latecomers that borrowed much from earlier societies and, frankly, were trailer parks compared the vast capitals of Memphis, Thebes, Persepolis, and on and on.
@Sir Alan
Gladly! I am certain this military campaign you have asked of me will bring me great recognition and fame. Leave it to me, I shall personally see to it that your request shall be fulfilled. Nothing will stand in my way; not even an exceptionally chubby squirrel or a fluffy pidgeon.
They will do up an excellent tapestry of my visit to the hardware shops, I am sure of it.