empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOW of the Day misogyny

The “literal only value” of women “is that they can carry seed,” MGTOW of the Day explains

I don’t know what’s going on here but frankly it scares the hell out of me

By David Futrelle

Today’s MGTOW of the Day, fresh from the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, has a rather unique perspective on the relative values of men and women. As he sees it, women are vastly inferior creatures whose only value stems from the fact that they can er, carry seed.

Men, by contrast, are … buses.

DThrillard 8 points an hour ago Women are retarded. They are literally stupid, irrational, inferior human beings. They're literal only value is that they can carry seed. That's not an exaggeration, it's not hyperbole, it's legitimately the only use a woman has. Because sexual dynamics are at an all time low, and worsening by the day, it enables a woman to treat you like shit. Why? Because she replace you in 10 seconds flat whereas even above average men will struggle to replace a bitch. You are inherently disposable, therefore, why should she place value upon you? You're nothing to her. A bus she can watch pass by, because there's another one coming guaranteed. Same can't be said for men. Even Brad fucking Pitt can't keep a woman happy. Why even bother?

I’m not sure MGTOWs have quite mastered the fine art of the metaphor yet.

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ fran

Hmm, tried various combinations. No joy.

Would it be ok to email you the post via David or something and you can see if you can stick it up there under my name? No worries if you’d prefer not to.

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago

@Sir Alan

Found the problem. They want a cell number before your account is fully valid.

Shall I use my burner phone number? It’s not really connected to me, so it’s fine.


I can do that too, yes!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ fran

Email sent to David

Who has just popped up with impeccable timing. 🙂

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago

@Sir Alan

All right, I’ll check it out! Thank you very much.

Collateral Thought
Collateral Thought
7 years ago

I would say more but Collateral Thought has already pretty much said what I would have said.

comment image

Ahem. Why, yes, I am a grown man.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

Okay. I’ll try to not repeat what others have already addressed to much but I’ve just returned from going out for drinks so I can’t promise that this reply will be my best work.

but some of you folks are essentially shaming OTHER people/women for wanting to help him. He may be doing it clumsily, but Afro is asking to be corrected.

I don’t know how much you were talking about me, but I have to assume I’m partially who you are referring too here.

I did not actually shame anyone. I say quite often that people are free to attempt to patiently educate anyone they want to try and educate. I was stating my own boundaries. I was not saying that people have to set their boundaries at the same place that mine are. I am very sincere in my belief that Afro was here to seek attention and emotional labor from women, not to try and change. I have every right to say that. I am far from the only woman who has experienced insincere requests for education from men on the internet. This post explains in a more articulate fashion than I can muster

This is the important part

They want to prove a point about how mean feminists are. These are the dudes who understand that feminist women are tired as all fuck of being asked to educate men on demand and are well aware that they’re likely to elicit contemptuous responses if they do, so they request education in bad faith, recognizable as bad faith to seasoned feminists familiar with this tactic but possibly reading as good faith to casual observers, only to provoke hostile declinations and then crow about how mean feminists are—which was, of course, the whole point of the exercise.

If he’s not being threatening or aggressive or offensive, I don’t see the harm in letting him buzz around. Then again, I am the type to catch flies and spiders in cups and put them outside, so perhaps my tolerance for buzzing is higher than most.

Who is the arbiter of what’s offensive? Maybe he wasn’t offensive to you, but he was offensive to me. I laid out my reasoning for why I found him offensive pretty clearly. I wasn’t just being mean to some poor hapless dude for the sake of it. He stated clearly in his first couple of posts that he was seeking attention and then proceeded to give his unasked for perspective as an incel and made everything all about him. He claimed he wasn’t a misogynist just because he’s an incel even though his community is full of some of the most horrifying misogyny I’ve ever seen (and I’m saying that as a big horror movie fan) and then came to another thread and acted like none of that ever happened. Can you not see how skeezy and boundary violating that is?

Also, flies and spiders don’t have ill intent. They are just doing what they have to do to survive. In fact, I don’t even put spiders outside. I let them stay and eat the other bugs that come in the house. I like spiders. I don’t like misogynists.

BUT, there is implied shaming there, and saying there isn’t is disingenuous (or, at least, IMO). If I had a friend, and we were at a bar and talking to people, and one dude gave me the creeps and I said so to my friend, there’s definitely an implied “let’s get the heck out of here and/or stop talking to him” message there. If my friend then continued to talk to him at the expense of my comfort, that’d be pretty messed up. So, for those saying they were uncomfortable and they wanted him to stop commenting, it’s pretty thoughtless of others to continue upholding a conversation with him and inciting the act that is causing those people discomfort. Right?

