creepy evil sexy ladies evil SJWs incel irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit

Incels agree: Women who’ve slept with more than one guy should be banned from universities

Toss them all out, just in case

By David Futrelle

Reddit’s “Involuntary Celibates” think they have a solution for what ails our higher education system: Get rid of all the female students who’ve had more than one sexual partner.

In a post yesterday on the Incels subreddit, a Redditor calling himself failednormie lays out the logic behind this unique proposal for education reform.

Women who have had more than one sexual partners shouldn't be allowed to attend university. (self.Incels) submitted 1 day ago by failednormie?????? University should be reserved for respectable and well traditioned females (if those even exist). Whores and sluts shouldn't be allowed to attend university to distract hard working men from succeeding. Why don't they just skip the 4 years and save themselves the trouble by just getting a job at the local strip club since that's the one thing they are good at? I'm tired of sluts and cunts constantly making me miserable by talking loudly about their fuck fest at last nights frat party while I'm trying to study. Fuck off ya cunts.

Naturally, most of the denizens of the Incels subreddit seem rather enthusiastic about failednormie’s proposal.

Autistical, a big fan of pre-Revolutionary France, has his own thoughts on possible future employment possibilities for the expelled women.

Autisticel 6 points 21 hours ago  I agree with this entirely. Any sexual transgressions committed by females while at university should result in immediate and permanent expulsion from academia, and all past qualification should be revoked immediately. While this female is tarnished beyond worth for all time, she can make a could maid, house-servant or, perhaps for a widowed man, a reasonable second-hand wife to cater for him during his twilight years. We must simply return to the state of civilisation we achieved prior to the French Revolution. That was the absolute moral apex of our species.

Other Reddit incels would prefer that no women at all be allowed in universities with men.

emtick 10 points 23 hours ago  Coed was a mistake. Universities used to be purely a place of the mind. Men of that age should be striving to improve themselves to the max, and females are nothing but a distraction at best or screaming SJW harpies at worst.

deformedincel -3 points 22 hours ago  I don't think women should be allowed to have an education in the first place. I think that is where this all started. Women having rights is the worst thing that has ever happened to the Western World. permalinkembedsavereportgive goldreply [–]LearnToSpeakAmerican -2 points 21 hours ago  agreed.

Someone calling himself TheEngineer19 offers an even more radical solution that, while popular with his fellow Reddit incels, proved a bit much for the subreddit’s moderators, who have deleted it — though the original comment, with its 8 upvotes, is still visible in TheEngineer19’s comment history.

TheEngineer19 8 points 22 hours ago  They shouldn't be able to go to university at all. They should lose all rights and be considered lower than rats. They should become sex slaves for Incels.

Gosh, why on earth would these guys have such trouble finding women to sleep with them?

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Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
7 years ago

Every time a woman has sex, it kills a million brain cells. By the time she is twenty five, therefore she is basically a living cabbage.
Pat Robertson and Jeff Sessions might be twins, don’t you think?

Have you ever seen them together! 😮

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

They look like they’ve got a new album coming out.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

Arctic Ape wins Most Punny, yet again 😀

@IgnoreSandra – I was wondering where you were, earlier today, then I hopped back on here and there you were. Spooky!

Those monks are freakin’ adorable and they have grey hoodies on! I saw the Shaolin monks perform a little while back and they had a similar cheeky, happy vibe (while doing terrible things to each other for our entertainment).

EJ (the Scheming Liberal Race-Traitor)

Thanks very much. I don’t watch TV so I usually miss The Sky At Night, but that sounds like an episode to catch.

Did they reference Georges Lemaître? If not, I’m disappointed. He was the best Catholic priest ever.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ bina

and they have grey hoodies

Well, as they explained in the documentary when asked about that:

“We (monks) invented hoodies!”

@ EJ

Did they reference Georges Lemaître?

Perhaps unsurprisingly they never stopped banging on about him.

There was also an interesting bit, from a purely legal perspective, about the Galileo trial.

My favourite bit though was when they lent them some book. “This isn’t the original I’m afraid, it’s just the 1547 reprint”

7 years ago

“They should become sex slaves for Incels.”

So if an incel has a sex slave, is he still an incel? Is there some kind of Chad-status exception for incels with sex slaves? My brain hurts trying to follow incel logic.

