By David Futrelle
Truly, there is nothing that the alt-right won’t declare a victory. Like, for example, the profile of me that ran this week in the New York Times, which Daily Stormer writer Eric Striker insists is a sign that he and his Nazi pals are “winning the culture war.”
In a post with the thoughtful headline “Jew York Times Writes Fluff Piece Promoting Professional Cuckold David Futrelle,” Striker complains that the NYT, er JYT
gave David Futrelle his first ever blowjob yesterday.
That’s the only word that could describe the promotional profile, which presented Futrelle as some sort of sardonic internet vigilante holding back the Nazi night.
He sounds a little mad.
In reality, all this fink does is copy and paste young men blowing off steam about women in their own spaces online. The entries are followed by feline Comic Book Guy style “Worst. Post. Ever…” snark.
Definitely mad.
Striker concludes his devastating critique of this little blog by calling me a “cuck.”
Being a man nowadays is hard, Futrelle takes the easy route. He is celebrated by elites at the Gray Yenta because he proudly accepts his status as a eunuch – what feminist women themselves deride as “Cuck Bois.”
Then, after cutting and pasting nearly the entire NYT piece, he declares FLAWLESS VICTORY.
[T]he system is giving Futrelle’s corporate product free promotion because the liberal bench is shallow and we’re winning the culture war.
This is a good sign, it means they can’t find the young Woody Guthrie or Rage Against The Machine so they have to settle for Man Boobz the internet blogger.
Huh? I’m not quite sure how I ended up in some sort of contest with the ghost of Woody Guthrie, but this did give me an excuse to post my little “this machine kills fascists” pic at the top of the post.
The “rules” Futrelle is so upset about people breaking are that feminism and the sexual revolution can never be challenged. Not even among teenage boys playing computer games.
That’s because the whole house is built on sand. One puff from the big bad Fascist wolf and Futrelle is blown the fuck out along with his wall of framed cat pictures.
Ok, first off, the houses that the big bad wolf blew away were made of straw and sticks, respectively, not sand. Seriously, dude. Preschoolers know this.
Second, I’m really not quite sure why my fondness for cats gets these dudes so mad, but let’s see if I can give a few of them heart attacks with this lil picture I made with the help of Dreamscopeapp.com.

Striker ends his post, somewhat unexpectedly, by asking you ladies reading this for a date:
And by the way David, since I know you’re reading this, just know that all the women who comment on your website would rather sleep with a misogynistic, muscular and dominant “Neo-Nazi” who berates them over you.
Ok, ladies, form a line on the (far) right!
Awww, Queen Elizabeth…she looks so much like my late mother that every time I see a photo of QEII, I get such a lump in my throat.
Appears that QEII has as much grace as my mom, too. So sweet.
I recall a few years ago the Queen was visiting Canada and she travelled with significantly less security than the Prime Minister.
I’d rather sleep with a live chainsaw, Striker. The pain and suffering would be over sooner.
Let me check into what’s actually necessary to get a Stormer acocunt.
*ick ick, don’t want to touch website, getting gloves to type with brb*
Interesting. There doesn’t appear to be a “new user registration” link anywhere on bbs.dailystormer.com.
Perhaps they are less interested in “free speech commenting” than they pretend.
“Hold one’s crown” would be funnier (even if she is rumoured not to actually use that particular possessive pronoun)
On the one hand, May would probably have had some quite different security issues from Brenda’s; on the other hand, there’s a reason for that.
Also… David…. Oh god, why did you do that to an adorable kitten photo by mixing it with HIM? My brain HURTS!!! The goggles… do NOTHING. All it does is degrade the cat and do nothing at all to improve the arguable human. Twain has been proven wrong!
…BRB, looking at actual kitten photos for reassurance.
What’s the problem? Did you manage to create a new email account?
@ JS
Oh, I just thought there’d be a ‘sign up’ option when I clicked ‘reply’. Didn’t notice there wasn’t. I’ve just gone through all the FAQ and T&Cs. What’s especially funny is that they’ve just used standard ones but haven’t personalised them. So it just says “company name” all the way through.
But there must be a way of doing this. The FAQ does refer to creating accounts.
