creepy evil sexy ladies evil SJWs incel irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit

Incels agree: Women who’ve slept with more than one guy should be banned from universities

Toss them all out, just in case

By David Futrelle

Reddit’s “Involuntary Celibates” think they have a solution for what ails our higher education system: Get rid of all the female students who’ve had more than one sexual partner.

In a post yesterday on the Incels subreddit, a Redditor calling himself failednormie lays out the logic behind this unique proposal for education reform.

Women who have had more than one sexual partners shouldn't be allowed to attend university. (self.Incels) submitted 1 day ago by failednormie?????? University should be reserved for respectable and well traditioned females (if those even exist). Whores and sluts shouldn't be allowed to attend university to distract hard working men from succeeding. Why don't they just skip the 4 years and save themselves the trouble by just getting a job at the local strip club since that's the one thing they are good at? I'm tired of sluts and cunts constantly making me miserable by talking loudly about their fuck fest at last nights frat party while I'm trying to study. Fuck off ya cunts.

Naturally, most of the denizens of the Incels subreddit seem rather enthusiastic about failednormie’s proposal.

Autistical, a big fan of pre-Revolutionary France, has his own thoughts on possible future employment possibilities for the expelled women.

Autisticel 6 points 21 hours ago  I agree with this entirely. Any sexual transgressions committed by females while at university should result in immediate and permanent expulsion from academia, and all past qualification should be revoked immediately. While this female is tarnished beyond worth for all time, she can make a could maid, house-servant or, perhaps for a widowed man, a reasonable second-hand wife to cater for him during his twilight years. We must simply return to the state of civilisation we achieved prior to the French Revolution. That was the absolute moral apex of our species.

Other Reddit incels would prefer that no women at all be allowed in universities with men.

emtick 10 points 23 hours ago  Coed was a mistake. Universities used to be purely a place of the mind. Men of that age should be striving to improve themselves to the max, and females are nothing but a distraction at best or screaming SJW harpies at worst.

deformedincel -3 points 22 hours ago  I don't think women should be allowed to have an education in the first place. I think that is where this all started. Women having rights is the worst thing that has ever happened to the Western World. permalinkembedsavereportgive goldreply [–]LearnToSpeakAmerican -2 points 21 hours ago  agreed.

Someone calling himself TheEngineer19 offers an even more radical solution that, while popular with his fellow Reddit incels, proved a bit much for the subreddit’s moderators, who have deleted it — though the original comment, with its 8 upvotes, is still visible in TheEngineer19’s comment history.

TheEngineer19 8 points 22 hours ago  They shouldn't be able to go to university at all. They should lose all rights and be considered lower than rats. They should become sex slaves for Incels.

Gosh, why on earth would these guys have such trouble finding women to sleep with them?

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Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago

@Serebrianyi Golub

“A king? You want a king? Boy, nobody wants a king. Ignatius, are you sure you’re OK?”
– Confederacy of Dunces, proof that neoreactionary incels existed before the internet

Reminds me of that famous Aesop in which the frogs petition Jupiter, that famous Olympian deity, to give them a king and he prudently advises them it may be wiser not to have one, from one adaptation I have seen.

Naturally, things end in an not very pleasant manner.

I believe the biblical prophet Samuel also told the Israelites they were about to make a very large mistake with this King business; how their king would send their sons off to war and take their daughters and tax them heavily and etc.


Despite being a neopagan, I read the bible for fun, merely because I enjoy reading books of all kinds.

It’s a pretty good story, too.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
7 years ago


If you’re so easily distracted by female classmates gossiping about their extracurricular activities, it’s obvious that it’s YOU who don’t belong in higher education. I suggest you go join a monastery instead.

Agreed, with the caveat that they get sent to their own monastery instead of sending them to the ones already set up for guys who want to pursue a closer relationship with God away from modern life. I cannot imagine that a bunch of guys who willing choose to forgo sex would want to be around a bunch of guys who do nothing but bellyache about how they’re entitled to sex and how horrible it is they can’t get any.

