alpha males alt-right andrew anglin anime nazis attention seeking daily stormer empathy deficit entitled babies hypocrisy irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism victim blaming violence against women

Daily Stormer: War Machine is a “deranged brown savage” but was right to brutally beat his ex

Jon “War Machine” Koppenhaver, self-professed “alpha male”

The competition, as always, is fierce, but Nazi trollster Andrew Anglin has won today’s Worst Human Being on the Face of the Planet Award for a post in which the Daily Stormer publisher praises former mixed martial arts fighter Jon “War Machine” Koppenhaver … for beating his ex girlfriend nearly to death.

On Monday, Koppenhaver was sentenced to life in prison for the brutal 2014 attack, which left his ex, model and former porn actress Christy Mack, with as assortment of severe injuries ranging from a fractured eye socket to a broken rib.

Anglin thinks the sentence is “insane.”And while he isn’t exactly what you’d call a fan of the mixed-race Koppenhaver, he thinks Mack deserved the beating, apparently because she has a lot of tattoos and at the time of the assault had a shaved head.

“I don’t usually defend deranged brown savages,” Anglin writes in a blog post today (archived here).

But I’m going to right now.

UFC fighter War Machine has been sentenced to life in prison for assault and battery, which is insane in itself. … 

But on top of the nuttiness of “giving someone an ass beating” resulting in life imprisonment – the bitch deserved it, and no one anywhere can make an argument that she didn’t.

As proof of she “deserved it,” Anglin posts a picture of Mack, posing nude with a shaved head, showing off her tattoos.

“Okay so this is the bitch,” he writes.

You’re going to tell me she didn’t deserve to have the shit beat out of her?

Are you insane?

In addition to questioning the sanity of those who don’t think women should be beaten because some random Nazi skinhead doesn’t like their haircut, the Daily Stormer publisher also declares Koppenhaver himself to be “completely unhinged and insane,” something Anglin blames on Koppenhaver’s racial heritage.

“[I]t’s called being mixed race,” Anglin writes, briefly addressing Koppenhaver directly.

It causes psychological problems, which obviously you do have, which I can see simply from your hipster tattoos. …

Obviously, you deserve to be in prison AT LEAST just for being the person that you are.

HOWEVER – in this specific case, you did not do anything wrong.

Despite Koppenhaver’s “psychological problems,” Anglin finds himself agreeing with many of the stranger statements the MMA fighter has made over the years.

[A]lthough War Machine definitely is insane, he is also sort of a respectable type of insane.

Like, he had this meme about how anyone should be able to murder anyone at any time if they were capable of it. 

Yes, that’s right. Anglin thinks this is an example of something “respectably insane” and kind of cool.

He also did things like call for the assassination of Barack Obama and said that men in modern feminist societies are treated worse than Jews during the Holocaust.

He has also said many other things that some people might consider to be awesome.

As a result, Anglin puckishly announces,

I’m writing him a letter and offering to publish a weekly column – “War Machine’s Advice for Men.”

Ha ha! Anglin is as terrible a comedian as he is a person. And he is today’s Worst Human Being on the Face of the Planet.

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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
7 years ago

Like, he had this meme about how anyone should be able to murder anyone at any time if they were capable of it.

So, should my takeaway from this be that Anglin is too wimpy and beta to murder people himself?

Not that I want him to set about proving his alphaness by murdering people, obviously. But if he thinks killing people is cool and something people should do if they’re capable, and he is not himself imprisoned, than he must not be capable of it.

It’s a common theme with hatemongers. They’re too cowardly to do all the alpha male violence they claim to love so much so they whip up hatred in the hopes that it will incite someone else to do their killing for them. Yet these tend to be the same people who think they’ll suddenly morph into Negan after the apocalypse comes.

These little shitstain bloggers of the alt-right and manosphere are all knockoff Charles Mansons. It’s gross.

Nanny Ogg's Bosom (formerly LostInLindsey)
Nanny Ogg's Bosom (formerly LostInLindsey)
7 years ago

A vile man saying vile things about another vile man.

How unexpected.

7 years ago

Has there ever been a self-described alpha male who was also a decent man?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

the bitch deserved it, and no one anywhere can make an argument that she didn’t

You can taste the manufactured edginess ooze off everything he writes. Hey, yo, Nathan Bedford Fuckface! You’re absolutely correct, there’s no argument to be made here. If you’re a grown ass man who thinks any of this is OK, nothing short of an emergency, rectal-cranial disinversion is gonna convince you otherwise ?

Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

Abusers always find a reason to hurt their targets.

7 years ago

You’re going to tell me she didn’t deserve to have the shit beat out of her?

Are you insane?

(says nothing out of respect for comments policy)

Hashtag Ravenclaw
Hashtag Ravenclaw
7 years ago

The alt-right’s veneer of civilization is very, very thin.

If you catch them on a good day, they may wax poetic about church-going Aryan families with a hard-working, pipe-smoking, war-veteran father, a faithful stay-at-home mom, and bright, smiling children biking around white-picket-fenced neighborhoods and golden wheat fields. The Fifties’ dream, slathered in Third Reich sauce.

