Alt-right boy reporter Matt Forney, evidently worried that the good people of the internet don’t hate him enough already, is using the anniversary of the Pulse Nightclub shootings in Orlando as an opportunity to attack the “sodomites” who died in the massacre as well as those amongst the alt-right who took advantage of the shootings to drum up publicity for themselves and whip up even more hatred towards Muslims.
Not that Forney has any love for Muslims; he hates them. He just thinks that the Pulse nightclub patrons who were shot down in the massacre more or less deserved what they got.
“The homosexuals who died at Omar Mateen’s hands were dead men walking,” Forney writes in a blog post today (archived here).
They were soulless hedonists with no stake in America’s survival and no concerns beyond immediate self-gratification. They were at the club because they wanted to get drunk, do drugs, and have as much meaningless sex as possible, then stick the taxpayer with the bill once med-resistant AIDS and antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea took their toll. …
No functioning, healthy society would allow Pulse—or the kinds of men who frequented it—to exist. No healthy society would mourn their passing. Indeed, depending on your perspective, Mateen was just taking out the trash, eliminating societal parasites via natural selection.
As Forney sees it, the big problem with “sodomites” — the thing that makes them “soulless hedonists” in the first place — is that they can’t have babies.
When a man and a woman are attracted to one another, they are seeing the continuation of their tribe and the formation of the next generation. …
Babies are produced by heterosexual relationships; all homo relationships ever produce is cum.
The reciprocity and selflessness that defines heterosexual relationships (and is necessary for them to function) does not exist among homosexuals and can never exist. How can two people who view each other as sex meat ever have a normal relationship?
It should be noted that Mr. Forney, to the best of my knowledge, has not participated in the production of any human babies. (Not that I am encouraging him to do so; there is more than enough suffering in the world already.) And I can’t believe that any woman who has ever been in any sort of relationship with him would describe it as in any way “normal.”
Despite more or less agreeing with ISIS on the “sodomite” question, Forney is quick to assure his readers that he is no fan of Muslims.
“I have no love for Muslims and I want to see them get their asses kicked back to the Middle East,” he writes. “But embracing homosexuals in the fight against Islam is like curing a headache with 9 mm to the brainpan.”
And that’s where he thinks “sodomite” and sodomite-friendly Alt-Rightists like Milo Yiannopoulos and Gavin McInnes went so wrong in the aftermath of the Pulse attack. At the time, as you may recall, Milo — then in the midst of his “Dangerous Faggot” tour of college campuses — held a rally of sorts in the vicinity of the Pulse shooting in which he declared that gays needed to take up arms, quite literally, against the Muslim menace. McInnes delivered a similarly over-the-top anti-Islam speech. And then the two kissed.
As Forney sees it,
The Orlando shooting should have been a wake-up call to the non-cucked right. Whites have become addicted to pleasure and indulgement above all else. … That’s the real reason why we won’t fight back against Islam or Mexican illegals: because we’re too addicted to sex and pleasure. Because we don’t want reality to intrude upon our bareback hugbox orgy. Undoing this is the only way to save our nations, and it starts with recognizing that homosexuality, transsexuality, and the 31 flavors of gender need to be done away with.
Unfortunately, in Forney’s estimation, the alt-right hasn’t embraced his explicitly exterminationist anti-gay agenda.
“Milo Yiannopoulos and Gavin McInnes responded to the shooting by making out in public,” he writes, with obvious disgust.
The Right Stuff and other alt-right outlets … declared that Orlando was another reason to “remove kebab” (even though it was Latinos, not huwytes, who were killed). … Not one person asked why our culture had degenerated to the point where gay nightclub bareback orgies had become acceptable.
The alt-media, which castigated mainstream conservatives as “cuckservatives,” collectively cucked out by taking a left-wing position on gay rights.
I’m pretty sure “remove kebab” is not a left-wing position on anything, but never mind.
The only good thing about any of this is that the more the various factions of the alt-right turn on each other the less damage they can do in the world.
@occasional reader,
You are even more awesome when you’re angry. Damn! 😀
Sorry for the length, it’s practically a thesis. I didn’t realize it was so long until it was done. I’m extra stoned tonight, which makes me ridiculously verbose, but here goes
What the actual fuck! I don’t even know what to do with that! If you told your dad he was killing your mom he would just be like “so what I don’t care”? Then why are they still married? Why does he want to live with someone he wants to die? I know I can be naive and maybe that’s why this just makes absolutely no sense to me, like I can’t comprehend his mindset at all.
Anyway, when I was 16 I was sure I wanted to be a psychiatrist. They don’t teach Psych to juniors(or anyone else)in high school, so I asked my mom to buy me 2 beginner and 1 intermediate level textbooks and some of the most common books on the NYU first year Psychology syllabus(at the time, Jesse, my 3rd real boyfriend, was an NYU sophomore so he helped me get the info. You couldn’t just google it back then☺)So I started reading and reading.
