alt-right antifeminism beta males chad thundercock creepy empathy deficit facepalm friend zone incel manginas men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW oppressed men rape rape culture rape is good actually slut shaming sluts TROOOOLLLL? trump

Friday Mailbag: Creepy incel explains why men should be glad to be raped

Speedy delivery!

It’s time for another roundup of Comments I Don’t Let Through Moderation! There are some doozies this time. Well, there always are, but these doozies are even doozier than usual.

I’ll start with some of the milder contributions before working up to the “holy shit an actual human being thinks that” ones.

First, a message to all of us who are not as tight as perhaps we should be:

And a low effort comment that might as well have been written by an alt-right comment generator:

you beta males are so funny it stops being annoying lololzz, go live in the friend zone forever cucks

This commenter has an interesting take on the perennial topic of sluts:

Most women and men are sluts. By its very definition it is to have many causal sexual partners. So for all you sluts at heart. please bend over and be at one with receiving a load… because at the end of the day. that is all you are good for!

I’m not quite sure if the banned commenter who calls himself “Beta Male Uprising” is a troll or not. On the one hand, he posts things like the comment below, full of fairly standard MGTOW/Incel rhetoric on what he sees as the inevitable revolution of angry beta males against their lady and lady-friendly oppressors:

Publisher of this website you are a complete fucking pathetic coward. Not allowing me to post my comments because huh duh triggered? Like I said history will remember the crimes of women, and the millions of lives lost. There will come a point where the rage of beta males outgrow their fear and the uprising happens, where normal gender relations are restored and resources distributed equally for men according to each type of what they are. If Trump loses his position, gets impeached because of you marxists the patriots will revolt and make sure he stays. Hate will always be stronger than that pathetic thing you call ‘love’ and we will be victorious. More progress has been achieved by hatred than anything else, a superior and powerful emotion in the psyche of mankind. Hate empowers, hate strengthens.

And then he starts going on about women “harvesting the male gaze” without permission to give themselves little tingles, which he thinks is basically the same as rape. This is an idea so simultaneously reprehensible and silly it’s hard to believe that even a self-professed Man Going His Own Way could possibly take it seriously.

And then there’s this one from a very angry incel — is there any other kind? — that you may want to skip unless you feel your blood pressure is dangerously low. Because this guy thinks that men who are raped should be thrilled to have gotten the attention.

I would like to leave a message for all you lucky mangina men out there that get what you complain as ‘raped’, go fucking kill yourselves if you do not like it. You are miserable wastes of oxygen and I am also talking to those that got the fucks they needed in prison. Go end your miserable useless lives if you don’t like it either. We incels get nothing at all while you get everything yet whine about it, fuck you all.

I think this badger has the right idea:

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PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

I like how women masturbating is somehow an affront to Beta Man, now. Because, apparently, I have spent all day collecting male gazes in my Gazeall ™ portable harvester.

I will definitely scold my nether regions for this dastardly crime. With my favorite toy. Which, depending on the time of day I decide to chastise my genitals, may or may not be my husband.

7 years ago

Hate will always be stronger than that pathetic thing you call “love”

Hate to break it to you beta male uprising but the Sith still aren’t excepting your membership.

7 years ago

Hate to break it to you beta male uprising but the Sith still aren’t excepting your membership.

This is low. In fact, this is lower than the Sith.

“Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion I gain strength.
Through strength I gain power.
Through power I gain victory.
Through victory my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.”

Says nothing about hate. Passion – strong emotion. That includes love.

Plus the Sith are all about becoming stronger, becoming truly free to act as they please. What have any of these trolls gained? Exactly nothing.

So in conclusion, the Sith have good reasons for not giving these people the time of day.

TW: Mention of rape

As someone who’s been raped several times, rape is not fun. Period. Incels who haven’t been raped are fortunate.

Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
7 years ago

chastise my genitals

I LOVE IT!!!!!

7 years ago


7 years ago

comment image

Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
7 years ago

Omigosh, the incels are revolting!!

(… don’t say it… don’t say it… DONT SAY IT…)

a aarrrrgghhhhh…

“You can say that again!!!”

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

I LOVE IT!!!!!

Thanks! ?

7 years ago

Another piece of evidence that incels don’t give a damn about the wellbeing of other men.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Ooglyboggles, well, Incels are not really MRA’s, are they? I mean, they fall under the “manosphere” umbrella, but they never struck me as being particularly concerned with anything, other than their desire to break their celibate status.

7 years ago

Well I guess the incels win todays’ most disgusting ‘ideology’. but none of them come out of it looking good.

Haise, the husky puppy
Haise, the husky puppy
7 years ago

Hoping that other men who aren’t exactly like him get assaulted and raped? Nothing like a misogynist than a misandrist.

