By David Futrelle
Professional “pickup artists” tend to have a thing against masturbation, largely because (one suspects) men who are not continually sexually frustrated are less receptive to their nonsense PUA teachings. And so it’s hardly surprising to find an anti-masturbation tirade on Roosh V’s crap site Return of Kings today, filled with cherry-picked science and assorted weird leaps of logic intended to prove that masturbation is very very bad for men.
Overall the post, written by a self-proclaimed “licensed personal trainer, martial artist, musician, writer, and (barely) a video reviewer and cartoonist” named Larsen Halleck, is a pretty standard example of its very particular genre.
But there’s one part of the post that strikes me as original. Seems that one of the reasons masturbation is such a bad idea for manly men is that … it makes their hands unpleasingly soft. You know, because of all the lotion.
“[W]omen are just not attracted to buttery soft, womanly hands,” Halleck declares.
In my personal experience, women love to feel the calluses upon a man’s hands, and just one lotion-soaked fap session a week will take away from the sexy, alligator-like roughness of your palms.
So fellas, forget all you’ve heard about masturbation making hair grow on your palms. Apparently it actually turns your manly man hands into lady hands.
Of course, Halleck’s advice isn’t exactly useful for those dudes whose hands have already turned “buttery soft,” and who don’t have time enough to get them all callousy before their next hot date. Luckily there is another option: stop by the local hardware store to get yourself some sandpaper-coated sanding gloves like, say, these.
Take my word for it, fellas, the ladies love to be sanded down and buffed like an old dresser you found in the alley.
@ kat
You ever seen Father Ted?
There’s always the Kevin Spacey in Seven option if you want to be fingerprintless. That one doesn’t seem too fun though.
@Alan can confirm. Go ahead. Rob ’em all.
@Axe me too. Should be fun.
@Paradoxical Intention
They know. They’re just looking for a way to keep the readers glued to their website. They write questionable stuff so the gullible newcomers can go off in the comment section.
That’s why he has so many new writers lately. He’s trying out different topics and perspectives to see which one brings him the most views, comments and money.
If it wasn’t for these new writers his website would be finished, he has nothing to offer anymore, that’s why he keeps pulling out old posts from the archives instead of writing new ones.
Now I’ve got another fingerprint ‘fact’ on the tip of my brain.
Something about koalas? Like they all have the same fingerprints or something?
ETA: Ah, it’s that they have the same fingerprints as humans.
Cool, I’ll be able to frame one.
I’m not a history nerd. But I read Greek drama, several of the philosophers, including political philosophers, lots of Plato. They had such good ideas. They had plenty bad ones too, deeply misogynist in their classical way. I don’t know how long the fall took, i only know it was a long way down from their ideals and innovations, from the energy and potential of their best ideas. They warned that the vulnerability of democracy was a demagogue and an angry crowd. Ta da. I was vaguely aware the alt-right claims them, but it’s kind of like what is said about porn: whatever thing you can think of, there’s a perverse alt-right appropriation of the thing.
@ lysistrata
Wasn’t it a Greek playwright who first used that word? The chap who did that list of stock characters (of which ‘the misogynist’ was one)
Now now, be reasonable. They can have 3 references to cunnilingus and 9 (3^2) references to references to cunnilingus. It’s only fair…
Lotion is used by men who have circumcision only though? And anyway trust, if you doing work that will make your hands have rough skin (like my work on ship) even lotion will not remove them. I also have some problem from before where my skin always falling off on my hands because we have HFO spill and sludge spill before and even with gloves your skin very quickly will become damaged. And also before now when i was cadet one cheif officer sent me and made me wash my hands with paint thinner.
Funny ’cause that’s exactly what they think. I was reading an article on the SPLC website and someone praised the Spartans’ high testosterone and masculinity for defending the west from muslims and brown people. Which of course is highly inaccurate historically if not complete wrong (it’s actually a butchering of history).
They love to kiss their own ass. Also I think you mean white men are superior, women are useless. /s
No, Sir, you’ll be able to frame all of them.
Dave Sim, the cartoonist, has argued that prolonged abstinence from masturbation can reduce the desire for sexual activity. As corroboration, he explains that his interest in masturbation had significantly decreased by his forties, in noticeable contrast with what his twenties were like.