It’s not necessarily messed up to talk to someone your friend gets a bad vibe off of, but what I’m wondering is how is this space so different from a bar? If someone I trust gets the creeps from someone, I actually appreciate them pointing it out. My meat space friends, the regulars an myself were not born yesterday and if we find someone offensive or creepy there’s probably a reason. All the same, I respect everyone’s right to make their own judgement and never said otherwise. Even though my name says chief, I’m not actually one!

I’m feeling like these posts are going to get too tl’dr so I’ll hit post and reply to the rest in a minute.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

However, as WWTH is a member of a marginalized group as you say, it’s important that non-marginalized humans understand the difficulties of that marginalized group, as typically marginalized groups are heavily minority groups. No non-marginalized person is going to understand the difficulties of a marginalized person unless they are told, and they are not going to stick up for that marginalized person if they are not educated in how to do so.

I did tell him. One of the most important parts of being an ally to women is respecting our boundaries. I made that quite clear. Instead of just going away, he asked for a banning because he just can’t help but to violate the boundaries of some of the woman commenters here. That’s fucking gross. I told him how he could do better and he did not listen. I don’t know how I’m supposed to further help someone who can’t even grasp basic boundaries.

It’s gross and icky to deal with sometimes, but we cannot shove away potential future allies when they’re trying to learn, or we end up with Donald Trump as president.

What? People voted for a fascist because they’re angry that white men aren’t the undisputed kings of everything anymore and that’s supposed to be a failing on the part of social justice people? How?

These ‘incel’ guys, for example, are in a massive echo chamber full of problematic attitudes, and the fact that he broke free of that echo chamber, if what he’s saying is authentic and truthful, is actually really awesome. We can all stay in sterile bubbles without even the presence of a hopefully-improving former dudebro to throw off our peace, but that hasn’t turned out super well so far, unfortunately. So I don’t believe it really is an enormous ask to ignore the subject of your discomfort when no one is actually being harmed or currently even under threat of being harmed. I’m not saying she (or any other uncomfortable parties) need to interact with someone they don’t like. I’m saying, ignore it when there’s no harm from doing so, absolutely speak up if you (or anyone else) are being harmed or under threat of being harmed.

Afro belongs to a hate group. If you don’t realize that r/incels is a hate site, go there and see for yourself. It’s an anti-woman hate site. Since I’m a woman, I’m harmed by that and it is personal. I take it personally because it is an attack on all people of my gender. Including trans women, BTW. Incels love to reduce women to their vaginas and not only is that misogynistic in general, it is also transmisogynistic because not all women have vaginas. Just thought I’d point that out because I haven’t seen that pointed out yet in this thread.

What I mean to say is ideally, feminists should try to welcome people if their intentions seem good until they are proven otherwise.

I don’t believe that Afro’s intentions were good and I made a pretty good case for that. You don’t have to agree, but it’s kind of shitty that you’ve ignored that. I wasn’t mean for the sake of it. I have so many reasons to think he’s proven otherwise. I already stated them so I won’t repeat them.


was uncomfortable earlier getting a cavity filled. Sometimes, one ignores a certain degree of uncomfortableness when the intention of the one making you uncomfortable is not to do so, AND when the benefit of being uncomfortable is potentially good. WWTH was not uncomfortable due to any action taken against her specifically, and it seems that Afro was at least clumsily attempting to be repentant for the problematic statements he had made earlier about women in general.

Getting a cavity filled is uncomfortable, but it’s also medically necessary and prevents the worst discomfort of an abscess. Politely engaging misogynist trolls doesn’t mitigate further harm and isn’t necessary. Failed analogy.

As I said, I’m a woman. So belonging to a community that is so misogynistic that they celebrate women and girls being murdered is absofuckinglutely an action taken against me. My gender is part of who I am and I take attacks against my gender personally. Not apologizing for that.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago


I can’t speak for anyone but me, but when I try to figure out whether a troll is a sock, I do it for a reason. Even if I’m wrong, it highlights that the troll is not saying anything original or interesting. If they are so easily mistaken for an already banned troll, they are told that they are not dropping the super awesome truth bombs they think they are.

