\o So tired and living on disability sucks. Anyone willing to order a couple of gals a pizza or something? I dunno.
I’m really pissed about the Cosby mistrial. :/
7 years ago
It’s going to be over 100F here for the next week, so I’m in a low-energy mode despite working on a DIY multimeter kit.
7 years ago
I’m sick of interview prep and fed up with the technical interview process. Also fed up with my lead, who says something horribly biased at least once a week. But on the plus side, his interviews are apparently going well, so I might not have to put up with him much longer.
7 years ago
Got back home from a beautiful, serene, quiet and tropical excursion. I was in paradise. I’m so lucky to have been able to go.
Immediately when I got back to the city, it got fucking hot. Texas in August hot. And the traffic is shittier than I remember. And the news makes me cry (cosby and castile). Sometimes I want to go live in a little tent on a beach for the rest of my life. I could learn to make seagull soup! lol
Its so hot. I have so much yardwork to do. I have zero desire to do anything. I just stare outside at the lawn….sipping my coffee….”yup, that lawn needs to be mowed!” And then I walk away. Its so hot.
I got nothing interesting to say. I’m just gritching. The heat pisses me off.
Swedish Sexual Bread
7 years ago
Not really much interesting for me, except that exams are coming up for me. This is my first semester in Fahrzeugtechnologie (lit. Vehicle technology) and I’m slightly nervous about it.
Godzilla Roberts
7 years ago
ugh and now realizing I cleaned so hard I have to pass out hard. Ahh, life with fibro. x__x Also choosing between cooking or cleaning to spend spoons on sucks so hard.
I’m going to grab some sleep. I hope everyone has an awesome afternoon. 🙂
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago
It’s gloriously hot here. I actually had ice cream for breakfast; so @Elizabeth Regina’s earlier post made me smile a bit.
It was fruit ice cream though so that’s practically muesli.
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago
I can’t tell if that cat’s forgotten how to cat or if it’s figured out exactly how to cat.
7 years ago
First time posting, so… hi, guys! Unsure if I’m actually creating an account??? But anyway, love reading this blog and sometimes I read the comments and think some of you are cool so here I am. Transfeminine nb, pan, and a huge nerd.
Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
7 years ago
Heh…I visited my estetician today to get a much needed facial cleanse and I found out that her life is pretty much falling appart.
She found out her boyfriend has schizophrenia which he has been hiding for 2 and a half years and he refuses to get treatment. He risks losing her, his job and his friends but he’s really stubborn about not getting that treatment.
Her bestfriend who had breast cancer is now sick again with liver cancer. The doctor told her that she only has 20% chances of survival which of course is bad news.
Her beloved 14 y.o cat is also sick. She had little tumors in her mouth which got removed by surgery but she still has to get injections because they keep growing again. She has a hard time eating sometimes and considering her age, chances of healing are very small.
I feel so bad for her, I’m surprised she didn’t breakdown while telling me this.
Seeing her handle everything with calmness and grace really amazes me.
Viscaria the Cheese Hog
7 years ago
I know I have been weirdly cagey about what I am studying. If anyone is actually curious, I’m sure I can find a way to contact you off the main site. In any case, I have a week to pass this skill test at my school that is not in the city where I live or I’m back here in August and I just really, really want to be home with my person. Two months of summer school is enough. It’s made it impossible to get a summer job, plus I’m paying rent on a place up here, plus every month of school costs more money… I just want to have a bit of a break. Just a bit. At home. ?
Edit: the test qualifies me for second year, which begins in September.
Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
7 years ago
Its so hot. I have so much yardwork to do. I have zero desire to do anything. I just stare outside at the lawn….sipping my coffee….”yup, that lawn needs to be mowed!” And then I walk away. Its so hot.
Hahahahah, you just summed up my approach to house cleaning.
Me: The floor is dirty, could use a nice session of vacuum cleaning.