Thus demonstrating that his understanding of male sexuality is on par with his understanding of almost everything else.
As a Catholic in recovery, I can affirm that an authority figure who can persuade you that masturbation is a bad thing can persuade you of almost anything.
My experience matches Valentine’s: sexy rough callused rock climber hands become soft sexy rough callused rock climber hands when you apply lotion.
What these guys think women like is always amusing. Yeah, I want a man’s crusty alligator hands and dirty nails caressing my body at night. Gross.
…Can I just say, jesus fucking christ how do you talk about that so casually.
Francesca’s previous mention of onesies reminded me of this possible new fashion statement for a man going their own way. Of course I doubt any MGTOW would ever be caught wearing such not-totally-masculine clothing.
I might if given money (not my style), but would prefer it had a locking zipper for wear by MGTOWs.
I didn’t know (or remember, perhaps) that the misogynist was a stock character in Greek drama. Heh.
Btw dude, I am a huge fan of you. *blush*
Sorry maybe i make it sound worse than it is! It just coming off in little bits. Sometimes it is okay, sometimes it comes back and my skin just falling off in little bits. Like dry bits. But it not painful. Just little bit itching. It is my fault, i do not care for it properly and apply cream and often when i work i forget to use gloves.
Oh, thank God! That I can understand. My biggest problem is chronically dry, scaly, and occasionally bleedy elbows…Why those, nobody knows.
@Valya. Sounds like what we call eczema in English, it can result from burns or other damage. Horrible, painful, embarrassing. I had it for years, used to call it my leprosy. What put an end to it – a real end; it is over – was tepescohuite cream, an herb from Mexico. It’s available online as Mayan Magic, probably other sources. It has been good for some other skin issues I have, too. Might be of help.
@ lysistrata
(Wish I could remember that playwright. I’ve got as far as “Greek sounding name” which isn’t exactly helpful)
Well, the downfall of Ancient Greece is a complicated question, because if depends on what you mean by Greece. The Macedonians, who conquered all of Greece (except Sparta) in 338 BC considered themselves Greek (and they definitely had Greek culture) but the Greeks of the time didn’t.
I suppose I’d call it the fall of the Achaean League, the last powerful Greek state in Greece itself, in 146 BC. I’d say Greece doesn’t so much decline; rather, Roman power grows and Rome eventually overshadows Greece
Odd that alt-right people would identify with Sparta, a civilization where women of the citizen class were practically the only people whose lives weren’t miserable.
@ dreemr
That would be simultaneously the world’s cutest, and most confusing, identity parade.
@dreemr: I think it’s papayas that have the meat-tenderizing enzyme. (Yep: it’s papain.)
I don’t know if it’d take your fingerprints off, but working with pineapples could easily do a number on your skin, what with the rough outer coating and the somewhat acidic juice and pulp (pH 3.5, if Google is correct).
Lysistrata & Troubelle
Yeah i think my skin very sensitive and dry and after i start working this job i just damage it more because i am little bit stupid. Usually i just put nivea on. But mostly i do nothing ? i will try to reaserch this myan magic thing.
Thank you!
Funny how that turned out. We’re seeing the application of their warning in real-time; indeed, one could very well argue that they had been proven right before many a time.
Yes, they have reduced the Persian-Hellenic wars to a big fairy tale about the tough Spartans singlehandedly killing the big bad icky brown people. It’s very odd, since there is almost nothing to support their fairy tale in actual history.
Do they get backaches, do you think?
You know, from kissing their own asses all the time.
It’s brilliant. Why not market it as an Actual Superior Western Civilization Ancient Roman tunic? That will get all the alt-right cosplayers who like wearing medieval armor and Corinthian helmets to wear it!
@Sir Alan
>my face when I find out you’re a brony
Looks like the Mammotheer Pony Collective’s numbers are growing.
@Cleon the Great
While we’re talking about the ugly things the Greeks did: anyone read the Melian dialogues, in which the Athenians basically say they’ll kill everyone on Melos unless the Melians agree to capitulate entirely to Athenian power.