alpha males body shaming creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties hypocrisy incel men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit transphobia

Fat women who have sex: The ultimate oppressors of men? Creepy incels say “yes”

Fat woman oppressing man, somehow

There’s nobody quite so sensitive to the subtle oppression of men in contemporary society than the guys who hang out on Involuntary Celibacy forums online. Which is perhaps why they spend so much of their time, er, consciousness raising about the critical issue of fat women who have sex.

On the Incels subreddit, the regulars return to the topic again and again in innumerable threads decrying the fat girl menace.  Their central complaint: Fat women are able to have sex with pretty much any man they want, while similarly fat men lead lives of not-so-quiet celibacy. 

“Must be nice being a fat woman,” writes someone called ASS_F.

Still get an enormous amount of dating options. Can still date perfectly decent looking men. Can fuck lower tier or drunk Chads. May even be able to shag a model every now and again.

Fellow Reddit incel mcfill1 agrees:

Women have the opportunity to be disgusting slobs and still date up.

Alas, the incels complain, this option is simply not available to men. As Afroaway00 puts it,

all women are attractive to at least some men. they can be midgets, obese, extremely tall, doesn’t matter. only men can truly be unattractive.

ZyrrosLooks explains the supposed SCIENCE behind this supposed fact:

The most funny thing of all is that fat levels affect much more unforgivingly men than women.

A difference between 12 and 16% bodyfat in a woman makes almost no difference in attractiveness. On a man it can be the difference between chad and under average, night and day. Men are expected to have very lean faces, and thus have much much harsher requirements on being lean than women.

So even in the ONLY thing that women require to be attractive, men have it much harsher, its ridiculous.

Indeed, ijustwantsomefriendz adds, with a dollop of transphobia on top,

All a woman needs to be fuckable is have a vagina

(We’ve met ijustwantsomefriendz before; he’s the guy whose incel subreddit “flair” declares that “females deserve the rope.”)

But even the fattest women get endless affirmations from thirsty men, incels complain. Usingthistoshitpost informs his fellow incel Redditors that

I was on meetme last night and 9 out of 10 of the girls on there were obese, disgusting slobs. And here is the kicker, the majority of them have orbiters and men telling them they are THICK and beautiful.

While most incels agree with usingthistoshitpost that these fat women are “disgusting” — and one even says that he doesn’t “consider them humans” —  incels are also furious that these “disgusting,” inhuman, sex-having women don’t want to have sex with them. A fellow called DeLaNoochie indignantly reports that he

Thought it would be a piece of cake landing a porker. Boy, was I wrong. It’s unbelievable how much power they have. Everyone hates on them but plenty of guys fuck them. Hypocritical bastards. And they make it tougher for guys because apparently they’re sought after. Wtf

Gosh, who could possibly have imagined that “porkers” wouldn’t want to have anything to do with guys who call them “porkers?”

Even setting aside the horrific misogyny for a second, you may have noticed that pretty much none of these incel beliefs about fat women, fat men and sex have any basis in reality whatsoever — with the exception of the thing about fat women not wanting to date them.

Yes, fat women have sex. Sometimes they even — quelle surprise! — have sex with the sort of conventionally “hot” guys that incels would denounce as “chads.” But guess what, incel dudes, fat guys have sex too, sometimes even with the conventionally hot women you dudes call “Stacies.” (Hell, fat, broke, middle-aged blogger dudes who rarely leave their apartments have sex.)

None of this should be a revelation to anyone. Just take a look at the couples you see walking together through the nearest park; I guarantee you’ll see more than a few fat guys holding hands with women of all shapes and sizes. Most Americans, regardless of gender, are classified as overweight or obese today; the overwhelming majority of them have had sex.

The widespread manosphere belief — seemingly shared by most incels — that 80% of women are having all the sex with only 20% of men, with the rest of the men living sad, celibate lives, has absolutely no basis in reality; I don’t think I’ve ever seen any manospherian even try to provide statistics to back it up. Because those statistics don’t exist.

Incels claim that fat or otherwise less than “perfect”-looking men are treated much more harshly than women; the rest of us know that’s ridiculous. Women are fat-shamed from girlhood to old age, often when they are as far from fat as I am far from skinny. (I only started to get shit about my weight after I started writing about misogynistic men.) Women and girls are three times more likely to develop anorexia than men and boys.

Again, none of this is news to anyone who lives outside of the reality-distortion field of the incel subculture. Incel ideology is a mixture of misogyny and self-hatred that’s as toxic to believers as it is offensive to everyone outside their not-so-charmed circle.

Some man-loving women prefer dudes with chiseled bodies; others — perhaps even most of them, according to one possibly less-than-completely scientific survey — prefer their men with a bit of pudge.

But very few women are into bitter incel assholes who hate themselves nearly as much as they hate women. Most incel dudes — at least going by the pictures they sometimes post — are fairly average looking. It’s not their looks that keep them celibate; it’s the poison that fills their brains.

