alpha males alt-right andrew anglin anime nazis attention seeking daily stormer empathy deficit entitled babies hypocrisy irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism victim blaming violence against women

Daily Stormer: War Machine is a “deranged brown savage” but was right to brutally beat his ex

Jon “War Machine” Koppenhaver, self-professed “alpha male”

The competition, as always, is fierce, but Nazi trollster Andrew Anglin has won today’s Worst Human Being on the Face of the Planet Award for a post in which the Daily Stormer publisher praises former mixed martial arts fighter Jon “War Machine” Koppenhaver … for beating his ex girlfriend nearly to death.

On Monday, Koppenhaver was sentenced to life in prison for the brutal 2014 attack, which left his ex, model and former porn actress Christy Mack, with as assortment of severe injuries ranging from a fractured eye socket to a broken rib.

Anglin thinks the sentence is “insane.”And while he isn’t exactly what you’d call a fan of the mixed-race Koppenhaver, he thinks Mack deserved the beating, apparently because she has a lot of tattoos and at the time of the assault had a shaved head.

“I don’t usually defend deranged brown savages,” Anglin writes in a blog post today (archived here).

But I’m going to right now.

UFC fighter War Machine has been sentenced to life in prison for assault and battery, which is insane in itself. … 

But on top of the nuttiness of “giving someone an ass beating” resulting in life imprisonment – the bitch deserved it, and no one anywhere can make an argument that she didn’t.

As proof of she “deserved it,” Anglin posts a picture of Mack, posing nude with a shaved head, showing off her tattoos.

“Okay so this is the bitch,” he writes.

You’re going to tell me she didn’t deserve to have the shit beat out of her?

Are you insane?

In addition to questioning the sanity of those who don’t think women should be beaten because some random Nazi skinhead doesn’t like their haircut, the Daily Stormer publisher also declares Koppenhaver himself to be “completely unhinged and insane,” something Anglin blames on Koppenhaver’s racial heritage.

“[I]t’s called being mixed race,” Anglin writes, briefly addressing Koppenhaver directly.

It causes psychological problems, which obviously you do have, which I can see simply from your hipster tattoos. …

Obviously, you deserve to be in prison AT LEAST just for being the person that you are.

HOWEVER – in this specific case, you did not do anything wrong.

Despite Koppenhaver’s “psychological problems,” Anglin finds himself agreeing with many of the stranger statements the MMA fighter has made over the years.

[A]lthough War Machine definitely is insane, he is also sort of a respectable type of insane.

Like, he had this meme about how anyone should be able to murder anyone at any time if they were capable of it. 

Yes, that’s right. Anglin thinks this is an example of something “respectably insane” and kind of cool.

He also did things like call for the assassination of Barack Obama and said that men in modern feminist societies are treated worse than Jews during the Holocaust.

He has also said many other things that some people might consider to be awesome.

As a result, Anglin puckishly announces,

I’m writing him a letter and offering to publish a weekly column – “War Machine’s Advice for Men.”

Ha ha! Anglin is as terrible a comedian as he is a person. And he is today’s Worst Human Being on the Face of the Planet.

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Ivory Bill Woodpecker
Ivory Bill Woodpecker
7 years ago

Thought the Iron Man writers went and gave ol’ Rhodey the same treatment the Avengers comics gave Dr. Palmer.

Don’t you mean Dr. Hank Pym (1st Ant-Man/Giant-Man/Yellowjacket)?

Dr. Ray Palmer, the Silver Age Atom, is a DC character.

From Space Sector 2814, IBW ^_^

7 years ago

Racism, misogyny and ablism, they’re like some unholy trinity aren’t they? You never see one far from the other.

CW: ablist slur

I can’t remember where I heard it, (I think it was Just a Story podcast.) but apparently there was once a fear that an attractive, light skinned black “moron” (this was considered a scientic term created by the racist, sexist, ablist inventor of the IQ scale) could pass well enough to become a domestic in a upstanding white household and “seduce” one of the young men of the family. Blah, blah, racism, blah , blah eugenics bullshit.

These three bigotries have apparently always been intertwined.

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
7 years ago

That title scared me for a sec. Thought the Iron Man writers went and gave ol’ Rhodey the same treatment the Avengers comics gave Dr. Palmer.

Glad it wasn’t just me ?

Same. I’d never heard of this particular War Machine.

I had a book of Aesop’s Fables as a kid, which I enjoyed well enough, but there were some fables that just drove me up the wall. Sometimes the story and moral would both be ludicrous, sometimes the moral would be confusing because it was ambiguously written* (or couldn’t be summed up in a single sentence), and sometimes the moral was good but the story didn’t back it up at all.

