Alt-right boy reporter Matt Forney, evidently worried that the good people of the internet don’t hate him enough already, is using the anniversary of the Pulse Nightclub shootings in Orlando as an opportunity to attack the “sodomites” who died in the massacre as well as those amongst the alt-right who took advantage of the shootings to drum up publicity for themselves and whip up even more hatred towards Muslims.
Not that Forney has any love for Muslims; he hates them. He just thinks that the Pulse nightclub patrons who were shot down in the massacre more or less deserved what they got.
“The homosexuals who died at Omar Mateen’s hands were dead men walking,” Forney writes in a blog post today (archived here).
They were soulless hedonists with no stake in America’s survival and no concerns beyond immediate self-gratification. They were at the club because they wanted to get drunk, do drugs, and have as much meaningless sex as possible, then stick the taxpayer with the bill once med-resistant AIDS and antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea took their toll. …
No functioning, healthy society would allow Pulse—or the kinds of men who frequented it—to exist. No healthy society would mourn their passing. Indeed, depending on your perspective, Mateen was just taking out the trash, eliminating societal parasites via natural selection.
As Forney sees it, the big problem with “sodomites” — the thing that makes them “soulless hedonists” in the first place — is that they can’t have babies.
When a man and a woman are attracted to one another, they are seeing the continuation of their tribe and the formation of the next generation. …
Babies are produced by heterosexual relationships; all homo relationships ever produce is cum.
The reciprocity and selflessness that defines heterosexual relationships (and is necessary for them to function) does not exist among homosexuals and can never exist. How can two people who view each other as sex meat ever have a normal relationship?
It should be noted that Mr. Forney, to the best of my knowledge, has not participated in the production of any human babies. (Not that I am encouraging him to do so; there is more than enough suffering in the world already.) And I can’t believe that any woman who has ever been in any sort of relationship with him would describe it as in any way “normal.”
Despite more or less agreeing with ISIS on the “sodomite” question, Forney is quick to assure his readers that he is no fan of Muslims.
“I have no love for Muslims and I want to see them get their asses kicked back to the Middle East,” he writes. “But embracing homosexuals in the fight against Islam is like curing a headache with 9 mm to the brainpan.”
And that’s where he thinks “sodomite” and sodomite-friendly Alt-Rightists like Milo Yiannopoulos and Gavin McInnes went so wrong in the aftermath of the Pulse attack. At the time, as you may recall, Milo — then in the midst of his “Dangerous Faggot” tour of college campuses — held a rally of sorts in the vicinity of the Pulse shooting in which he declared that gays needed to take up arms, quite literally, against the Muslim menace. McInnes delivered a similarly over-the-top anti-Islam speech. And then the two kissed.
As Forney sees it,
The Orlando shooting should have been a wake-up call to the non-cucked right. Whites have become addicted to pleasure and indulgement above all else. … That’s the real reason why we won’t fight back against Islam or Mexican illegals: because we’re too addicted to sex and pleasure. Because we don’t want reality to intrude upon our bareback hugbox orgy. Undoing this is the only way to save our nations, and it starts with recognizing that homosexuality, transsexuality, and the 31 flavors of gender need to be done away with.
Unfortunately, in Forney’s estimation, the alt-right hasn’t embraced his explicitly exterminationist anti-gay agenda.
“Milo Yiannopoulos and Gavin McInnes responded to the shooting by making out in public,” he writes, with obvious disgust.
The Right Stuff and other alt-right outlets … declared that Orlando was another reason to “remove kebab” (even though it was Latinos, not huwytes, who were killed). … Not one person asked why our culture had degenerated to the point where gay nightclub bareback orgies had become acceptable.
The alt-media, which castigated mainstream conservatives as “cuckservatives,” collectively cucked out by taking a left-wing position on gay rights.
I’m pretty sure “remove kebab” is not a left-wing position on anything, but never mind.
The only good thing about any of this is that the more the various factions of the alt-right turn on each other the less damage they can do in the world.
I watched WW this weekend and I gotta say, for all the praised heaped upon it… I wasn’t really blown away by it. For me, all the Themiscyra and establishment of Diana as a character was great, but the minute the plot train arrived in the form of Chris Pine, it just kinda crashed the way his obsolete Fokker Eindecker did. It really didn’t help that the plot was needlessly pinned to the First World War, a conflict that my Grade 10 history class equipped me with enough knowledge to see glaring problems I couldn’t get past for the sake of suspension of disbelief.
Hell, my Grade 11 chemistry class was enough to know that the sulfur mustard carbon chain is centered on sulfur for a reason and making it “hydrogen-based” (whatever that means) would probably make it ineffective as a chemical weapon if it’s lighter than air. To boot, it’s not the magic “people fall down” gas from Goldfinger; sulfur mustard was feared by soldiers because it wasn’t lethal and instead left soldiers languishing in intense pain from the debilitating bullae it left on contact with skin and mucus membranes.
