4chan advocacy of violence aggrieved entitlement alpha males alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism daily stormer empathy deficit entitled babies evo psych fairy tales irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed white men racism vaginas

“Gina tingles” and the Elders of Zion: Do Alt-Rightists hate women as much as they hate Jews?

Women: Generally not big fans of neo-Nazis either

By David Futrelle

The original Nazis were not exactly what you’d call progressive thinkers on the “female question.” As Adolf Hitler saw it, the “world” of the German woman should be largely confined to “her husband, her family, her children, and her home.”

But, like many traditionalists, Hitler and his fellow Nazis tempered their misogyny — or at least tried to make it seem more palatable — with praise for the supposed purity and womanly honor of Aryan women who fit themselves neatly into their restricted roles.

Today’s neo-Nazis, or at least those who’ve come to Nazism through 4chan and the meme wars of the alt-right, have a much darker view of women, one influenced more by the bitter misogyny of “Red Pill” pickup artists and Men Going Their Own Way than by sentimental fantasies of “Kinder, Küche, Kirche.”

Reading posts and comments about women on The Daily Stormer, probably the most popular online hangout of today’s meme-happy neo-Nazis, it’s hard not to be struck by how thoroughly the discussions are permeated by “Red Pill” lingo. References to “alpha males,” “reproductive strategies” and “gina tingles” abound. (And there isn’t really anyone there to challenge the misogyny: As is the case in many manosphere communities, women are banned from commenting and “manginas” are quickly chased off.)

To see this convergence of the manosphere and the neo-Nazi movement in full effect, one need only to take a look at a recent debate, of sorts, on the Daily Stormer BBS on the question: ‘Are women naturally evil and immoral?” 

A fellow calling himself jonholiver gets the discussion rolling by asking whether it’s “female nature” or “our degenerate culture that [makes] women act the way they do.”

Mr. Oliver, for his part, finds it “hard … to believe that women are actually evil by nature.” As he sees it, the

distinction is important because if we take the premise that women aren’t naturally evil and are neutral or virtuous then the patriarchy serves to guide women into having a family and to create an enviroment where men want to do it as well, while if we go from the premise that women are naturally imoral and sluts than the patriarchy as the purpose of opressing or supressing women’s nature and making them submit to men(i’m not saying opressing women is bad).

Of course you’re not, dude. You’re a freaking Nazi.

The most popular answer amongst Mr. Oliver’s peers? It’s a mixture of both.

“Women are shit by nature,” writes a commenter calling himself lordkekofkeking.

they are only good for making kids, cooking and cleaning. In a traditional society, women understood their place because men put them in their place and they would go against popular culture by doing otherwise.

Now, in this Kali Yuga, women are told they can be whores, they get away with it financially and legally and even worse males in their society have been femenized by constant (((brainwashing))).

As BillyRayJenkns sees it,

Women are led into evil and immorality by a lack of strong authority figures, If we stoned and staked them today, this would all end

SilverDawn makes the same repugnant argument in slightly more polite language:

They are a herd animal. If they see the herd walk one way they will follow it doesn’t matter what it is. The desire to be part of the herd out weighs any logical thinking.

Like all good herds they need fences/boundaries. And good stockmanship.

Cmartel offers an argument I’ve run across again and again on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.

Females are not evil but they are part of nature which can often be cruel.

A woman is like a dog, a tiger or a tree, neither good or bad. A tiger might kill you but it’s just what tiger’s do, the tiger is not good or evil.

We’re often fooled by women because they can mimic understanding and regurgitate facts without understanding anything.

They themselves are unaware of this it seems, they think they understand but they only feel whatever they feel according to instinct.

If a man seems confident, has social standing, wealth, they feel secure and are drawn to him for reasons they cannot explain. Doesn’t really matter if the man is objectively good or bad.

Women are only here to reward the winners and punish the losers, just like nature.

Masteracist recites a variation of an old evolutionary psych fairy tale that has proven quite popular amongst the manospherians:

The female reproductive strategy evolved prior to civilization, and it is destructive to civilization.

An individual woman, at the instinctual level is attempting to secure the sperm of the most genetically fit man available, and to maximize the resources available to her. In order to accomplish this she will engage in all manner of socially destructive behavior.

Shit testing, instigating conflict between men and other men and men and the state, stealing men from other women, etc. She’ll vote for and encourage the mass importation of third worlders. These behaviors are a subconscious attempt to maximize the genetics available to her, and to create conflict between men in order to determine which men have superior genetics.

