creepy evil sexy ladies evil SJWs incel irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit

Incels agree: Women who’ve slept with more than one guy should be banned from universities

Toss them all out, just in case

By David Futrelle

Reddit’s “Involuntary Celibates” think they have a solution for what ails our higher education system: Get rid of all the female students who’ve had more than one sexual partner.

In a post yesterday on the Incels subreddit, a Redditor calling himself failednormie lays out the logic behind this unique proposal for education reform.

Women who have had more than one sexual partners shouldn't be allowed to attend university. (self.Incels) submitted 1 day ago by failednormie?????? University should be reserved for respectable and well traditioned females (if those even exist). Whores and sluts shouldn't be allowed to attend university to distract hard working men from succeeding. Why don't they just skip the 4 years and save themselves the trouble by just getting a job at the local strip club since that's the one thing they are good at? I'm tired of sluts and cunts constantly making me miserable by talking loudly about their fuck fest at last nights frat party while I'm trying to study. Fuck off ya cunts.

Naturally, most of the denizens of the Incels subreddit seem rather enthusiastic about failednormie’s proposal.

Autistical, a big fan of pre-Revolutionary France, has his own thoughts on possible future employment possibilities for the expelled women.

Autisticel 6 points 21 hours ago  I agree with this entirely. Any sexual transgressions committed by females while at university should result in immediate and permanent expulsion from academia, and all past qualification should be revoked immediately. While this female is tarnished beyond worth for all time, she can make a could maid, house-servant or, perhaps for a widowed man, a reasonable second-hand wife to cater for him during his twilight years. We must simply return to the state of civilisation we achieved prior to the French Revolution. That was the absolute moral apex of our species.

Other Reddit incels would prefer that no women at all be allowed in universities with men.

emtick 10 points 23 hours ago  Coed was a mistake. Universities used to be purely a place of the mind. Men of that age should be striving to improve themselves to the max, and females are nothing but a distraction at best or screaming SJW harpies at worst.

deformedincel -3 points 22 hours ago  I don't think women should be allowed to have an education in the first place. I think that is where this all started. Women having rights is the worst thing that has ever happened to the Western World. permalinkembedsavereportgive goldreply [–]LearnToSpeakAmerican -2 points 21 hours ago  agreed.

Someone calling himself TheEngineer19 offers an even more radical solution that, while popular with his fellow Reddit incels, proved a bit much for the subreddit’s moderators, who have deleted it — though the original comment, with its 8 upvotes, is still visible in TheEngineer19’s comment history.

TheEngineer19 8 points 22 hours ago  They shouldn't be able to go to university at all. They should lose all rights and be considered lower than rats. They should become sex slaves for Incels.

Gosh, why on earth would these guys have such trouble finding women to sleep with them?

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Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

@BS and his two soon to be three fluffy kitties,

Greetings 🙂
(you can tell I’m off work for a few days as I’m cluttering up all the Mammoth threads)
It’s pretty easy to post pics here. They should be in .jpg or .png format. I post my photos (all of cats) on my Tumblr, then right-click to “open image in new tab”, then copy paste that link here.
By the way, your nym appears to suggest that you have two kitties who will soon morph into three. I’d like photos of that.

7 years ago

@BS and his two soon to be three fluffy kitties

Welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay. 🙂

I have a hard time feeling sorry for these guys because I’ve never been conventionally attractive, so I was rejected plenty and expected to be oh so desperate that I’d never turn a guy down. So I’ve known the pain they know, but they don’t even consider me a woman. Because when they talk about never being able to be with a woman they mean “woman I find physically attractive” and I’m not even considered to be a woman. And even though I’ve known their pain I’ve never blamed men for it. I’ve never said they deserve violence, death, sexual assault, or rights taken away because I was feeling lonely and sorry for myself and unwilling to change. So I find it really hard to feel any empathy.

7 years ago

@BS and his two soon to be three fluffy kitties
Welcome! I had a best friend who was just like you sans the religion. He turned out to be terrible in pretty much everything this blog mocks. I’m glad at the very least you turned out alright.