And don’t get me started on Danny Huston’s laughable Erich Ludendorff. Ludendorff’s contribution to the rise of Nazism is a topic of debate amongst scholars, but the Beer Hall Putsch would have one less defendant if Diana ran him through in 1918. And having one of the most prominent Great War commanders at his side probably lent the upstart Hitler some credibility early on, so who knows what the Second World War resembled in the DC Cinematic Universe. Did it happen at all without Ludendorff’s presence in nationalist politics during the Weimar years? Who knows?
Perhaps because I didn’t see Zack Snyder’s string of failures leading up to Wonder Woman suppressing my expectations, I just found it to be a solid, if kinda forgettable action flick. I really wished for more Amazon combat scenes, because those were well done. But mediocre villains and baffling historical context kinda hobbled the film for me.
Anyhoo, rant over.
@Alan Robertshaw
Thank you, sorry that I left you out earlier!
@Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer
Thank you for the hugs.
@Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
My sympathies regarding your father and police in general. It’s mortifying how he can completely set aside the fact that a cop was falsely accusing his niece of a crime. Hell even cops aren’t safe from cops, that one officer that thought “maybe I should deescalate the situation” got fired for not being an abuser of his authority. Really those people are awful, people are allowed to own nice things no matter what their racist views say.
I consider myself a little lucky, the worst cops ever did to me was investigate my room because they received a call that a person dressed in all back was spraying graffiti on neighbors’ walls, and I was wearing all black at the time. I didn’t do it, and the cops didn’t do anything, but I’d hazard the guess that if my parents weren’t there it might have been a different story. Maybe I’m just being paranoid, I’m Chinese Vietnamese after all and most of the distasteful stuff in mainstream right win media is China owning things and somehow Asians are the most likely to be charged with espionage. Oh and that one GOP commercial of a Chinese classroom laughing at the US for not taking China as a serious threat to the US and Capitalism as a whole, that’s nice, that’s just nice.
You really are a sweetheart, I hope you’ll still feel able to talk to us about certain things whenever you’d like.
Jesus effin’ christ what the fresh hell?! It’s disgusting that cop wasn’t fired and put on trial for beating up your friend.
@Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
It’s a new day now with birds singing and trains roaring on by, hopefully it stays that peaceful.
@Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
Aunt A and I are currently going about our morning like nothing happened, if we’re lucky it’ll just fade away like most things.
Thank you for the hugs.
@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
You’re completely right on that. If a person already has it out for you no amount of manners is going to anything.
TBH my biggest bug bear was the fact that despite this film being a big budget superhero movie, no one decided to make anybody in the film speak German in a WW1 setting.
@Gussie, fair enough, I’ve not actually watched it, but a Marvel superhero movie with a strong female lead is enough of a “curse” for these wonderful MRAs. Being “forced” to watch it once, considering it’s an OK movie by many standards, isn’t quite a curse to me. Hey, free movie! Just make sure I can hit the toilet beforehand.
Many of the recent Marvel movies have the usual “damsel in distress” somewhere.
TMI: I wouldn’t want to be forced to see “Troy”, “Gladiator”, or “Wonder Woman” without some sort of bladder relief available.
Tosca said
IKR? It’s almost as if that’s only bad if people not like him do it! I don’t think you’re mistaken, btw; I think Forney has mixed up Plato’s Retreat with the local LGBT-friendly watering hole.
Oogly – Sending more good wishes for your situation and also (from one of the recent past long threads) a fist bump for Jack in the Box tacos! Why does a burger place have better tacos than Mexican fast food places??
@Francesca Torpedo
Seems I’m not the only one who has issues with father figures. My dad and step-dad I consider assholes (my step-dad is worse though). My brother doesn’t get along with my dad due his issues with him being transgender (add to the fact that he never really spend much time with us as kids because he was always working or in search of work).
My step-dad however is worse though as he’s gotten into physical fights with my mom (my dad never ever laid a hand on her) and has a bad habit of never letting things go (he can drag an argument over an hour after it should have been over).
Man I really need to re-watch Lucky Star. Freaking loved that show as a teenager.
@ everyone dealing with awful shit: Internet hugs and cupcakes for you!
One of my uncles is a cop, and ever since I’ve become more politically aware and using Facebook more often (and found out he’s a Trump supporter and was on the police side of the “Black Lives Matter” and Ferguson conflicts) my relationship with him has…probably not changed too much as I’m still civil with him, but my opinion of him has gone downhill. This is all minor stuff compared to what you guys experienced, but it still changed the way I see him.
I’m fortunate enough to have never had a personal incident with the police as of yet, but I would learn more and more about how corrupt they are (like the Honolulu police arresting sex workers for prostitution but still using them for sex anyway). And now I feel a little nervous every time I drive past them and they’re pointing a speed-checking “gun” at me.
