By David Futrelle
Truly, there is nothing that the alt-right won’t declare a victory. Like, for example, the profile of me that ran this week in the New York Times, which Daily Stormer writer Eric Striker insists is a sign that he and his Nazi pals are “winning the culture war.”
In a post with the thoughtful headline “Jew York Times Writes Fluff Piece Promoting Professional Cuckold David Futrelle,” Striker complains that the NYT, er JYT
gave David Futrelle his first ever blowjob yesterday.
That’s the only word that could describe the promotional profile, which presented Futrelle as some sort of sardonic internet vigilante holding back the Nazi night.
He sounds a little mad.
In reality, all this fink does is copy and paste young men blowing off steam about women in their own spaces online. The entries are followed by feline Comic Book Guy style “Worst. Post. Ever…” snark.
Definitely mad.
Striker concludes his devastating critique of this little blog by calling me a “cuck.”
Being a man nowadays is hard, Futrelle takes the easy route. He is celebrated by elites at the Gray Yenta because he proudly accepts his status as a eunuch – what feminist women themselves deride as “Cuck Bois.”
Then, after cutting and pasting nearly the entire NYT piece, he declares FLAWLESS VICTORY.
[T]he system is giving Futrelle’s corporate product free promotion because the liberal bench is shallow and we’re winning the culture war.
This is a good sign, it means they can’t find the young Woody Guthrie or Rage Against The Machine so they have to settle for Man Boobz the internet blogger.
Huh? I’m not quite sure how I ended up in some sort of contest with the ghost of Woody Guthrie, but this did give me an excuse to post my little “this machine kills fascists” pic at the top of the post.
The “rules” Futrelle is so upset about people breaking are that feminism and the sexual revolution can never be challenged. Not even among teenage boys playing computer games.
That’s because the whole house is built on sand. One puff from the big bad Fascist wolf and Futrelle is blown the fuck out along with his wall of framed cat pictures.
Ok, first off, the houses that the big bad wolf blew away were made of straw and sticks, respectively, not sand. Seriously, dude. Preschoolers know this.
Second, I’m really not quite sure why my fondness for cats gets these dudes so mad, but let’s see if I can give a few of them heart attacks with this lil picture I made with the help of Dreamscopeapp.com.

Striker ends his post, somewhat unexpectedly, by asking you ladies reading this for a date:
And by the way David, since I know you’re reading this, just know that all the women who comment on your website would rather sleep with a misogynistic, muscular and dominant “Neo-Nazi” who berates them over you.
Ok, ladies, form a line on the (far) right!
… did that guy just claim you invade their safe spaces?
I hardly think these Neo Nazis are as athletic, dominant or muscular as they believe themselves to be.
Rather start calling them fascists or start any sort of altercation with them and they will immediately run to Youtube to whine and cry about how antifa are the new fascists.
Why would women want to have sex with a man who hates and resents women?
For his sperm?
Dream on.
uh, winning the culture war?
I don’t mean to hurt these guys feelings but in the next Wolfenstein game I’ll be taking my policy comments unsafe vengeance on a new Nazi regime. Just saying, I’m not the only white man disgusted by Nazi ideas and actions.
Also, being in the New York times is a bad thing? Why?
“Where are we going, and why are we in these handbaskets?”
“No problem! We’re winning, winning I tell you!”
(for non-natives, please reference idiom “going to hell in a handbasket”)
Tuxedo cats are my favorites
Dream on, Nazi ‘boi’.
attacking women’s humanity, hating their freedom and wanting their rights gone, is «blowing off steam»?
«being a man» is only hard, if it’s hard accepting that women should have as many rights, and as much of a place in society, the workforce and politics, as men
and if that is hard; then fuck you.
Hmmm. *Weighs choices*
Should I read the site the SPLC sues the owner of, or the site the SPLC mentions as a resource against hate?
I can’t imagine one could make a living as a professional cuck. It would just be too arduous to be constantly marrying and then divorcing. I could see someone making a tidy sum as the man who comes in and sleeps with the wives, though.
He does?
We do?
I know it is besides the point and unrelated to why you do this, but, speaking as a woman, you are exactly my type: intelligent, insightful, and believes me to be an equal, not an object.
