alt-right antifeminism beta males chad thundercock creepy empathy deficit facepalm friend zone incel manginas men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW oppressed men rape rape culture rape is good actually slut shaming sluts TROOOOLLLL? trump

Friday Mailbag: Creepy incel explains why men should be glad to be raped

Speedy delivery!

It’s time for another roundup of Comments I Don’t Let Through Moderation! There are some doozies this time. Well, there always are, but these doozies are even doozier than usual.

I’ll start with some of the milder contributions before working up to the “holy shit an actual human being thinks that” ones.

First, a message to all of us who are not as tight as perhaps we should be:

And a low effort comment that might as well have been written by an alt-right comment generator:

you beta males are so funny it stops being annoying lololzz, go live in the friend zone forever cucks

This commenter has an interesting take on the perennial topic of sluts:

Most women and men are sluts. By its very definition it is to have many causal sexual partners. So for all you sluts at heart. please bend over and be at one with receiving a load… because at the end of the day. that is all you are good for!

I’m not quite sure if the banned commenter who calls himself “Beta Male Uprising” is a troll or not. On the one hand, he posts things like the comment below, full of fairly standard MGTOW/Incel rhetoric on what he sees as the inevitable revolution of angry beta males against their lady and lady-friendly oppressors:

Publisher of this website you are a complete fucking pathetic coward. Not allowing me to post my comments because huh duh triggered? Like I said history will remember the crimes of women, and the millions of lives lost. There will come a point where the rage of beta males outgrow their fear and the uprising happens, where normal gender relations are restored and resources distributed equally for men according to each type of what they are. If Trump loses his position, gets impeached because of you marxists the patriots will revolt and make sure he stays. Hate will always be stronger than that pathetic thing you call ‘love’ and we will be victorious. More progress has been achieved by hatred than anything else, a superior and powerful emotion in the psyche of mankind. Hate empowers, hate strengthens.

And then he starts going on about women “harvesting the male gaze” without permission to give themselves little tingles, which he thinks is basically the same as rape. This is an idea so simultaneously reprehensible and silly it’s hard to believe that even a self-professed Man Going His Own Way could possibly take it seriously.

And then there’s this one from a very angry incel — is there any other kind? — that you may want to skip unless you feel your blood pressure is dangerously low. Because this guy thinks that men who are raped should be thrilled to have gotten the attention.

I would like to leave a message for all you lucky mangina men out there that get what you complain as ‘raped’, go fucking kill yourselves if you do not like it. You are miserable wastes of oxygen and I am also talking to those that got the fucks they needed in prison. Go end your miserable useless lives if you don’t like it either. We incels get nothing at all while you get everything yet whine about it, fuck you all.

I think this badger has the right idea:

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7 years ago

Again with this “harvesting the male gaze” drivel. I really do think they have an automatic message generator that churns this nonsense out for those lazy fucks, because it all reads like zero thought went into it. Or maybe they have a weekly mad-lib form, or something where they just plug in interchangeable terms for an AutoRant™. Then it’s cut, paste, spam it all over any site that seems even remotely critical of menzers, blather, rinse, repeat. The problem is, it gets boring even the first time it’s tried.

Anyway, I better get back out in the garden with my billhook and boleen. There’s stuff out there that’s ripe for harvesting, and it ain’t no male gaze…although it sure is tempting to cut these Beta Male Uprisings™ as if they were weeds too. Certainly they are nothing but a stinking nuisance.

Makroth - wild west firecracker window-smashing soap-averse unionized cowboy Jacobin from Hell
Makroth - wild west firecracker window-smashing soap-averse unionized cowboy Jacobin from Hell
7 years ago

7 years ago

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

My male gaze harvesting is done with the same basket in which I keep the seeds for the field in which I grow my fucks given.

7 years ago

Good lord can they not just wank? The assumption being that they have at least one functioning hand to type these whiny screeds, maybe take some time off from the whiny screed typing and handle their own junk?

7 years ago

I’m not even sure what they mean by “harvesting the male gaze.” When I read that, I imagine a field of eyeballs, but that’s just me.

Sheila Crosby
7 years ago

Women never have to risk or dirty their hands in order to get what they need to survive.

True dat. Women never change diapers/nappies. Women never, ever have to clean anything or risk sex work. I never took the risk of emigrating alone. No siree.

Ashara Payne
Ashara Payne
7 years ago

@WWTH not wishing to excuse misogyny at all, but maybe the idea is that these folks are well known misogynists but actually they’re not merely misogynists but they hate men too, in fact they even hate themselves? They are actually miserable misanthropes who’d rather bitch and whine online than do anything to improve themselves or their lives or anyone else’s lives or do anything productive with their time.

It definitely could have been worded better if the intent wasn’t as you describe.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


Thank you. That does read much better!

Right!? I imagine, these assholes would be more angry at any woman who actually deigned to fuck em than at those who rejected em. Cos then they’d get fewer upvotes from the other swirling voids of self pity that constitute that subreddit

Incels are kinda fascinating in that they seem to derive a perverse form of value from their lack of any valuable traits. ‘Of course I can’t get a girlfriend, I’m a disaster of a human being… But it’s totes all those [slurs] fault!’ Muffugas will invent reasons to self deprecate. Fuckin tiny wrists? *raises hand, carpals collapse due to lack of support* Being from south Asia? That way, their ‘celibacy’ is due to women being discriminatory strumpets. And that makes them feel superior


The assumption being that they have at least one functioning hand to type these whiny screeds, maybe take some time off from the whiny screed typing and handle their own junk?