As for Forney:
May the bed he sleeps in feel like live sea cucumbers, and he never get used to it.
May he get diarrhea and constipation at the same time; diarrhea for the pain and constipation to keep him from releasing it.
May he have to deal with more female-led, non-white and gay love stories becoming mainstream.
May matt forney suddenly understand what a horrible person he is and feel guily and ashamed for all his words and behaviour.
This is a good example of how low bigoted straight, cis, white men really think the bar is for them and how when they still can’t reach it, they blame minorities.
All he thinks he has to do to contribute positively to society is fuck a white woman.
Except he hates all women and despite pretending to be a sexpert, he remains single.
You know he beats off. You know he has no desire to do the work of being a father. If he had a kid he’d cry misandry if he was expected to change a diaper or pay for them. His orgasms aren’t “achieving” anything. But he still manages to make believe his sexual activities are better than other people’s.
He hates moms. He hates kids. He loves nothing outside of his own bloated ego.
Also, if that pasty turd lives an entirely sober existence, I’m Eleanor of Aqutaine.
@Oogly That I don’t mind as much. Perhaps because I’ve seen films like Enemy At The Gates where Ed Harris doesn’t even attempt a German accent, let alone speak the language, I’m willing to give them a pass. But casting Danny Huston as a pivotal historical figure rather than “Herr General Evil von Gassesalot” tells me that the film was written by people who couldn’t even bother to do a casual Wikipedia search.
I guess what also dismays me is just how limited the general public’s knowledge of the war actually is. Ask a passerby on the street to name a WWI battle and they might be able to name Verdun or the Somme, but for such a world-shaping conflict, it seems that the image of the war has boiled down to “trenches” and “that’s the one without the Nazis.” I can see American writers not being as knowledgeable on the Great War given they only entered the war in 1917, but as a Commonwealth Nation, Canada was there from Day 1 and so our epitaphs have a laundry list of engagements our troops participated in. I guess I just couldn’t see a European comic/film writer treating the subject matter so cavalierly given the deeper impact the conflict had there.
But *shrug*… I’m just complaining now.
@Gussie Jives
Funnily enough when it comes to capturing the frustrating stalemates of WW1, Battlefield 1 did it so well that the players were complaining of matches that went nowhere.
I think this is the best one. I second this curse.
(Also, unrelated but, I also do the whimpering thing as you described doing earlier. I don’t think you should be embarrassed by it. Although I know that is easier said than done.)
I’ve always thought it was funny that the standard accent for historical and fantasy shows and movies is always English. Ancient Greeks and Romans? English accents. Westrosi and Middle Earthers? English Accents. Germans in WWI or II? English accents. Shakespeare stuff that isn’t in England or Scotland like Hamlet or Romeo and Juliet? English accent. Even if the actors in these things aren’t from the UK, they must always put on an English accent.
There’s the whole “RP accent” thing, which stands for Received Pronunciation. Purporting to be the “standard BBC newsreader accent” for many years.
Oogly, I think you’re a hero tbh – the real kind, that is.
I read two translations of “Lysistrata” at college. One was British, and the translator gave the Spartans Scots accents; the American translation used Appalachian. Unexpected insight into the Athenian attitude toward their formidable opponents.
I vote for Valentine’s curse.
One of the things my father taught me about the police: they’re there primarily to protect the people who have stuff. The more you have, the more on your side they are. I have never seen anything yet to disprove this. Of course, as one of my favorite cartoonists put it, “restrictions apply, please check skin color for details”.
Thank you. Also, I really hope things improve for you. You don’t deserve all of this.
@Buffalo Headroom
I’m very sorry to hear that. I know just what you mean.
@Admiral Valentine
@Grand High Adjutant Mish-nyan
No, you guys are right. It’s unhealthy for me to think that way.
Same, really.
Like, for example, if I’m having trouble with an automatic checkout machine and people are behind me getting mad, I think to myself, “Death will certainly be here any minute now.”
@Admiral Valentine
I appreciate these very much. <3
@Grand High Adjutant Mish-nyan
I don’t want to be greedy and absorb all your spoons, but I will take a few, and the hugs are very much appreciated.
Omg how did you know I like Ice Cube?
Please don’t apologize. Now, more than ever, we need our voices now that we’re being silenced by the Alt-Right.
Speak freely and with great vigor.
Now then: my father is Indian, as in from the Indian Subcontinent. My mother is black.
I generally identify as black, however. When non-black people are mad at me, they call me the N-word.
I have a large nose, very dark skin, and prominent lips. I am indistinguishable from a normal black person, except for my hair, which is slightly softer than that of a real black person.
My father is one of those stupid Indians who thinks racism only affects black people. His niece is also half-black and half-Indian, and so are a bunch of other people in his family, so this ethos of his is really dangerous and could cause harm to his extended family.