Her desire for resources will cause her to manipulate men sexually and emotionally. These men become demoralized, depressed, jaded and scornful of women. This negatively effects their productive output. She will vote for and encourage the theft of productive (white) men’s resources to be guaranteed to the less productive. Her hindbrain has herself and her (potential) children in mind, but in practice this results in the subsidization of brown babies and baby mammas …

She isn’t evil, she’s just ill equipped to make decisions that effect the health of a civilization, and for that reason she should be oppressed, for her own good and ours.

Only the over-the-top racism distinguishes this comment from the evo-psych-influenced explanations of “female nature” one finds everywhere on manosphere blogs and the MGTOW subreddit. (And of course there are evo-psych obsessed manosphere writers who are every bit as racist as Mr. Masterracist, most notably the grandiloquent racist shitbag Heartiste.)

Tompanz offers a vision of human history that leans heavily on the alleged evils of “kikes.”

Women aren’t evil; they aren’t children; and they aren’t immoral. They are women. They are fundamentally different than men and fill different roles. Kikes used a deep knowledge of human psychology and history to start the time bomb that is feminism. Women are eternal followers, and need strong men to guide them. You cannot build society around the tiny minority (if any exist at all) of women who are capable of leading anything but toddlers. …

“[T]he better things get, the more bored women are. Bored women want to play make believe as men, since times are good and men love women they let them. Then women make things go to shit and men keep then locked up until times are better.” Rinse repeat for 12,500 years.

Remove the overt anti-Semitism and you have an “argument” that will be familiar to any longtime student of the manosphere (and/or reader of this blog).

General_Pinochet offers a somewhat more concise explanation of “female nature,” using a familiar cringey catchphrase popular with Red Pillers and MRAs alike, declaring simply that “[w]omen are controlled by ‘gina tingles.”

Amongst all those commenting in the thread, only one seems to feel much real sympathy for women — albeit “sympathy” of a particularly Hitlarian kind. As agoodgoy88 sees it

Women are the victims of Jews and so are men, but it’s our job as men to protect women and children from monsters like Jews instead of blaming them because we won’t fulfill our guardian role. I’m not saying white men should be blamed, but once we start reasserting our role as patriarchs en masse our women will submit almost instantaneously.

Yeah, I don’t think that’s going to be happening any time soon, buddy. But I do think the convergence of the manosphere and the already heavily male alt-right will continue. Both movements are borne of bitterness and aggrieved entitlement, and today’s neo-Nazis seem to be as angry at empowered women as they are at the mythical elders of Zion who supposedly run the world.

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7 years ago


Yes I agree.

I also do wonder who, and why?

(CYA effort on the part of insurers, or anyone else who stands to lose money, is my guess.)

7 years ago

Re: London.

Young men awake early due to Ramadan saved lives by running from door to door warning people, and local mosques have opened their doors to the homeless.

Still Fiqah
Still Fiqah
7 years ago

Ya know, the more I get to know of MGTOW/Incels through this site, the more I’m convinced they’re all some kind of “Screwfly Solution”-esque test population.

7 years ago

Steampunked –

Yes, there were people up late who saw the fire and helped others, I saw the news about this and the Mosques offering help too.

This is what it means to be a “good person”.

I was very glad and inspired to see these things as well.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

That London fire. OMG.

I’m giving London one big hug.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
7 years ago

Awful the amount of suburbs which have lost their fire stations because of the ridiculous ‘austerity’ policies. 🙁

7 years ago

Ahhh, Fujimoto answered before I could…there goes my chance to talk about mythology and religion, which I love doing. Incidentally, I’m finally playing through the rest of the Persona series (loved the first 2, never played beyond them before), which is AWESOME for a mythology lore nut like me. Other people might enjoy it too, because it actually deals with LGBTQ+ issues, and was in fact subtly working them in before it was socially acceptable (the creators consider the main character of the 2nd game to be canonically gay, despite his bisexual choice of romantic interests, and the 4th game has several characters working through sexual identity issues as core to the plot).

7 years ago

I’m late to the party, but am liking Dragon Age: Inquisition. Straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, kinky, and trans characters, just as facets of their usual personality rather than being held up as ‘unusual’ focal points. Having lots of fun.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

I watched Logan this weekend, and I’m trying to decide if it is merely an amazing performance by Hugh Jackman, or if it is that plus a brilliant deconstruction of the superhero movie genre.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


7 years ago



This ^^^^ bullshit is why i stop using smiles first on here because i thought maybe i would look like im Nazi ((( but fuck. Who cares they deserve only to be punch in their face.

