Fellas! It’s long been an article of faith in the Red Pill crowd that one of the best ways to impress random hot babes while you’re out Red Pilling around is basically to stare at them like a serial killer until they meet your gaze and surrender to your sheer awesome alphaness. Or call the police.
If you doubt this simple technique can work wonders for the aspiring pickup artist, may I direct you to a recent “field report” in the Red Pill subreddit, in which one new Red Piller spills the details of the staring contests he got himself into with two separate hot babes that he didn’t actually talk to but that he could tell were totally into him.
Over the course of 900 words, M1ster_X reports the mouth-watering details of his recent eye-contact adventures. “I’m intentionally training myself to keep good eye contact,” he writes, “mostly just walking down the street people watching, but today I upped the ante by targeting attractive girls.”
In the first, er, encounter, M1ster_X spotted a “slim beauty in a slinky black dress” on a subway platform across from him while switching trains in the Bronx.
White girl, Long brown hair with gorgeous legs that indicate she works out, in nude colored heels I believed to be at least 4 inches high. I’d say she’s an HB8 to 8 1/2 She gracefully traverses two sets of stairs in these things like a pro (which could have EASILY been my opener to talk to her, praising her performance.
Hey girl, I noticed you didn’t fall down the stairs just there while walking in your size 5 Manolo Blahnik knockoff pumps with the 4 inch heels and no I am not fixated on your feet, what’s up?
Anyway, she’s going downtown and I’m going uptown so we’re on opposite tracks. I’m guessing she had a good look at me while I was going down the stairs.
Because of course she did.
As I eluded [sic] in a previous post on the “ask” sub, I’m a “bear” type of body…I have muscle, but I’ve got pudge with it that needs to be rectified (though I’m aware some girls like that kind of body). I didn’t mention however than I’m also a Black guy who looks really young for my age, and well dressed, so I’m probably pretty exotic to her (hooray for not being a stereotype!).
As this is Reddit, I’m assuming “well-dressed” means he’s wearing a fedora and a “cool story babe, now make me a sandwich” t-shirt — basically a black version of these dudes.
So I catch her looking at me the first time, and she quickly breaks her gaze. I follow up by looking intently at her, and I could tell from her body language that she was into it.
When women shudder involuntarily that’s an “indicator of interest,” right?
She looks back, and after a good 10 seconds (which is probably the longest I’ve ever looked at a complete stranger) she breaks gaze again. … She was clearly into the attention I was giving her … .
Downtown train comes, she gets on and that’s that.
Ha ha, what a story, M1ster_X!
Second example is on my bus heading home. Black girl, short but thick in the right places, jeans straining from “dat ass”. Mahogany colored hair, pretty face, she’s an HB8 as well. We’re both standing close to the exit door and she’s applying lip gloss. We’re really close to each other, but she’s not objecting to my presence in her space.
I mean, that could be because you’re on a crowded fucking bus and everyone is in everyone else’s space because, you know, it’s a crowded fucking bus, but hey, at least she’s not pushing you away while choking back vomit.
Could even look down for clear glimpses of “dat ass”.
What lady doesn’t love it when a complete stranger obviously stares at her ass?
No words, just looking. She looks back a few times and isn’t uncomfortable.
I mean, she doesn’t shriek in terror. That indicates comfort, right?
Again, probably could have (and SHOULD have) said something, but baby steps here. … She gets off at her stop, I get one more look at “dat ass”, and that’s that.
I apparently have more SMV than I ever though I did.
What sort of adventures will M1ster_X’s have next? Will he stand next to an HB9 on an elevator? Will he ask a cute cashier to give him his change in singles? Will an HB7.5 lean out of a car window to ask him how to get to Queens?
Stay tuned!
H/T — r/TheBluePill
Boring troll is boring and not nearly as creative as he thinks he is.