One of those latter ones was The Man and the Satyr. Summed up: a dude and a satyr meet and become friends, then the satyr sees the man breathe on his hands to warm them in the cold air and blow on his soup to cool it off and skedaddles, saying that he can’t be friends with a being that breathes hot and cold in the same breath. The moral was something about hypocrisy, which made not the slightest contextual sense. As a kid, I made do with headcanoning it to “a little basic science knowledge smooths friendship,” though cynical adult me makes do with “there’s little meaningful difference between genuine and disingenuous ignorance.”

On the other hand, the original moral would certainly fit much better applied to a certain mass of sentient pond slime who in the same breath can proclaim that a man’s violence inherent for being “mixed-race” and that the product of that violence was understandable and morally sanctioned.

…I guess that’s just a teal deer rendition of calling Anglin a fuckhead and inviting him to take a flying leap off a short pier.

* It took me years to understand “The Plague” (otherwise of horrible current relevance), because the moral was given as “the weak are often made to suffer for the powerful,” but the story seemed to be sympathizing with the predator animals and implied their sacrificing the relatively-innocent donkey worked.

Credit where credit’s due, though: it had the Tortoise and the Hare, and didn’t try to pass the moral off as “slow and steady wins the race.” Not that “the race isn’t always won by the swift” is all that clear, but at least it’s consistent and sensible.

7 years ago


I’m doubt war machine is actually rich. Yes, he has done professional MMA fighting and professional pornography, but he didn’t have a long or successful career in either. He was involved in pro MMA for about 8 years but only steadily employed for half that. He never won any major titles. He was fired more than once for misbehavior, got into at least one lawsuit over IP rights, and took over a year off to go to prison. He was also fined for unrelated crimes at least once.

As for porn, he was in 12 films. I can imagine doing one or two for the lulz or to get your name in the headlines, but I doubt he’d do 12 unless he needed the money. However, 12 is not usually enough for a male performer to actually make real money. For comparison, James Deen was in 2400 films.

I’m not sure he’s that big a celebrity, either. I have no actual idea how popular mma is, but I would expect that your typical jury probably has 0 to 1 regular MMA watchers. I’m pretty sure more people have heard of him because of his crimes than for any other reason.

Also he’s a dark skinned guy with another violent felony on his record.

7 years ago


Reading articles like this I like to imagine that Anglin is in person, a massive cream puff who couldn’t fight his way out of a paper bag. This guy has a mouth writing checks that his mind and body can’t cash.

You’re right. Only he’s not massive. Take a gander at this:

comment image

No wonder he envies this ‘roided-out fuckhead so much. That man is the physical type of macho he aspires to be and cannot EVER be. But one of these days, Andy Boy’s big mouth and small frame are gonna get him into trouble with someone who could fold him up like a jackknife and stick him into his pants pocket. I guarantee it.

Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
7 years ago

Another desperate child-man with, apparently, no sense of self, screaming “LOOK AT MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

He has nothing to offer the world around him, or if he does, he’s unwilling to do so. Instead, he offers insult to everyone else, perhaps in the vain hope it will make him feel better about himself.

Indeed, the entire alt-right lives in this same version of alternate reality.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

… Wait, isn’t Anglin always yammering on about how YUUUGE he is? I don’t understanding lying about your height even in the best of cases, but lying about it and then posting a photo of your driver’s license? What? o_O

Also, I’ve just figured out why alt-rightists focus on our appearance so damn much – it’s because almost every one of them looks Godfucking identical. Well, I guess it helps ’em with police lineups…

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

There are people on Facebook protesting War Machine’s sentence – apparently he’s being treated unfairly because of his occupation. When one commenter was reminded that War Machine had almost killed a woman, the response was “Yeah, so? What about all those kiddy fiddlers who get off with community service?”


I changed my picture so now all can see how this boy looking at women…and men…and everyone….i don’t have many friends…help me…? did i pass? Am i red pill now?

That picture is hilariously adorable 😀

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ valentine

Love that pic. Although it’s not fair that your deliberately silly photograph looks better than my actual passport photograph.

PaganReader - Misandrist Spinster

Am i red pill now?

No. You’re far too awesome (and adorable) to be red pill.

Anglin is in person, a massive cream puff

he’s not massive.

Um, 5’2 and 140 lbs is a very, very big creampuff. Small for a human, but absolutely yuuuuge for a creampuff.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I hate, hate, hate it when people call child molestation kiddie fiddling or kiddie diddling. It turns a horrific abuse into a joke, something silly and not that big a deal.

7 years ago

If any of you follow the SPLC, they currently have a lawsuit for Anglin. Anglin is hiding from them like the little coward he is. I can’t wait for him to be found and forced to finally face the consequences of his hatemongering.

7 years ago

I find it most amusing that just showing this lawsuit has shown Anglin to be the simpering bigot that everyone knew him to be. It’s just like when the racist couple got arrested and were in complete tears because they couldn’t understand the concept of consequences applying to them.