Also, your story – and my own – are the reasons why I prefer to vape weed in my house. I don't carry drugs with me outside at all if I can help it, ever. I'm really sorry that happened to you.
I strictly do drugs at home.
This is why the Drug War must end. It is actually a war on the American people.
Personally, I view this as an insult, when it is spoken from white or black people, even if it isn’t meant that way. I think it’s an attempt to erase one’s racial identity. I’ve experienced this as well.
I’ve also been called unusual or White-Acting because I enjoy things that are conventionally considered White People Stuff, such as medieval fantasy, Sci-fi, anime, MLP, the furry fandom, motorsports, Japanese pop culture, etc, and it is said in such a way that I only indulge in these things because I am not Genuinely Black.
I mean, I know some black people view us mixed-race people as being Weird or Dangerous. They think we aren’t Conventional and Down With The Cause, and that irritates me, personally, because to racist nonblack people, we’re all some N-words. The rest of the world doesn’t care. Them catching an attitude because our manner of speech is different is dumb to me, but I’m not gonna tell Genuine Black People what to do. They get preached at by enough people.
@Violet for Victory
I agree entirely with your idea, but I offer a few suggestions:
Get rid of money and capitalism entirely, and initiate FULLY AUTOMATED LUXURY GAY SPACE COMMUNISM.
Robot girls will build things for us and cook macaroni and pilot our spacecraft.

Also, legalize 2-CB and LSD.
The man who invented 2-CB rated it his favoritest psychedelic ever, and I have to agree with him. It’s pure, clean, and doesn’t give you any surprises, and you can redose as often as you want because it doesn’t increase in tolerance.
Also, while you’re doing magic, transform my body so that I look like Mila Rose from Bleach so I don’t have to pay to finish transitioning.

That is how I would like you to modify me to look.
Anyone who doesn’t ain’t worth interacting with in the first place ?
Once again, I will disagree with your choice not to unleash fire on racist assholes, but honor your right not to anyway 🙂
PS: Harribel’s whole squad was fresh, but Mila was fresh af!
Also, just realized it was Franceska Mila Rose and everything makes all the sense ?
I want to transform into Jim Morrison of The Doors fame. With his amazing singing voice as well.
What can I say? I’m a super nice lady and don’t ordinarily like fighting with people.
[sarcasm] Shit, bruh, I’m Not A Real Black Person, doncha know? I’m, like, actually a white person, because, like, I don’t know where the hood at and such, so I’m not allowed to do the thing anyway.
Pic related, it’s me in real life:
I’m gonna go do White People Stuff now.
[eats a mayonnaise sandwich while loudly complaining about how spicy it is, while wearing yoga pants and having her hair in a ponytail]
Also, thanks for the vote of confidence.
The next person that says I’m white-acting is gonna get you sicced on them, swear to Goddess.
I caught TWO Unowns today. 🙂
Are you Trini by any chance? I may or may not be Hundred Percent For Serious Black. My dad is Trini and rather light skinned (pronounced ‘lah skin-id’, this is important). So, I figure there’s a good chance he might be part Indian, as that’s a thing down there
I was gonna name some places in NYC, but it’s been a while since I was there, and, with all the gentrification, I don’t even know anymore ?
Guyanese, actually, which explains my British affiliation.
My mother worked for the Guyanese government and regularly made diplomatic missions to other Caribbean countries; from what I understand there are Indians in Trinidad as well, so you may also be a Fake Black Person. 😀
This, right here. This is why the ‘omg you talk nice you must be white acting” shit bothers me.
Since when is being verbose and intelligent within the realm of white people? And who are these tired-ass black people who insist that this is the case?
It takes a huge dump all over all the educated black politicians and academics out there in the annals of history.
I suppose Mansa Musa I used to ‘act white’, then, since he was well known for his oratory skill and academic leanings.
Let me tell you what ‘acting white’ is, if I may: it’s when you become like Ben Carson and Sheriff David Clarke, and endorse legislation that kills other black people.
Right on! West Inidans represent!
Ignant ass black people will tear you down outta internalized, racist insecurities. Actually woke black folk give infinitely less of a fuck how you talk as what you have to say
(Also, the ‘pull up your pants and learn English’ brothas are the literal worst, so it goes both ways…)
When sista show up to drop knowledge

This is a major issue with me and my father. He thinks if I get a Degree And A House that will make all my problems go away.
I’m not saying these things will not help make my life more comfortable in a material sense, but they will not protect me from racism, and we all saw that with the anecdote I provided about his Successful Degree-Wielding Niece, who was STILL harassed by the fucking police.
He is exactly like these brothas you describe.
Why should I have to buy a token of my humanity in White Society? Why should I be quantified by a piece of paper? Can’t the United States just treat me like, ummmm, a normal fucking human being without any input on my part?