I got into NYU, but was informed by my darling Jesse that they are a business, the school is an afterthought and they tend to fuck over students consistently by giving them scholarships and after the first year taking them completely away even if you follow the rules(with loopholes or other bullshit)By that time you’ve made friends, you feel comfortable and are more inclined to take out ridiculous student loans to pay their over 40 grand of tuition per year. Sorry about the lengthy tangent it’s a pet peeve of mine.
So I ended up going to Hunter College to major in psychology. It took longer then it should have but I didn’t fully comprehend to be a psychiatrist you also have to take a full four years of med school. I thought psychiatrist would have to do attend, but only be required to complete the relevant areas of study. I could never be a doctor. I am way too squeamish, it’s not even vaguely in the realm of possibility. I mean you have to dissect a cadaver! When I was in high school biology(I know this was a little shitty to do, but don’t get it twisted, I didn’t lie to him or mislead him in any way. I think he just liked getting hugs and compliments in front of his friends)I flirted one of the boys into doing the 2 labs that required dissecting animals. So med school was obviously out of the question. But I’d spent two years on my major so far and two years before that learning on my own.( and I’ve stayed somewhat interested over the years in reading new information. Articles, books, etc)
Now also don’t get this twisted. I am in no way anything even vaguely close to a qualified professional. I can’t even see that stage from where I’m at. But I have a decent amount of somewhat useful knowledge. And over the years I know I’ve helped a few of my friends by using the information I do have as best I can. We would need to find a way to exchange numbers like we discussed before, but if you want someone patient you can talk to who knows a bit about that sort of thing, I would try to the best of my ability to give you good advice. I’ve been told by a few friends that I helped them at least feel better about their problem if I couldn’t fix it and I would really like to help you at least to just feel better and feel like someone understands and cares and is completely on your side and if I can help you make anything at all better that would be absolutely wonderful.
Lastly again if I’m being too friendly or forward or trying too hard or emotionally overstepping my place, please don’t take offense. Like I said before there’s something about you it makes me really like you and want to be your friend. It’s never happened to me over the Internet before. I used to be able to make friends without barely trying in high school and college. Now at 33, I haven’t made a new friend in real life in years. A real friend not an acquaintance and we seem like we could be real friends, we have a lot in common. I’m also flirty sometimes but really my my first desire is to be your friend and part of your emotional support system.(you seem to not have enough emotional support)
I’m housekeeping for my mother right now, not working(I do all the housework cause she’s very career oriented and she pays me a reasonable sum of pocket money.)That’s the privilege I always have to remember. I’ve always had money(or knew my mother could help if shit went horribly wrong)I grew up upper middle class and money is kind of a decent equalizer)so since I’m not obligated to work right now, I have a lot of time on my hands. I usually spend it hanging with my friends or reading. But if it would help or even just please you I would be happy to talk to you on the phone and just listen and be patient and try to help/give advice where I could if possible.
Again, sorry for the essay I am too stoned and I kind of overdid it, but I hope you feel good at least when you wake up before you have to deal with any bullshit.
I have now put good hallucinogens on the list. I just picked my favourite drugs, but they’re not the only ones allowed. (I’ve never taken hallucinogens because the idea terrifies me. I’m aware this is irrational, but I’m also aware that taking them when terrified is not a good idea)
No idea who Mila Rose is, but if you like that look, consider it done!
Your story about your dad and mom made me really angry. Like properly angry. Also her psychiatrist made me angry, because they need to concentrate on their patient instead of asking why you aren’t in college, and why do you need to be in college anyway? It’s not the best choice for everyone.
I was interested to read your comments on how it feels to be called “white-acting” or “black-acting”. [Full disclosure: I am as white as a glass of milk in a snowdrift, so well aware I have privilege, have never experienced anything like this and my thoughts are just that]
It was interesting because it reminded me of the thing some white working class people do in Britain. They think that you are “getting above yourself” by going to University, having a good accent, having a good job. I’ve been told there is no way I could call myself working class, because I read for pleasure, have one degree and am halfway through my second and have always had white collar jobs. The fact that my family are one generation out of the factories and both my parents grew up on council estates is apparently irrelevant.
What puzzles me about this is it seems to be very much a generational thing. My grandfather left school when he was 14 to work in a book binding factory, but he loved the occasional Dickens novel, went to see plays, opera, ballet, enjoyed a fancy meal out now and then (one of my favourite stories about my nan, who also left school at 14, is how when they got a bit more money she would put on her best dress and drag Grandad and her teenage daughter (my mum) out to the snootiest French restaurant she could find and when the waiters looked down their noses at her she would draw herself up to her full height and order the most expensive thing on the menu. And if it was late, she’d send it back. Because her money was as good as anyone else’s). But now people from those backgrounds wouldn’t do that, they eat at McDonald’s. And if you do you are somehow not authentic. And you get an aggressive attack for daring to want something different, for daring to think that you could have a better life.