7 years ago

@lea, re: ableist slur,

That’s a kind of strange way of putting it. It’s not like the doctor took an existing slur and used it as a medical term. That word didn’t exist in English until he made it up, and it became a slur because it was a label, not the other way around. Basically every word scientists have used to describe people with intellectual disabilities has become a slur over time.

That’s not at all to say he wasn’t a bigot, or that he did nothing wrong, just that the problem isn’t his word choice.

7 years ago

Mish & pagan ))) thank you! ?

Alan…but this is my passport photograph ?

7 years ago

I mean, what can I say about these people other than “Weak evil usually likes to suck up to stronger evil”.

Taking bets on whether or not Donald Trump took over Jr.s account to comment on Comey.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

@JS, that is something I hadn’t considered; now that I have, no bet. ?

tim gueguen
7 years ago

Unfortunately read the comments to any report on this story and you’re sure to see some variation on the idea that Ms. Mack deserved to be assaulted, or that somehow her assault shouldn’t be considered as much of a crime as if a “normal” woman had been attacked.

7 years ago


Spreadshirt or the like – just put the slogan on whatever shirt you like and have it printed and sent to you. I’m assuming it’s not trademarked, so it shouldn’t be a problem.

Still Fiqah
Still Fiqah
7 years ago

Prince was 5’3.”

I’m going to continue my commemoration of The Purple One’s birthday week by imagining him kicking Anglin’s ass, and dancing a flawless typewriter over him in the highest heels available.

THIS is radical self-care. I feel better.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago


I hate, hate, hate it when people call child molestation kiddie fiddling or kiddie diddling. It turns a horrific abuse into a joke, something silly and not that big a deal.

Exactly. That was the first clue that this person doesn’t really give a damn about child abuse; just using it to go moral high ground. Blech.


Your photo keeps making me smile (I’m marking many assignments right now, so smiling is a Good Thing, believe me). I was going to say that if I saw you looking like that at the train station, I’d take you home and adopt you – but that sounds kinda creepy 😀
Oops, said it anyway.
With regard to books (from the other thread), have you read American Gods? I’m thinking you might enjoy it, especially given what you said about Faust etc.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

Sorry for hogging the thread. I’ll stop after this 😐
Cassie Jaye was interviewed last night about her film; at one point in the conversation someone mentioned Rosie Batty (Australian woman whose 10 year old son was murdered by his father). Rosie has become a campaigner against domestic violence and is a former Australian of the Year. This was Jaye’s response:

“It was her son that passed?” Jaye asked.

“It was her son that was killed by his father,” Bickmore explained.

“I didn’t know about that but that is interesting, because it shows that there are male victims of domestic violence,” Jaye replied.

(I’m also not convinced that Jaye had never heard of this – Rosie Batty is viciously hated by MRAs here in Aust.)

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

*stuffs up blockquote; tries again*
Sorry for hogging the thread. I’ll stop after this 😐
Cassie Jaye was interviewed last night about her film; at one point in the conversation someone mentioned Rosie Batty (Australian woman whose 10 year old son was murdered by his father). Rosie has become a campaigner against domestic violence and is a former Australian of the Year. This was Jaye’s response:

“It was her son that passed?” Jaye asked.
“It was her son that was killed by his father,” Bickmore explained.
“I didn’t know about that but that is interesting, because it shows that there are male victims of domestic violence,” Jaye replied.

(I’m also not convinced that Jaye had never heard of this – Rosie Batty is viciously hated by MRAs here in Aust.)

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

@Hashtag Ravenclaw

They don’t belong to today, they don’t belong to yesterday, and they sure as hell don’t belong to tomorrow

This. So much this.

They demand adulation from outgroups for having (allegedly) built civilization singlehandedly, and then it turns out they can’t even live in that civilization. ? According to them, society has too many rules and regulations, too much interference from government and schools, too much coal mining and warfare, etc. But first they’ll argue it’s the greatest achievement ever and everyone should kowtow to white men for inventing it. So are we supposed to revere it, or upend it?

It’s like they can’t decide which is more powerful: stolen valor, or victimhood. (Spoiler alert: neither)


Also, I’ve just figured out why alt-rightists focus on our appearance so damn much – it’s because almost every one of them looks Godfucking identical.

I was thinking the same thing today during the Senate intel hearing. It was one interchangeable shiny-faced, bug-eyed right wing politician after another. All…talking….really…slowly… they could run out the clock and get Comey’s testimony over with quickly. (Contrast with the never-ending Benghazi hearings, which included an 11 hour coal raking of Hillary. Talk about stamina!)

7 years ago


I’m glad it can make you smile! Specially if you doing boring work )) i havent even heard of American Gods. Our next port is Charleston and they have seamans misson there so i hope also they have good wifi. I will check see if i can download this one ?