7 years ago


Ha! I have, like, a full-time job now.

Yeah, my soul is screaming too. But I gotta do what I gotta do. I have four hours a day to myself on workdays, and quite frankly I need every second of that for self-care cause mental health.

@Alan Robertshaw

I keep expecting to see Dr. Evil in that picture. I think it’s the grey on gray.

On the actual post:

Co-ed is a thing because separation is by definition unequal. There was a whole thing about it. Point is, that’s decided now. So state schools can’t separate students. If they can guarantee, and demonstrate every second of operation, that student groups separated by gender have equal usage of spaces, teachers, time, books, and assorted paraphernalia…it still would be unequal and therefore unacceptable.

Of course, this requires you to view me as a person. I think most of the “incels” are enough like that last guy that this would be like telling them they had to consider deer seafood.

Which we might, soon enough.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ ignoresandra

like telling them they had to consider deer seafood.

Round here they kinda are…

C Williams
C Williams
7 years ago

and yet, the little town I grew up in has an all female college. huh.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

We do have single sex state schools here. Girls seem to do better in them; especially in STEM stuff. Something to do with boys not hogging all the attention it’s believed.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
7 years ago


When I went to college to do engineering, I was the only female student on the course. (Tho I’ve explained I am actually trans and do not identify with being male or female) I was very much made to feel unwelcome even tho I was a classic tomboy and tried to fit in as ‘one of the boys’. It was the dirty jokes and denigrating women that I heard made me feel like I didn’t belong there, I just had to shut my ears to it. Other girls more sensitive than me left the course, same thing happened when I did decorating and then at uni, music production.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ virgin mary

Yey, my favourite techno-communist is back! Missed you.

Other girls more sensitive than me left the course

I can see lots of advantages of girls being allowed their own space in education; and that seems to be borne out by the results.

Interestingly, that article suggests there’s no real difference in outcome for boys regardless of whether they go to single sex or mixed schools. Which would seem to scupper the premise of our incel friends that girls are a distraction.

7 years ago

It was the dirty jokes and denigrating women that I heard made me feel like I didn’t belong there, I just had to shut my ears to it.

Same. Plus the assumptions by some of the other students and some of the faculty that I was incompetent. Thankfully most of them recognized that I was really damn competent and some would come to me for help.

7 years ago

Do you think any of these guys honestly earned anything, ever? By their own efforts? Without cheating? This isn’t just about women. This is about everything in life. They expect everything to be handed to them. Anyone who fails to do so should be removed from their presence.

Calling them losers is an insult to losers.

7 years ago

Those monks are freakin’ adorable

I knew a monk who was not just adorable, but unbelievably smoking hot. The church where I used to work was shared between an abbey and a parish.

He filled in one time at the parish mass and had the congregation almost literally ROFLing with a story about his last night as a non-monk and a sexy jewelry designer he met at a party. During the homily.

I’d forgotten all about him 🙂

7 years ago

@Virgin Mary, I went to an engineering college myself, I believe there were 2, or maybe 3, women in the whole class of many hundreds, and maybe 2 female instructors at the undergrad level. This was back in the very early 90s at a major university in a very large state.

7 years ago


Yeah, I’ve known a real MGTOW. I think he was probably an asexual, given what little he said about it. He was called to the priesthood during his teenage years. I suspect he did not deal well with the pressure on males in our society to be “real men” and try to fuck everything that moves and has a vagina. He told me that his religion didn’t demand he become a priest, but that he wanted to concentrate on helping as many people as he could and being a priest allowed him to interact with people without the pressure to have a family (or be sexual at all, I suspect). I think he felt safer amongst celibate men, though he was a big outreach-in-the-community type. We agreed that we would not try to change each other’s minds about the existence of a god and got along really well. He had a great sense of humor and worked hard for people.

And, strangely, he didn’t hate women, or think women are evil at all. In fact I started being interested in him when he told someone that Eve was only responsible for what Eve did. Adam shouldn’t be considered less responsible for what he did just because Eve did it first.

Robert Walker-Smith
Robert Walker-Smith
7 years ago

This may seem like a stretch, but imagining these incels at university made me think of Saloth Sar. He attended engineering school in Paris and failed out after three years. Due to a complicated series of events, he decided to blame all his problems on other people and move back home.

