By David Futrelle
Truly, there is nothing that the alt-right won’t declare a victory. Like, for example, the profile of me that ran this week in the New York Times, which Daily Stormer writer Eric Striker insists is a sign that he and his Nazi pals are “winning the culture war.”
In a post with the thoughtful headline “Jew York Times Writes Fluff Piece Promoting Professional Cuckold David Futrelle,” Striker complains that the NYT, er JYT
gave David Futrelle his first ever blowjob yesterday.
That’s the only word that could describe the promotional profile, which presented Futrelle as some sort of sardonic internet vigilante holding back the Nazi night.
He sounds a little mad.
In reality, all this fink does is copy and paste young men blowing off steam about women in their own spaces online. The entries are followed by feline Comic Book Guy style “Worst. Post. Ever…” snark.
Definitely mad.
Striker concludes his devastating critique of this little blog by calling me a “cuck.”
Being a man nowadays is hard, Futrelle takes the easy route. He is celebrated by elites at the Gray Yenta because he proudly accepts his status as a eunuch – what feminist women themselves deride as “Cuck Bois.”
Then, after cutting and pasting nearly the entire NYT piece, he declares FLAWLESS VICTORY.
[T]he system is giving Futrelle’s corporate product free promotion because the liberal bench is shallow and we’re winning the culture war.
This is a good sign, it means they can’t find the young Woody Guthrie or Rage Against The Machine so they have to settle for Man Boobz the internet blogger.
Huh? I’m not quite sure how I ended up in some sort of contest with the ghost of Woody Guthrie, but this did give me an excuse to post my little “this machine kills fascists” pic at the top of the post.
The “rules” Futrelle is so upset about people breaking are that feminism and the sexual revolution can never be challenged. Not even among teenage boys playing computer games.
That’s because the whole house is built on sand. One puff from the big bad Fascist wolf and Futrelle is blown the fuck out along with his wall of framed cat pictures.
Ok, first off, the houses that the big bad wolf blew away were made of straw and sticks, respectively, not sand. Seriously, dude. Preschoolers know this.
Second, I’m really not quite sure why my fondness for cats gets these dudes so mad, but let’s see if I can give a few of them heart attacks with this lil picture I made with the help of Dreamscopeapp.com.

Striker ends his post, somewhat unexpectedly, by asking you ladies reading this for a date:
And by the way David, since I know you’re reading this, just know that all the women who comment on your website would rather sleep with a misogynistic, muscular and dominant “Neo-Nazi” who berates them over you.
Ok, ladies, form a line on the (far) right!
He was a cuck boi
She said “Good Luck, boi”
Is there a comprehensive health insurance plan for Professional Cuccbois?
There won’t be if McConnell manages to shove his secret billionaire-tax-break bill through the Senate.
All the Republican senators are talking big and sitting on their hands.
I’d say Trump and his movement are closer to George Wallace or Huey Long than the Nazis. But Wallace and Long were both on the fascist spectrum and the American Nazi Party campaigned for Wallace. Both were demagogues who used race and class resentment to get votes and their views on fiscal policy were all over the place.
You’re not kidding about the “several”. I’ve found that some sites blacklist as many of mailinator’s domains as they can figure out.
protonmail.com offer free and highly secure mailboxes. Good for anyone who cares about privacy, but always accessing via a VPN might be advisable if you’re paranoid.
AAAAAH curiosity is killing me! If you succeed in whatever you plan to do please let us know and give us the details! ?
This is why this stuff is never not funny:
(1) What feminist has ever used the term “cuck”? What actual, normal person has ever used this term? And if feminists are using this term among themselves in secret, he knows this … how?
(2) Is he actually trying to convince the commenters here that they’ve slept with him? Wouldn’t they know if they did?
(3) Is this “puffing” a threat, or has this already happened, and Dave’s been unaware of being blown down along with his walls, or whatever? Is Striker suggesting that his article isn’t even this much, since it’s just being laughed at rather than having the promised wall-blowing effect?
(4) Patton Oswalt once described James Lipton has having such a powerful “failed actor” stink-aura pouring out of him that he looked like a blurry, wavy mirage from an old western. That’s Striker and his sexual anxiety.
@Sir Alan
It’s dangerous to go alone, milord. Take this.
@Re: the article
I’m disquieted by how the neonazi fuccboi seems to fantasize about David getting blowjobs.
Well, there are a lot of Superior Aryan White Women who post here.
Am I wrong?
@ JS & Moggie
Heh, I understood many of those words on an individual basis. Basically just need it explaining like you would to a moderately intelligent Labrador (or if anyone wants to set it up for me *smiles hopefully*)
In unrelated news this brought a bit of minor relief to an otherwise horrible situation over here. Whatever one may think of the job of being Queen it’s hard to deny she’s pretty damn good at it…
OT: this is where we are now.
‘Classicist Receives Death Threats from Alt-Right over Art Historical Essay’
@ History Nerd
The way I like to put it is:
Donald Trump = Silvio Berlusconi meets Benito Mussolini meets George Wallace meets a box of rocks.
@ aulma
Just sorting out the practical side. So as soon as can figure out this email issue I’ll fill you in. 🙂
@Nazi Striker
Hey, I haven’t met you.
And this is [ableist language redacted].
But here’s my anonymous online pseudonym.
So cuck me maybe?
@alan great! 😀
Oh well, I’m not surprised. They already decided to attack anyone who might try to correct their favourite version of history/art.
At this point they don’t even care if they’re right or not, they just want to be seen as victims.
