Alt-right boy reporter Matt Forney, evidently worried that the good people of the internet don’t hate him enough already, is using the anniversary of the Pulse Nightclub shootings in Orlando as an opportunity to attack the “sodomites” who died in the massacre as well as those amongst the alt-right who took advantage of the shootings to drum up publicity for themselves and whip up even more hatred towards Muslims.
Not that Forney has any love for Muslims; he hates them. He just thinks that the Pulse nightclub patrons who were shot down in the massacre more or less deserved what they got.
“The homosexuals who died at Omar Mateen’s hands were dead men walking,” Forney writes in a blog post today (archived here).
They were soulless hedonists with no stake in America’s survival and no concerns beyond immediate self-gratification. They were at the club because they wanted to get drunk, do drugs, and have as much meaningless sex as possible, then stick the taxpayer with the bill once med-resistant AIDS and antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea took their toll. …
No functioning, healthy society would allow Pulse—or the kinds of men who frequented it—to exist. No healthy society would mourn their passing. Indeed, depending on your perspective, Mateen was just taking out the trash, eliminating societal parasites via natural selection.
As Forney sees it, the big problem with “sodomites” — the thing that makes them “soulless hedonists” in the first place — is that they can’t have babies.
When a man and a woman are attracted to one another, they are seeing the continuation of their tribe and the formation of the next generation. …
Babies are produced by heterosexual relationships; all homo relationships ever produce is cum.
The reciprocity and selflessness that defines heterosexual relationships (and is necessary for them to function) does not exist among homosexuals and can never exist. How can two people who view each other as sex meat ever have a normal relationship?
It should be noted that Mr. Forney, to the best of my knowledge, has not participated in the production of any human babies. (Not that I am encouraging him to do so; there is more than enough suffering in the world already.) And I can’t believe that any woman who has ever been in any sort of relationship with him would describe it as in any way “normal.”
Despite more or less agreeing with ISIS on the “sodomite” question, Forney is quick to assure his readers that he is no fan of Muslims.
“I have no love for Muslims and I want to see them get their asses kicked back to the Middle East,” he writes. “But embracing homosexuals in the fight against Islam is like curing a headache with 9 mm to the brainpan.”
And that’s where he thinks “sodomite” and sodomite-friendly Alt-Rightists like Milo Yiannopoulos and Gavin McInnes went so wrong in the aftermath of the Pulse attack. At the time, as you may recall, Milo — then in the midst of his “Dangerous Faggot” tour of college campuses — held a rally of sorts in the vicinity of the Pulse shooting in which he declared that gays needed to take up arms, quite literally, against the Muslim menace. McInnes delivered a similarly over-the-top anti-Islam speech. And then the two kissed.
As Forney sees it,
The Orlando shooting should have been a wake-up call to the non-cucked right. Whites have become addicted to pleasure and indulgement above all else. … That’s the real reason why we won’t fight back against Islam or Mexican illegals: because we’re too addicted to sex and pleasure. Because we don’t want reality to intrude upon our bareback hugbox orgy. Undoing this is the only way to save our nations, and it starts with recognizing that homosexuality, transsexuality, and the 31 flavors of gender need to be done away with.
Unfortunately, in Forney’s estimation, the alt-right hasn’t embraced his explicitly exterminationist anti-gay agenda.
“Milo Yiannopoulos and Gavin McInnes responded to the shooting by making out in public,” he writes, with obvious disgust.
The Right Stuff and other alt-right outlets … declared that Orlando was another reason to “remove kebab” (even though it was Latinos, not huwytes, who were killed). … Not one person asked why our culture had degenerated to the point where gay nightclub bareback orgies had become acceptable.
The alt-media, which castigated mainstream conservatives as “cuckservatives,” collectively cucked out by taking a left-wing position on gay rights.
I’m pretty sure “remove kebab” is not a left-wing position on anything, but never mind.
The only good thing about any of this is that the more the various factions of the alt-right turn on each other the less damage they can do in the world.
Sex Meat Kabab what now?
Um, yeah. that’s exactly how I imagine it works for nearly everyone:
That’s not creepy at all. I mean, really. Not a bit.
That’s the first thing I thought of! Doesn’t he fancy himself a PUA? Who the hell is he to judge?!?
What a detestable little man he is.
Ooglyboggles: ?
Forney’s contemptible behavior reminds me of a Trump supporter’s tweet I saw yesterday, proclaiming that liberals love sharia law, and therefore right-wingers are the REAL besties of the LGBT+ crowd.
You’re absolutely not a mess. You’re awesome. And please remember to look after yourself in the middle of all this, ok?
10/10 excellent post, would read again. Several times 😀
Soooooo “bareback orgies” appears twice in Mr. Forney’s li’l write-up.
It’s funny sometimes how what we scream repulses us accidentally reveals our sub/unconscious, especially with stuff like homophobia and racism.* I’d bet everything I own that “bareback orgies” is a porn search term for Forney.