Also me: *takes vacuum cleaner out, jumps on top of bed, googles pita bread recipes*
It’s my birthday this weekend, and it’s offset by Father’s Day, since I miss my dad, 4 years dead.
7 years ago
Its so hot. I have so much yardwork to do. I have zero desire to do anything. I just stare outside at the lawn….sipping my coffee….”yup, that lawn needs to be mowed!” And then I walk away. Its so hot.
The struggle is real. It gets worse when you have a dog that likes to “help”. What I do when I have the spoons is just blast some music, and let that help carry me.
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago
@ vicky p
Oh commiserations; I do though send you my best wishes for your birthday.
Thank you, Alan. Mr. Parasol is being extra-loving this year because, as he puts it, last August he wasn’t sure I was going to have another birthday.
Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
7 years ago
@Victorious Parasol I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you still manage to find a bit of happiness this weekend. ? Happy birthday ?
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago
Welcome Ami!
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago
Well it literally took people acting across three continents, but I finally got that bloody post up on Stormer. I’m looking forward to seeing what transpires.
I’ve just spent two days demonstrating my uselessness at tech stuff so unsurprisingly I can’t do that ‘do not link’ thing. If anyone knows how to, feel free…
No, I’m just useless at tech stuff. Only just managed to log on there (with a lot of handholding from others)
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago
Hi Ami.
Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
7 years ago
Vicky P – Fatherless Father’s Day fist bump. My b-day was last week, so I’m there with you in that, too. I’m really glad you made it to another birthday!
The day after my b-day, Husbeast and I went to our friend’s wake. He was such a Muppet fan and so, when they started playing “Rainbow Connection” on the karaoke, I broke down. But it was a great thing; I’ve never been to a wake before.
cornychips, ami, and Aulma – I would like to join your club! I hate Summer, the heat, housework, and yard work.
I’ve been working at getting better about doing housework, though. I’m a lot better at just doing whatever part of the job I’m able to without beating myself up about not finishing it all in one go. Bit by bit, things are getting cleaner. As opposed to nothing happening because I get too daunted at the sheer scale of the jobs that need doing.
Today, I’m going to get on the floor of my office and pick up dropped beads so vacuuming can happen, so there goes my excuse for not vacuuming in here!
\o So tired and living on disability sucks. Anyone willing to order a couple of gals a pizza or something? I dunno.
I’m really pissed about the Cosby mistrial. :/
It’s going to be over 100F here for the next week, so I’m in a low-energy mode despite working on a DIY multimeter kit.
I’m sick of interview prep and fed up with the technical interview process. Also fed up with my lead, who says something horribly biased at least once a week. But on the plus side, his interviews are apparently going well, so I might not have to put up with him much longer.
Got back home from a beautiful, serene, quiet and tropical excursion. I was in paradise. I’m so lucky to have been able to go.
Immediately when I got back to the city, it got fucking hot. Texas in August hot. And the traffic is shittier than I remember. And the news makes me cry (cosby and castile). Sometimes I want to go live in a little tent on a beach for the rest of my life. I could learn to make seagull soup! lol
Its so hot. I have so much yardwork to do. I have zero desire to do anything. I just stare outside at the lawn….sipping my coffee….”yup, that lawn needs to be mowed!” And then I walk away. Its so hot.
I got nothing interesting to say. I’m just gritching. The heat pisses me off.
Not really much interesting for me, except that exams are coming up for me. This is my first semester in Fahrzeugtechnologie (lit. Vehicle technology) and I’m slightly nervous about it.
ugh and now realizing I cleaned so hard I have to pass out hard. Ahh, life with fibro. x__x Also choosing between cooking or cleaning to spend spoons on sucks so hard.
I’m going to grab some sleep. I hope everyone has an awesome afternoon. 🙂
It’s gloriously hot here. I actually had ice cream for breakfast; so @Elizabeth Regina’s earlier post made me smile a bit.
