
There’s nobody quite so sensitive to the subtle oppression of men in contemporary society than the guys who hang out on Involuntary Celibacy forums online. Which is perhaps why they spend so much of their time, er, consciousness raising about the critical issue of fat women who have sex.
On the Incels subreddit, the regulars return to the topic again and again in innumerable threads decrying the fat girl menace. Their central complaint: Fat women are able to have sex with pretty much any man they want, while similarly fat men lead lives of not-so-quiet celibacy.
“Must be nice being a fat woman,” writes someone called ASS_F.
Still get an enormous amount of dating options. Can still date perfectly decent looking men. Can fuck lower tier or drunk Chads. May even be able to shag a model every now and again.
Fellow Reddit incel mcfill1 agrees:
Women have the opportunity to be disgusting slobs and still date up.
Alas, the incels complain, this option is simply not available to men. As Afroaway00 puts it,
all women are attractive to at least some men. they can be midgets, obese, extremely tall, doesn’t matter. only men can truly be unattractive.
ZyrrosLooks explains the supposed SCIENCE behind this supposed fact:
The most funny thing of all is that fat levels affect much more unforgivingly men than women.
A difference between 12 and 16% bodyfat in a woman makes almost no difference in attractiveness. On a man it can be the difference between chad and under average, night and day. Men are expected to have very lean faces, and thus have much much harsher requirements on being lean than women.
So even in the ONLY thing that women require to be attractive, men have it much harsher, its ridiculous.
Indeed, ijustwantsomefriendz adds, with a dollop of transphobia on top,
All a woman needs to be fuckable is have a vagina
(We’ve met ijustwantsomefriendz before; he’s the guy whose incel subreddit “flair” declares that “females deserve the rope.”)
But even the fattest women get endless affirmations from thirsty men, incels complain. Usingthistoshitpost informs his fellow incel Redditors that
I was on meetme last night and 9 out of 10 of the girls on there were obese, disgusting slobs. And here is the kicker, the majority of them have orbiters and men telling them they are THICK and beautiful.
While most incels agree with usingthistoshitpost that these fat women are “disgusting” — and one even says that he doesn’t “consider them humans” — incels are also furious that these “disgusting,” inhuman, sex-having women don’t want to have sex with them. A fellow called DeLaNoochie indignantly reports that he
Thought it would be a piece of cake landing a porker. Boy, was I wrong. It’s unbelievable how much power they have. Everyone hates on them but plenty of guys fuck them. Hypocritical bastards. And they make it tougher for guys because apparently they’re sought after. Wtf
Gosh, who could possibly have imagined that “porkers” wouldn’t want to have anything to do with guys who call them “porkers?”
Even setting aside the horrific misogyny for a second, you may have noticed that pretty much none of these incel beliefs about fat women, fat men and sex have any basis in reality whatsoever — with the exception of the thing about fat women not wanting to date them.
Yes, fat women have sex. Sometimes they even — quelle surprise! — have sex with the sort of conventionally “hot” guys that incels would denounce as “chads.” But guess what, incel dudes, fat guys have sex too, sometimes even with the conventionally hot women you dudes call “Stacies.” (Hell, fat, broke, middle-aged blogger dudes who rarely leave their apartments have sex.)
None of this should be a revelation to anyone. Just take a look at the couples you see walking together through the nearest park; I guarantee you’ll see more than a few fat guys holding hands with women of all shapes and sizes. Most Americans, regardless of gender, are classified as overweight or obese today; the overwhelming majority of them have had sex.
The widespread manosphere belief — seemingly shared by most incels — that 80% of women are having all the sex with only 20% of men, with the rest of the men living sad, celibate lives, has absolutely no basis in reality; I don’t think I’ve ever seen any manospherian even try to provide statistics to back it up. Because those statistics don’t exist.
Incels claim that fat or otherwise less than “perfect”-looking men are treated much more harshly than women; the rest of us know that’s ridiculous. Women are fat-shamed from girlhood to old age, often when they are as far from fat as I am far from skinny. (I only started to get shit about my weight after I started writing about misogynistic men.) Women and girls are three times more likely to develop anorexia than men and boys.
Again, none of this is news to anyone who lives outside of the reality-distortion field of the incel subculture. Incel ideology is a mixture of misogyny and self-hatred that’s as toxic to believers as it is offensive to everyone outside their not-so-charmed circle.
