empathy deficit entitled babies hate speech have you no humanity irony alert Islamophobia men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny racism rape rape culture rape is good actually reddit

White women have too many rights and need to be raped back into equilibrium, MGTOWs suggest

I’m rapidly using up my quota of “nope” gifs

It’s an all-MGTOW Saturday here on We Hunted the Mammoth. First, let’s meet a repugnant little gang of Men Going Their Own Way sharing their thoughts on rape, and how it would probably be a good thing if white women started getting raped a lot more often than they already are.

In a MGTOW subreddit discussion of the proposition that “White Women are clearly the most priveleged [sic] group to exist in the history of the human race,” several Reddit MGTOWs suggest that this terrible problem may soon solve itself, with rape.

hiper4 21 points 1 day ago* Well they are probably going to go from most priveleged to most raped in the not too distant future. If the pendulum goes to one extreme like we are seeing with western women at the moment than it will naturally overcompensate to the other extreme in order to find balance again... so women and girls got something coming. permalinkembedunsavereportgive goldreply [–]SixteenthRiver06 6 points 1 day ago All of the "embrace Muslim refugees!" Will be the pendulum swinging back for them. Trust. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]MRALawyer 2 points 1 day ago They're getting their just desserts.

Naturally, all these comments have gotten upvotes, because, in case you’ve forgotten, Men Going Their Own Way is a straight-up hate movement.

Why does Reddit give these guys a forum for this shit?

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Paradoxical Intention - Leader of the Deathclaw Damsels

Yeah, while I could be classified as a furry, I am also very disgusted with the amount of neo-nazi furries.


Also, Adam West died today and that makes me quite sad. He was a joy to have on this planet.

Now he’s bat-climbing a bat-skyscraper in bat-heaven.

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
7 years ago

@Brandy Turing:

…I don’t think hate speech should be a crime. If preacher joe wants to come down to the pride parade and tell me I’m going to hell, that’s his right, so long as he doesn’t threaten me or incite violence against me (in that specific moment, not generally just by being anti trans).

That’s my position as well. But when that hate speech gets preacher joe fired from his day job/denounced in the media/dumped by his wife/shunned by his community/etc., then I think that’s justice and it makes me happy. Very happy.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Also, Adam West died today and that makes me quite sad.

Me, too. I’m old enough to remember the first-run of Batman on television, and today I literally feel like a piece of my childhood died, too.

epitome of incomprehensibility

My favorite example of free speech is still the time a street preacher was telling college students how bad they were for being gay(or something?), using a megaphone. Apparently for multiple days… So, a student brought out a bagpipe, and started playing nice melodies.

I have Scottish ancestry and I approve this action!

The post under discussion: for a moment I thought “Oh, okay, they’re at least acknowledging that being a women of colour is a risk factor for sexual assault in western countries” but that’s not the idea at all. They’re just wishing rape on people, along with their basic misogyny + racism (Islamaphobia, plus I’d bet that many of them think white privilege is a biological truth). Ick.

7 years ago

For example, I don’t think hate speech should be a crime.

Well, you are welcome to your opinion. However, should you start whining about how neo-nazis are unfairly outlawed in Germany I am not likely to give even a singular fuck about any claims of yours pertaining to your lack of allegiance to neo-nazi ideals.
Or any similar petulant whine about the legalities of speech in nations where masturbating to the lionized idea of the founding fathers of the US is treated as the weird fetish it is.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

I don’t want to read the wrong message in to this, but in your mind is a “freeze peacher” different from an ordinary free speech advocate?

Wait. You say you’re a Mammotheer but you don’t know what a freeze peacher is? Friggin’ seriously? We talk about them more often than we talk about Trump.