The alt right and most misogynists seem to fetishize violence and aggression and they mistakenly believe that women are also attracted to those things. And, since we are all separate individuals, some of us are, but many of us are repulsed by their idea of strength. Not to mention, the poor quality of their writing (spelling, grammar, structural, and logical errors) is often a real turn off.
Any ways, congratulations on your well deserved recognition and thank you for all of your great work.
Ew no.
Pretty sure you mean ‘fuccbois’. With 2 Cs
Not sure why they specifically should get a pass, but whatevs
Ya know? I’m not sure if he’s tryna woo the Mammoth gals or neg Futrelle…
Now that I know you’re such a badass, I expect you to go back in time and kill baby Hitler.
Is he completely making this up? Or did one feminist say this ironically to mock alt-righties and he took it seriously? Or maybe they fell for a straw feminist troll post on reddit somewhere? Because I sure haven’t heard a feminist woman or for that matter any woman at all refer to non misogynistic men as cuck bois.
[Citation needed]
I know white nationalist types who voted for Obama in 2008 because they were angry at Bush. They said they didn’t like that Bush enforced civil rights laws, supposedly signed a bill making it easier to collect child support, supported the sex offender registry, and claimed he wanted to help the Iraqis.
In fairness to Mr Striker, he does have a citation for cuckbois; a feminist writer used the term once in a humor piece.
Striker wrote a post about it that seems to be longer than the original piece. (archived link)
Hi, can I pick the IT skills of one of the many tech savvy Mammotheers? I need to set up a burner email account so I can post a response on the Stormer site. I’m happy to use my real name and photo, but I’d rather not end up subscribed to loads of dodgy sites and newsletters. I’m getting a bit bored of their keyboard machismo so I’ve got a fun challenge for them. 🙂
ETA: which I might have to clarify in light of David’s post just now 😀
What’s weird is that they might like the coureurs de bois for their tough manhood, which is how my brain reads “cuck bois”
You can just setup another gmail account if you’ve got an email address. I’ve got 3 of those, and 2 yahoo acounts, one of which gets enough spam I always have the opportunity to acquire my unexpected inheritance. Google and Yahoo mail have a fairly quick method to switch between accounts, without having to keep putting in password each time.
It’s easy enough to cancel/delete after use, or just let it collect more stupid to mock at leisure.
Or you can use a mailinator.com email address, which is essentially public totally not secure email, if you’re not putting ANY private info on it. It’d be enough to get “verified email address”, though you might have to try several of the 100s of domains that point back to mailinator.
Haha wooooow, as if I needed any more proof that these people have never met a feminist in their lives. Yeah, little Nazis, of *course* we think the people who consistently degrade us as less than human while desperately trying bang us are the enlightened ones—you’re definitely not sneered at as the fuckbois you are. Meanwhile, people who actually stand up for us against that bullshit are “cuck bois”, a term I’ve literally never seen before today and no feminist has ever used in her life! Truly iconic projection you’ve got going on there, assholes.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLL sure incels, keep telling yourselves that women have a lustful obsession with muscular, dominant, asshole men. Of course that’s the reason you can’t get a woman to sleep or stay with you, not your rotten, shit-filled brains that we can smell as soon as you open your mouths.
You’re a professional cuckold now, David? Congrats on the new job, I guess! Does that pay well? I could use a new job myself…
“Cuck Bois”… is that a variant of the hautbois?
Sally forth me if I’m wrong, but I can’t say I’ve ever heard a feminist use that phrase unironically.
I’m also willing to bet “Eric Striker” isn’t the author’s real name. Because somehow “Clifford” isn’t quite manly enough for your average white nationalist.
(Apologies to all Cliffords.)
Someone’s salty I see.
Love their tricks by the way. Claim other people’s success as your own even if it has nothing to do with you.
That’s pretty much the only way to keep their base convinced of their power, since they don’t win shit EVER.
The Stormer is the sort of site that wouldn’t take “I’m not a eunuch” as an acceptable answer, and require physical proof that all the wedding tackle was in order… unless it was an alt-right person claiming it, in which case, it would be considered true regardless of actual penile presence.
The double standard is strong with this one.