Alt-right boy reporter Matt Forney, evidently worried that the good people of the internet don’t hate him enough already, is using the anniversary of the Pulse Nightclub shootings in Orlando as an opportunity to attack the “sodomites” who died in the massacre as well as those amongst the alt-right who took advantage of the shootings to drum up publicity for themselves and whip up even more hatred towards Muslims.
Not that Forney has any love for Muslims; he hates them. He just thinks that the Pulse nightclub patrons who were shot down in the massacre more or less deserved what they got.
“The homosexuals who died at Omar Mateen’s hands were dead men walking,” Forney writes in a blog post today (archived here).
They were soulless hedonists with no stake in America’s survival and no concerns beyond immediate self-gratification. They were at the club because they wanted to get drunk, do drugs, and have as much meaningless sex as possible, then stick the taxpayer with the bill once med-resistant AIDS and antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea took their toll. …
No functioning, healthy society would allow Pulse—or the kinds of men who frequented it—to exist. No healthy society would mourn their passing. Indeed, depending on your perspective, Mateen was just taking out the trash, eliminating societal parasites via natural selection.
As Forney sees it, the big problem with “sodomites” — the thing that makes them “soulless hedonists” in the first place — is that they can’t have babies.
When a man and a woman are attracted to one another, they are seeing the continuation of their tribe and the formation of the next generation. …
Babies are produced by heterosexual relationships; all homo relationships ever produce is cum.
The reciprocity and selflessness that defines heterosexual relationships (and is necessary for them to function) does not exist among homosexuals and can never exist. How can two people who view each other as sex meat ever have a normal relationship?
It should be noted that Mr. Forney, to the best of my knowledge, has not participated in the production of any human babies. (Not that I am encouraging him to do so; there is more than enough suffering in the world already.) And I can’t believe that any woman who has ever been in any sort of relationship with him would describe it as in any way “normal.”
Despite more or less agreeing with ISIS on the “sodomite” question, Forney is quick to assure his readers that he is no fan of Muslims.
“I have no love for Muslims and I want to see them get their asses kicked back to the Middle East,” he writes. “But embracing homosexuals in the fight against Islam is like curing a headache with 9 mm to the brainpan.”
And that’s where he thinks “sodomite” and sodomite-friendly Alt-Rightists like Milo Yiannopoulos and Gavin McInnes went so wrong in the aftermath of the Pulse attack. At the time, as you may recall, Milo — then in the midst of his “Dangerous Faggot” tour of college campuses — held a rally of sorts in the vicinity of the Pulse shooting in which he declared that gays needed to take up arms, quite literally, against the Muslim menace. McInnes delivered a similarly over-the-top anti-Islam speech. And then the two kissed.
As Forney sees it,
The Orlando shooting should have been a wake-up call to the non-cucked right. Whites have become addicted to pleasure and indulgement above all else. … That’s the real reason why we won’t fight back against Islam or Mexican illegals: because we’re too addicted to sex and pleasure. Because we don’t want reality to intrude upon our bareback hugbox orgy. Undoing this is the only way to save our nations, and it starts with recognizing that homosexuality, transsexuality, and the 31 flavors of gender need to be done away with.
Unfortunately, in Forney’s estimation, the alt-right hasn’t embraced his explicitly exterminationist anti-gay agenda.
“Milo Yiannopoulos and Gavin McInnes responded to the shooting by making out in public,” he writes, with obvious disgust.
The Right Stuff and other alt-right outlets … declared that Orlando was another reason to “remove kebab” (even though it was Latinos, not huwytes, who were killed). … Not one person asked why our culture had degenerated to the point where gay nightclub bareback orgies had become acceptable.
The alt-media, which castigated mainstream conservatives as “cuckservatives,” collectively cucked out by taking a left-wing position on gay rights.
I’m pretty sure “remove kebab” is not a left-wing position on anything, but never mind.
The only good thing about any of this is that the more the various factions of the alt-right turn on each other the less damage they can do in the world.
ohmygod I just googled Ezra Miller. Holy crap he’s gorgeous. But Violet has dibs, so fair enough.
@Valentinous Adorablous
Your girlfriend might need to know a bit more about what happens to you. She may already have an idea, as you said, but there’s so much we don’t know about others. I think there’s a word for that at the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows. This isn’t it, but it’s one of my favourites:
Back to work for Mish, now!
@Fran, JS, everybody
Fran, if you don’t mind me asking, is your dad also black or are you biracial like me?(one white parent one black parent)Because if your dad is black I am literally shocked he said wants you to be a cop, like shocked as in my mouth literally fell open when I read it. I mean DWB’s happen so often there’s a snarky acronym for it and so many black people and as you say some white people(generally poor of course)are killed by police for doing absolutely nothing wrong.