Re. Logan i also recently watched this. But i really do not see how this ‘deconstructing’ anything about superhero films. I just thought it was little bit boring and thought that it was much smarter than it really was. Making superhero dark or have them be more ‘real’ already done before in 1990s with Watchmen and Killing Joke (okay so i wach hbomberguy). I dont like comic book or superhero films so maybe it not for me that why i dont understand -BUT i still think people too much exaggerate how good is logan. Overall i just disappointed.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago


Another wonderful, adorable selfie? ?

7 years ago

Thank you ??? but i must be honest, this is quite old. I am 19 years in this photo. Now i am 24 years.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago


Contains spoilers, so I will rot13 it:

Gur zbivr vf abg cresrpg, ohg V qb svaq Uhtu Wnpxzna’f cresbeznapr gb or vaperqvoyr.

V fnl vg vf n qrpbafgehpgvba orpnhfr vg gheaf gur hfhny sbezhyn ba vgf urnq. Vg’f abg nobhg gur ureb(f) hfvat fhcrecbjref gb qrsrng gur rivy cybg bs gur ivyynva(f). Nyy bs gur bgure K-Zra zbivrf sbyybjrq guvf sbezhyn, naq V npghnyyl pna’g guvax bs n zbivr va nal fhcreureb senapuvfr gung qbrfa’g. Bs pbhefr vg’f n ubyqbire sebz pbzvp obbxf, jurer gur sbezhyn vf nyzbfg nyjnlf sbyybjrq naq vg’f ener naq erznexrq-hcba jura gur obbx qrivngrf sebz gur sbezhyn.

Vafgrnq guvf zbivr vf n punenpgre fghql bs n ohearq-bhg, uneevrq pnertvire jub unf n arj snzvyl qenzn gung ur pna’g unaqyr qebccrq vagb uvf ync jvgubhg jneavat. Jbyirevar vf n fhcreureb jvgu fhcrecbjref, ohg ur pna’g hfr uvf cbjref gb fbyir gur ceboyrz bs Knivre’f vyyarff. Lrf, gur urebrf hfvat gurve fhcrecbjref gb qrsrng gur fhcrecbjrerq ivyynva svtherf va, ohg gung’f vapvqragny gb gur fgbel. Lbh pbhyq gryy guvf fgbel jvgubhg gur fhcrecbjref.

Nyfb, Jbyirevar vf fybjyl tebhaq qbja bire gur pbhefr bs gur zbivr naq gur raq bs gur zbivr vf abg gur rkcrpgrq gevhzcu bire nqirefvgl naq jva sbe gur cebgntbavfg. Vafgrnq, nqirefvgl jvaf.

Vg’f abg na hacerprqragrq fgbel ol nal zrnaf, ohg vg vairegf gur hfhny fhcreureb sbezhyn, juvpu vf jul V pnyy vg n qrpbafgehpgvba.

Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
7 years ago

“Do they think they’ll be the exception and they’ll have total freedom while the people they don’t like live under the authoritarian rule? They can’t really believe that, can they? Or is it just another double standard?”

Yes; just like they think if civilization collapses, they will somehow emerge as the New Warlords of the Mad Max hellscape which remains, and all those snotty Stacys who wouldn’t look at them twice in high school will beg to spread their legs for the Mighty Shitlords.

Never mind that, if civilization actually collapsed, 99+% of them wouldn’t have the weapons skills or other survival skills to survive in a post-apocalyptic world, and would soon become banquets for buzzards (as would I).

Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
7 years ago

I’ve heard of esoteric Nazis using the phrase for a while since some love to appropriate Hindu terminology and concepts.

Including, IIRC, the swastika itself.

If Bollywood hasn’t made a movie from this concept already, it should. ^_^

7 years ago

@Virgin Mary,

If you feel like you are a man, be a man. There are lots of wonderful men out there. Be one of them.

As a straight woman who is actually very fond of men, it should be more of a problem than it is that there are a whole bunch of badly broken males out there. But my daddy, who was IMO the best daddy there ever was (hey, somebody had to have the best daddy, it just happened to be me) had a solution to the problem. He said there was a big difference between a male and a man. Men do not mistreat women. Men take care of their children. Men do the best they can to be both strong and gentle. Etc. (I miss him. It’s been three years but it still hurts.)