7 years ago

Adding to Mish’s thing about posting images…

or .gif format, those also work, just the URL, no additional angle brackets, no HTML needed. It’s possible a standard HTML img tag would work, but I haven’t tested it here.

Sure is great that every commenting system has the same obvious method for adding images and links, right? Right? Agree with me, or I’ll post this image on your head!

Sorry, got carried away, annoyed by image posting interface…

7 years ago

Two fluffy kitties? Pics or it didn’t happen.

7 years ago

I’m sure this is not an original observation, but if they are incel when women are free to have casual sex with multiple partners, what makes them think that restricting women to one partner in their entire lifetime will grant them a sex slave? Surely they would be even more selective with such high stakes.

If women weren’t free to chose their own sex partners, what if those darn Chads chose to exert their Chadly influence to make polygamy a thing again and to make every single one of their conquests part of their harem and permanently off the dating market? f such an oppressive patrimonial society were to regain power, probably the closest incels would ever get to HB10’s would be as eunuchs, fanning them with a palm frond or something.

But seriously, if you think removing all alternatives is your best bet to getting a mate, you’ve clearly given up on the notion that anyone would ever choose you voluntarily. On some level incels must realize and acknowledge as granted that there is a good reason for their rejection.

7 years ago
Reply to  kupo


Ditto. As a fat lady, and once a little fatling, guys pretty much ignored me. They would go around whining about how girls never liked them (which, yes, *I* did, but I did not count because I was not a girl, apparently, but shrubbery). I assumed, however, that *I* was the problem, for being a hideously ugly she-beast, and if I could just change that then maybe they would acknowledge that I existed. I did not call them names if they slept with a number of women I found to be “too many”, nor did I believe that they were lesser than me.

Gussie Jives
Gussie Jives
7 years ago

I’m willing to bet dollars to donuts that TheEngineer19 reads a lot of John Norman books.

7 years ago

@Robert Walker-Smith:

“Saloth Sar”

Huh, TIL Pol Pot’s real name. And it was a supervillain name to begin with.


Yeah, back when I was in high school I was dangerously close to slipping down the “Nice Guy TM” path. I still have huge issues with confidence and asking out people that I’m interested in, but that isn’t really anyone’s fault and it’s my own problem.

Also, two or three fluffy kitties make everything better.

Paradoxical Intention - Leader of the Deathclaw Damsels

Slightly repeating people in the thread, but:

I was rejected quite a few times as a teen (being an unpopular, poor, fat girl will do that to ya). But, as a feeeemale, I thought it was because something was wrong with me, and thus I’d have to go home, cry it out, and just be a quiet little wallflower until the cycle repeated itself.

Hell, one time I was actively laughed at not just by the object of my affections, but his friends too when I confessed to him (on Valentine’s day to boot).

However, it’s definitely not the fault of men in general that I wasn’t able to get laid/find romance as a kid, nor is it the fault of men in general I wasn’t able to find my HB10 Jason Mamoa.

Why? Because I’m not fucking entitled to another person’s body/affections. Simple.

Funny how such a simple concept escapes the incel “community”.

7 years ago


Man, Jason Momoa. He’s one of the people that makes me question how straight I am.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I know a lot of incels and other misogynists like to say that all women and teenage girls have to be is not fat and they will automatically have suitors lined up around the block. Not true. I wasn’t fat in high school (although I thought I was) and never had a real date. Including no prom date. I never even made out with a guy let alone had sex. I was also thin with big boobs. How could this possibly be?

I was a socially awkward dork. I had plenty of female friends but most of them were in the same boat is me. I did have some male acquaintances but couldn’t flirt to save my life and only ever got unrequited crushes on boys I didn’t even know. Like other women commenting here, I just assumed there was something wrong with me. It didn’t occur to me think that men should be sex slaves or shouldn’t be allowed to get an education and date/have sex at the time.

When I got to college, the problem solved itself because I just took the opportunity to be in a new place and reinvent myself. I pretended like I was cooler than I really was at first and made some friends who were more socially adept than I. By the time I told them what a dork I was, they already liked me for me and didn’t care. They probably wouldn’t have cared if they knew right away either. They were all good people. Incels seem to think that they have “incel” stamped on their foreheads and that when they meet new people, those people will know their history and reject because of it. It’s not the case.

