
The Daily Stormer notices the profile of me in the New York Times, declares victory

Woody Guthrie’s true successor

By David Futrelle

Truly, there is nothing that the alt-right won’t declare a victory. Like, for example, the profile of me that ran this week in the New York Times, which Daily Stormer writer Eric Striker insists is a sign that he and his Nazi pals are “winning the culture war.”

In a post with the thoughtful headline “Jew York Times Writes Fluff Piece Promoting Professional Cuckold David Futrelle,” Striker complains that the NYT, er JYT

gave David Futrelle his first ever blowjob yesterday.

That’s the only word that could describe the promotional profile, which presented Futrelle as some sort of sardonic internet vigilante holding back the Nazi night.

He sounds a little mad.

In reality, all this fink does is copy and paste young men blowing off steam about women in their own spaces online. The entries are followed by feline Comic Book Guy style “Worst. Post. Ever…” snark.

Definitely mad.

Striker concludes his devastating critique of this little blog by calling me a “cuck.”

Being a man nowadays is hard, Futrelle takes the easy route. He is celebrated by elites at the Gray Yenta because he proudly accepts his status as a eunuch – what feminist women themselves deride as “Cuck Bois.”

Then, after cutting and pasting nearly the entire NYT piece, he declares FLAWLESS VICTORY.

[T]he system is giving Futrelle’s corporate product free promotion because the liberal bench is shallow and we’re winning the culture war. 


This is a good sign, it means they can’t find the young Woody Guthrie or Rage Against The Machine so they have to settle for Man Boobz the internet blogger.

Huh? I’m not quite sure how I ended up in some sort of contest with the ghost of Woody Guthrie, but this did give me an excuse to post my little “this machine kills fascists” pic at the top of the post.

The “rules” Futrelle is so upset about people breaking are that feminism and the sexual revolution can never be challenged. Not even among teenage boys playing computer games.

That’s because the whole house is built on sand. One puff from the big bad Fascist wolf and Futrelle is blown the fuck out along with his wall of framed cat pictures.

Ok, first off, the houses that the big bad wolf blew away were made of straw and sticks, respectively, not sand. Seriously, dude. Preschoolers know this.

Second, I’m really not quite sure why my fondness for cats gets these dudes so mad, but let’s see if I can give a few of them heart attacks with this lil picture I made with the help of

No one knows what it’s like, to be the bad man, to be the sad man, behind blue kitten eyes

Striker ends his post, somewhat unexpectedly, by asking you ladies reading this for a date:

And by the way David, since I know you’re reading this, just know that all the women who comment on your website would rather sleep with a misogynistic, muscular and dominant “Neo-Nazi” who berates them over you.

Ok, ladies, form a line on the (far) right!

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PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

I’m going to leave this here:

H/T to Boink x5 ???

7 years ago

The first problem with the hope that David destroys the argument of this and other peaces is that he would have to find an argument to destroy first.
If someone has a logic argument it is easier to discuss that. (I also think that normally than even if that argument is wrong you have more respect for them, because you can understand them a little bit)
The problem with most of the people David quotes is that their is no logic argument in their rambling. Their is no desire for a debate. Their is nothink to understand or start a discusion.

Well I can think of a few ways fur normal people to use Chuck.
First even if on of the actors is (selfcensored) the TVShow is fun.
Second there are a few writers who have that first name.

There is a new german edition of 1984. I don’t know if the afterword linking it to Donald was really needed, but okay. I am waiting for the alt-rightguy who is angry against that Orwellperson.

Collateral Thought
Collateral Thought
7 years ago

@ mildlymagnificent:

I’m very sorry for your loss. My deepest sympathies.

@ Dali:

I hope they both recover fully and soon, and that you get notification that they’re ok to help relieve the stress.

Ms Vanilla Rose
7 years ago

I am deeply confused by feminism. I missed the moment when feminists started using the term “cuck boi”.

Perhaps the fascist who says it is a feminist term is dyslexic – and we should not mock him for failing to understand terms like “it’s okay for boys to learn cooking”.

Katie's Elderly Minion
Katie's Elderly Minion
7 years ago

mildlymagnificent; I am sorry for the loss of your mom. <3

Katie's Elderly Minion
Katie's Elderly Minion
7 years ago

Why do I get the feeling that these nazi wannabes think that they look like Tom of Finland characters?

Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
7 years ago

Well, if given a choice between David or What’s-Herr-Face, I’d obviously choose David. He looks very snuggly, and this pleases my inner cat.

If given a little bit broader choice of David’s assorted ferrets socks, I might hit up Fran tho. Fran seems nice.

History Nerd
History Nerd
7 years ago


I’m sorry. I hope you get a chance to rest and take care of yourself.

@Tom G.

There’s been more financial interest in showing a strong genetic and innate basis for sex differences in psychology recently, so people who agree with a strong innate basis get a lot of research funding. Businesses tend to make more money in sales if they develop and market products to men or women as separate groups, rather than marketing a product to both men and women. If companies feel pressured into “gender neutral” advertising, the mathematical models in marketing would be harder to use, since you couldn’t make as many assumptions about your target group. So it’s beneficial to big business if there’s a “scientific” basis for the group differences, since that makes it look more like marketing techniques are a legitimate science (even though marketing is a very soft science at best).

7 years ago

This is LONG gone, but @Fran:

I trust you have experience with firearms, perhaps? ?

As a matter of fact! Even though I am definitely a pacifist, my first ex-husband was (and is) a bit of a gun nut, so I did, in fact, learn quite a bit about the care, maintenance, and use of firearms.

I was also on my university’s competitive Target Pistol team.

However, I do not own any firearms nor do I like them around.