(*Not to trot out the ole “all vigorous homophobes are secretly not straight” chestnut. It’s homophobic as hell, and really discounts that sometimes people are just assholes. I’m just saying. Our fixations reveal and expose us.)
Matt Forney, a humble curse. May your shit come to life, and kiss you.
May he nick his fingers while cutting lime, and rub his eye after touching hot sauce
Indulgement? Is that… a word?
Why is it you can’t be both a hard-working contributor to society and want to go out to a club and have a drink (or do some recreational drugs) have sex (don’t know why “meaningless” but I guess non-attached? I mean, why is that anyone’s business) or just dance and hang out?
I mean, I guess I see people as being more complex than this. Sometimes I work out, sometimes I pig out. Sometimes I work overtime, sometimes I go out and enjoy food, drink and friends.
Even back in his Ferdinand Bardamu days Matt seemed to really like infighting. It’s not on the scale of his homophobia, of course, but from his Gab he really has it out for the anime nazi’s.
May his lunch hour be disrupted by a yogurt-covered samoyed.
May a pack of labradors feast on cucumber skins and invade his bedroom.
May he irritate a skunk.
Mr. Forney has plainly thought a good deal more than me about what happens inside gay nightclubs. I would have assumed drinking, dancing, hanging out with friends and some drunken hookups…much like a straight nightclub, in fact, but with fewer creeps looking to assault women. I see I was mistaken.
Is it just me, or does that photo of Matt and He who shall not be obeyed look like Matt’s not really enjoying being photographed like that. Looks uncomfy being close to Milo.
Also, I’ve yet to meet any gays who consider anyone “sex meat”. I’ve known some who’ve done very selfless acts, called adopting a baby, or fostering a child. Not only are they not procreating, they’re helping propagate someone else’s DNA!!1!1!!11 OMG, what terrible news for the human species.
So, how’s that “Men’s Scholarship” scam going, Milo?
JS, Forney looks like that in every photo I’ve ever seen of him. Same expression.
That sounds like a challenge.
*thinks really long and hard*
May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your keyboard.
May the dust of millenia fill your computer.
May you be forced to watch Wonder Woman. (only a curse for MRA’s etc.)
May you find your perfect domme, and find out one bad answer to “Mistress, Please punish me” is “No, here’s the restraining order”.
May your toenails be sharpened so they cut through all your socks.
May you be taken through a haunted house, and not realize it’s all performance art.
Just as a fun aside, the not-for-profit haunt I work at most frequently has a deal with a local company. Any time there’s fair witnesses of “wetting self in fright”, we get a donation. There are well marked bathrooms near the entry, so we’re not being too mean.
We had plans for last year, of taking normal looking port-a-potties, and setting them up at the end of the haunt with gore cannons and scream effects fired when the door was opened. Didn’t happen, but it might this year. I think the plan was, if asked directly, we’d say the potties were closed, but if a guest decided to open them anyway… Whoosh, covered in fake-blood slime.
@Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Thank you for the compliment, never had anyone say that to me before.
@PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
@Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Thank you all. I want to say it’s getting better today, but it’s not. My aunts and dad are now arguing with each other quite angrily and loudly. I’m kind of scared to get involved since I know they’re talking about me, aunt A & B and my other things.
/ thinking to myself
Sweet dreams are made of these
Who am I to disagree
May his new headphones lose sound in one ear after 5 minutes of use
(This is fun!)
ETA: may Matt’s phone always accidentally be on silence and he misses calls from friends
May he only find male plugs when searching for female.
May he always wake up with an eyelash in his eye.
May his pants tear while sitting down for an interview.
May he be bitten on the penis by a female black widow spider and be too embarrassed to visit a doctor immediately, leaving it to become gangrenous and putrid until it sloughs off from his body and falls out the leg of his pants onto the sidewalk, leaving shocked and appalled bystanders staring and pointing and screaming, ‘Oh my god, dude, did your penis just fall off? And is it green??’
Am I doing this right?
May his bathroom light turn off seconds after he turns it on.
May the aglets of his shoelaces come undone.
May the colors of his monitor always be not the ones he wants.
May he spill hot tea in his lap.
May he develop an incredibly itchy, smelly little rash that baffles his doctor.
Just as he starts to pee, yes.
As someone else who is laboring under the weight of familiar troubles, I offer you hugs and a few of my remaining spoons.
Don’t you fucking love it when your family argues about you? I know just how that goes.
I don’t actually love it and it makes me wish for the sweet embrace of death to stop all of this.
May you cough midstream every time you pee.
May you vomit after being served a state dinner in another country. (too soon?)
May you (oh, please) be unable to not tweet the first thing that comes to your mind… Wait, that’s already happened.
I’m really wanting to send a crate of cheap dildoes to Sea-by-the-lake.
@Oogly, Fran
Many sympathies on your family troubles; situations like yours make me very glad my family are fairly distant for the most part. *hugs* offered as well.
Hihi! *pouncehugs* Haven’t seen you in a while, how’ve you been. (Assuming that you’re not someone else with the same nym, in which case sorry for my excessive familiarity)