But, just for the sake of humouring you:

The sort of person who thinks a conservative saying “Rape the c**ts and gas the k**es” is free speech but a liberal saying “Dude, what the hell is wrong with you” isn’t. The sort of person who thinks sending thirty thousand death threats to the same woman on Twitter is free speech but being blocked by his victim isn’t. The sort of person who thinks looking at child porn is free speech but being fired for looking at child porn isn’t. The hypocritical swastika-shaped jizz stains on the cold, wet gym sock of life. You know, Republicans.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

It’s the usual MGTOW hate-wankfest, with the first commenter saying that the raping will commence in the future, and the second commenter agreeing (adding, “Trust”), and the third commenter saying that the raping is happening right now, guys!

They’re getting their just desserts.

Mammotheers, read the above quote and marvel: This MGTOW correctly spelled both “they’re” and “their” and “desserts.”

He may actually be a lawyer, one who knows how to use spell check.

Wait — did he get his secretary to type this missive?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

And those are all very real examples, for the record. Even the child porn one.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer


He should’ve written deserts.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

RIP TV’s Adam West. I was introduced to him as Himself/Catman in The Fairly OddParents. Didn’t realize at the time how brilliant that character was and he was. This is a big one…

7 years ago

This is what happens when some men are pushed into a corner by neo Marxist, third wave outrage feminists. You wouldn’t dare say that the threads where woman think they live in a patriarchy and are constantly oppressed should be censored.

7 years ago

Yeah, because wishing sexual violence on someone is the same as believing in systemic injustice.

7 years ago

Yeah man why won’t these feeeeemaaaalllleeessss just accept the status quo that benefits you and just you…

It sucks so much that people keep asking you to stop saying that sexual violence, murder and torture is a good thingtm.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

This is what happens when some men are pushed into a corner by neo Marxist, third wave outrage feminists.

Rape threats, or rape? Because if your answer to someone saying that there are systemic injustices is to prove that systemic injustices exist and then demonstrate them, you’ve own goaled there.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

This is what happens when some men are pushed into a corner by neo Marxist, third wave outrage feminists

comment image
Pictured: some men

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

There were actually plenty of rape threats and plenty of rape before third wave feminism existed. So feminism doesn’t really make sense as the thing to pin the blame on.

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
7 years ago


“For example, I don’t think hate speech should be a crime.”

Well, you are welcome to your opinion. However, should you start whining about how neo-nazis are unfairly outlawed in Germany I am not likely to give even a singular fuck about any claims of yours pertaining to your lack of allegiance to neo-nazi ideals.
Or any similar petulant whine about the legalities of speech in nations where masturbating to the lionized idea of the founding fathers of the US is treated as the weird fetish it is.

Well that was a hostile and completely disproportionate response. I might even go so far as to characterize it as asshole-ish.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

@Judas Peckerwood

Well that was a hostile and completely disproportionate response. I might even go so far as to characterize it as asshole-ish.

How you sound:comment image [Image: a white man in PJs saying ‘I do not agree with ethnic cleansing, but I will defend to the death your right to recruit and organize it] Some of us, however, recognize that there’s a direct connection to letting nazis spew their filth without consequences and the deaths of Timothy Caughman, Richard Collins, Jimmy Kramer ,Richard Best, and Taleisin Meche.

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
7 years ago

@Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

Nice try. I’ve faced down violent fascists and bled for it. And you?

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
7 years ago

@Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

And extra credit for embracing the right wing’s “mock the pajama boy” meme. Classy.

EJ (the Scheming Liberal Race-Traitor)

This is what happens when some men are pushed into a corner by neo Marxist, third wave outrage feminists. You wouldn’t dare say that the threads where woman think they live in a patriarchy and are constantly oppressed should be censored.

Let’s unpack this, shall we?

Firstly, note the “neo-Marxist third-wave outrage feminist” line. This is intended to indicate that there are good feminists elsewhere who aren’t as meanypants as us and don’t get up in arms about internet assholes. Presumably these good feminists stay demurely at home, barefoot in the kitchen, letting their husbands tell them what to be feminist about.

Also, while there are Marxists among the feminist movement (including some good friends on this very site) I doubt that this is how the term is being used here. This is a reference to cultural Marxism; which is a term used to disparage the (widely accepted) theory that there is such a thing as culture and that it influences the thoughts and actions of those immersed in it. While this seems like an obvious truth, it sticks in the craw of people who see themselves as enlightened rational supergeniuses.

