By David Futrelle
Today’s MGTOW of the Day, fresh from the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, has a rather unique perspective on the relative values of men and women. As he sees it, women are vastly inferior creatures whose only value stems from the fact that they can er, carry seed.
Men, by contrast, are … buses.
I’m not sure MGTOWs have quite mastered the fine art of the metaphor yet.
Why do these virgins assume pregnancy is what women crave?
In fact, women not wanting to be pregnant is a major civil rights fight in the US.
Women will face hardship and angry Christians not to be pregnant.
His actual argument is that he is a rare and desirable source of high quality sperm.
Sperm that women should be clamouring for.
Since they aren’t, they are demonic and moronic.
Simple manslaining.
How can you claim women have no value besides having kids and also think all women can replace any man with ease? Wouldn’t that imply that women are actually very valuable?
I’m embarrassed to admit but I just got the joke. Maybe the longer it takes to get the joke the funnier the joke becomes. At least I found it funny when I finally got it.
Also I had to google if I could use funnier.
It’s just not my day today
This is a little bit OT, but I was wondering about the image at the top of the page. Specifically I was wondering what the plants with the yellow flowers are. I did a little creative googling and I think that they might be canola, but I’m not entirely sure, so I was hoping that one of the agriculturally minded Mammotheers could provide me with an answer. I’ve managed to recognize all the other greens in the picture no problem though.
Even further off topic, but we’re having electrical work done in my apartment building all the way until the end of the year, so I’ll probably experience some power shortages over the course of the next six months. Um…yay? Then there’s the period of two weeks at the end of September and early October when they’ll be doing work in my apartment as well as the two neighboring ones, so that’ll be “nice”. It’s fun being a renter with social anxiety sometimes, since I don’t get any say in this matter at all.
Also, also, I had to switch my email that I use on this site, so I do hope that I won’t get caught in moderation for too long.
Feral Crone,
Can you not use virgin as a perjorative? We don’t know that all of these guys are virgins and being a virgin doesn’t cause one to be a misogynist.
Welcome to the MGTOW world, where the rules are made up and logic doesn’t matter.
Alan : buses in the city my father live in are once per day. It mean that, if you use it to go to work, you can’t come back.
I don’t get it either.
“Why even bother?”
You’re right. Time to go your own way. Now.
Unlike the totally logical incel world, eh?
You know.. I wonder how many of these mgtows (and by extension incels, the rest of the manosphere) really, really wish to be like Aristotle of today with their constant need to declare how more rational and logical they are to women (and everyone else who isn’t them).
Yeah, MGTOWs are definitely very illogical but it’s surprising how on the surface it is. I mean, he even says himself that he believes women think of men as disposable which is why they don’t put any value on them. How much clearer can the projection get?
@ ohlmann
The weirdest thing about the No. 76 is, it only runs once a month, but then there are six journeys on that day.
So it’s like “I need to plan my shopping trip one month in advance, but as to what time I set off on the day I’ll just play that by ear”.
* Bad metaphor
* “wimmins r dumb”
* “they only good for sex/babbies”
* “men are disposable”
* Brad Pitt
You might wanna check your spellcheck. For some reason, it keeps changing ‘misogynist’ to ‘virgin’. Don’t worry, I won’t take any offense to your repeated assertions that my sexual history renders me, as a fact of biology, of lesser moral character than any number of sexist shitbags who happen to have or have had sexual partners. Nor will I object to the implication that women could fix these antifeminist slime creatures if only they’d have sex with them. I’ll simply suggest, again, that you get better keyboard software. Cos those words aren’t anything alike. Thanks much!
Wait, that’s a REAL bus schedule? I thought that was a particularly good photoshop. What’s the story, is it some sort of monthly festival, or do people there just not get out much?
So women who don’t have ovaries/a uterus, or who are medically incapable of conceiving, or have hit menopause, or who simply choose not to become pregnant are all inherently worthless then?
Nice. I’ll go let my mother know that her necessary hysterectomy rendered her useless as a human being. When she rightly goes to knock my goddamn stupid head off, I’ll get around to informing her that being ace puts me in the same boat and we can be pointless flesh creatures together!
@ JS
Yup; there are quite a few weekly and fortnightly bus services in Yorkshire, but that’s the only monthly one I’m aware of. (@Dan Holme may know)
When some of my London friends whinged that their local service was reduced from every six minutes to every ten, I just had to smile.
The good thing about the 76 though is that the last one back is quite late. So even if you have a car it’s a nice opportunity to go to the pub and all be able to drink.
I can no longer have children, due to having cancer, and the removal of the pertinent organs necessary to have them.
Do I throw myself under the bus now, or what? I’m so confused.
I got so sick of virgin being used as an insult, it began I think at school when I was about 8, other kids going round asking each other ‘are you a virgin?!’ Well of course I’d fucking expect to be at that age unless you are being abused. It was ludicrous.
As an asexual, I did pretty well with the religious fundies (I say well when I mean it was horrible) at least they didn’t brand me a slut, but they thought me not having sex was some kind of self sacrifice. Of course, they thought I would grow up and meet the right bloke with a great big bible under his arm and squirt out loads of kids, but that didn’t happen, and was never going to.
I didn’t even know being asexual was an option then btw, I thought it was the same as being chaste, or just bloody unlucky.
That’s right, the logic is like a banhammer to seagull boy.
Are incels less out in the open about their lack of logic, in your opinion?
I think incels are often every bit as irrational as MGTOWers but they’re usually a little more self-aware about it. I don’t I ever saw the whole “women are illogical children who can’t reason unlike us men” bullshit on incels.
There are plenty of Republicans who dislike Trump. The Repubs position about Russia was “Russia interefered, but Trump didn’t benefit or collude” shortly after our Intelligence agencies said “Russians did interfere with elections”. That particular nuance probably didn’t make it to other nation’s news publishers.
The alt-right side of Trump’s Republicans is so much louder and more interesting to report, that many news outlets cover it a lot more than the usual “Investigation proceeding, no news yet” we’re going to have from the more logical Republicans and Democrats.
It’s like the way the only thing I recall from USA news coverage of Angela Merkel is that Trump met her, she tried to convince him to stay in the Paris Accord, and he ignored her. Oh, and she seems to be nice enough as a leader, supporting those who recently dealt with terrorist attacks, for instance. (As opposed to Trump yelling at the London mayor for no good reason.) I’m sure German news of her and other German politicians is better than “X meets Y, talks about Z, is ignored.” American news about Germany is still remembering that the main government meeting place there had to move to another location for renovation, or something.
I took 4 years of German language in school, so I probably know more about Germany than most Americans.
@ afroway
Isn’t ‘the gambler’ one of your main and most popular contributors?
I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating. Even if you honestly believe the only thing women are “good for” is (whatever disrespectful euphemism you prefer for) bearing children…
These fools would struggle to pour piss out of a boot with instructions on the heel.