I know one incredibly idealistic young black man who joined the NYPD when he was 21 because he wanted to change things and make things better and said someone has to try from the inside. His dad(and I)understood his thought process but was still horrified by the thought.(He ended up quitting. It is a somewhat sad story but not unexpected. I’m sure most people can guess pretty much how it went)
I’m a recreational drug user of color so obviously I’m terrified of the NYPD(or any law enforcement). I’ve been very lucky partially because I’m pretty light skinned(a lot of people mistake me for Latino)+ I don’t know how to put this, other people have said I kind of “act white” and “sound white”(some meant it as an insult, some as a compliment, some meant it in a completely neutral way) I hate how that sounds but don’t know how else to convey it. Also this is one place being female actually can be a plus sometimes.
CW: Police brutality, profiling.
I got stopped with a black male friend of mine once because they thought we bought drugs. They had a woman search me(she was actually very polite and cool about it)they didn’t find it and had me stand to the side and said I could leave in a minute. While I was standing there(absolutely terrified, mind you. I did have drugs they just didn’t find them)one of the 2 male cops searching my friend found something. My friend literally flinched away from the cop because he started screaming insanely(comments policy, I know, I’m sorry and don’t mean to offend, but that’s the word stuck in my head for this story since 2006 and I can’t think of another off hand, if anyone else can please do so)in his face and just started beating him savagely saying he tried to resist arrest(to her credit the female officer tried to get him to chill but this guy was bugging.)The other male cop looked surprised, but stood there doing absolutely nothing. He was bleeding profusely when the cop stopped. The female cop said I was free to go and the cop that had beat him turn to me and in this terrifying(to me, at least) voice said”I’ll get you too one day” with this incredibly disturbing smile. One of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life was force myself to calmly walk away. I later learned my friend was in the hospital for 2 days after that.
Since then, my fear of police is heightened to almost a phobia. Whether I have drugs or not, my heart starts racing when I pass by one, even knowing logically it’s just as possible it could be a nice one like the female who was there. I know for there are thousands of minorities with similar stories. I personally know a number of people with multiple such stories. How can it be at all acceptable to society that many(I’d guess most)minorities are so terrified(and brutalized) by people who are supposed to keep the peace? Maybe that’s a naive question but I’d like to believe the majority of people are not pleased by this, so why is it so condoned? No one deserves treatment like that even though he did have drugs on him. That should be irrelevant, but somehow never is.
Sorry for the essay. As a recreational drug user of color, this topic is close to my heart
Woah if possible.
@ooglyboggles I hope your family stops fighting soon, family feuds are mentally draining. ❤❤
So, I’m hearing that lesbians and bisexuals are just fine? Well, that’s nice.
These are the best mild curses ever. I love reading the comments here. c:
I’m paranoid about the police, too. Around here we have cops who pull you over for driving while driving.
Er, which tribe would that be? He’s assuming the man and the woman are of the same ethnicity.
Citation needed. What about older/infertile couples? What about lesbian couples who have babies via AR, or gay male couples who have babies via surrogates? What about couples who simply don’t want kids?
He sounds puritanistic and punitive, like “All these sex-havers better not be having any FUN, and if they do, they should be forced to atone to society by raising a baby for eighteen years.”
May Matt Forney always hear the last 5 seconds of his favorite song fading out every time he switches radio stations.
@ buttercup
Ooh, now you’re onto something. However there’s possibly a fate even worse; so bad I don’t know if I’d even wish it on him. Driving back from London in a hire car the other week. It had that thing where the radio automatically tunes in to traffic reports. So had passed a pleasant hour listening to the afternoon play, and just coming to the climax…
“..and that is why Inspector we know the real murderer is in fact…WE’RE JUST GETTING REPORTS OF A BROKEN DOWN LORRY ON THE A30…”
One of the people who was murdered in cold blood at Pulse was a mother of 12 children. This is a very inconvenient fact. And she was white. 🙁
Is Matt Forney talking about trump supporters?
“May his shoelaces break”
@ Oogly, @ Fran;
Caregivers are just the greatest, never doubt it! it’s not you, it’s life. Life’s terms are rarely negotiable, lean on your friends, you’ll get through this.
How frustrating! Did you find out who the murderer was.
You’re not a mess and you’re doing a wonderful thing taking care of your grandma and aunt.
I hope Matt Forney gets his penis stuck to a cold metal flag pole and has to stand there all day because no one will pour warm water over him to free his dick.
@virgin mary
It is inconvenient; but I’m sure he can get round it with the unanswerable argument of calling her a slut. BURN! (I’m sure all the alt-right shout “BURN!” at their computers after writing some half-assed “No, YOU are” comment on something written by someone much smarter than they are)
In all seriousness, there’s no point being rational. He isn’t. He’ll only come up with a reason why she got what she deserved.