A lot of men think it’s easy for women because of societal expectation that men make the first move. But women don’t just sit there and soak up the suitors. We are expected to make ourselves approachable and that takes just as much social skill as doing the approaching. Maybe even more so because it’s more subtle. For all I know there were boys who liked me in high school but didn’t make a move because I didn’t seem interested. Or boys who may have been interested if I’d been friendlier. My shyness can read as coldness and I’m just not approachable. Even these days when I’m more secure. That’s my issue though. That’s not the fault of men.

I guess it’s just in the way we’re socialized. Girls are taught that there’s something wrong with them if boys don’t like them. Boys are taught there’s something wrong with girls if girls don’t like them. Boys and men are allowed preferences. Girls and women are not. If we have them, we are shallow. I think that’s why you don’t see many – if any – gay men in incel. Incel thrives on the assumption that it’s evil for women to have preferences or say no so it doesn’t apply to gay men. These are guys that are IMO misogynists first and the sexually frustrated and lonely thing is just their justification.

7 years ago

It didn’t occur to me think that men should be sex slaves or shouldn’t be allowed to get an education and date/have sex at the time.

And therein lies all the godsdamn difference in the world.

I guess it’s just in the way we’re socialized. Girls are taught that there’s something wrong with them if boys don’t like them. Boys are taught there’s something wrong with girls if girls don’t like them. Boys and men are allowed preferences. Girls and women are not. If we have them, we are shallow. I think that’s why you don’t see many – if any – gay men in incel. Incel thrives on the assumption that it’s evil for women to have preferences or say no so it doesn’t apply to gay men. These are guys that are IMO misogynists first and the sexually frustrated and lonely thing is just their justification.


7 years ago

You know what? They’re right about one thing: it is in fact because of feminism that women won’t have sex with or date them. Because one thing feminism teaches us is that we’re not only good for sex and that we don’t have to put up with shit like this. Therefore, no self-respecting woman would ever associate with these idiots.

BS and his two soon to be three fluffy kitties
BS and his two soon to be three fluffy kitties
7 years ago

Thanks for the nice welcome.

Re: cats. Here’s a link to a pick from their instagram. The orange one is scared of everything except his food bowl and the black one is a bit of a jerk.

We’re getting an all white one tomorrow. These two are going to hate him.

@dslucia Yeah. The “Nice Guy TM” stereotype probably fit me, too. There wasn’t a single moment when I was “cured”. I might even say I went my own way (lol), I just decided I didn’t care and was going to have stupid fun with my stupid college friends (definition of fun was constant Nintendo). But as a result (maybe?) I was able to relax and be a little more comfortable, and eventually even talked to women. (Married 15 years).

The point I was trying for before I started rambling was that I’m glad there wasn’t a manosphere in 1995 or so, other than the whole world being a manosphere, because I would have been an easy mark for it.

7 years ago


I think a lot of guys think that dating is super easy for women because they are only thinking about *girls they are attracted to* as women, and the others are basically invisible to them. If you’re only considering the most conventionally attractive and popular women, then, yeah, they’re going to have more guys asking them out. Because a lot of guys still don’t think women have much value other other than “thing to be looked at”, and if you aren’t that nice to look at, you have no value.

7 years ago


I guess it’s just in the way we’re socialized. Girls are taught that there’s something wrong with them if boys don’t like them. Boys are taught there’s something wrong with girls if girls don’t like them. Boys and men are allowed preferences. Girls and women are not. If we have them, we are shallow. I think that’s why you don’t see many – if any – gay men in incel. Incel thrives on the assumption that it’s evil for women to have preferences or say no so it doesn’t apply to gay men. These are guys that are IMO misogynists first and the sexually frustrated and lonely thing is just their justification.

I don’t know that I completely agree with

Boys are taught there’s something wrong with girls if girls don’t like them.

although I’m currently unsure of how to put that disagreement into exact words. In spite of that, when you say

Boys and men are allowed preferences. Girls and women are not.