In other words, incompatible lifestyles there.

7 years ago


Despite being a neopagan, I read the bible for fun, merely because I enjoy reading books of all kinds.

It’s a pretty good story, too.

Yeah, when you view it similarly as you do (say) Ancient Greek or Egyptian mythology, it can be entertaining. I’m particularly fond of how the angels are described as Lovecraftian monsters, which a lot of fictional works – save for stuff like Neon Genesis Evangelion and Bayonetta – don’t do enough of.

It’s just unfortunate, unlike those ancient mythologies, people treat it as literal truth and a lot of its “morals” quite seriously despite being irrelevant or out-of-date.

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
7 years ago

Nick: it’s a fascinating account of one of the early stages in the development of Western Civilization. They got a lot of things wrong (like slavery), but they made some real progress. If you read it as part of humanity’s struggles to understand who we are, it’s very useful. As a guide to modern society, it’s not very useful.

7 years ago

@Grumpyoldsocialjusticemangina Great letter; Kamala Harris is doing us proud.

‘I worked in the library at the uni I went to and the clever ways students invent to block out the world are impressive. Jackets, stacks of books, umbrellas, art supplies and camera tripods are just a few ingenious ways to make a fort in the library!’

I wish I had some pictures of these (I’ve never seen anything quite that elaborate in the libraries I’ve been in–I’ve never worked in one, and as I’ve been blessed through almost all of my academic life with personal quiet space to work in I’ve only ever gone to the library to get books, and not ever spent a lot of time actually studying in them). When I taught architecture I used to assign my students post-occupancy evaluations, which involved going to a building and seeing how people actually used it. One of my questions was ‘how have the building’s users adapted the space to make it work better for them?’ This would have been a great example. I’ve noticed that libraries have recently put in ‘pod-chairs’, which seem to provide a little quiet and privacy, but I’m guessing not nearly enough as they’re always occupied.

Now that I think about it, I don’t see carrells around much any more…people seem to be expected to work at open tables.

7 years ago

More proof that these men are not incels. They are celibate, but by choice.

7 years ago


it’s a fascinating account of one of the early stages in the development of Western Civilization. They got a lot of things wrong (like slavery), but they made some real progress. If you read it as part of humanity’s struggles to understand who we are, it’s very useful. As a guide to modern society, it’s not very useful.

As someone raised in Reform Judaism and who still identifies as Jewish, albeit incredibly secular, it always confused me how other Abrahamic faiths like Christianity are so zealous about the material and prone to fighting amongst themselves over differing interpretations that leads to a lot of self-victimization. Whether another sect of Judaism wasn’t the “right one” or some kind of opponent wasn’t really an issue – they were treated simply as different schools of thought.

When it came to the Old Testament, it was treated as a wholly metaphorical text that described the birth of human civilization – which, as many white nationalists are loathe to admit, began in the Middle East (among other things omitted or downplayed) – and its development until (at least what was then) the present. Not perfectly, of course, since it was based on oral tradition – which can lead to a case of “Chinese Telephone” – and then the material, when written, was edited in a selective manner by those who wrote and then later printed copies of the text.

I have a joke (which I don’t really tell people often) that the reason there’s so many Jewish lawyers is that the Old Testament is basically about an elongated litigation between two parties – Yahweh and his “chosen people.” The guidelines are ever-changing and, perhaps, even never-ending because of how unpredictable Yahweh can be as an entity.

7 years ago

Any US government that instituted this law or any of the other laws I see these people proposing would be a tyranny and would be resisted by armed militias according to the constitution.

Of course incels don’t live in the real world but the alt-right generally have the same ideas and are far more serious a threat.

You may be called upon to defend liberty soon. Or I’ve been watching too much handmaidens tale.

Here in the UK the backlash against the Tory party and the right wing is strong and unstoppable. Hopefully they will let us vote them out before we have to riot them out.