Home was Cambodia, and Sar is better known as Pol Pot. Instead of persecuting women, he persecuted class enemies (e.g., anyone who wore glasses, identified as ‘intellectuals’). I’m sure that the people who knew him at school in France never thought he’d instigate the murder of over a million people. While the incels currently represent a minor threat to the general public, that is not guaranteed to remain the case.

So, in short, identifying these men and spotlighting their appalling rhetoric is highly desirable.

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago

@Robert Walker Smith-senpai

he decided to blame all his problems on other people

The defining characteristic of a garbage person right there, folks!

This is always the case! People who cause harm to others are always on the “you made me do it!” bandwagon, always and forever.

Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
7 years ago

guest – The library I worked at has since been knocked down and replaced with a bigger and better one (earthquake damage, not whimsy) so I have no idea what’s in there anymore. There were a few carrels, but they were only for the use of seniors and post grads. Everyone else had to get creative.

I think the open table concept is probably to curtail eating in the library; we had a problem with that while I was there.

Speaking of which, the summer I worked in the library, I noticed a rather clever homeless man who came in the library every morning at opening and spent the day sleeping on the topmost floor. He was always clean and polite and never bothered anyone, so the senior staff looked the other way. He had his belongings in a small personal shopping cart that kept his jacket propped up over his legs.

Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
7 years ago

JM – If MGTOWs can have wives and girlfriends, I guess incels could have sex sla- AW NOPE!!! That’s just nasty.

‘scuse me while I go wash my hands and keyboard…

Incels can just go to Liberty U where they have stupid rules about everything, although I read where couples (cis/het only!) can hold hands on campus nowadays.

7 years ago

Why does it not occur to them that banning all people who have had more than one partner would reduce the competition for those who remain? Why just women and not men?

Do they just want to feel horrible and torture themselves? Or do they not really want sex because it’s icky but don’t want anyone else to have it either?

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
7 years ago

I stand corrected. I made an error (or two, as it seems) in my master list of US colleges. Hampden-Sydney and Morehouse ARE all-male. So among the “significant” colleges in the US there are three all-male and a fourth with a women’s college five miles away. Still, I think my point that there does not seem to be a lot of demand among non-incel men for woman-free education seems to be valid.

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
7 years ago

Shalimar: I think I have the MRAs and MGTOWs fairly well figured out, but the incels still puzzle me quite a bit. I do think they’re afraid of having sex — not because it’s icky, though that might be so for a few — but because they aren’t emotionally ready; but they can’t admit that, because it would be tantamount to admitting that they aren’t Real Men(tm) yet. I think they are afraid of emotional involvement, of vulnerability, of falling in love with a woman and then being at her mercy to some extent. I think a woman who has a liberal attitude toward sex is a greater threat to them, because she might be more willing than a less liberal woman to sleep with them if they were nice to her. But then they’d start imagining her comparing them to other men she’s had, and laughing at their inexperienced bumbling in bed, and their insecurity grabs them. It’s easier for them to lust after women that they can’t have, so they’ll never have to actually deal with a sexual relationship. It’s my understanding that teenaged girls often fall madly in love with a singer or movie star they’ll never meet — that way they get to have the feeling without having to deal with a guy in the flesh.

BS and his two soon to be three fluffy kitties
BS and his two soon to be three fluffy kitties
7 years ago

Long-time lurker and first time commenter here. I wish I could figure out how to post pics of my fluffy cats to show you all I’m not evil, at least anymore.

I was a short, bitter, socially awkward and shy high schooler and college freshman, the epitome of what they’d call “beta” (or worse), and it’s really easy to end up feeling somewhere on the way to where these guys do when you have no success in dating (nor the courage or confidence to try), especially if you were raised in a religious tradition that really pushes abstinence/purity/whatever.

From my experience, I know it’s easier to call women sluts, or just assume things were unfair than to either 1) admit that I didn’t have the confidence to even ask a girl out or 2) that there was some characteristic of me that was making them not interested. I sometimes feel bad for these guys, because I see a little of my 18 or 19 year old self in them. There’s probably a lot of young men who go through a phase of thinking like this, but vast majority (I hope) don’t get stuck there. But every time I start to feel too sorry for them, I see shit like this AND remember that their misogyny helped get Donald Trump elected.