And then there’s this, up there. When they reveal themselves for the violent, boorish, cowardly bullies they really are. They don’t even belong in the idealized society they envision. That grinning wife with the platter of fresh-baked cookies? They would beat her, cheat on her, and talk shit about her behind her back when they’re at the strip club with their bros. Those children? They would neglect them and take out their frustrations on them. That middle-class white-collar job? They would get fired from it in no time… unless they resign first because it’s more work than they can handle. Their country? They would never put their own lives on the line for it; the only time you’d see them with a weapon in hand is when they need to run the new Black family out of town with the rest of the local KKK chapter.

They can’t live by today’s values of tolerance and peace, so they claim they want to bring back yesterday’s values: hard work, patriotism, family, respect for authority. What’s stopping them from living by those values right now? Plenty of people still do, but not them.

They don’t belong to today, they don’t belong to yesterday, and they sure as hell don’t belong to tomorrow.

Violet The Vile
Violet The Vile
7 years ago

I think I might buy that “I do alpha male shit” shirt, if I can find a way that doesn’t involve giving War Machine or anyone connected with him money.

I just…like the idea of wearing it while being a 5′ 6” woman.

7 years ago

I dont understand how that murder thing is a meme? If someone capable of murder and can, and want to, then they do – thats why we have fucking murderers!

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

Wait. Waaait.

On Monday, Koppenhaver was sentenced to life in prison for the brutal 2014 attack, which left his ex, model and former porn actress Christy Mack, with as assortment of severe injuries ranging from a fractured eye socket to a broken rib.

A rich sportslebrity attacked a woman in a misogynistic rage – and was actually punished for it? Holy shit, I was expecting him to be let off the hook like all the others. o.O

It’s not much, but in today’s world, I’ll take it.

7 years ago

He also did things like call for the assassination of Barack Obama and said that men in modern feminist societies are treated worse than Jews during the Holocaust.

He has also said many other things that some people might consider to be awesome.

Anglin manege’s to find sympathy for someone of another race by finding out that that person is also a super terrible human being.


7 years ago

Thank goodness this person is put away for life. Wow Anglin you’re so civilized with your primal murder urges and harmful fantasies, what paragons of society and humanity. His only ability to emphasize with other people is through even more murder.

You’re going to tell me she didn’t deserve to have the shit beat out of her?

Are you insane?

Yes, she did not deserve to get beaten by a person who fights for a living. Well yeah I am insane but that’s beside the point of being on the side that doesn’t support a violent criminal.

7 years ago

@personalpest Does implied stigmatization of mental illness also violate the comments policy?

Judas Peckerwood
7 years ago

Koppenhaver and Anglin deserve each other. Is it too much to wish that they someday get to share a prison cell?

Banananana dakry: Fat, Short-Haired, and Deranged
Banananana dakry: Fat, Short-Haired, and Deranged
7 years ago

@Judas Peckerwood

Well, it is said that hell is other people, so I’m sure that’d be the special hell.

7 years ago

War Machine wrote an opinion column the last time he was in prison too, you know. It’s where the quotes about men in America being comparable to Jews in Nazi Germany and the assassination of the president come from.

7 years ago

Like, he had this meme about how anyone should be able to murder anyone at any time if they were capable of it.

Stochastic terrorism alert. Hell, this is actually advocating for a moral stance that actual murder of actual people is acceptable. Anglin is applauding him for it, singing praises for such a thoroughly thought provoking pronouncement. And Anglin deep down believes that his lauding of such depravity will have an effect of encouraging one of his feeble-minded hangers-on. Anglin’s idea that he has established his cult of personality enough to have such an effect is pretty self evident. He should be held culpable for any events that transpire resulting in the harm of women. But he won’t be. Because freeze peach.

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
7 years ago

Reading articles like this I like to imagine that Anglin is in person, a massive cream puff who couldn’t fight his way out of a paper bag. This guy has a mouth writing checks that his mind and body can’t cash.

Just hearing him use tattoos and shaved heads as an excuse for beatings and death make me think he’s Daesh with a white coat of paint and needs to be taken down in a drone strike.

Can we tell the US military that the manosphere has oil?

7 years ago

They can’t live by today’s values of tolerance and peace, so they claim they want to bring back yesterday’s values: hard work, patriotism, family, respect for authority. What’s stopping them from living by those values right now? Plenty of people still do, but not them.

YES. Exactly so.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

As proof of she “deserved it,” Anglin posts a picture of Mack, posing nude with a shaved head, showing off her tattoos.

Although I have never seen a picture of this asshole nude, (and absolutely never want to) doesn’t he have tattoos and a shaved head?

Michael Brew
Michael Brew
7 years ago

That title scared me for a sec. Thought the Iron Man writers went and gave ol’ Rhodey the same treatment the Avengers comics gave Dr. Palmer.

7 years ago

I changed my picture so now all can see how this boy looking at women…and men…and everyone….i don’t have many friends…help me…? did i pass? Am i red pill now?

7 years ago

That title scared me for a sec. Thought the Iron Man writers went and gave ol’ Rhodey the same treatment the Avengers comics gave Dr. Palmer.

Glad it wasn’t just me 🙂

7 years ago

I mean to write comment on other article…я дебил ????

7 years ago

@runsinbackground: I hope not, but I’ll let David decide.

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