I only guess based on writing style. I don’t do off site sleuthing much. But I get why others might. Trolls from 4 and 8 chan are fairly open about posing as women, people of color or LGBT people. I can understand why someone might want to make sure someone with a concern troll vibe is a real person and not a fake not your shield persona.

7 years ago


Edit: you’re not a sir but there’s a surprising lack of “hear, hear!” images or I’m bad at finding them.

Collateral Thought
Collateral Thought
7 years ago


Well said. Your post reminded me of something I read this morning:

we – and by this i mean ‘people targeted by nazis’, but mostly jews, because i am a jew and that’s where my experience lies – we did not want to end up in a scenario where the highlight of our day could be some guy getting punched. in fact, that’s kind of ghoulish.

like, ok. i am pretty much the worst kind of bleeding-heart, dyed-in-the-wool pacifist you will ever meet, when circumstances allow me to be. i don’t, personally, want to kill nazis; i just want nazis to stop being nazis. ideally, the world would work like it did in my 10-year-old fantasies, where i could walk up to a nazi and be like “jews are people,” and he would be like “holy shit!!! mind blown” and stop being a nazi and we’d sit down and have a deep philosophical discussion.

but real nazis have this unfortunate, terrifying habit of continuing to be nazis. when you hit them with intellectual debate, or reason, or “tolerance”, or “just giving them a chance”, or “compromise”, or any of that shit. they continue to be nazis, which means they still want to wipe out me and my people, and many other swathes of people as well.

which is why i understand people who want to kill nazis. or, in a milder variation, punch them.

i wish they would stop being nazis but they wish i would die. when you, historically, adhere to an ideology that advocates mass murder past the point of any nonviolent resistance, you have forfeited your right to a fair debate. you have forfeited your right to any response but self-defense that is as violent as whatever you make necessary.

nazis forfeited their right to nice counter-tactics long ago, and jews know this.

there’s another reason, too, why i whooped at that video. not because someone was getting hurt – don’t be dense. as i said, that’s ghoulish. we did not want to end up with our livelihood as a people so threatened that violent self-defense makes us cheer. can you think about that for a second? can you think about the kind of corner we’re backed into, here? it’s not a natural state of being. it’s a place where most people, as far as we can tell, truly do not give a shit if we live or die, because they’re talking about “tolerating” people whose ideology involves straight-up killing us. and so if we see somebody punch a nazi, it’s evidence: that person in the black mask, they’re on my side.

there is one person who recognizes the nazi as a mortal threat, which means they recognize that jews are people. that people of color are people. that any of the groups threatened by nazis deserve to have their fear recognized.

and every time you, a moderate liberal, a white goy, wring your hands about a nazi getting punched, about violent tactics, about fighting hate with hate, you push us further and further into the corner where we have to cheer at that. it’s sheer relief, at somebody recognizing the terror enough to punch back.

so no, we weren’t born bloodthirsty, just salivating at the chance to kick a nazi in the balls. we got driven here reluctantly, by history, to a place where violence in our defense can make us weep with gratitude. you drove us here.

Yes, it’s a bit OT, but still… it addresses how it feels to be part of a group that’s targeted with hatred and violence, and how one reacts to this.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ fran

I’d better hit the hay. It’s apparently seagull o’clock here again. Hopefully you’ll be able to get that thing posted. I’ll check in after I’ve had a snooze. Cheers for all your help in this.

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago

@Sir Alan

Sleep well, good sir. I shall do the thing as well.

7 years ago


The “be nice to the misogynists or they’ll continue to be misogynists and women’s oppression will be women’s fault” was a giant read flag to me. I was curious to see where this pile of tone policing was going. Gross.

PaganReader - Misandrist Spinster

@Shiya, since apparently you are incapable of keeping your promise and leaving going back to lurking, do you really think that a site devoted to mocking misogyny, misogynists, and other bigots is the best site for a misogynist like Afro to deal with his issues?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

The “be nice to the misogynists or they’ll continue to be misogynists and women’s oppression will be women’s fault” was a giant read flag to me. I was curious to see where this pile of tone policing was going. Gross.

Yeah, classic protection racket shit.

If someone really has good intentions, being asked to not post someplace won’t cause them to revert to bigotry.