So I just see it that way. The little maggots who write stuff like we see in the OP are male but they are not men. You, on the other hand, can be a man, if that is what you want to do.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


I dont like comic book or superhero films so maybe it not for me that why i dont understand

It’s better if you were a fan of the series. ‘Were’ being the operative word here. I saw the 1st movie when I was 8. Opening week. Loved it. Saw the 2nd, fuckin adored it. Every movie since has been either 1)a disaster or 2)good but a fluke. After 17 years, I’m so sick and tired of this franchise I used to think the world of. The best part of Logan is that Logan and Charles are just as sick and tired as I am. It’s like how Toy Story 3 plays best to an audience who grew up with Andy…

Also, Dafne Keen is a goddamn star. Hollywood, put her in more things, pls!

7 years ago

She will vote for and encourage the theft of productive (white) men’s resources to be guaranteed to the less productive. Her hindbrain has herself and her (potential) children in mind, but in practice this results in the subsidization of brown babies and baby mammas…She isn’t evil, she’s just ill equipped to make decisions that effect the health of a civilization, and for that reason she should be oppressed, for her own good and ours.

Now wait a minute — aren’t optimal babies in everybody’s best interest? Aren’t they in the best interest of civilization? Isn’t it a bad idea to try to run a first-class civilization with second-class babies?* Isn’t this exactly the argument white manospherians have been using for years, yea for centuries (from long before the manosphere as such was so much as a twinkle in whichever redditor’s eye) in order to glean special advantages for them and for theirs? If pitting man against man produces the best baby-daddies, who’s going to argue with it or oppose it? (Let me rephrase: who that’s a fully-paid-up manosphere bro has any business arguing with it or retains the right to oppose it?) If women are doing all this, aren’t women the unsung hero(ines) of their vaunted civilization? If women are the source of all this, aren’t male conservatives of my Dad’s type right — the ones who say “If it weren’t for you (women) none of us (men) would ever form Idea One of doing any of this (discovering and building, etc. etc.), but you drive us to it and we do it all for you?” And if they’re right, don’t women deserve a fraction of credit? If biological law is all, aren’t women justified when/if they/we move/shake the world in the course of a quest for high-caliber children? And if not, why not?

In the course of this comment I’ve given voice to many ideas for which I don’t have much patience. However, they’re the ideas according to which manospherians claim to live their lives and guide their actions. My contention is that if the bros do indeed believe what they claim to believe and if they accept the premises they claim to accept, they’re left with the conclusion that women are the wellspring of civilization and not some kind of awkward afterthought, because they themselves disclaim any interest in sexual selectivity. (That men in RL show plenty of it’s something I’m going to overlook for now.) One is left (first) with the impression that they don’t altogether buy into their own doctrine, because (second) they aren’t very consistent when they/their pronouncements are judged by it.

*Not a premise I hold personally, but cited for reasons which I’ve explained above.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

V nyfb jnag gb abgr urer gung obgu Ybtna naq Puneyrf ner orvat orgenlrq ol gurve cbjref. Puneyrf unf obgu n oevyyvnag vagryyrpg naq n fgebat cflpuvp cbjre; uvf oenva vf snvyvat uvz, obgu vagryyrpghnyyl naq cflpuvpnyyl. Ybtna’f terngrfg nffrg, uvf nqnznagvhz, juvpu vf negvsvpvny, vf pevccyvat uvf angheny cbjre naq xvyyvat uvz. Gurve bgure genvgf unir orra erirefrq nf jryy. Puneyrf jnf nyjnlf tragyr naq nyzbfg cnpvsvfg; abj ur’f xvyyrq gur crbcyr ur pnerq nobhg zbfg. Ybtna vf n angheny obea xvyyre, ohg uvf cevznel ebyrf va gur zbivr ner pnertvire, cebgrpgbe (cnegvnyyl snvyrq, rira), naq cnerag.

Vafgrnq bs n ynetr pnfg bs crbcyr jvgu fhcrecbjref, gur pnfg vf eryngviryl fznyy.

Gur svyz unf fbzr synjf, ohg vg ernyyl gnxrf gur fhcreureb zbivr sbezhyn ncneg naq erohvyqf vg vagb fbzrguvat arj naq qvssrerag.

7 years ago


How do i translate what you written? I forget. Or you joking me?)))


You are right. I just thought logan was weird and little bit sad. I never watched any other superhero movie except ant man, guardians of the galaxy and dead pool. Dead pool also i didnt like, felt like it trying too hard to be many things and failing at all. Ant man is really good though! Very funny )))

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago


Copy and paste into the form on this page:

You can also write a rotated reply using the same form. Rot 13 codes and decodes with the same simple key.

7 years ago

Ok i found some decypt website for this rot 13 but on my phone they not working…but okay everyone else can enjoy your thoughts))) i try also this one and also not working. I need to sleep now anyway.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Sleep well, Valentine!

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago


Sleep well and good dreams.