By David Futrelle
Today’s MGTOW of the Day, fresh from the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, has a rather unique perspective on the relative values of men and women. As he sees it, women are vastly inferior creatures whose only value stems from the fact that they can er, carry seed.
Men, by contrast, are … buses.
I’m not sure MGTOWs have quite mastered the fine art of the metaphor yet.
@Policy: I’m genuinely baffled, then. Please help me comprehend your post (I wonder if nested blockquotes work…):
which I interpreted to be you not believing anyone was laughing at me– OH you meant the OTHER thing I was saying, “No one should be uncomfortable!” Gotcha. That was really just my summary of the entire argument, which I agree, vastly oversimplified the entire thread. I apologize for that; I was/am under a bit of adrenaline/duress right now and not being as careful in my speech as I typically try to be. 🙂 I was attempting to do a brief “sum up” of the argument; I told you I wasn’t any good at that, now you see why! Haha.
@ Axe:
Yeah, that’s quite fair. I’m in the habit of reverse-image searching all kinds of stuff, mostly to try to identify celebrities or figure out which movie a scene comes from and the like. I didn’t actually WANT to know Shiya’s identity though, because a) we’re all sock puppets for David anyhow, donchaknow, b) I don’t want to intrude on anyone’s privacy (especially not here, of all places), and c) it’s incredibly unlikely that I’ll ever meet anyone here in person, and so I just don’t concern myself with such things. People’s bodies and genders matter to me (online) only insofar as those things shape their experiences and attitudes.
I did wonder what was going on when SFHC mentioned that the profile pic seemed inauthentic, so I looked it up, but then I’m horribly curious about anomalies and it’s hard to help myself there. I’ve also encountered enough disingenuousness online that I’m prone to fact-check such things, if someone says that someone else isn’t who they claim to be.
Anyhow, I certainly didn’t want to contribute to making anyone uncomfortable.
No, it misrepresents the entire thread. Nobody said that nobody should be uncomfortable. What I said, and what others said, is that nobody should have to stay silent when they are uncomfortable, especially when that person is female.
Are you uncomfortable? You should feel free to say so (or not, as you prefer) and I haven’t seen anyone say otherwise? So no, your “summary” is not actually a summary, but a total misrepresentation.
OT but y’all, Logan in black and white is masterful. I thought it would just be pretentious, but no, it’s really good this way.
I want to say Yay you got my point, but it’s nothing to “yay” about.
I also wanted to say that I was most interested to read your thoughts, about your past, relatives, and upbringing, it was rather different for me – my relatives were pretty liberal and open minded.
But there was a negative side to this too in that I thought – everyone else was like us too. And I attended private schools and uni’s and once I got out in the “real world” – OUCH!
Well, then it was “The School of Hard Knocks” I guess.
@ PoM:
Logan is a hell of a good flick. I’ll definitely have to catch it in B&W sometime. I was worried that the film stock used wouldn’t necessarily capture the right subtleties of tone for the conversion, but you’re one of several people who have mentioned really enjoying it.
Speaking of ID and the like, don’t suppose anyone could sort me out the twitter thing so I can post on that stormer site?
@PeeVee: Okay, what do you view as the definition of doxxing? Sincerely, the definition on the internet is:
“search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent”
I agree, there was no malicious intent in SFHC’s actions, but that’s not required for doxxing. All that’s required is that one searches for (using whatever tools available, in this case my profile picture) someone else’s identifying information, and then publishes that information. While I also agree that SFHC did not DIRECTLY publish that information, he gave enough information for others to find it, enough for them to ALSO tell me about the marketing firm that the picture was featured on which again, CAN IDENTIFY ME AND IS ASSOCIATED WITH ME IN REAL LIFE.
So yes. I made it WAY easier than I should have. But there was information (my name, my career, etc) that I did not make public in this forum on my own and is now either known, or could be known, to people due to the (admittedly, embarrassingly easy) search steps laid out by SFHC. That is doxxing. If it is not, please tell me what you think is a more appropriate phrase to use for “used a picture on an anonymous forum to find out a person’s real info, then posted the steps of how to also find out on the same forum”.
@Policy: Sure. As you say. Again, I’m a bit emotionally wound up at the moment, so my language is not as precise as I’d prefer it to be. But, here’s the main difference in the rest of your argument:
1) It was not just “I’m uncomfortable” but rather “I’m uncomfortable; also, you should stop posting here because of it”;
2) Yeah, I was made to be uncomfortable! But, as I said in earlier posts, this was a case of me being DIRECTLY targeted and potentially harmed as a result of someone’s actions. But even then:
3) You’ll notice I’m trying to engage SFHC and haven’t presumed to ask them to stop posting here. Not only because I’m definitely the new kid on the block, but also because I readily accept that SFHC’s actions were probably not malicious, even if they were potentially harmful.
So uhm… yeah. 😀 It was on accident, but I think I’ve walked my talk pretty well, haha.
Alan, what on earth do you have planned, you sly man?
(Nope, sorry, can’t help with the Twitter thing. Not on it.)
@Collateral Thought
I bought it on blu-ray without paying a lot of attention to what I was getting, so it came as three discs and the third disc is “Logan Noir” which made me lol. I mean, how full of itself does a film have to be?
But it’s really good. It really highlights the excellent use of light in the film, and the gore is toned down by being grayscale. It’s a great thing to, for instance, flip over to when this thread gets to be too much for me tonight. LOL
Your talk is bullshit and nobody asked you to walk it. But the entire point is that literally nobody said “Nobody should be uncomfortable” so when you “summarize” the thread that way you are misrepresenting what was said. The rest of your digression is digression and not salient.