Wasn’t there someone a while ago named mgtowuprising on here? Who spewed the same bs of a future revolt for the self-proclaimed beta males to get everyone here ~riled up~

Interesting (and sad) how they want sex and power but love to them is meaningless. Can’t imagine waking up every day hating yourself and everyone around you because you hate yourself.

dr. ej
dr. ej
7 years ago

I have spent all day collecting male gazes in my Gazeall â„¢ portable harvester.

go home with orgasms

Yes. After a productive day of gaze harvesting, I exchange my gazes for orgasms at the Feminist Company Store. Then, I take my orgasms home with me and we have a lovely evening together.

7 years ago

Hate will always be stronger than that pathetic thing you call ‘love’ and we will be victorious. More progress has been achieved by hatred than anything else, a superior and powerful emotion in the psyche of mankind. Hate empowers, hate strengthens.

Dear Wm. Hazlitt,

Thank-you for giving us the opportunity to consider your manuscript. We read it with considerable interest, but regret that we will not be able to make an offer of publication at this time, feeling that it does not fit in with our plans for the coming year.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

It’s sadly not the first time I’ve seen incels express the opinion that rape victims are lucky because they’ve at least gotten laid.

I don’t think they legitimately envy rape victims though. I also don’t think they really don’t get the difference between having sex and being raped. I think it’s the mental gymnastics they need to do to continue telling themselves that no one suffers like they have suffered. If they acknowledge even for a second that they’re not the most oppressed person in the entire universe, they might have to actually care about someone other than themselves.

7 years ago


This is low. In fact, this is lower than the Sith

That’s why I say they aren’t accepting his membership.

Although I will say that hate is a pretty big part of Sith philosophy as we see it in the original Trilogy.

Ashara Payne
Ashara Payne
7 years ago

Some (no idea how many tho) men are never happy. Heck I should change that to ‘some people are never happy’. If you are deprived of something you need or think you need or merely just want (be it food, shelter, or anything else money can buy) you tend to become overly obsessed about getting that thing you’re lacking. But, like feeding the birds in your backyard generally leads to bickering squabbles amongst the birds, sunflowers sprouting beneath the feeders and birdshit everywhere, giving people want they want generally doesn’t make them any happier. Happiness comes from within. People write books on this stuff.

Men who tend to throw pity parties will bitch and whine even when they are getting regular sex. They’ll start bitching that she’s too passive, she won’t do enough bjs or won’t do anal or won’t let him tape said bjs or whatever. Then they’ll bitch about her not making him enough sammitches. They’re just miserable self-pitying immature sad people who cant take responsibility for their own happiness.

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
7 years ago

Why exactly do these guys hate men so much?

i may be pearl clutching here, but their outright indifference to the plight of men and the amusement the seem to often take at men’s suffering is mindboggling.

I get that they have a pretty twisted attitude regarding women, but how do you get to be this twisted? Is there a school for it?

Swedish Sexual Bread
Swedish Sexual Bread
7 years ago

Re: the last comment

Honestly, if these assholes were force-wielders, they’d be neither Jedi nor Sith. Too weak for the Sith to accept and too self-absorbed and hateful for the Jedi.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
7 years ago

@PeeVee, Moggie. *giggle*

@Weird Eddie “That’s what she said!” 😉

Gussie Jives
Gussie Jives
7 years ago

Ah, incels. The Gordian Knot that keeps on giving. I just find it hilarious that the last guy’s logic is so twisted that the very “lucky” people he’s describing as having “everything” are also described as “manginas”. Limited vocabulary? Freudian slip? Both?

You know, having been in that self-pitying “why can’t I get laaaaid?” headspace myself, a part of me would love to sit one of these guys down and take a proverbial knife to that Gordian Knot and just cut through all the rhetoric and finally get to where these guys admit: “Don’t really care about sex, I just want the social validation I’ve been taught comes with a hot woman on my arm.”

Then I’d say “Thank you”, followed by “And never use the internet again.”

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


they never struck me as being particularly concerned with anything, other than their desire to break whine about their celibate status


PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

dr ej,

I tried to use my harvested male gazes to pay for some groceries, because Chessman assured me they were currency, but the cashier insisted on a valid form of payment. I had to use my debit card.

Thank goodness I read today’s helpful post by Beta Men’s Uprising letting me know I could use them as some sort of S&H Green Stamps program.

Axe: Thank you. That does read much better!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Why exactly do these guys hate men so much?

i may be pearl clutching here, but their outright indifference to the plight of men and the amusement the seem to often take at men’s suffering is mindboggling.

I get that they have a pretty twisted attitude regarding women, but how do you get to be this twisted? Is there a school for it?

Could you clarify what you mean here? Because it kind of seems like you’re saying that hating men is somehow worse and more shocking than hating women.

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
7 years ago


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