7 years ago

@Axecalibur “pretty sure you mean ‘fuccbois'”

Actually I think you mean ‘fuck buoys’, floating supports provided for the convenience of people who want to have sex in the middle of the sea.

Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
7 years ago

Dali – I hope your bosses are okay and that you’re doing okay.

mildlymagnificent – Echoing wishes for some good quality sleep and that you are able to enjoy your birthday.

Oogly and Axe – A gay Idris Elba Bond? Yummy! Who does he get to kiss? (here’s hoping my gif works…) eta: 2 for 2, whoohoo!
comment image

[TMI] I find kissing love scenes between two men to be teh hawt. [/TMI]

dreemr – Me too. I had to qualify on the M-16 and .38 pistol in the USAF. Also not a gun aficionado and won’t own any.

7 years ago


People have asked me why I don’t own any firearms “for protection”, usually, as I am a single mom and was a single woman living alone much of my adult life.

And here is why: guns pretty much terrify me. Having been around them a lot, I understand just how dangerous they really are.

So, if I DID have one, it would be under lock and key at all times, as well as the ammo being under lock and key.

Not very efficient against some imaginary home intruder.

Additionally, I have a child. Even this hypothetical firearm of mine, under separate lock and key, would weigh on my mind constantly with any child or children in my house.

But the main reason? I KNOW I WOULD HESITATE. I would. If someone entered my room at night, and I woke up groggy – I would immediately assume it was my son, or someone I know needing help, and I WOULD HESITATE.

I could not shoot someone. The consequences of making a mistake are far too great, and my instincts are not honed in that direction. I would hesitate, and my firearm would be taken from me and used against me.

Knowing this about myself, I simply forego the “protective firearm” route and keep a large noisy dog. Best deterrent ever.

7 years ago

And by the way David, since I know you’re reading this, just know that all the women who comment on your website would rather sleep with a misogynistic, muscular and dominant “Neo-Nazi” who berates them over you.

I mean, gay man, but no, fuck no, holy shit no.

Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
7 years ago


My grandma raised German Rottweilers when I was a kid. I distinctly remember two big ones we had named Thor and King. Two male dogs so big, my little toddler self could have ridden them like Shetland ponies.

Let’s just say no one went near her property without permission, and even if they got it, they had to remain on their best behavior.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I feel so much safer living with a dog. She has a very loud bark. She’s really sweet and friendly and likes absolutely everybody so I sometimes wonder if she’d actually protect her humans if they were threatened. But I think the barking would probably chase off anyone who would break in.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Why do I get the feeling that these nazi wannabes think that they look like Tom of Finland characters?


History Nerd
History Nerd
7 years ago

Also, Psychology Today is not an academic journal and it’s not peer reviewed. You should read the actual academic journal articles to be fully informed about what the current literature says and doesn’t say. The Psychology Today Web site is a bunch of blogs, and contributors can write about almost anything, including how their interpretations of research supposedly support their political views.

I could talk about certain Psychology Today blog authors, but other Mammotheers probably know about them already and I feel they don’t deserve more publicity.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

My dog doesn’t bark. Hasn’t in years. Trained her not to. Didn’t care for an attack dog, and don’t like the noise *shrugs*


Who does he get to kiss?

Nicholas Hoult maybe? That said, I would love to see Hrithik Roshan as the villain. Get some Asian representation, give a quite good actor a western big break, and he’s, as you say, teh hawt ?

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Courtesy of Kupo here’s a donotlink thing to my response to our Nazi friends…

Robert Walker-Smith
Robert Walker-Smith
7 years ago

I was in a gun safety thread elsewhere a while back. I commented that CCW wouldn’t have helped me the one time I have ever had a gun pointed at me; by the time I could have pulled it out, taken the safety off and chambered a round, my assailant could have shot me dead.

Well, there’s your problem, someone wrote; your concealed weapon should always have the safety off and a round in the chamber.

Well, THAT explains a lot.

7 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention & @weirwood treehugger & @axecaliber

We have a german shepherd dog, and her bark is quite ferocious sounding. She’s a big baby of course. The main thing is, she will wake us up if anything unusual is going on, and that does give me a feeling of security. Not just for intruders (I mean where we live, that’s highly unlikely) but also for fire, etc.

But even a small dog will do the same. Burglars don’t usually target homes where there are people, but dogs of any sort are definite deterrents, simply because they’re noisy and a hassle, more so than any “attack” capabilities.

I doubt our dog would attack anyone – she’s certainly been trained to be a good citizen, like I think most pet dogs are. But she’d put herself between any intruder and us in a heartbeat, and, like I said, her bark is pretty intimidating. All in all, she’d cause enough hassle and confusion to make it a losing proposition for someone looking to break in and cause trouble.

ETA: much more hassle and confusion than me waking up and groggily asking, “Wait a minute! Let me find my key to my gun safe! Just a sec!” lol

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

@Alan, (or anyone else who can give me an answer)

So why would The Daily Stormer check my browser from that link?

I also notice there weren’t any takers, lolol

7 years ago

@mildlymagnificent: I’m so sorry. We are all thinking of you.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Ooh Mr Striker has responded. And you know what, he does seem to have provided qualifying examples of that ‘cuckboy’ thing.

I don’t know the writers who’ve used it, but they do appear to be genuine feminists.

So fair’s fair, I think I have to offer them the opportunity.

Makroth - wild west firecracker window-smashing soap-averse unionized cowboy Jacobin from Hell
Makroth - wild west firecracker window-smashing soap-averse unionized cowboy Jacobin from Hell
7 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

The examples he gives still seem like feminists criticizing people like him, though. He doesn’t seem to have actually read his own links.