I’m irritated that I can’t remember the name of the blog or the author, but I used to read this really great womanist blog that is now defunct. The author of the blog asked that men and white women not post. Even if it was just to compliment the blog and say it’s been educational. She had many experiences with men and white feminists derailing to make it all about themselves and their education in intersectionality and she wanted her blog to be a space for women of color to talk about the misogyny/racism that they face. Not a space for the rest of us to seek accolades for wanting to be an ally. So as a white woman, I just lurked. It wasn’t terribly difficult to refrain from commenting to “helpfully” point out that not all white women who are feminists dismiss the particular issues that women of color deal with. The news that my white opinions weren’t wanted or needed didn’t make me get angry and decide I would no longer do my best to make my feminism intersectional.

Sorry if I’m rambly, not trying to seek cookies or anything here. I just brought it up to highlight that I have experienced being a privileged person asked to respect the boundaries of marginalized people and that is not something that killed me. Having managed to respect the boundaries of people who are marginalized in a way that I am not, I really don’t get the line of reasoning that being asked to not post somewhere is this horrible affront that is sure to turn an otherwise well intentioned privileged person into a bigot. I just plain don’t get it. It is really so much to ask to not make someone uncomfortable!

7 years ago


Re: Be nice or else!

Um yes! It makes sense now. I couldn’t put my finger on it. I couldn’t articulate why that it’s a pathetically weak sauce argument.

No person turns into a horrific bigot because some people were rude on the internet once. Serious fucking victim(the marginalized group) blaming.

7 years ago

Thanks WWTH, appreciate you taking the time to do this. Hope Shiya appreciates the effort…

Really hope you enjoyed the drinks!

7 years ago


Do Trudy or GradientLair sound familiar? It was a blog Aliyah mentioned. Though that was several years ago, before I took a long break from commenting.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago


Yes! That was the blog! Thanks. I was having a serious brain fart.

7 years ago


I really appreciate you explaining your side with such detail. I know that my habit of giving everyone the benefit of the doubt till they prove me wrong makes me a fool and gullible a lot of the time. I’d still rather try to help someone who asks for help but you bring up a lot of good points that make me believe he really wasn’t acting in good faith no matter what it sounded like to me at the moment.

Can I ask you a question? I promise I won’t be offended however you answer. Do you think people like me who try to change people like him are foolish and naive for doing so or do you believe it’s theoretically possible to change some people minds, you just prefer not to do it yourself because you’ve seen so many people question in bad faith? Or am I even more confused than I think I am and do you believe something else entirely that I have not even vaguely touched upon.

Like I said before, I just feel if Klu Klux Klan members can change(which has happened multiple times)anyone can change. If I’m being naive or there are flaws in my reasoning feel free to point them out. I also hope you had a lovely night out having drinks

7 years ago


No problem! You’re very welcome. ^_^

7 years ago

Surprise surprise, there’s the “default male” thing again. Men and women don’t get on, “default to male”.

It doesn’t take much imagination to re-envision how real world dilemmas might look in a “default to female” world.

But let’s take this jackassery about female “carrying the seed” and all that. What in the world? Haven’t we seen Mens Rights kooks all worked up about being “attributed” fathering a baby they don’t want to father? What the hell/? It’s almost as if MRA hate women because they “trap” them with the babies they don’t want, and hate women for “killing” the babies they only care about if they were never born, and I’m gonna say it — men don’t want to be fathers and women don’t want to be mothers in probably closely equivalent numbers. But MRA’s SERIOUSLY seek to find their own self worth in controlling women (why? I dunno) by leveraging their reproductive value, even though there’s nothing they hate more than being pinned as a woman’s baby’s “daddy”.

I’m old but I majored in anthropology 40 years ago – wherein (among other things) I studied the ethnographics of then current human cultures. It took me awhile to get that the reason I don’t get these MRAs is because they Don’t Make Sense. Their arguments Don’t Add Up. They’re following a kind of imaginary world Wicked Witch of the West playbook (why did she hate Dorothy, again?)

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

Do you think people like me who try to change people like him are foolish and naive for doing so or do you believe it’s theoretically possible to change some people minds, you just prefer not to do it yourself because you’ve seen so many people question in bad faith?

I don’t think you’re foolish. I do admit to worrying about people that are trusting though! In my experience, the manospherians who come here are not reachable so I have my own boundaries set at maximum thickness and height when I’m here but actually do get that in some contexts people can be reached and changed. I just personally don’t think someone who would post on one of the site that David writes about are typically in that category. I think the good cop/bad cop approach is a good troll buster so I don’t have an issue with people being nice and patient with trolls. My only problem is with Shiya and Black Cat and their ilk trying to scold the people who aren’t willing or able to play so nice.