By David Futrelle
Today’s MGTOW of the Day, fresh from the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, has a rather unique perspective on the relative values of men and women. As he sees it, women are vastly inferior creatures whose only value stems from the fact that they can er, carry seed.
Men, by contrast, are … buses.
I’m not sure MGTOWs have quite mastered the fine art of the metaphor yet.
I’m hopefully looking forward to reading theme again here. I don’t suppose there’s any chance a message can be got through, just to say hi hope you’re ok from WHTM?
What actually happened to Scildfreja? I feel like I missed something, and I’ve been kinda afraid to ask.
Also, I hope Afroaway was sincere and will continue silently following this website and learn and grow as a person, but, given not only experience with “typical” misogynists through the content here but also the misogyny of brogressives and “liberals” in the gaming space, I have to confess I’m skeptical as well. So, fro, if you’re still reading I’m going to echo what Axe said a while back; disassociate yourself from incels. And other misogynist groups while you’re at it, you know. Take what people from “the other side” say to heart and focus on being the person you want to be.