JS – They actually called it a census? That sounds pretty dodgy. I get surveys from the Dems but they never try to make them sound like anything more official than that. Sometimes they have petitions (along with the obligatory and ever-present donation requests.) It all goes in the shredder regardless.
Translation: I’m mad because men have more money than women do!
Edit: I removed my pouting gif because it was acting up in my browser and possibly for other people as well.
Claiming to be god is just silly. It’s not like anyone is going to believe that or take it seriously. Truly effective trolling manipulates the targets. This is just making everyone roll their eyes.
“As a god of infinite power should i use it to benefit humanity? Should I use my abilities to amass worshippers and control the world? Nah I’ll spend time being a troll on feminist blogs, that is of most importance.”
Malal is disappointed in your laziness, probably.
Also, the image of Achilleus breaking a heel while in battle.
The call of Hetalia slashfic is too great even for the RNC…
So… should we not lie or should we not ho? Both? Oh, wait, you mean we shouldn’t lie, and, all women are hoes. Gotcha
No thanks. I vote Labour… I mean ban >.>
Also god saying to love one another, this guy clearly only loving one thing – his own right hand. )))
This is a gross, bigoted, horrible thing to say and I can’t believe you wrote it.
After all, it’s very possible that it’s his left hand, not his right.
Valentine – Nice takedown, well done! And in before the ban, too.
Another vote for banhammering HeHawCallingNames here. But, I’m not in the mood for a nasty troll right now; found out a good friend had a heart attack and passed last night.
Oh shit! Schnookums! I so sorry! I so narrow minded…I forgot he can masturbating with his left hand…. (((( please accept my apologise mr fucking troll man for you and for your maybe left hand lover.
Just coming up to 9pm over here, and I’m going to start work … because I took the whole day to be a Labour door-knocker! (Reminding people to go to the polls. Which, not a big deal, but feels like a big deal because I never did it before!). First half of the day in my nearest marginal, and then back to my own constituency (a safe seat) for some more hours. I am so knackered.
I am going to try and avoid watching TV tonight, it’s just too tension-inducing. And … there’s news about large numbers of young people – who had registered recently – being turned away in some key marginals because the polling stations had been issued with old, out-of-date registers of names. Well, shit.
Also, I completed my first shift at the new job yesterday. And somehow, I am still alive. That gives me much more of a qualification for being a goddess than that guy.
Oh, work. If I didn’t need the money, I wouldn’t do it. Reminds me of what sex workers say. It’s almost like all work is selling our minds and bodies, and discriminating against people based on the type of work they do is attacking the wrong target.
Send brain bleach, I gotta go back in soon.
I’m so sorry to hear that, Hambeast. Hugs.
Yawn. Can we get the boring troll blocked?
@Hambeast My sincerest condolences.
Boring troll is boring, and seems to think that Yahweh, the god generally known as ‘God’, is from the US. If you’re going to call yourself ‘God’, please at least get your geography and history right, ignoramus.
Ban the troll.
@Hambeast + Sandra

A twofer
*internet hugs*
@Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
Condolences, best wishes to your friend’s family.
Im sorry to hear that about your friend (( i hope you have your loved ones with you who can support you <3
I add my vote for banning the troll. Totally not in the mood for utterly unoriginal, boring troll.
I’m really sorry to hear about your friend. Sincerest condolences to you.
So the BBC says that election results should be coming in about 30 minutes. I am on the other side of the globe and still I am nail-bitingly nervous for the fate of the UK.
If anyone is in need of some UK based laughs, how about some Monty Python election night? VOTE SILLY!
Many sympathies and lots of *hugs*
I have been reading about Rad Fem and I found this interesting thing about “god” –
C&P, I can’t get the link to work right. (Or maybe someone can fix this or make a link.)
Those interested in genetics, “part one” of that is interesting too, as are the other parts.
@Hambeast, I’m so sorry. Friends are precious to us – {hugs} to you.
I am truly sorry. My sympathy and condolences.
@Moron Pretending To Be God:
Fuck off.