@Mish – of course my comment was meant for you and all Mammotheers, who are welcome to participate in my magic-wand future, where the world is beautiful and peaceful and full of cool animals and people like Matt Forney are continually stepping on rakes
The only thing I’m taking from that nonsense is my new favourite word, indulgement. Now I just have to find an opportunity to use it in a sentence.
I’m so sorry to hear about your continuing family troubles. Please take internet hugs as required (hey, autocorrect knows “internet hugs”!).
OMG This actually happened to me when I was in my teens! I was at my boyfriend’s house, we were watching one of the Omen sequels, and I needed to use the loo. I had just sat down when the room suddenly went dark. Picture the scene: I’ve just been watching a horror film, I’ve only been in the room a couple of times before so I’ll walk into things unless I’m very careful, and I don’t know where the switch is anyway (I know I’d switched it on moments before, but that isn’t the point). I don’t know how long I was sitting there before summoning up the courage to move, but it felt like a LONG time.
So, yes, that should definitely happen to him.
About the police conversation:
I grew up in different conditions than I live in now, and how different the police treats a middle class woman than a welfare kid has disgusted me more than the actual abuse from when I was a kid.
From being threatened with loitering charges if I was seen playing with the real children, to now being believed that time I got in a fight. And you know what? I’m sure I got believed over a man only because I was coming out of work in nice clothes while he was discheveled and drunk.
I can easily believe that the difference is much sharper when race is involved too, how age and class determined the police’s attitude has made me forever distrust their ability or will to be fair in any way.
And an unrelated note:
Someone I know is looking for a gaming community that isn’t full of racism and misogyny. I said I’d ask here if anyone can recommend servers and forums that have a good attitude, because this place is full of nerdy feminists. I also gave them the blog’s URL, they might decide to show up here too.
Anyway, anybody got recommendations?
Hold up. Is meaningless, self-gratification sex not the goal of a “pick-up” artist like yourself, Matt? You published RooshV knock-off books precisely to do this!
Clue meter reading zero!
I have a secondhand DWB story that my college housemate and friend told me.
A little background on her first. She’s black, her parents are well off and she grew up in an affluent mostly white suburb. She dressed in the affluent suburban youth uniform of the time when we were friends. Lots of Abercrombie & Fitch. Although she did us AAVE around her black friends, she like most middle and upper class black people who are surrounded by a lot of white people can easily speak like a white person. In other words, she is exactly what our culture says a black person needs to be to be all respectable and one of the “good ones” and be safe from racism.
The very first day she got her driver’s license, when she was 16 years old, she took her mother’s luxury car (Mercedes IIRC) around the neighborhood for her first unsupervised drive. Wouldn’t you know a cop saw young dark skinned black woman in a white neighborhood driving a nice car and had to pull her over. He made her get out of the car and started yelling at her and accusing her of stealing the car while she just stood there and wept. Luckily all he did was yell at her and eventually she was allowed to call her mother and have her come straighten everything out.
When she first told me the story I thought “what a racist asshole” but I was more indignant for her than scared for her. But this took place in an area outside of St Louis so when Ferguson happened, you can bet I recalled this story and had very little trouble believing that it was a racist murder and not a justified shooting. I’m so grateful that she told me her story because it’s very helpful to use with other white people when they express belief in the nonsense that if black people just look and act polite and nonthreatening that they aren’t in any danger of being treated poorly by the cops. It’s such bullshit.
Everyone knows that it’s a biotruth given right for heterosexual men to have lots of casual sex with multiple partners. Women are supposed to be monogamous and gay people aren’t supposed to exist at all. That’s just science!
In all seriousness, it always kind of cracks me up that so many straight dudes cannot seem to figure out that if they stop slut shaming women who have casual sex, they’ll get laid more. This fact is staring them right in the face and they just won’t see it. They act like getting their dicks wet is the most important thing in the whole world, but clearly hanging on to sexist double standards is even more important than that.
My husband often got pulled over by the cops, when he was younger. The only reason we can think of: He’s one quarter Indonesian. Enough non-European heritage, to give him an olive skin tone, and faintly exotic features.
@Alan – How do you know the broken down lorry didn’t do it? 😉
This is less a recommendation for communities than it is for content creators, but LoadingReadyRun, Jim Sterling, and Laura Kate are good games peoples who have very little tolerance for bigotry in their respective followings.
?You’re ? making ? too ? much ?
sense. ?
I really don’t understand them. They want to have enough sluts at their disposal to have fun but they also want girls to be caste while waiting to submit to one of them. Forney is probably dreaming of a magic world where 50% of women are perfect housewives that believe in God and 50% are “degenerate sluts” (pardon my words) that hang around bars waiting for an alpha to fuck them.
@ buttercup
That would explain the tyre marks on the body of the victim (an incompetent mechanic).
Thanks Lucia!
Kagami discovers yaoi.
Huh. I don’t know what happened in my previous post. I was trying to post a still pic.
Meanwhile, here’s the clip:
Matt Forney dreams of this: