The competition, as always, is fierce, but Nazi trollster Andrew Anglin has won today’s Worst Human Being on the Face of the Planet Award for a post in which the Daily Stormer publisher praises former mixed martial arts fighter Jon “War Machine” Koppenhaver … for beating his ex girlfriend nearly to death.
On Monday, Koppenhaver was sentenced to life in prison for the brutal 2014 attack, which left his ex, model and former porn actress Christy Mack, with as assortment of severe injuries ranging from a fractured eye socket to a broken rib.
Anglin thinks the sentence is “insane.”And while he isn’t exactly what you’d call a fan of the mixed-race Koppenhaver, he thinks Mack deserved the beating, apparently because she has a lot of tattoos and at the time of the assault had a shaved head.
“I don’t usually defend deranged brown savages,” Anglin writes in a blog post today (archived here).
But I’m going to right now.
UFC fighter War Machine has been sentenced to life in prison for assault and battery, which is insane in itself. …
But on top of the nuttiness of “giving someone an ass beating” resulting in life imprisonment – the bitch deserved it, and no one anywhere can make an argument that she didn’t.
As proof of she “deserved it,” Anglin posts a picture of Mack, posing nude with a shaved head, showing off her tattoos.
“Okay so this is the bitch,” he writes.
You’re going to tell me she didn’t deserve to have the shit beat out of her?
Are you insane?
In addition to questioning the sanity of those who don’t think women should be beaten because some random Nazi skinhead doesn’t like their haircut, the Daily Stormer publisher also declares Koppenhaver himself to be “completely unhinged and insane,” something Anglin blames on Koppenhaver’s racial heritage.
“[I]t’s called being mixed race,” Anglin writes, briefly addressing Koppenhaver directly.
It causes psychological problems, which obviously you do have, which I can see simply from your hipster tattoos. …
Obviously, you deserve to be in prison AT LEAST just for being the person that you are.
HOWEVER – in this specific case, you did not do anything wrong.
Despite Koppenhaver’s “psychological problems,” Anglin finds himself agreeing with many of the stranger statements the MMA fighter has made over the years.
[A]lthough War Machine definitely is insane, he is also sort of a respectable type of insane.
Like, he had this meme about how anyone should be able to murder anyone at any time if they were capable of it.
Yes, that’s right. Anglin thinks this is an example of something “respectably insane” and kind of cool.
He also did things like call for the assassination of Barack Obama and said that men in modern feminist societies are treated worse than Jews during the Holocaust.
He has also said many other things that some people might consider to be awesome.
As a result, Anglin puckishly announces,
I’m writing him a letter and offering to publish a weekly column – “War Machine’s Advice for Men.”
Ha ha! Anglin is as terrible a comedian as he is a person. And he is today’s Worst Human Being on the Face of the Planet.
And I mean that strictly in a “неуклюжий” sense, though the dictionary would have you believe that it also means “неoтëcaнный” which is not how it’s normally used in the American vernacular. 🙂
(As for “топорный” I didn’t even know that word existed in Russian.)
Violet: you might want to get those monkeys checked out.
Nevermind the monkeys. Is your butt okay? 🙂
@numerobis @dashapants
Hey, I’m perfectly happy with my Labour-supporting winged butt monkeys 😀
“I’m perfectly happy with my Labour-supporting winged butt monkeys.”
Surely the t-shirt slogan of the year!
One of Nuttall’s many problems (it’s a long list) was his pronounced resemblance to comedian Adrian Edmondson – who has been milking this for all it’s worth by regularly tweeting as though Nuttall is indeed one of his creations.
@Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Yes. All these microscopic doctoral degree holders with names that begin with P are confusing. But I guess Palmer had kind of the opposite problem as Pym.
Sorry for being a bit Brit-centric in this thread but, if it’s ok with David, here’s something Brit mammotheers in Tory constituencies may wish to cut and paste into an email to their MPs.
@Wetherby I hadn’t seen that, it’s brilliant!
@Alan: I told your joke about the slashed tyres to my mum and she laughed in a most unladylike manner!
It says something about how safe the seat of Macclesfield is for the Tories that there was a 14% swing to Labour here and the Conservative still won by bloody miles. Sigh.
Watching the newspapers meltdown (apart from the Mirror and Grauniad) has been fun. Considering on Wednesday The Daily Mail ran a front page that basically said “Corbyn Laden Loves Terrorists, Hates The British” I am particularly amused by their disbelief.
The conflicting alt right logic. So this guy was right to beat his ex brutally, because she has the look they associate to “degenerate rebel girls (or grrls) and what not”, but he can’t help recognize that it’s his graduation of skin color defining his mixed race, which makes him genetically aggressive and he, superior white would put him in prison for it, it’s not clear if such “encomiable” action would redeem his original racial sin or not, any info? Afterall it seems that according to his logic, shouldn’t such aggressivity be an alpha trait needed to carry on against the feminist wussification, maybe to him and fellow racialists blacks and “browns” resist this better. I guess somehow he might argument that intelligence is still a superior white trait (as clearly shown by Anglin and alt right “culture” and rational thinking, lol) which have to be balanced with some sane masculine ultraviolence, but then in this context it would have been right and rational to beat her as he did, so why his race would be relevant to this, even if you are racialist?