Some man-loving women prefer dudes with chiseled bodies; others — perhaps even most of them, according to one possibly less-than-completely scientific survey — prefer their men with a bit of pudge.
But very few women are into bitter incel assholes who hate themselves nearly as much as they hate women. Most incel dudes — at least going by the pictures they sometimes post — are fairly average looking. It’s not their looks that keep them celibate; it’s the poison that fills their brains.
@History Nerd
It’s short for “involuntarily celibate”. David’s got it in the glossary.
The incels should see for themselves how nice it is being a fat woman. They should decide to become fat women!
As a woman who could lose a few pounds, I’m flattered they think my life is so splendid, and I feel sorry for their misfortune at not being me.
This is almost as good as an MRA whine I read at least ten years ago where a menz rights dude wailed how unfair it was that women could prance around in skimpy undies. What on earth was preventing him from prancing away?
Such unhappy fellas, these women haters.
Fat women are supposed to have such a low Sexual Marketplace Value that they’re desperate. These sadsad excuses for men see sex with a fat woman as shameful, low status, an admission that this is the best they can get. That they can’t even bag fat women is delicious. Of course this is because there’s actually nothing wrong with being fat, and fat women have more self-love than to have sex with men who view them as the scrapings at the bottom of the barrel. But it rubs salt into the Incel’s wounds.
Go and get some therapy, dudes.
I’m just really curious why it’s okay to be sickly malnourished and skinny but much worse to be healthy and chubby or even “fat”. I know people who are twice my weight who are much healthier than me because I just rely on my genetics. I only exercise for fun(rollerblading swimming and stuff like that)and I don’t eat healthy. I just happened to be thin. I also have done a lot of recreational drugs(and self medicated my depression and anxiety) in my life, probably not great for my health either
@History Nerd:
Well, some twenty years ago I told a friend of mine: “Celibacy is voluntary, by definition. You’re not celibate. You’re not get laid on a regular basis. Like all of us present, virgins or otherwise, except for [name redacted]. Your whine is the worst whine to try to leverage in the direction of us virgins. So shut the fuck up.”
And he did, being adult enough (while not being legally adult) to understand that sex is not a right.
So yeah, “involuntary celibacy” would be the first instance of how this particular instance of misogyny fails at language. I wish that it was the last.
Sorry, I got excited and had to use caps. But seriously that’s fucking awesome and we gotta rollerblade together.
I don’t know if you heard the jokes, but people like to say black people don’t know how to swim or rollerblade, so that makes us even more super special unicorns.
Be careful telling people you have depression and use drugs, because some smug people will tell you,
And I’m just like, “Ninja, please, I tried to kill myself when I was 12 long before I even knew what drugs were, but sure, please tell me more about how drugs gave me depression.
While making this face:

RE: drugs
Drugs play into my anxiety & paranoia and make me more likely to harm myself. So I don’t do recreational drugs. I take the ones I need for medical reasons.
I make THAT EXACT FACE so often at work!
I’ma just leave this here…
Mar-a-lago = Sea by the lake
Mal-a-rago = Bad at first.
I’ve been carrying 25 to almost 100 pounds of excess weight almost my entire adult life. Currently I’m about 50+ over what the charts recommend. All I’ma say is this:
Treat people like you value them, and they will value you. If there is attraction and chemistry? ROCK ON! And if not, value the friendship that you can have without worrying about whether you can score or not. There is a hella lot more to life than getting laid.
Those guys remind me of the bleacher busters back in the day – The whiny incel losers ain’t got game. Period. That’s _why_ they are incels. Trashtalk is all they have.
Yeah I’ve heard that bullshit nonsense a number of times. Like I said I was bullied pretty badly until I got to high school and found my place. I cut myself starting at 12 and tried to kill myself at 13 but had no idea how, so ended up in the hospital having my stomach pumped. The first time I did recreational drugs was a year later. If I’m self-medicating, I’m medicating something that’s already there. I feel like that should be obvious to a duck but apparently we have a lot of people who are stupider than ducks
But the thing I hate so much are the fucking alcoholics who tell me not to smoke weed cuz it’s awful and bad for me and illegal. Alcohol is arguably worse for you than heroin physically and mentally. Because alcohol really fucks your body up, especially your liver and while heroin is definitely not good for you at all, it doesn’t really hurt any particular organ in specific, the real danger is overdosing. At least that’s what they told me at rehab. Actual doctors told me if they could make alcohol illegal and weed legal they would in a second. Don’t get it twisted, I have no problem with anyone who’s vice of choice is alcohol, I have a problem with assholes who happened to be alcoholics.
