By David Futrelle
Today’s MGTOW of the Day, fresh from the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, has a rather unique perspective on the relative values of men and women. As he sees it, women are vastly inferior creatures whose only value stems from the fact that they can er, carry seed.
Men, by contrast, are … buses.
I’m not sure MGTOWs have quite mastered the fine art of the metaphor yet.
And if anyone wants one more thing to be pissed about, the cop who shot Philando Castile was acquitted of all charges.
I can’t say I’m surprised, but I’m damn pissed off.
@Collateral Thought,
That post in its entirety made me snort my tea 😀
Going way back a bit but
She’s gone? D:
And Troubelle? And Chiomara?
Nooooo! How come?
Hey, I just woke up. Wow, this blew up overnight.
Since I’ve been quoted in this, I’d just like to say for the record that I did not at any point feel shamed into behaving differently. What happened was, I realised that while afroaway kept saying “I’ll leave if I make people uncomfortable,” he was ignoring that some people had SAID they were uncomfortable, which meant he had set a boundary and then ignored it as soon as it was inconvenient, which annoyed me.
So at that point I decided to stop engaging because I felt like I was encouraging him at the expense of people who are well-known regulars here like WWTH. As far as I’m concerned, that’s just good manners – WWTH has been here a while and writes insightful and interesting posts, and this was a random guy who had popped up out of nowhere, so there was no question who had more right to feel comfortable here. No-one made me do that, it was my own choice.
Anyway. Just thought I would clear that up in case anyone was still in any doubt.
I miss Mouse Farts and gilshalos.
Well this is a fine kettle of fish.
Going back to the OP I wonder if this is true and if I can use it to get out of work? Obviously some average guy could do my job better. I’ll ask the boss if she can put my delivery supervisor on the till instead. Then I can get back to the important business of carrying seed. I like sunflower seed and pumpkin seed best.
Since i am someone who was ‘educated’ by this site, i can say at least for me, if someone truly wants to learn, they dont demand from anyone. First they read or listen then start to say stupid things. Then they told what is stupid and they listen more and try to improve. I read this website for years before i even post one thing. I remember also some people thought i can be ‘trolling’ when i comment about russia and trump. But looks like something i did or did not do helped me not look like this people- afro and others.
So i can say actually if someone demand that you teach them, you right to be suspicous. Specially on this website.
Since we’re talking about posters we haven’t seen in a while, does anyone know what happened to Freemage?
Freemage just posted a comment to another blog I read regularly, Butterflies and Wheels–so they’re still present online somewhere.
Scildfreja liked one of Fingie’s tweets not too long ago, so she’s still around. 🙂
I haven’t seen EJ for a bit. Hope he’s still around.
That’s good to hear. I miss Scildfreja – like everyone else here! I haven’t seen her here since I came back from my own break. If you’re in touch at all, pls tell her we hope to see her soon 🙂
EJ is around, for sure.
EJ the Lionfaced commented yesterday. Dr EJ commented earlier in the week I believe
Definitely missing Scild and Chio. I’ll hafta stockpile anime hug gifs for when they return
Huzzah EJ hasn’t gone! Guess I missed his post despite my best attempts at lurking.
Well, I’m late to this party again, as usual, but I have a perfect excuse: I was gardening.
Now, where was I? Oh yeah:
Coming from someone who calls us “literally stupid, irrational, inferior human beings”, that’s downright rich. Do you even GRAMMAR, bro? Because you owe me a new irony meter, and time’s a-wastin’. Chop, chop!
Also, I don’t just carry seed. I carry potted plants, sacks of composted sheep manure, 50-lb bags of potash, ripe heirloom tomatoes, AND walloping great armloads of zucchini. Show some respect for your betters, D(forDimwit)Thrillard.
Dafuq does this shit even MEAN? Dude, do you even English?
And if something only very vaguely approaching gender equality is “an all time low”, I shudder to think what he considers a “high”.
Once more, with feeling: English. Grammar. Do you even, bro?
And look, even with a hoist and all, I can’t replace a flat tire in ten seconds, much less a dud of a dude. Although I am rather proud of the fact that I got back in the saddle before an ex-boyfriend who dumped me did.
And with an even younger man, at that.
Also, I fail to see what canine breeding females have to do with this, but whatever.
Once again, proof that there is no misandrist like a misogynist. Who else would go around telling men that they are disposable? Women certainly don’t.
Yeah, well, if you’re an asshole with unresolved substance-abuse problems and your Best Before date has visibly passed, what were you expecting? Fawning unconditional adoration from a woman who knows she can do better, even if “doing better” means living alone with the kids for a while before striking out and dating again? There comes a time when the phrase TOTALLY NOT WORTH IT begins to apply. Brad’s time finally came. He’s no longer pretty enough for anyone to overlook what’s ugly about him.
But hey, you can still masturbate over Fight Club if that’s your thing.
*Hops over to Twitter*
*Follows Scild*
KatieKitten420 – I don’t think it’s a waste of time to try to educate people but that’s mainly because there are always lurkers like Valentine (hi Валя!) many of whom won’t actually comment at all.
But I agree with our faithful chief manatee that you’re unlikely to reach the ones that come here and hijack comment threads. It’s not impossible, of course, just improbable.
@ Mish:
Sorry! I hope the tea-snorting wasn’t too uncomfortable. 🙂
Collateral: You do understand that posts like yours put keyboards everwhere at considerable risk.
@ Grumpy:
Then my work is proceeding as intended!Whoops, my bad. I’ll try to be more aware of this issue.
Collateral Thought is just lucky I’m on my phone this time and with no tea to hand.
Mish: It has always been inadvisable — dangerous? —
to read WHTM while consuming food and particularly drink — both for you and for objects in your vicinity.
A couple of years ago we had a running joke that anyone who dared to eat while reading WHTM needed to buy keyborads in bulk.
@GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina,
If not snorting in laughter, snorting in rage at some eejit like the mgtow in this post.
As always, you are wise and give excellent advice 😀
Thanks sunnysombrera. You’ve always been one of the highlights of WHTM: not as caustic and funny as some, but always warm and helpful.
I was going through some burnout at work, combined with relationship stress, which meant that I didn’t have the spoons to do more than lurk WHTM.
I miss Scildfreja and kirbywarp. I used to really miss Katz but she’s back now (yay). I worry about Dr NicolaLuna: she was going through a really bad patch before she stopped posting, and it makes me fear for the worst.