By David Futrelle
Fellas! Be careful around ladies lest they hypnotize you into liking them with their hair. Yes, that’s right. I said hair.
Absorb this hard-won wisdom, coming to you from one very wise fellow in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit who is today’s MGTOW of the Day:
Seriously. look at these hideous monsters. Eww!
Sorry, I forgot what my point was.
We talking hair? I have loose curls and thick facial hair (eastern European/Jewish heritage). When I don’t cut my hair or shave for a while, my mom will tell me I look like the unabomber.
I am super late to this thread, but I feel any thread featuring beautiful man hair needs a dose of Naveen Andrews in The English Patient.
Can’t really hold a candle to Naveen Andrews (or Jason Momoa for that matter), but here’s a couple of long haired guys I’ve liked in the past:
Yet these are the same asshats hissing at women’s pixie cuts, buzzcuts, military haircuts or any other shorter hairstyles. Saying they’re trying too hard to be “butch” or like a “man”, and one agitated guy on a forum said the next woman he sees with short hair, a tattoo or “bug eye glasses”, he’s literally going to want to slap as hard as he can.
It’s almost like they WANT to be lured. I was even on mgtow.com and all of the men on those self-answering “are women “Really” hot or not?” pages admitted that a woman’s hair was her “crown”. Yet, these are the same men who hate the whole “princess” deal and treating women like the royalty that they are not, rather than treating them like the “slaves” the deserve to be treated as. These are the same men who literally feel women have no worth at all… so get the hell out of here with a “crown”. These are also the same men who are convinced all women are secretly ugly, yet they are always rating the women who are obviously wearing makeup, pretty clothes, are fit and taking care of themselves. Yet at the same time… these are STILL just futile tactics to “trick” men. Because after all… women are still ugly. I’ve seen men rate drop dead gorgeous women 2’s and 3’s out of pure spite before, much to the agreed praise of the other men on the forums. Yet, they are still under the “control” of the evil women’s looks, because if they weren’t, they wouldn’t waste their time to even rate women or even discuss their looks in any way whatsoever.
But it has long since come to my attention that 98% of these men in these movements don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about. :l
(Good thing even they know they’re full of shit and that they’re words on the internet are permanent and can be used as reference in future. So they give the weak-sauce “Redpill rage phase” as an excuse to their horrid behaviors and words.)