(Ironically, many people who object to this will also happily subscribe to the notion that Black and Muslim people’s actions are dictated entirely by their culture.)

Secondly, the term “some men.” Because even when making rape threats, he feels the need to #NotAllMen.

Thirdly, “you wouldn’t dare…” is interesting, because it frames the matter as a lack of courage rather than of agreeing or disagreeing with the statement made. Dude, feminists are generally pretty fearless when it comes to calling for people to shut the fuck up when they disagree with those people. The issue here isn’t that we don’t dare shut those threads down, it’s that we’re grateful for those threads and want to read them.

Fourthly, the conflation between threads which complain about patriarchy, and threads which advocate rape. Really? Really?

The author is either so lacking in empathy that they think rape is no worse than being called a meanypants online; or else is so overcome with narcissism that they think being called a meanypants is as bad as being raped; or both.

So what are we to make of this? Not just that this is a sad little troll, but that this is a person who’s internalised an alarming number of nonsensical ideas, to the point where it comes out whenever they try to speak.

To the author:
Dude, you sound like you’re in a bad place. Perhaps it’s time for you to leave your bubble. Go and hang out with normies for a while. Absorb their thought processes. Cleanse. Please don’t use the internet until you’ve done this, because you’re just making it more unpleasant for everyone else.

EJ (the Scheming Liberal Race-Traitor)

@Judas Peckerwood:

IIRC I’ve seen you around before and you haven’t been a troll. Therefore, I’m going to assume that you’re here in good faith. (I might be wrong.)

Let’s do a little remedial Feminism 101, if we may.

Well that was a hostile and completely disproportionate response. I might even go so far as to characterize it as asshole-ish.

Here, you’ve chosen not to comment on what Feline said, but instead focused entirely on the tone she said it in. This is called tone policing, and should be avoided. There’s two reasons why you shouldn’t tone police:

Firstly, you’re implying that your dignity is more important than the substance of the discussion. Can you see why this is not considered acceptable for a man to say to a woman in a feminist space?

Secondly, we need to talk about privilege. You’ve implied that you don’t think that what you said warranted such a response from Feline. This is probably a fair thing for you to think, if you’ve never been the victim of sustained and socially ingrained hate speech. (Nor have I, really.) Many people here have, however, and we should remember that things we say lightly may sound very hostile to them.

In this case, you gave offence to Feline, and she responded appropriately. You didn’t intend to give offence, or understand that you gave offence, because what you said didn’t sound hostile to your ears. We have a word for this sort of thing: privilege.

What you should have said was “I spoke from my own privilege. I apologise. I’ll try to examine it more in future.” This shows her that although you said something offensive, you didn’t mean to give offense, and will be careful from now on.

An even better thing to have said would be “Thank you for making me aware of my privilege.” This shows that you’re willing to learn from this.

As it happens you didn’t say this, and so people (including me) are pissed off at you. Can you see why?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

Nice try. I’ve faced down violent fascists and bled for it. And you?

Said the white boy to the trans woman of colour.

I’m off to buy stock in IKEA, because you need to take all the seats.

7 years ago


‘Nice try. I’ve faced down violent fascists and bled for it. And you?’

What? This is opression olympics? What exactly must someone do so they allow to believe something? How many facists must i fight? How much blood must i bleed out? You start saying like this then there really is no more point to argue. Yes many beliefs base on experience – i canged how i think because of what happen before now – but also beliefs based on logic and compassion. I cannot live as anyone but who i am but i can listen to others who different and learn from how they experience. Maybe you should try little bit more listening and less talking now.

7 years ago

My problem with the tone policing idea is that it’s so easy to verbally abuse someone and then claim the person is “tone policing” when they object to it.

There was a really good article about abusive relationships that use social justice rhetoric as a way to put down their partner on Everyday Feminism. I can’t remember the title, though.