The screed writing is their phallic self gratification…

7 years ago

You can just feel the smug coming off of Beta Uprising.

‘I have let the hate flow through me. Now I am powerful. Now the women will want me. I have become onto the universe like a god, a vengeful deity who will claim what is his…’

‘Billy, will you keep it down? You’re disturbing the neighbours. And for God’s sake will you mow the lawn already.’

‘Confounded woman, confusing me with some cuck…’

‘What did you say to me, William?’

‘Nothing mom.’

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

Umm. Is that guy’s email address something with n***af***ot?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

Fuckin thank you! Thought I was imagining the worst possible answer for no reason. So you definitely see it?

Hey, @Futrelle, maybe do a better job erasing these things, huh? I dunno if it still counts as a dox if we hafta stare at it for a while, but come on…

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Axe, that is why I enjoyed JS’s vid so much. It pretty much nails them down to a “T”.

IP: looks like it.

And I highly doubt that’s a real email addy.

A. Noyd
A. Noyd
7 years ago

msexceptiontotherule says:

Good lord can they not just wank?

Well, no. Because it’s not about having an orgasm. It’s not even about having sex. It’s about them degrading women with their genitals in order to boost their status among men—and the more attractive and “pure” the woman, the more status gained. To them, women are merely rungs on a ladder; the more they step on, the higher they climb. These guys are bitter because they can’t even get off the ground.

7 years ago

BTW the original Badger badger badger video was done entirely in Flash animation. It eventually lost sync, leading to music slowly not matching the animation. It was funnier that way.

It is one of the few Flash cartoons to have it’s own Wikipedia entry, and was originally released in 2003 (probably).

7 years ago

Oh. My. Fucking. God. That last one. Bloody hell.

I know I don’t comment here often but I have to say something about that one. Never mind I’m at work and typing this on my phone, I think it’s necessary.

I am a man who has been sexually assaulted by a woman (and it happened when I was a virgin, too, for bonus points) and no goddamn it I was not fucking grateful and it took me years to come to terms with what happened.

It also didn’t help the entire thing took place in public, in a crowded bar where most of the patrons were egging her on and laughing at me for not being into it. Rape culture hurts men too, and I have no patience for this assumption that sex is a thing women ‘give’ men and which they should be grateful to obtain regardless of context. That’s not how this shit works.


Never mind that I’m also depressive and struggled with suicidal ideation most of my life, so that comment triggers me on that level too. Nice chap.

Thanks for doing what you do, David.

7 years ago

I’m sorry those horrible people put you through that, mcbender.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

I am so sorry that happened to you, mcbender.

Paradoxical Intention - Leader of the Deathclaw Damsels

@Lovely: Sure, I’m a slut and I have “taken” loads (back to the TMI with my previous kinks conversation), but I’m much more useful than just a fuck toy (though solely being a fuck toy is also one of my kinks under the right conditions, bow chika wow wow). I can make sammiches, I can clean, I can entertain people by playing video games (badly). I’m also a very cunning linguist at times. I have lots of other things about me that people find charming. The awesome sex is just a bonus.

But, here’s the deal schnookums: Not only will you never get to experience any of my services, I’m not going to take your load. Ever.

Because, at the end of the day, even a slut like me has standards.

(Also, did he just suggest that all man-sluts also bend over and take a load? I mean, not all man sluts are into being bottoms, fer fuck’s sake! [pun intended. ;)])

7 years ago

Women never have to risk or dirty their hands in order to get what they need to survive.

Says a guy who probably never dirtied any part of himself to grow a single plant for food.

Meanwhile, I just finished digging AND planting over half my garden today. And my arms were dirty up past the elbows when I came in for supper a few minutes ago. My face and neck are still smeared with dirt from where I swatted at flies and mosquitoes, too.

Fuck this snowflake dude and all his snowflake ilk. May they Go Their Own Way in silence and darkness, and may not even their own mothers give a shit.

7 years ago

Thank you for the sympathy. I appreciate it.

What happened to me was in all honesty relatively mild and could have been much worse, especially compared to things I know other members of this commentariat have been through, so I do want to keep it in perspective. But even that incident affected me for a long time; I honestly think the mockery for daring not to enjoy it and trying to escape hurt me more than the actual nonconsensual touching, which may be one reason these ‘incel’ douchebags make me so angry.

(I should also probably state for the record that, while I identify as hetero-romantic demisexual, I am attracted to women, so they don’t get to discount my experience by attributing it to incompatible orientation. The involuntary bodily response only made things worse.)

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
7 years ago

“Women never have to risk or dirty their hands in order to get what they need to survive.”

Apparently he has never met a nurse or a nurse’s aid, a few dozen of whom have dirtied their hands helping to keep this old codger alive.

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
7 years ago

double post, sorry

Tosca, Chaos made Flesh
Tosca, Chaos made Flesh
7 years ago

…he starts going on about women “harvesting the male gaze” without permission to give themselves little tingles, which he thinks is basically the same as rape.

If he doesn’t want women to “harvest his gaze”, he could…you know…not ogle women. Problem solved.

Robert Walker-Smith
Robert Walker-Smith
7 years ago

msexceptiontotherule, my guess is that they regard masturbation as a sign of weakness. It would fit with the rest of their dysphoric approach to life.

They’re really dedicated to the idea that their suffering is uniquely terrible. They are to self-pity what Gaston is to self-regard.