It was fruit ice cream though so that’s practically muesli.
I can’t tell if that cat’s forgotten how to cat or if it’s figured out exactly how to cat.
First time posting, so… hi, guys! Unsure if I’m actually creating an account??? But anyway, love reading this blog and sometimes I read the comments and think some of you are cool so here I am. Transfeminine nb, pan, and a huge nerd.
Heh…I visited my estetician today to get a much needed facial cleanse and I found out that her life is pretty much falling appart.
She found out her boyfriend has schizophrenia which he has been hiding for 2 and a half years and he refuses to get treatment. He risks losing her, his job and his friends but he’s really stubborn about not getting that treatment.
Her bestfriend who had breast cancer is now sick again with liver cancer. The doctor told her that she only has 20% chances of survival which of course is bad news.
Her beloved 14 y.o cat is also sick. She had little tumors in her mouth which got removed by surgery but she still has to get injections because they keep growing again. She has a hard time eating sometimes and considering her age, chances of healing are very small.
I feel so bad for her, I’m surprised she didn’t breakdown while telling me this.
Seeing her handle everything with calmness and grace really amazes me.
I know I have been weirdly cagey about what I am studying. If anyone is actually curious, I’m sure I can find a way to contact you off the main site. In any case, I have a week to pass this skill test at my school that is not in the city where I live or I’m back here in August and I just really, really want to be home with my person. Two months of summer school is enough. It’s made it impossible to get a summer job, plus I’m paying rent on a place up here, plus every month of school costs more money… I just want to have a bit of a break. Just a bit. At home. ?
Edit: the test qualifies me for second year, which begins in September.
Hahahahah, you just summed up my approach to house cleaning.
Me: The floor is dirty, could use a nice session of vacuum cleaning.
Also me: *takes vacuum cleaner out, jumps on top of bed, googles pita bread recipes*
It’s my birthday this weekend, and it’s offset by Father’s Day, since I miss my dad, 4 years dead.
The struggle is real. It gets worse when you have a dog that likes to “help”. What I do when I have the spoons is just blast some music, and let that help carry me.
@ vicky p
Oh commiserations; I do though send you my best wishes for your birthday.
Thank you, Alan. Mr. Parasol is being extra-loving this year because, as he puts it, last August he wasn’t sure I was going to have another birthday.
@Victorious Parasol I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you still manage to find a bit of happiness this weekend. ? Happy birthday ?
Welcome Ami!
Well it literally took people acting across three continents, but I finally got that bloody post up on Stormer. I’m looking forward to seeing what transpires.
I’ve just spent two days demonstrating my uselessness at tech stuff so unsurprisingly I can’t do that ‘do not link’ thing. If anyone knows how to, feel free…
Thanks to all who helped. You know who you are, and I’m eternally grateful.
VP, both birthday wishes and sympathies.
Here’s a do not link: https://donotlink.it/yPY0
@Alan are they taking off your post or what?
@ aulma
No, I’m just useless at tech stuff. Only just managed to log on there (with a lot of handholding from others)
Hi Ami.
Vicky P – Fatherless Father’s Day fist bump. My b-day was last week, so I’m there with you in that, too. I’m really glad you made it to another birthday!
The day after my b-day, Husbeast and I went to our friend’s wake. He was such a Muppet fan and so, when they started playing “Rainbow Connection” on the karaoke, I broke down. But it was a great thing; I’ve never been to a wake before.
cornychips, ami, and Aulma – I would like to join your club! I hate Summer, the heat, housework, and yard work.
I’ve been working at getting better about doing housework, though. I’m a lot better at just doing whatever part of the job I’m able to without beating myself up about not finishing it all in one go. Bit by bit, things are getting cleaner. As opposed to nothing happening because I get too daunted at the sheer scale of the jobs that need doing.
Today, I’m going to get on the floor of my office and pick up dropped beads so vacuuming can happen, so there goes my excuse for not vacuuming in here!