Axe said
And Fran responded
No, as long as I’m not expected to look like Marlene Dietrich in “Song of Songs” or anything.
Regardless of whom he might be trying to woo or neg here, we all know it’s gonna be a colossal pail o’ FAIL.
Personally, I’d rather throw myself at the mercy of the Hoteps than date a white power type.
Alan – As a USian, all I can say is: God Save the (way more badass than the the PM) Queen! I think she and Ruth Bader Ginsburg would get on very well.
edited to fix a typo
Y’know, I’ve always wondered just who buys those “I pooped today!” t-shirts.
Now I know.
The important question with this sort of thing is: what’s your threat model? What are you worried about? I think you made that clear, but, when giving advice online, one always needs to be aware that lurkers may follow the advice in cases where it’s not really applicable, and get burnt, so…
If you want to sign up at some site which requires an email address, and you’re concerned that this will result in your inbox filling up with spam, misspelled death threats, enquiries from marine mammals etc, a mailinator.com address is a good solution. There’s no setup involved: if, say, you fancy the address [email protected], just hand out that address. That mailbox either already exists, or will spring into existence the first time it receives mail. You need to understand the following things:
1. There is absolutely no privacy. It’s a webmail service with no passwords, so anyone can read any mailbox. In fact, if you pick a common word like “labrador” for the user part, it’s likely that someone is already using that address, and possibly reading the mail. Don’t use mailinator if you have reason to believe that someone might send mail to it which would be harmful to you if seen by others.
2. You may lose mail, so it’s only for mail you really don’t care about. Just as anyone can read any mailbox, anyone can delete messages from any mailbox, before you get to see them.
3. It’s receive-only. If you need to be able to send mail from a burner mailbox, and don’t have enough technical savvy to be able to forge mail, mailinator is not suitable. (Remember that recent Google Docs phishing mail which hit the news because it was sent to many journalists? That was forged from a mailinator.com address)
4. Because of its burner nature, some sites don’t accept mailinator addresses. For example, you sign up at a site, it says “check your inbox for a confirmation link we’ve sent you”, but you receive nothing, because their software recognises that it’s a burner domain and doesn’t bother sending the confirmation link. For this reason, mailinator.com have a large number of alternate domains, and when you visit the site it picks one at random to tell you about – but that leads to a kind of arms race.
5. The mailinator.com FAQ used to have an entry something like “we won’t go to jail for you”. If you (not you you, but someone reading this) were to hide behind a mailinator address when poking a hornet’s nest, and law enforcement contacted mailinator and said “please supply any IP addresses which checked the [email protected] mailbox between time x and time y”, don’t count on your identity remaining private for long.
I mentioned protonmail.com. If you care about privacy, I recommend you read what they have to say about their service, including such Theresa May-baiting features as encryption and not keeping IP logs (well, so they claim). Setting up a protonmail.com mailbox is really easy, and if you don’t intend to use it heavily the free plan is sufficient.
VPNs… eh, probably a topic for another day.
Brave. Given those choices I’d rather snap my own neck.
@Chairs, not everyone who buys those. My mom has one she wears around the house, as does my little brother (age 21). He’s severely autistic, and they both have intestinal issues, so it makes him feel better to see her wear it too. <3
@ moggie
Think I might be sorted. Should know in an hour or so.
Hotep or White Power dude? Makes me so friggin’ glad I am past the wall, obese, and uninterested in sex.
@SFHC you always make me laugh.
Well, I’m a white woman, but I doubt I’d fit the Superior Aryan model. My swarthy, somewhat dumpy eastern European roots definitely show.
You know all those old photos of older women back in the 30s and 40s, how they look kind of like million-year-old potatoes wearing a babushka even thought they’re, like, 45 years old? Yeah, that’s my heritage, and it shows 😉
I have never, ever referred to anyone as a ‘cuck boi’ but I’m wondering if I should start? And I do regularly read this blog; neo-nazi misogynists are definitely not my type. Not even mere neo-nazis. The misogynists are harder to totally weed out since the latent ones don’t necessarily shave their heads or hail each other with weird salutes. Mr. Futrelle, if for some reason we’re ever in the same room as this man, I am loudly and obnoxiously asking you out on a super hot date that he definitely can’t have.
I like how Mr. Striker blatantly shows his own sexual insecurities by how the only ‘scathing’ closing insult he can come up with is ‘the women who read your stuff would rather sleep with me than you!’.
(Which is patently untrue and while I don’t wish to speak for everyone here, I do believe the people commenting on here would take David over a mysogonistic Neo-Nazi any day. And even over other types of dudes! Because women have different preferences! Who would have thought?)
And yes, of course women secretly hate ‘beta guys’ and call them ‘cuck bois’ because what woman would ever want to be regarded as an equal? We just claim otherwise to draw the attention of those sexy sexy mysogonists. Take me you hot Alpha dudeman you /s
Pretty sure that most of the women here who are into guys most likely want to be with guys who like cats, aren’t “alphas”, and can actually “win” at something.
I’m just some dude who likes hoovy things, scaly things, building things, and smashing Nazis with hammers.
My IT uselessness is so spectacular I’ve managed to pass it on to my friend who was helping me, so….
Is there anyone here who can (with no risk to themselves) create the Stormer account for me and then send me the login details via David? Like I say, I want it in my own name. I can also send you a profile pic to upload. If you’re feeling especially kind I could also send the initial post I want to make.
Then I just need to be able to respond to any comments that may appear.