MGTOW Saturday continues with an exciting new evo-psych explanation as to why women, who are so evil, are also so appealing to most men. Because they’re basically giant, sexy Big Macs, at least according to this evo-psychologist wannabe posting in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
And now I’m hungry again.
Joke’s on him. Humans eat steers. The castrated male of species bos taurus.
Yup, it was even my user nym for a while!
Also, this feels like a good time to bring back an old ‘Shop job!
1)Big Macs are fantastic *hums jingle*
2)I ‘like’ how he isn’t mad about ‘blue balls’ in and of itself. He’s raging in response to the rage that gives him. Rageception. That sounds like a personal problem, guy. Like, a problem with your personality…
3)I’d like to see the logic behind the idea that sexual desire is the only thing that blocks a man’s mayunly logic skillz
4)if you evolved to find women beautiful, why do you have a babe rating system? If anything, it should all be HB12/10s. They’re good gals, brünt! Or maybe keep your boner notes in your skull. That works too…
5)if his libido did actually die with him still a virgin, how much y’all wanna bet he switches subreddits to r/incels? He doesn’t want a lower sex drive, cos then he wouldn’t be able to proclaim how he overcame his baser biology to reject women (while thinking about em incessantly)
@JS You have to remember though, in Kingdom of Loathing you can’t eat that meat, it’s specially preserved. It’s how you can loot ancient wallets full of it. Some would say it’s a waste of good meat, but others would ignore them and mine bubble wrap.
Wait, what does 5 guys have to do with gamergate?
Yeesh. How about some cute kitties to wash away this idiocy?
Zoe Quinn was accused of cheating on her boyfriend with five other guys in a letter that kicked off what’s known as the Quinnspiracy which led to Operation burgerandfries which launched GamerGate. (Someone please correct me if I have the order of events wrong.) There are a number of articles available online if you want more details, but that’s the short version.
I thought of a photoshop job, but surely no one would ever want a picture of a woman with a cheeseburger body.
Evolution … doesn’t work like that? I mean, reproduction is required for it to occur. If men aren’t attracted to women, then evolution can’t operate on that and make them become attracted. Science, how does it.
It’s even dumber than that, because the boyfriend was already an ex and so any sex that may have occurred wasn’t cheating. It was only cheating in the ex-boyfriend’s possessive asshole mind.
The entire accusation against her was that she broke up with a dude and went on to have other relationships.
My bad. It’s been a while since I read the Zoe letter and I couldn’t even get through it in one sitting but I totally thought they were together at the time the sex purportedly occurred.
I mean, depending on how the photoshop is done that might be hilarious.
I think the original letter from the ex implied that she had cheated on him, but it later came out that they were already broken up at the time. Because the ex thought that she belonged to him always even though they weren’t together anymore, and viewed her other relationships as cheating. Y’know, like men do sometimes.
Oh, don’t I know it. Had an ex accuse me of cheating for making out with someone else after we broke up.
Fran, from previous article but looks like maybe you didn’t go back so i just want to say thank you for your kind complement)))) i didnt expect this one at all but thank you so much!. I just thoght i would write here, can be you didnt seen my reply there ))
I’ll drink to his sex drive dying off also!
And this reminds me of a memory from long ago…
It was some TV “talk show” and had to do with people cheating on each other. So this guy thought his girlfriend was cheating on him and said –
Man. I saw this low down, broke down, weaselly ass dude, come riding up on a bicycle, drinking a 40 ounce.
@Policy of Madness:
For sure, though as someone who’s experienced that same toxic possessiveness with female and genderqueer lovers I can tell you that dudes don’t have a monopoly on it.
I do question the whole “cave man” thing.
I’m a tech person, not a historian, but I do like to read about such things.
A lot of this stuff seems kind of off to me. From what I’ve read – early humans were more of scavengers.
And if you were developing intelligence – it’s only common sense that you’d set traps for small animals rather than expend the effort to hunt big game – which was largely absent from most areas anyway.
A lot lived along coastal areas as well. And still do.
I think all this Cave Man BS is – BS. Probably propaganda designed to inflate the male ego which our Capitalist Overlords then try to direct towards working for them or warring for them.
I do believe Fred Flintstone would back me up on this.

The comic book version certainly would in more ways than one.
Ooglyboggles –
That’s excellent! 🙂
But we did hunt the mammoth! It’s even in this blog name!
@Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie In other words, she’s a person!!! (sarcasm directed at Miggy toes)
Fast food sex? I know this guy is a virgin, but he’s a little bit onto something. People (both men and women) can view sex partners as a bit ‘fast foody’ – not very good for you, feeling slightly squicky afterwards, but oh so satisfying in the moment. However, what he doesn’t get – and maybe never will – is that eating clean is so much better for you and if you do it right it’s way, way nicer than fast food.
Err – tangentially…
Hmmm, exes and cheating. I’m not divorced yet, but we’ve lived apart for two years and I’ve spotted the ex’s profile on a dating site and I think, but don’t know for sure, that he was dating someone else a year ago*. Of course – I have been having an on-the-sly relationship the whole time, but I’m currently seeing someone that it isn’t an on-the-sly kinda guy and if things continue as they have been – it will be have to be out in the open –
as in meeting my son – within a couple of months and I’m wondering how ex is going to react.
And back to the food metaphor. I haven’t been cooking all that nicely for myself in my post-separation slump. It’s been awesome cooking for new bloke and eating that lovely healthy food myself, too. Just a bit sad he’s not keen on avocado**.
*If so, she was a lot smarter than I am as I don’t think they’re still dating.
** Not a euphemism, he picked around the avocado in a salad I made. Who picks around the avocado????
(I pick around the avocado. Avocado is one of the worst things in the world. I would rather spend time with my emotionally abusive, codependent, belittling family members than eat avocado.)
I can’t get over the feeling that high-score-a-saurus may have just missed an epiphany here.
He said “guys, maybe sex isn’t actually good for us; we’re just chasing it because of ingrained social attitudes.”
What he could have said is “guys, maybe the emphasis that our society places upon sex as a marker of masculinity, especially when we consider how competitive and zero-sum our society’s attitude to masculinity is, isn’t actually good for us; we’re just chasing it because of ingrained social attitudes.”
That probably wouldn’t have been as pithy, though.
I am not fast food. I am a gorgeous three-course meal of baked potatoes with garlic and butter, sliced police sausage broiled with cabbage and lathered in cheese, and ending with rice and beans.
It’s just the entire thing is alternately laced with laxatives, emetics, and steel spikes because dammit, I control who eats me!
@everyone who feels like answering, but especially Dalillama, Fran, JS+Axe because you 4 have given me very intelligent, thoughtful, patient and clear answers previously, and you’re never unkind or obnoxious about my ignorance+naivete.(like when I said something kinda ignorant about soldiers)
Ok, this is totally OT, and will be a bit long. I’ve wanted to ask this here for a long time and I’m finally comfortable enough to ask, cause first I lurked for ages and have seen everyone talking but haven’t seen anyone like the girls in the “feminist group”who were nasty to me about it at college.(and a few since then)Now it seems they were either very young and ignorant or a fringe group or both. This is why I didn’t identify as a feminist til my mid to late 20’s. I was told I hurt the”cause”, and I believed it because I’m very insecure, as I’ve said. I want to hear someone say they were mean and wrong. I only recently realized it was still so important to me.
So, I tend to be very feminine(some might say girly)in many ways(not all, nobody is all 1 thing)You know the girly girl stereotype and although it’s a small part of my personality, it is often what people see first. You know, vividly colored makeup, shiny costume jewelry, skimpy, sexy clothes(often sequined or glittery)Giggling, flirty and sometimes silly, etc. That’s usually your first impression of Party Katie, or Clubbing Katie and that’s where I meet the most people.
In addition, I’ve been very openly into BDSM on the submissive side. I discuss it often with my friends and usually am willing to discuss it with anyone curious who asks politely. Third, I’m polyamorous(although this only rarely is met with disapproval) At a friends party, I encountered this group for the first time. They seemed friendly initially, but once we’d been talking for a while, some of them mocked me and 2 told me how the way I acted made women look bad. Those 2 were truly mean and contemptuous, saying things like I was just desperate to please my boyfriend, and I was a disgrace to how far women have come and other similar denigrations.
That’s very uncommon right? It was just my bad luck to run into a couple of overzealous young university feminists, and that is not how any feminists that aren’t extremely fringe feel, right? If I want to wear a collar and a leash and kneel for my boyfriend because it pleases both of us there’s nothing wrong with that and it doesn’t make me less of a woman or a feminist. Isn’t feminism about women being able to make their own choices about every aspect of their lives why are mine less valid because I choose to submit and let my boyfriend make some of my decisions for me?
Thank you for that long response on the Kathy Griffith thread. I read all of it and will respond to it by tomorrow. It was very friendly and kind of you