By David Futrelle
Fellas! Be careful around ladies lest they hypnotize you into liking them with their hair. Yes, that’s right. I said hair.
Absorb this hard-won wisdom, coming to you from one very wise fellow in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit who is today’s MGTOW of the Day:
Seriously. look at these hideous monsters. Eww!
Sorry, I forgot what my point was.
*ded from all the pics of amazing women*
*looks again*
*ded from all the wonderful manly long hair*
Sheesh, you guys! 🙂
Women aren’t attractive. That’s true. It’s all in their internal organs. Without them they look like floppy sacks of skins. Also they die.
@Jurgan – Anything that doesn’t thrill this guy must be AVOIDED for the sake of other people’s HEALTH. He just CARES you know?!
To this guy, anything different from “cis hetero female with hair” probably seems to be “autistic” (‘e clearly doesn’t understand much about real people, “autistic” or otherwise)
My hair is long, soft, and fluffy. It is black and glossy and lush.
Yes, fear my evil and powerful hair, manospherians! I am, actually, cognizant of his bewitching and magical it is.
I maintain its health by carefully washing it, combing it, brushing it, and feeding it lots of nutritious hair creme so it remains glossy and fabulous. I am very proud of it. It’s definitely what makes me more beautiful.
That manuresphere dude is right. It’s one of the sources of my evil enchantress powers.
OMG! Everyone decided to put up pictures of what I’m specifically attracted to! I love chicks with shaved heads or any really short cut and guys with long hair because firstly, they’re just super fucking hot and also I love people who look androgynous (David Bowie anyone?)The pic of the guy with the long brown shading to greenish aqua hair almost gave me a heart attack because he is beyond hot. There is no word for people who look that good.
Don’t be so down on yourself. You are from your description very similar-looking to my second high school boyfriend. Except he was heavier than you. He had hair that he could actually sit on by the time we’d been dating for 2 years. He was 6 feet 1, 275 lb, pale as milk with incredibly beautiful long chestnut brown hair. I thought he was totally adorable at the time. I’m not trying to claim he’s conventionally model gorgeous(that was my first high school boyfriend and yeah, that didn’t work out well at all)but people do claim I’m conventionally attractive( I did a little bullshit modeling when I was a teenager.)So don’t assume girls won’t find you attractive. Maybe some really do and you haven’t spoken to those girls, so you never found out.
I didn’t know that, but I did know that shaving has been a historical humiliation punishment for women in particular. It’s pretty clear that EndlessPontification picked that up from somewhere and now cannot stop fantasizing about shaving women.
Funny, I’m just as autistic with my hair at my shoulder-blades as I was with it down to my arse. These guys really are clueless, aren’t they.
Would have posted a longer thought on this, but I’m off to my craft group in about 15mins, and after that I’ve got cooking. We’re making mixed fruit crumble and custard!
(Please let the teacher have been able to afford black cherries, please let the teacher have been able to afford black cherries…)
Don’t know if anybody put this one up yet, but this is what I thought after seeing that headline!
@ sailor leaddragonite
Apparently, “autistic freak” is a new slang term for saying that someone looks weird and unattractive, possibly because of their body language (hence the autism connection?), or possibly because of their grooming or clothes or facial features or whatever.
Likewise, it was mentioned in another thread that “autistic screeching” is a new slang term for someone “losing their shit” or possibly just expressing strong disagreement.
I guess in the long run the a-word might become the new r-word, unfortunately.
Oh sorry,
the above gif is from Mars Attacks and is a perfect illustration of the headline of this post. Watch the movie. It’s gross and hilarious.
@ artic ape
Yup. Our incel friends (and presumably others of that ilk) use ‘autistic’ as a generic epithet. Not just for people but also for things and concepts (eg “The Star Wars prequels are really autistic”)
“autistic” has been used as an insult for years now. In high school kids used it all the time to mean “weird, anti-social loner”
It’s really terrible
@kupa Oh God, those pictures… Be still, my heart!
I absolutely love men with long hair. Every time I’m at a metal concert I feel like a kid at a candy store
Just as autistic with short hair as with long. And I’m dying from all the lovely shaven-headed ladies and long-haired men.
Well, i guess he mistakes “Love is in the air” and “Love is in the hair”.
I love all kind of hair style, but i find them more attractive when they are attached (bun(s), tails, braids, you name it) on other people (i prefer mine very short).
Have a nice day.
Fellow frizzmeisters represent. Mine’s the same way, and the curls won. So I try to whack the shit out of them and then ignore them as much as possible.
Then I get the people that say they want my hair when I want straighter hair. Grass is always greener, I guess.
I’m not surprised that people use “austistic” as an insult. Allegedly, children are using “refugee” as an insult nowadays.
Does anyone know of any term which is used to Other people, which hasn’t gradually lost its meaning and become a general-purpose insult?
I’m just going top assume every word in the English language will become an insult at some point.
Oh, hair. Having read all the comments, I just have to reminisce:
When I was around 10 years old, some 40 years ago, my mother forced me to have my hair thinned. She wasn’t going to fork over the funds to have it done in a hair salon, not her. She took me to a barbershop in a Sheraton hotel.
After a session with the thinning shears, my fine, straight, but very thick hair was extremely bristly and flyaway. I think jealousy was what motivated my mother, and not much else. I probably have three times as much hair as she does.
EJ: Perhaps the most basic ones, like “outsider”. Then again, when I see that word, I start thinking in D&D terms, and think “maybe it’s not a bad idea to want to stay away from the Outsider”…
@ EJ – sounds like an updated version of “fresh off the boat” or FoB. Which tbh I’ve only ever heard the second generation kids say about their parents who are struggling with the culture in a way that their children aren’t. But I hang out with SJWs so what do I know?
@Buffalo Headroom,
Thank you! I feel so damn vindicated 😀
Apologies if this is insensitive, but what happened to your friend? Your post is beautiful.
If I’m being nosey or intrusive, I apologize in advance. Sometimes I’m too forward with people I don’t know. I’m not brilliant with subtle social cues or subtle social proprieties.
If you don’t mind me asking, what racial group do you identify with? Because since I’m(half)black(and half white)and my hair is definitely from my black genes. I get my hair thinned as you called it(I call it a relaxer or a perm)3 times a year since I was in 4th grade. My hair is so thick naturally, it’s literally unmanageable. Like, I break combs off in my hair, it’s ridiculous. Relaxers have very strong chemicals that make your hair thinner. It’s only like $10 to buy a kit in the store, but now I go to the salon. How did a barber shop properly thin your hair out evenly? I do hair(not professionally, but for fun)so I’m curious if there’s a way to do it that I’m not aware of. Maybe it’s easier or something.
Thanks in advance if you respond, and again, I’m sorry if I was intrusive. Have a great day!?