I am in complete agreement. Which, assuming I’m correct, would mean that these are two propositions that should agreeing but are not. Which is, of course, completely in agreement with the view that socializing is a trap that catches most of us coming and going.
“That’s some catch, that Catch-22”

7 years ago

@WWTH – this feels like my experience. I certainly never had dates in high school. I’m a quirky person. And quirky isn’t valued in the high school dating scene. I look less good now (not just age, fatness, etc) but have much more luck with men. Partly I’m looking across a larger pool, partly my confidence is at a different level, but partly teenage boys aren’t the most discerning characters.

7 years ago

That would be fine with me, if the same standard were applied to college men!

7 years ago

Will “How many people have you fucked?”
be included in the social activities portion of the college app?

It’s the Dean of Student Affairs’ responsibility to track students’ sex lives, of course! 🙂

By the way, your nym appears to suggest that you have two kitties who will soon morph into three. I’d like photos of that.

I assume he has two kitties and plans to get a third soon, but other options would be his cat having a single kitten, a non-fluffy third cat suddenly becoming fluffy, or umm binary fission?

7 years ago

Isn’t it funny how they seem to think disenfranchising women who have any sexual experience will result in women lining up outside their doors. News flash: reducing the number of women on campus, penalizing them for any sexual activity (even within relationships), and loudly declaring you want to take women’s human rights away are three sure-fire ways to make sure you stay “involuntarily” celibate.

Basic math: 51% of people are female; even if you somehow erase a hundred years of progress and make women entirely dependent on attaching themselves to men for security, that doesn’t mean they’re going to all want to be your Stepford Housewife. And assuming the secular part of our morality carries over to a world that strips half its population of rights, many women would rather share as well-treated mistresses of rich older men who can support them all than marry a young man who is willing to reduce women to sex slaves. And if you take away the ability of women to support themselves with decent-paying jobs, sex becomes costly to women in a way most can’t afford, and the only ones willing to sleep with you outside of marriage will be the actual prostitutes. And there are prostitutes today.

The possible logic I can think of is that these guys are so obnoxious that they can’t find a prostitute willing to have sex with them for money, so they’re trying to force society to make more women into prostitutes.

7 years ago

Even if we are deemed lower on the social scale than rats, we still won’t be fucking incels. They are incels for a reason, maybe because they consider us to be lower than rats? Just a thought. Besides, why would they have sex with something they consider so dirty? Make your minds up, guys.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
7 years ago

They should go and find a warm can of baked beans!

7 years ago

@ CS

even if you somehow erase a hundred years of progress and make women entirely dependent on attaching themselves to men for security, that doesn’t mean they’re going to all want to be your Stepford Housewife. And assuming the secular part of our morality carries over to a world that strips half its population of rights, many women would rather share as well-treated mistresses of rich older men who can support them all than marry a young man who is willing to reduce women to sex slaves

I couldn’t agree more. I’ve also noticed how fixated they are on the notion of ‘sex slaves’. They don’t want a relationship, they want someone to use and abuse. Yet they claim they don’t understand why no one wants to touch them with a 10ft bargepole. They know full well, they just want to have their cake and eat it. They’re not prepared to change their own nasty behaviour because they want to blame everyone else, claim to be ‘the victim’ and then be rewarded for their nasty behaviour.

Let’s not sugar coat this. What they are asking for is a hostage they can rape over and over until she’s ‘a slut’ or she breaks, then they can ‘Ask for’ I mean, ‘Demand’ ‘a new one’. They want to be allowed to rape without paying any price for it and they have no compassion for their potential victim whatsoever. She might as well be a blow up doll because they fail to recognise that she is a person who feels pain, degradation, humiliation and who has a right to live her live unmolested by these sickening creeps.

7 years ago

So… early today I stumbled across The new modern men website and… Oh My Godnesssssss!!!! It. Is. Gold. I was laughing so loud in the subway that people started to give me weird looks. I have been thinking about who I could share that treasure with, that could apreciate the hilarious undertone… and then I found you guys. All I can say is Thank You.

PS. I know this is an old post, but I had to say it. Again. Thank You.

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