7 years ago


yes, what you said. Much pithier 😀

I tend to prefer being blunt…

EJ (the Scheming Liberal Race-Traitor)

That’s an interesting hypothesis, failednormie. What if someone were to…

*dramatic music*

…Test it?

I know two excellent scientists. Both are white women in their late 20s. Dr A is very sexually experienced, having regularly attended group sex parties during her undergraduate and PhD years. Dr B chooses not to have sex until she gets married. Both are fairly open about this (otherwise I wouldn’t mention it here.)

If failednormie was right, then having Dr A around me would make it impossible for me to work, but Dr B wouldn’t affect me more than a control group would. It’d look something like:

EJ is alone in the room: Baseline productivity.
EJ is with other men: Baseline productivity.
EJ is working with Dr A: Severe drop in productivity.
EJ is working with Dr B: Baseline productivity.
EJ is working with both Dr A and Dr B: Severe drop in productivity.

Instead, what we see is the following:

EJ is alone in the room: Is reading WHTM instead of working.
EJ is with other men: Is discussing Game of Thrones instead of working.
EJ is working with Dr A: Is discussing goth music and Itty Bitty Kitty Committee instead of working.
EJ is working with Dr B: Is listening to her talk about Warhammer 40,000 esoterica instead of working.
EJ is working with both Dr A and Dr B: Is swapping Trump jokes instead of working.

From these results, we conclude that the sexual experience of one’s colleagues is not a relevant factor in the extent to which men are distracted from academic pursuits. Also, I am apparently easily distracted.

Quod erat demonstrandum.

Nanny Ogg's Bosom
Nanny Ogg's Bosom
7 years ago

EJ you are definitely easily distracted.

7 years ago

I notice how these poor, put-upon incels don’t complain about other dudes being distracting by bragging about their sexual exploits. None of them are suggesting that promiscuous men be denied an education, regardless of how vocal those men are about it, regardless of the feelings of envy that might be evoked.

Funny, that.

7 years ago

If you’re so easily distracted by female classmates gossiping about their extracurricular activities, it’s obvious that it’s YOU who don’t belong in higher education. I suggest you go join a monastery instead.

@Bina Interestingly enough I’ve just had an IM from my niece complaining about boys talking loudly about partying in the library while she’s trying to study (she’s just starting exams for her first semester of pre-law, so is very stressed out.)

I’d say hearing other people talk loudly about sex is pretty distracting for most people, but is easily remedied by plugging in your headphones, moving to the silent study area, or if you’re already there, getting a librarian to come shush the perpetrators.

But that kind of thinking is too hard for an incel.

(Niece decided to take a study break and hope they were gone soon.)

Collateral Thought
Collateral Thought
7 years ago

@ Troubelle:

Glad you made it back safely. I hope you enjoyed the trip.

@ Redsilkphoenix:

Absolutely agreed: those who truly just seek enlightenment and detachment shouldn’t be burdened with these assclowns.

@ NickNameNick:

A lot of people seem unaware that Abrahamic angels are generally described as awesome; or perhaps they just forget what that word really means. It doesn’t mean “nice”.

@ guest:

I was a librarian at a major university, some time ago. Those chairs would be very very helpful overall for those who want to study alone, but that’s not what they claim to achieve. Two people could readily occupy that space privately (and perhaps three could as well). I’m unconvinced that it’s really an advance in library furnishings in any puritanical sense.

Again @ NickNameNick:

Jews are unique among Abrahamic religions in that they don’t seek to proselytize, and thus aren’t prone to the same “we’re doing what God wants and you are not” infighting (which is, obviously, incredibly ironic). I have great admiration for this, incidentally.

7 years ago


What, and not hear them talking about sex?

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago


That’s the kind of maid that says “Well, I could, but…” whenever you ask her to do something, right?

By dinnertime, the could maid will handily become a could have maid.

Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
7 years ago

@Grumpy Oh look, Jason Miller called Kamala Harris hysterical, what a surprise!! “Objective perspective” my ass.


Any US government that instituted this law or any of the other laws I see these people proposing would be a tyranny and would be resisted by armed militias according to the constitution.

Would it? The right-wingers believe that the police force and military force are on their side. And they’re not wrong. BUT there are a lot of rw idiots that would make people’s life hell if they got to power. And people are starting to see that. Look at the Oathkeepers. They keep catering to the rwingers because “the left wants to destroy western civilization” ?
but they keep getting attacked by the alt-right for no reason.

7 years ago

Hello everybody!

I’ve been away for the past four days, but I am back! And I will be staaayyyying this tiimmee! At least for today.

I vote we have dance music to defeat these shitlords to.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ bina

I suggest you go join a monastery instead.

You’ve just reminded me of something I meant to post about, so thank you.

I recently watched a documentary about Franciscan monks. Not normally my bag, but it was set in my old hometown. They were essentially urban monks.

It was fascinating to hear their various backstories and how they came to be monks. Some had always had a religious calling. A couple of the guys though had a real sex and drugs and rock and roll history. And ultimately it was a way of leaving what they felt was a hedonistic path to self destruction. So they were quite literally men going their own way.

Now did they spend their time slagging off women? Of course not. They are heavily involved in the local community. They run a kitchen where people can drop in. Whether that’s because they can’t afford food or they just want a bit of company. They had a clothing bank so people could get anything from warm clothing in winter to nice clothes for job interviews. They helped repair things for people. They certainly hadn’t withdrawn from society. They were always out and about, either helping people or tapping up local merchants for food for the kitchen., and as this was Bradford that included lots of Muslim suppliers, whom they had a very friendly and joking relationship with.

And of course a lot of the people they interacted with were women (I’m no statistician, but I’d say about half). They weren’t avoiding them. They had lots of female friends. They laughed, joked, and provided a sympathetic ear and assistance where necessary. They just weren’t trying to shag them (they could be surprisingly flirty though, in a joking way).

But it really highlighted how you can abandon physical relationships with women, without becoming a real knobhead in the process.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

OK, EJ wins the thread again. I truly aspire to one day write papers like that and get them published on WHTM.

Well traditioned female
Well traditioned female
7 years ago

Women should lose all rights and become sex slaves for incels?

The Engineer19 has summarized what other incels have been saying, for years now, in a more roundabout way.

The only points left to hammer out are how women get divided among incels and what to do with them once they’ve become unfuckable.

But really, discussion is unnecessary. Incels know that women will need to get divided evenly. And once women turn 25 (that is, once they become unfuckable), they need to die.

Next up on incels’ to-do list: implementation.

Ah, but you see, once this would be implemented, they would find a way to whine about the fact that women won’t come to them of their own free will, and have to be forced by the government, whereas women do flock to Chad naturally…


Or as someone so beautifully put it: “their ladyhate is what fuels them.”

7 years ago

(Hampden-Sydney and Morehouse are coed.)

I don’t know about Morehouse, but Hampden-Sydney is very much still an all-male college.

I know ’cause it’s technically the brother school to my alma matter, Sweet Briar.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

Unlike the MRAs, those monks sound cool.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ EJ

Good luck with the career endeavours. You have a lot of desirable skills (especially your maths knowledge) so I’m sure you’ll be snapped up. I hope you can find something where you still get to be involved with the astronomy though; that’s such a fascinating area so I can see why you’d be drawn to it.

Btw, did you see the Sky at Night special about the Vatican observatory? If not, try to, it’s great. I liked the quote about ‘why do you have an observatory?’

“We can’t afford a particle accelerator.”

(Bet they could if they sold a few paintings)

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ kat

those monks sound cool.

Oh yeah! Especially the ones who demonstrated you can have a beard and a tonsure and still look like you’ve stepped off the cover of GQ Magazine.