It seems to me (looking at it from outside) that you are describing the same phenomenon. Where people are embracing the awful stereotypes which have been thrown at them as “how things should be”. Saying someone is “white acting” because they speak well and are educated, or like certain things, is heartbreaking. My understanding is that black academics and black people who achieved used to be much more admired in the 60s and 70s? Is that the case? Have the levels of being aspirational gone down?
Also, while I can’t speak about black people I can speak about white people and honestly? a lot of them are thicker than pig shit. As demonstrated regularly on this blog.
It feels like wanting to be a better person is no longer a thing any more, and I can’t figure out why.
Augh that was meant to have a gif
<a href="via GIPHY“>
Fuck sake
Anyway, click on that if you want to see how I see myself doing magic
Also, just realised that despite my long ramble I have not clearly asked the question I wanted to ask, which is: do you think this is a recent phenomenon related to the way black people are seeing themselves in the world now, or is it something that has always been there?
I’ll give your question a shot if you don’t mind. I think it is worse now than it was say 15 or so years ago. There have always been some ignorant black people(as there are ignorant people of every color)that think”book smarts”are useless”in their world” so think it’s stupid to strive for them. Some, mostly older black people, think “the white man” uses things like university to indoctrinate black people into”white culture”. There are a few more similar beliefs and I may be missing an important one(I haven’t slept yet)But those beliefs previously appeared to be noticeably shrinking.(To me, at least)
I think the strain of anti-intellectualism that has always run through this country in varying strengths at different times in history has exploded. And the right wing media like Fox News and the worst ones like Breitbart have been fanning the flames and dousing them with gasoline. They want people ignorant and misinformed, and have been gleefully helping it along for over a decade.
And I think it’s mixing with older beliefs and making it worse than its been in a while. The Civil Rights Movement was the possibly the most embracing time for black intellectuals in recent history, IMO. Some things have progressed since then but some things haven’t and some have even gotten worse I think.
If that answers you I’m glad, if it doesn’t I tried. I’m not good at straight concise answers, I’m always going off on tangents.
Does anyone here listen to The Black Guy Who Tips podcast? Reading the thread made me think of it. It’s a podcast run by a black husband and wife. They are very pro-black and often talk about these kinds of black checking issues. They’re pretty progressive and very lgbtq friendly. They talk about politics and pop culture. Just throwing it out there if anyone is interested in checking it out. It’s one of my favorites.
Thanks for that! Yes, it’s very helpful 🙂
Anti-intellectualism seems to be feeding into a lot of things at the moment. And it is bloody difficult to fight, because the moment an intellectual or “expert” gets involved they get shouted down. How do you even start with something like that?
Seriously, don’t even worry about it. I’d respond to all of your points, too, but the Mammoth comment software doesn’t like long posts and I don’t want to doublepost too much, so please don’t feel like I overlooked anything.
And, yes, he would actually say that. I have had the great good luck to be borne of a man who is just concentrated evil. He is genuinely misanthropic; he hates human beings that don’t fit into his very narrow little frame.
A story: I was telling him about Hitler put gay people to death and he actually said it was the best idea Hitler ever had. We were talking about Trump and the rise of neonazis, and I had been trying to explain why this is a bad thing to him.
He does not, in fact, want to live with her. He’s currently in the process of trying to get my mother and myself removed from the house: part of the source of her panic attacks is this.
She cried for quite a while last night over this, so hard she could barely speak. It was harrowing to watch and only stiffened my hatred of the monstrous human masquerading as my father.
I am reminded of a tweet I saw comparing Jeff Sessions to an evil countryside demon who came to town with a suitcase full of dreams and racism: apparently my father is also an evil countryside demon who came to town with a suitcase full of dreams and bigotry.
Are you me? Seriously. I used to be able to make tons of friends off the top of my head. Now I’m a hermit.
I would really like to do this. I assure you, you’re not pushing the boundaries of familiarity at all. I need normal people to speak to – but you seem to have gathered that much already. I spend too much time trapped in the prison of my own brain in real life, because my mother is too wrapped up in her cares to pay much heed to my issues and my father is just a fucking unfeeling monster.
@Violet the Victorious
I strongly recommend you give 2CB a try, if you feel normal hallucinogens are too much. It is euphoric and not too wild. It is the softest psychedelic possible. You can perform normal tasks while taking it, so it shouldn’t trigger any fear in you.
Also, Katie answered the question about ‘acting white’ perfectly.
I’d just like to add that this thing some black people have about how DWHYTE MANN corrupts innocent black people who go to college is some dumb shit.