And I’ve got my challenge written out and everything. I’ve even picked a nice photo. (I went with ‘grizzled’ to keep @fran happy)
ETA: @ aulma – no, but we’ve hit a new snag. See above
Ha, 3rd link on google for “daily stormer account” is a ranty website “Daily Stormer is a jew operation”. No honor among Nazis, eh?
I’d say Roy Zimmerman is more the spiritual successor to Guthrie than David Futrelle.
but what do I know. Hell, I didn’t even know that feminists hate “Cuck Bois”.
What is rather obvious, is that they appear to take David as a serious threat.
Congratulations, David! The winning is all yours, and they know it.
Jeebus, how hard is it to join a Nazi group?! In the old days you just had to pitch up at Nuremberg.
Apparently you can sign up via Twitter. So, to take the problem back a stage, can anybody create me a throwaway twitter account?
@Alan by clicking on the “reply” button in the comments section the website asks me to login with twitter.
Well yeah, exactly, didn’t notice you wrote that.
@ aulma
Yup, see above (heh, becoming a habit)
ETA: we’re playing bulletin board tag!
LOL,I can see The Stormer countering by accusing that site of being the ‘jew operation’ which results in both sites going back and forth with the accusation like a couple of children on the playground
@Alan yup. I’m a bit of a slowpoke.
I’m not surprised that QEII is fearless. She lived through the Blitz, and she was in the army, even if she never left Blighty.
They made up this whole “cuck” nonsense, and now they think we are using it? Maybe some might, as a joke, but it’s a stupid concept and a stupid word.
Just how insecure must this Striker person be, that he’s got to mention his personal belief that a bunch of anonymous internet commenters find him more desirable than another man? Doesn’t he realize how desperate and pathetic this sounds?
RE: The New York Times
Since when is the NYT considered a left-wing, liberal paper? Before the US presidential election, I recommended my mother read an old, archived Times interview of the Cheeto, because I thought he gave some very worrying answers to very standard questions. Oh, but my mom couldn’t take it seriously, because “The NYT is a liberal paper”. I felt like asking her what sort of a paper she thinks the Village Voice is. If it’s still being published, that is.
QEII was a soldier in the Royal Army, as befits a true British Monarch, if I’m not terribly mistaken. I don’t know where people get this idea that she’s a soft, pampered woman who likes hats.
Oh, right, it’s because women are not allowed to do things, ever.
Off-topic: There’s a pretty little girl kitty who’s been hanging around my “little house in the big woods”. She reminds me of a cream sickle – that’s an orange and vanilla ice cream bar on a stick; I don’t know if they exist outside of the US. She’s orange and white, with amber eyes. I couldn’t get within about 10 feet of her, but I gave her some dry cat food, and she wolfed it down. I hope she isn’t preggo.
@ fran
Yup, she was a mechanic. She used to fix ambulances.
I love this pic. It’s the umbrella that makes it…
I think there is even a TV series about Her time in the army. I belive she worked in a motor pool . (ninja ‘ed by Alan by 3 minutes.)
@SFHC, @checkmate
Too funny.
This left-wing feminist loves that T-shirt too, at least in theory. As I mentioned a little while ago in the WHTM conversation about intestinal issues, I take a long time in the bathroom. So when I go, I’m actually proud that I was able to pull off this difficult feat once more — not to mention relieved that I won’t have to try again for another 24 hours.
Since Fox News and conservative talk radio began their “liberal media” kick. It could be argued that the vileness of the “liberal media” is the ground of conservative talk radio. I’m certain that I heard the NYT referred to as one of the “liberal media”, which is of course what they really mean when they say “mainstream media”.
Funny reminiscences: Back when I used to listen to and believe conservative talk radio, I’d hear, between ads for “flipping houses using other people’s money”, pet hotels, and “this one weird trick that Wall Street and the banks don’t want you to know” (you may want to imagine Jew parentheses around “banks”) the occasional ad for some shady “Social Security service” or other with a URL like “socialsecurity3.com”, which would allege an endorsement from Newsmax, which I had never heard of before and didn’t want to look up. Even then, when I was an idiot conservative, I had a subconscious nagging that this was shady AF. I’d also hear ads from a certain refinancing company that would distinguish itself from its competitors by calling them “credit management illegals” or something like that.
Conservative talk radio advertisers certainly know their audience.