Oh well, yeah, for a superior race, i guess, it’s more challenging to spoil yourself of superstructures like civilization and being decent human being and channel your inner ubermensch when needed to show feminist (or alleged ones) who’s boss, and “black & browns” are somehow advantaged in this trait, being, according to them, more beast-like, but of course they can’t aspire to white’s culture. Contraddiction solved (except blacks working at Nasa, etc, if it’s ever needed to counter it), but not completely.
” He also did things like call for the assassination of Barack Obama and said that men in modern feminist societies are treated worse than Jews during the Holocaust.
He has also said many other things that some people might consider to be awesome.”
wait, was’t Hitler right to persecute the “evil jews” and doing the holocaust?
Dasha…what is happen? Was all this comments for me? Even the monkey in my butt? ?
I will not say я дебил again if it upset to you. Well except now. But after this not anymore.
Thanks for that!
I’m in a Labour constituency, but will post on fb for all my friends represented by Conservatives (the other half of the city I live in, and all the surrounding rural area)
And thank you very much to all the non-British Mammotheers for bearing with the off-topic in-depth political analysis!
O sorry butt monkeys are not mine. I read it all now. Anyway i think the ‘moron’ i saying is not from medical – its means ??? this animal. Just now you translate on english like moron.
@Still Fiqah Most excellent mental image. Though that selfie of Anglin’s just BEGS for lipstick. 😉
Oh, didn’t know about Prince being JW. Well, fnord. 😛
@ Violet
Cheers for that. I should point out someone else drafted it (I did make a few pedantic amends)
For any Non-Brit Mammotheers wondering who the DUP are, they’re this lot (seriously!)
@ Fishy Goat (if this is a reference to Capricorn’s sea goat, it’s the cutest thing EVER)
I am deeply sorry to report that in his later years, Prince was an active and passionate Jehovah’s Witness. His homophobia was well-documented even before his conversion, however.
@Judas Peckerwood and ANYBODY ELSE
Hi. I know. I’ve talked and written about Prince and a whole host of homophobic queer icons – there’s LOTS of ’em. I am a queer Black woman, and a lifelong fan of Prince, so his many problematic aspects – homophobia, colorism, war hawking, Vikings fandom, et al – have been something I’ve wrestled with. He had a LOT of spiritual evolving to do. I love the music. I have for 35 of my 39 years. That’s longer than a lot of his recent personal critics have even been alive, though, so I get it.
I had this exact same issue with the late David Bowie and his equally well-documented – although arguably less-publicized (go fig…) – repeated misunderstanding of some aspects of sexual consent. And I plain HATE Louis Carroll. So, I get it.
You know, if they’re *really* supposed to be a swell bunch that people should want to hang out with…why do they insist on covering their face to obscure their identities and look like they’re caressing those big guns?
Isaac Chotiner on Slate:
@Still Fiqah Yes, it is. 😀 Can’t seem to come up with anything else as a pseud, so instead I have various versions of ‘Capricorn’ all over the net. Sounds better than ‘bitter depressed 50-something’. 😉
–A clearly not-insane person
In regards to Robertshaw’s last picture: What…what is wrong with that woman in the lower-right? Is that a real person? Is that how she actually looks, or is the alt-rightie that made that picture that bad at art? Was it intended to be complimentary and came out badly, or was it intended to be derogatory? So many questions raised…
Also, American Gods was great, as has been most of Neil Gaiman’s work.
Not being a follower of UK politics, watching the election unfold last night was a strange experience. It had all the same trappings of Canada’s electoral cycle (the multi-party ballot, the parliamentary wrangling, the breathless media horse race reporting) but infused with about a million CCs of bullshit. Seeing some of those Sun front pages saying Corbyn does everything short of eating babies was just bizarre to say the least (which I’m sure is thanks to Rupert Murdoch’s slimy presence in UK print media).
I watched H.Bomberguy’s rundown of it last night and the backstory of the Labour party’s backstabbing and infighting was surreal. In Canada, the federal Liberal Party has been the natural governing party effectively since Mackenzie King in the 1930s and their electoral losses tend to only be either due to being in power too long or if they’re lead by somebody with all the charisma of a plank of wood. Seriously, Stephane Dion and Michael Ignatieff made Jean Chretien look like Pierre Trudeau, and Chretien could barely speak French, let alone English. An ineffective LPC is all that’s necessary for the Tories to win in this country, so we had to suffer through nine years of Harper before the Grits opted for a leader who was actually likeable and took back parliament. But even in the darkest days of Harper, the Liberals didn’t resort to the kind of backstabbing on display during the Labour Party leadership conventions.
Man, times like this I’m glad to live in a country where politics is boring.
The backstabbing won’t stop, but it has at least had the brakes applied to it a wee bit. It doesn’t look terribly clever to call Corbyn “unelectable” any more 🙂
(parenthetically, in his own constituency his personal share of the vote has gone up from about 62% (iirc, that’s only from memory) to 75% now)