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7 years ago

I get like, a million percent more attention from women than I did when I weighed 40lbs less (140lbs to 180lbs, and if anything my muscle mass has decreased). So if we run this through the Incel Theory That Attraction Is 100% Based On Looks And Personality Doesn’t Even Figure Into It, Also It’s Fine To Extrapolate Personal Anecdotes Into An Entire Worldview, it’s abundantly clear that women prefer slightly chubbier dudes. It’s just incontrovertible.

7 years ago

The years I’ve spent reading this site have really convinced me that the entire manosphere, no matter what branch really just boils down to anger that they aren’t allowed to force women into sex.


PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

I can’t even with these guys. I just don’t have the patience after reading this steaming pile of shit:

The staggering lack of self awarness stuns me.

(H/T to Boink x 5, ????)

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo

I’m not sure if this trope has been codified into movies and TV shows yet.

It showed up in the 1996 Wayans brothers movie ‘Don’t Be a Menace…, where one character would literally shove conventionally attractive black women out of the way to get at less attractive white women.

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago


Thank you, that’s a perfect example.

Of course it would be a Wayans Brothers film that would feature this. Why am I not surprised? 😀

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

Attraction isn’t always about the physical. Mr. Parasol has gotten older since we got married. So have I. He’s got gray hair. He’s getting crow’s feet. He’s gained weight.

I don’t care. He’s still the man I fell in love with, and I love him more now than I did in our first year of marriage, because the man he is now is the man who’s stood by me for years in sickness and in health, and who tells me on a regular basis how attractive I am to him (“Because you’re smart, kind, creative, and you’re cute with a magnificent rack”). Love gets stronger with practice.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

Women have the opportunity to be disgusting slobs and still date up


orbiters and men

No misandrist…

Everyone hates on them but plenty of guys fuck them. Hypocritical bastards

Here lies logic, it will be missed

And they make it tougher for guys because apparently they’re sought after. Wtf

I imagine this dude says “wtf” about a lotta things. Like how magnets work

Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
7 years ago

goddammit, this shit is just in-fuckin-terminable

of all the shit here that incenses me, the most is?

the word “fuckable”

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
7 years ago

@nequam it’s certainly an oxymoron.

My takeaway from having struggled through Elliot Rodger’s “manifesto” is that he was bitterly unhappy, not that women turned him down (they never had a chance to do that, since he never asked anyone out), but that they did not approach him first. He literally waited for a pretty girl to walk up to him and ask to be his girlfriend. When that didn’t happen, he “retaliated” against this perceived slight.

Now, obviously all incels are not like him, and many reject being compared with him in any way; but the basic attitude seems to be somewhat similar. Even if they do approach women, they still seem to be dependent on women to do all the work, meaning specifically the emotional work of drawing them out, making them feel good about themselves, providing a safe place in the world for them without any sort of reciprocity.

I just don’t get it.

Dudes, no one owes you anything.

Dudes, if you want to attract people to you, you have to be attractive. Start from the inside.

Dudes, if you want people to like you, you have to like them. To do that, you have to like yourself.

Dudes, accept yourself before you expect anyone else to accept you.

Dudes. Please.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ Axe

Like how magnets work

But how do they work?! What’s the practical difference between this and actual magic? 🙂

Paradoxical Intention - Leader of the Deathclaw Damsels

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic | June 12, 2017 at 12:00 pm
I can’t even with these guys. I just don’t have the patience after reading this steaming pile of shit:

The staggering lack of self awarness stuns me.

Of course they would. They think all white people are nazis. Nevermind the fact that the main character (who kills nazis, and who has been killing nazis since the original) could be an Aryan poster boy.

And nevermind the fact that most of the people in the trailer that was just shown at E3 are white (there’s one black woman that I saw, and that’s about it).

These fuckers really need to stop conflating “white” with “nazi”. It isn’t happening.

For those who haven’t seen the trailer in all it’s nazi-hating goodness yet:

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago



Bit of an open-ended verb, which opens a whole new realm of possibilities that I am sure the incels have not taken into consideration.
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My Goddess that’s an awesome trailer. I want to play this so badly now.

Of course they would. They think all white people are nazis. Nevermind the fact that the main character (who kills nazis, and who has been killing nazis since the original) could be an Aryan poster boy.

These fuckers really need to stop conflating “white” with “nazi”. It isn’t happening.

One other thing:

The neofascist white supremacists like to bellow about how secretly all white people want to be Nazis, and how when the Race War(tm) happens, they’re gonna win because all the white people in the world will join them.

Visibly, this is untrue.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

The staggering lack of self awarness stuns me.

“We are the only true hardcore MLG pro gamers! … Wait, since when do you kill Nazis in Wolfenstein?”

Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
7 years ago

in off-topic news, the Cylon “first daughter” sticks its lower appendage in it… again….

