By David Futrelle
Fellas! Be careful around ladies lest they hypnotize you into liking them with their hair. Yes, that’s right. I said hair.
Absorb this hard-won wisdom, coming to you from one very wise fellow in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit who is today’s MGTOW of the Day:
Seriously. look at these hideous monsters. Eww!
Sorry, I forgot what my point was.
Wait, if it’s all about the hair, they’re surely attracted to these people, right? Because that’s some sexy hair.
Unfortunately I look like a skin-head whenever I shave my head.
Unfortunately my hair is curly and rough…so yeah my sucks ass.
Oh, myyyyy. *fans herself*
5 dollars says he’s a virgin.
So…we’re all a bizarre form of Rapunzel? Course, by this logic, as soon as I started growing my hair out, my autism would have vanished. Guess what, chucklefucks: I’m still an autist.
Also, pretty sure Charlize Theron was hot in the most recent Mad Max, and she had basically no hair in that movie. I have les-dar, I know a beautiful person when I see one. It helps me hide from them better.
Also, let’s talk about bald women.
In a lot of cases, abusive men forcibly shave women as a mark of ownership. So, this whole shit they are doing is multiple kinds of disingenuous since almost all migtoes are single cause they’re abusive fucks.
There’s also some women who have to shave for reasons, such as chemotherapy (Well, that or have their hair fall out. I’d choose to shave too). So let’s not mock people doing what they have to do.
So…these people are ableist, disingenuous fucks.
Wow, I must have ALL THE POWER since my hair goes down to my butt. I shall use it to enslave millions of migtoes. heh Not that it would do me any good. They’d whine so much I’d have to set them free just to give myself some peace.
@kupo, @Peevee
Holy doodle! *grabs the fan from Peevee*
@kupo Ohhh myyyyyyy
So, Amber Rose isn’t a hottie McHot-hot?
I know she is and my “biochemistry” doesn’t even lend itself to sexual attraction toward ladies.
What is this bizarre fixation these dudes have with Autistic people being bald?
How did that become a thing?
Are these creeps ever not the wrongest of wrong?
@Kupo: ???????????????????????
I love men with long hair. Chubby/plump/fat men with long hair are even better. ?
@pagan, I am single then, and I’ve got a deal for you~. I’ve got mid-back length curly hair, and I weigh about 230, Ladies~
Won’t let me edit, so in case it wasn’t obvious, I am joking about being seductive. I’m not that great looking, given my hair and 230 pounds of pale white nerd. X3
You’ll do. Approach me.
Sounds pretty attractive to me.
Let’s not forget Ani DiFranco’s first album cover.
I’d make a lewd joke about Checkmate’s finesse, but I’m gonna adhere to the comments policy and not do it.
@Fran, nah, you really don’t want to. X3 I have no such finesse. I’m actually pretty awful with people IRL
Of course, the potential lewd joke probably flew over my head. I tend to miss stuff like that.
I wonder: if an incel and a migtoe shake hands, do they both dissolve in gamma rays, like matter and antimatter?
I propose a cage match of the idiot ideologies…it is literally the only way to find out!
@ bina
And here I thought that was an Abraham Lincoln quote.
Despite my jokes about being a Goddess-Empress, you do not have to be the zenith of perfection to be with me. Don’t sell yourself so short!
@Fran, nah, I’m not selling myself short, trust me here. X3
They both probably ripped it off Morgan Freeman.