I swear to you all that the only reason I didn’t go to college is due to A LACK OF MONEY. Seriously. I lacked the capability to empower myself. If a Mammotheer lent me a million dollars, I’d fix my whole life in a second.
I don’t want to do the financial aid thing because other countries have free college; I think financial aid is a fucking scam. Now, though, New York made college free so I might get to do the thing after all.
But, seriously – returning to the topic of black people who are afraid of college:
If a white man teaches you 2+2 equals 4, it is still going to fucking equal 4. It doesn’t matter. Fuck’s sake, what is wrong with these people?
Do they think atoms behave different when observed by a white man, as opposed to a black man? What difference does it make what race of person is teaching you quantum physics?
Are we gonna need to do a an experiment where a black man measures a tachyon or something, and then a white man does it, and then that will prove that this makes a difference somehow?
While we’re on the subject of hoteps and silly ideas certain black people have got into their heads, have this thing that was bouncing around my head all day after reading this thread.
Yeah, I just wrote some more WHTM fanfiction. I hope this becomes a thing and more people do it.
We could have our own Hugo awards and everything.
@Grand High Adjutant Mish-Nyan
Thank you. <3
I love you too.
We’re not worthy! We’re not worthy!
I’m totally amazed and amused by your awesome writing skills. I read everything in sight(I read for at least four hours a day(if you add it up)or I get cranky. It’s my way of decompressing)but with writing I’ve never been more than decent. I can write a halfway decent essay or paper and I can have creative ideas, but I’m way too verbose to be able to write coherently. If I learned to be concise I doubt I’d be great, but I might become more than barely competent, which is what I’d call my level of writing skill now.
I can’t wait for Alan to see Fran’s fanfic excerpt. He has a starring role!!!
I may have to message him on FB soon to get him over here.
@ fran
That’s brilliant! And thank you for the insert; I feel both flattered and honoured. Heh, I’m not sure about heavily muscled (I kid myself that I’m more lithe) but I fucking love ‘grizzled”. That is the look I go for. 😀
Missing bits cos long thread.
I suspect that relates to a habit established in the early days of talking pictures of hiring British actors to play foreign villains, on the grounds they were clearly foreign, but still understandable to the American audience.
There’s some serious issues with the space part, I’m afraid; barring artificial gravity (and no, spin isn’t sufficient), tinned apes have no future off planetary surfaces. Our bodies just can’t cope in the long term. That said, robots can perfectly well go and retreive resources from space to bring back for our use, so that’s still on.
What the actual FUCK?!?
@Buffalo Headroom
‘Course it is. What, you never heard of the Grandfather clause? It gave white people specific dispensation to be ignorant fools and still have a say in things.
Add me to the list of folks who do this when I’m really stresed.
Kinda embarassed to admit that I’m only familiar with Ice Cube from Axe sending me some links…
@Grand High Adjutant Mish-nyan
@Sir Alan
Thank you! You’re all far too kind; I really didn’t expect my brief excerpt, hastily pounded out through a haze of exhaustion, to be quite so entertaining.
While my primary influence was, of course, Star Wars, I was also thinking about Warhammer 40K, and consequently, the Imperium’s Space Marines, a little while doing it, which explains Sir Alan’s size and stature.
If anyone decided to run away with this and expand on it, the world universe of this fic is a little more like Dune, though. I prefer Dune to WH40K; it’s a bit more sensible, inasmuch as you can call big sandworms and magical powers sensible. It’s also a little bit more like a medieval fantasy novel set in the stars: WH40K is excessively sci-fi in nature.
I write fanfiction about other people’s Original Characters by request and like to think I’m a good judge of character, so I’m glad Sir Alan confirmed that my initial observation about how he would like to be portrayed is correct.
I’m not sure who we should get to play him in the movie adaptation, though. I welcome any suggestions.
What? You say you’ve never heard of a fanfic turning into a movie? Don’t be so uncertain – that’s how 50 Shades of Grey was born.
That’s true. I was mainly thinking about robots, some of which we might control via some sort of VR interface that would allow us to feel as though we are moving about in space but not actually being there per se.
I know, right? That was more or less what I said when she told me that. The urge to jump out of the car, run in the office, and just throw that dumbfuck psychiatrist’s desk over in his office was strong. I genuinely could not believe he said that!
It also made me feel even more like the world is telling me I should probably be dead, since now even complete fucking strangers are remarking on how I’m basically trash.
That would be cool. Lunar dome cities might still be a go, and Mars has potential, though a bit far away.
You have the misfortune of living somewhere built by and for rapacious capitalists. Other types of places don’t necessarily consider cutting granny’s throat to make an extra nickel as laudable.
Ever notice how utterly miserable Forney always looks? I guess all that hatred really isn’t good for the soul, eh?
Anyone know where I can get in on a, uh, “bareback hugbox orgy”? Asking for a friend.