By David Futrelle
Fellas! Be careful around ladies lest they hypnotize you into liking them with their hair. Yes, that’s right. I said hair.
Absorb this hard-won wisdom, coming to you from one very wise fellow in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit who is today’s MGTOW of the Day:
Seriously. look at these hideous monsters. Eww!
Sorry, I forgot what my point was.
I thought it was a guy, Samson, who’s root of power lay in his hair (if you’ll pardon the pun). I guess women have even stolen that from men now, soon we’ll all be living under an inevitably catastrophic matriarchal society where straight white men will literally be killed in the streets./s
@Swedish Sexual Bread
Wot, no Persia Khambatta?
“Autistic Freak”?! Does he honestly think our hair has the ability to change our brains?!…. Does this mean we have Supernatural hair? Does it have any more talents? HAVE I BEEN USING MY HAIR WRONG ALL THESE YEARS?!
@Slutty Miss Havisham Penguin
This explains why my brain starts processing information differently every time I get a haircut, and why it’s more extreme when I cut more length. Yeah science, bitch!*
*This is a Breaking Bad quote and not aimed at you nor at any female canines. 🙂
Wow, all these years I thought I caught a man with meatloaf, turns out it was hair.
I think this guy might have a fetish. Has anyone explained to him that this is what a fetish is?
@ fran
You’ve just reminded me of one of the many very funny bits from “Fear of A Black Hat”:
“It’s from our new album ‘Don’t Shoot Until You See The Whites'”
“Of their eyes?”
“Who’s eyes?”
My first fencing instructor got cancer (and eventually died from it). Shortly after she was diagnosed, she had an extreme haircut – basically a buzzcut all over – and had her formerly past-shoulder-length hair made into a wig. Not that I ever saw her wearing it.
She stayed mentally strong and smart until her last night in hospice, when her husband gave her permission to stop fighting because he couldn’t bear to see her in such distress any longer. He’s never remarried. She was that awesome a lady.
Woop woop, Persis Khambatta! The original bald beauty!
Honestly, if I looked as good without hair as all these barenaked ladies, I’d be flaunting my nude scalp right the fuck now, when it’s so humid here on the north shore of Lake Ontario, it could make broom straws curl up. Oddly enough, though, today my usually frizzy hair actually decided to behave, so I left it down to give the roots a rest…at least until suppertime, when I put it back in a pony just to keep it out of my frickin’ way.
As for the migtoes, who the hell cares. Aren’t they supposed to be ignoring us? Yet there they are, grousing and kvetching. Same as it ever was, same as it ever was…
@ slutty miss haversham
Y u no has Sigourney Weaver in Alien 3? D:
Missed a few threads, hey guys!
Back to topic(s): the incel a few threads back bitterly believe all women are fuckable/attractive no matter their size. Here, this mgtow bitterly believe all women are ugly apart from their hair.
This makes no sense. Even if it were true that beauty is all in the hair, hair is part of your body. Hair isn’t some autonomous creature that just decides to settle on someone’s head. Even MGTOW’s dumb conclusions don’t follow from their stupid premises.
As a side note, that is a clumsy acronym.
@Alan Robertshaw
That explains why its such an anxious time for me to go to the hairdressers and why people who aren’t my close friends touching my hair gives me shudders…. Its not touch oversensitivity! It’s them literally disturbing my contact with the Force! (Also explains why I have a dog called Ewok!) 😀
Shit! He knows! My power to break men’s souls have diminished since I started losing hair!
Persis Khambatta was the first bald woman I thought of.
Grace Jones is gorgeous.
What whiny little wibbles, just making up shit to get pissy about.
‘Hair isn’t some autonomous creature that just decides to settle on someone’s head.’
Have you not seen D Trump then?
Looks like this migtow is a secret Mean Girls fan
@ Cleon
ahem. I put it to you that the current usurper in the WH, aka the SCROTUS, provides evidence that this may not in fact be the case.
I did the glamorous shaved-head thing once (it was a moderately special occasion), it was pretty fun.
I know I missed a bunch of awesome bald ladies! I just figured that 7 pics was already a lot.
I just can’t.
This dope seems to have confused women with kelpies.