Asked whether the job — she is a White House adviser — is harder than she thought, Ivanka responded this way:
“It is hard. There’s a level of viciousness that I was not expecting. I was not expecting the intensity of this experience.”
Those 10 words — “there’s a level of viciousness that I was not expecting” — will drown out everything else Ivanka said in that interview (or anything else she does today.)
The problem with that statement, of course, is that it seems willfully blind to the fact that her father, aka the president of the United States, ran one of the most vicious campaigns for president in history and has, so far at least, been a president willing to call names and attack whenever possible.

7 years ago

@Aulma Frendzar Dèdd

Can’t relate to what?

To the whole “fat women have it good and get plenty of dick”. I’m fat, have been like this for 10 years now and I never received any “good” attention from men. Maybe it’s because where I live young fat people are rare, most of them are 50+ years old. I don’t know how the dating world is where these guys live so my comment might be out of place.

Oh, it’s not that the comment is out of place, I just wasn’t sure if you were referring to the incel BS, David’s post, or one of the comments. 🙂

I can totally relate. I was always shocked when someone would tell me they found me attractive because I’m fat and everyone in my life plus every media outlet was constantly reminding me that fat is unattractive and I should be grateful for any attention I get. Now I know that there are people who genuinely find me attractive, so I’m not willing to settle for someone who is going to treat me like shit for being fat.

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago

@Weird Eddie

Oh, good thing you reminded me about Ivanka.

So there’s this character in Fujishima’s “Aa! Megami-sama!” – you know, that manga I love so much – that appeared years before Trump was a thing, probably back in 2012 or so.

She’s an evil demon who is also a fascist capitalist (she outright talks about stocks and shares and controlling the world).

She is also thin, white-skinned, and has blonde hair. Basically what I’m saying is Fujishima, the magnificent bastard, predicted Ivanka Trump before Ivanka Trump happened.

Although, he did get one thing wrong – Hagall, the character I’m talking about, is very intelligent and calculating, which is more than can be said for Ivanka.
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She’s the one wearing the collar with the round bullseyes on her face.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


But how do they work?! What’s the practical difference between this and actual magic?

That’s the thing. You’re not supposed to loudly and incredulously ask how magnets work. You’re just supposed to accept the magic into your heart 🙂

7 years ago

Alan Robertshaw wroteWhat’s the practical difference between this and actual magic?

Lab coats.

They’re white, and wizard robes aren’t.

Unless your name is Gandalf and you’ve already escaped from Saruman.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ Axe


7 years ago

All a woman needs to be fuckable is have a vagina

[unintelligible screaming]

Seconding unintelligible screaming. And suggesting summoning demons.

7 years ago


That’s the thing. You’re not supposed to loudly and incredulously ask how magnets work. You’re just supposed to accept the magic into your heart ?

But if I accept the magic into my heart, won’t I get pregnant? That’s how sex works, right?

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

@Aulma & kupo

Now I know that there are people who genuinely find me attractive, so I’m not willing to settle for someone who is going to treat me like shit for being fat.

As kupo already knows, I’m AMAB and have always been almost exclusively attracted to fat women. In my experience, many men prefer fat women but due to social stigma tend to treat their preference as an obscure kink. That’s why these idiots in the OP think they’ll be greeted as saviors whenever they talk to a physically larger woman. They’ve bought into the myth that nobody’s attracted to fat women.

7 years ago

I really wonder what world they live in. I remember hating my body so much that I had to be talked into buying my first top for several months and even then I was so ashamed when buying it. I only did it because my fiance had finally convinced me he found me attractive and wanted me to wear it. I still stop believing him, sometimes, after almost 10 years.

So yeah, being fat is so easy for women.

(and for a count: three men, two of whom knew my personality before they knew how I looked. So really, one. In 26 years. I still don’t really believe the third.)

But sure, incels. It’s obviously the way you say it is. And it’s of course not you who are the problem. Never you.

7 years ago


I’ve mentioned the same thing here. The truth is that whatever your hangup, you can find fellow hangees somewhere on the internet. And I do worry about the younger incels, who are going through a more or less normal phase in growing up but who get sidetracked into a box canyon of self-righteous, delusional hatred that make the whole thing almost impossible to break out of. I’ve found many friends through the internet, friends who comfort me when I am sad and who tell me the truth when I am being an asshole. I feel sorry for those who have found only “fellow sufferers” whose only pleasure is suffering. That is a horrible way to live.

And I believe that a lot of it is powered by those who actually make money convincing them that it is all the fault of women.

Of course, men who have always had women friends and who don’t think of women as all that much different than men and anyway viva la differénce, don’t have their problems. When they have a dry spell it’s just a dry spell.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

All you hafta do is believe…
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But if I accept the magic into my heart, won’t I get pregnant? That’s how sex works, right?

I mean, probably, right? I’ve seen enough anime to know that just mildly interested staring potentially gives you babies. Why I avoid eye contact with everyone at all times. Don’t worry tho, I’m sure Magunetto-senpai will take responsibility…