@Policy of Madness
Oh wow that does sound like a boon. It’s comforting to know from you that the film’s BnW version isn’t just some hackneyed attempt to add more features to the disc.
@Policy: I already plainly stated that you are correct in my other post. But, to plainly state what you are correct about: I improperly summarized and as a result mischaracterized an incredibly complicated and lengthy discussion with an overly simplified and inaccurate statement.
Okay? 🙂
As far as my talk being bullshit… agree to disagree. And no one asked me to walk it, but I would be a pretty crappy character not to practice what I preach. So I guess, in a way, my own moral compass asked me to walk it? Lemme guess, next: “your moral compass is bullshit,” right? ;D
@ peevee
*twirls moustache*
A little bit of a “put your money where your mouth is” challenge. 😀
@ Shiya:
I think I understand your position in regards to doxxing. I politely disagree though.
If SFHC looked up your info, then posted your name/address/etc., then that would be doxxing. That didn’t happen though, and nuance matters.
SFHC instead pointed out that there was some weirdness surrounding the picture you yourself chose to use for your gravitar. I think many of us were already quite familiar with the concept and process of a reverse-image search, so this didn’t reveal anything at all about your identity, nor was it novel information about how to discover your identity. All SFHC did was to point out that this image appeared in several different profiles. In such a situation, my immediate assumption would be that either a) the picture was a fake (which you disproved by posting another picture), or b) the image was being misused on the internet somehow, either by malice or by some vagary of google. None of that would lead me though to know which of those profiles, if any, had identifiable information about you.
You then (repeatedly) noted that one or more of those profiles WERE about you. Nobody asked you to do this, and I strongly urge you to be more cautious in the future.
If anyone doxxed you, then, it was you and you alone. You put up that picture, then you verified (using another picture) that the first picture was genuine. You said that the links were valid even when nobody had reason to believe they were. You provided a breadcrumb trail to your real identity. And given all you’ve said here, I’m sure I could track you down if I had an interest in doing so. That’s worrisome because that means other people can do so, who might mean you ill. I don’t.
I’m not hoping to upset you or shame you, because clearly you didn’t mean to do any of this, and I can understand that this all must be stressful to you. I’m only trying to clarify what was NOT done to you by SFHC or others here (myself included), and to help you to protect yourself better in the future.
I really do hope you’re safe, and that no trouble comes to you because of the exposure you created for your identity. And I hope you have a great evening and weekend.
shiya is making me tired now. am i allowed to go wildly off topic? who wants to see me doxx my cat?
I wonder what kind of person I would be if I had been raised in a progressive culture. I might have just turned into a clueless White Feminist. 😛 I’m truly lucky to have WHTM. This place has been a treasure trove of good shtuff and has actually helped me eradicate the sneaky, latent bigotry hiding in my brain.
@ PoM:
Huh, ok, I will have to pick up that blu-ray set then it seems. 🙂
Maybe it’s hackneyed? Not sure, but it’s a super-enjoyable way to experience the film, and I’m very happy with it.
@ cat:
Your kitty seems perturbed by something happening there. Look at that ear turned sideways and those dilated pupils. CAT ABUSE!!!111!
Seriously though, pretty kitty.
@Collateral: What I’m saying is, anyone who followed the trail he left could easily have found me. The “inconsistencies” quoted were not actually inconsistent, and would have been easy to figure out if someone spent five minutes digging around. I agree, the fact that I made it so easy to do with a commonly available tool is my own giant idiot mistake, and my initial panic response to be like, “Uhm, you’re doxxing me, thanks?” was not the best one.
HOWEVER, the ability to even “doxx” someone is to use some bit of information they put somewhere, and use that to track down their information. That is the definition of doxxing. Saying “well, you made it easy!” does not change the fact that it’s doxxing. For someone incredibly well versed on hunting things down on the internet, doxxing anyone at all might be easy, and they could say, “Well, I used this and this easily available tool to do so, so it’s not doxxing.” And they could also not post someone’s actual info, but rather just a clearly laid out way to ACCESS that info, and that makes it not doxxing?
Like I said, I agree that I made some miss-steps. It doesn’t change the fact that someone who WAS malicious and spent more than a five second glance-a-roo at the google reverse image search would have found me pretty darn easily. And yeah, I confirmed that, and yeah, that was my own fault. And yeah, lesson learned, never use your real face for a gravatar, got it!
I don’t think anyone here is actually malicious, and the “bread crumbs” of “I had a picture at one time that could find me” and “works at a marketing firm” will be able to lead anyone to me in the future. Thankfully. So, though I still have enough adrenaline to have my heart still racing, I don’t actually feel in any danger. Though, we’ve all already seen how evidently not-internet-savvy I am, so who knows!
What do you need to do your mischief?
@Sir Alan
Leave it to me! How can I help?
You need a fake twitter account, yes? Any specific name or such you would like?
If you’re referring to @Shiya, I couldn’t say if you did or not. If you’re referring to me, you’re fine
Aaand sold! I get that some people got something out of it, and it didn’t too much bother me, but blood that’s not mine is generally pretty squicky to me. Also, I could see it as a great thing as far as letting kids watch the movie. Not preschoolers, obvs. But, if I had tweens/teens, I’d personally be more reticent to let em see the gore than the profanity or the few seconds of nudie bits…
@Policy of Madness
Glad to know 😀
Your kitty looks like it’s thinkin “what is this thing you put at my face”
EXCUSE ME but everyone knows we are all ferrets in a human suit, and also a class of sociology students.