Hang on. Hang on. Haaaaaaang on. Someone is violating their own paradigm on the fly here.
Lower tier Chads? Surely if they’re lower tier then they’re not Chads? Doesn’t the whole incel caste-system worldview fall apart entirely if they start seeing people as having individual characteristics rather than just being faceless avatars of some Platonic ideal?
I haz a confuz, and I suspect this incel does too.
@Fran and KatieKitten420:
I’ve done the maths and you two are adorable.
I was pretty damn fat for many years as I was quite in love with food. I’ve lost almost all the excess over the past two years. I started skipping breakfast when I realised that the phrase “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” was invented by Kellogg’s and that I actually don’t like cereal. Seems to have worked. It makes it easier to get up the four flights of stairs to my hovel.
I don’t think being fat stopped men from fancying me. But being thin has increased the perception that I’m attractive so it becomes more socially acceptable to express that attraction.
Thanks so much for the compliment! I’d really love to know what mathematical formula you use to figure that out. I mean I’m sure Fran is wonderful and gorgeous and I’ve said so, but I’m much more insecure about myself. Like I said before I’m very weird about my body and looks. It’s like I fit most of the conventionally attractive checklist,(except skin color) but I just don’t see it in the mirror. Now if you were talking about personality, I’m slightly less insecure about that, but it’s still a lovely compliment.
Thank you. Since we’re in the business of awarding internetz, I must say as a longtime FTB reader I’ve been frequently impressed by your wit and intellectualism.
Also, I don’t know the adorable math, but I know you are intelligent, kind and witty from reading dozens of your comments.?
Good to hear, I’m glad you’re confident in your potential.
Same. My blood tests are perfect, my doctor is always surprised. I have no heart disease, no blood pressure problem, no blood sugar problem (my sugar level is actually on the lower side), cholesterol levels are normal. I also have no trouble doing physical activity.
What’s up with these doctors not listening to the symptoms??! I heard it happens mostly to women.
@Robert Walker-Smith
Rok is especially fond of making up bullshit about swedish women. “Swedish womyn want to get raped by savages11!!!1!” “They would give up their country for black cock!!1!!” Meanwhile my cousin has been in Sweden for the past 8 months and she hasn’t seen any immigrant trouble yet.
Re: No go areas
Boris Johnson may be a bit of a knob at times* but he did call this one right…
(* ok, most of the time)
I’m also confused by the whole breakfast thing. Here in Italy Nutella does the same trick. They promote their product by associating it with a healthy breakfast. Their jars sometimes have a picture of a slice of bread with Nutella spread on top plus a glass of orange juice and a glass of milk.
By personal experience I can say that breakfast is not necessary, only drinking water is. If you have to get out of the house in a hurry the last thing you want is having undigested food moving in your stomach while you walk.
This is a real ad. I fucking love Bethesda.
I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to post this!
(I need something nazi related that rhymes with ‘Maria’ so I can do a caption)
@Arctic Ape
Awesome. Have an additional internets.
The thought of having BJ as our PM rates well below boils, rains of frogs and probably scrofula, but if despite all our best efforts it comes to pass it will be amusing to post that far and wide if he has to meet the ChOTUS (that is the correct acronym for the Cheeto-in-Chief I believe?). (soooo hilarious that he doesn’t want to visit now)
re sharpshooting nuns, it’s kind of reminiscent of when a nunnery was one of the few contexts in which many European women could have some measure of personal independence. (hoping for corrections if my vague notion of history is way off the mark, as is often the case)
@ Kupo ans Aulma,
So glad it’s not just me who gets that from their GP. It’s so frustrating.
@Arctic Ape
“Yes, we’re attracted to all genders within the genus Pan, but not all individuals and also no Homo”
(I haven’t mastered quotes yet.)
Have more internets, that’s the first giggle I’ve had today.