Here’s a little case study in alt-right hypocrisy.
Last week, like a lot of people, the wannabe self-help guru and alt-right opinion-haver who calls himself “DarkTriadMan” professed to be outraged by Kathy Griffin posing for photos with a stylized severed head of Donald Trump.
Given that DarkTriadMan’s whole schtick is based on the idea that men should act more like psychopaths if they want to get ahead in life, you wouldn’t think he’d be much bothered by Griffin’s admittedly dark stunt, but he made quite a show of his outrage, endlessly retweeting alt-right attacks on Griffin and adding his own spin to the news:
He was glad to see Griffin brought to tears by the reaction to her photos:
And fantasized about Barron Trump ultimately taking his revenge:
Today, in the wake of latest London attacks, Mr. Dark Triad seems to have gotten over his squeamishness about Griffin’s supposed call for violence against a sitting politician. Now he’s quite openly calling for the mass slaughter of Muslims.
He’s also talking about how great it would be if the mayor of London — a sitting politician, like Trump, with two children — were to be burned at the stake.
Or impaled:
Or torn apart by horses:
Or blinded and hung:
This is more or less what I’ve come to expect from the alt-right; their “moral outrage” is almost always in very bad faith. But it’s still a little surprising to see just how blatant their hypocrisy can be.
This is probably more up Valentine’s alley, since the Navy has its own tattoo culture as well. But in general it’s a bit like belonging to a gang. Except instead of “I murdered X many people” these tattoos are more like “I belong to X division and have Y ninja skills.”
Dasha – my parents and brothers born all in russia – in khabarovsk actually )) but we all living in odessa already when i was born. but i speaking mainly on russian though i try to get better at ukranian, now it little bit political and everything. my parents moved in UK already when I finish school. <3 to minsk, you helping to try and get talk sensibly between russia and UA…sorry they not listening. ((
I work all over the world and I can tell you places but not name of my ship or times I will come on those places because of security. But this ship we going in Philadelphia and charleston and also have Cartagena, Panama canal and New Zealand and Australia. All our crews in this company mix nationality: Russian, ukrainian, german, bulgarian, romanian, filipino, thai, indonesian, indian, chinese…also others I cant remember. ) Oh and british too!
This will be my second time coming in US – and little bit embarrassing, but first time I admit I very excited, just to meet americans. I dont know why…
Alan, sorry i mean to ask someone else about this one but I already forget. For me I don't know. He probably not telling you for good reason I think. I know they using exspetsnaz like malitia in some places, maybe this what he mean? And also like enforcers for church representives.
@ dashapants
There were certainly ‘unit’ tattoos, but also a lot of seemingly religious ones. Although that’s also true in gang cultures I guess. But it’s the religious element that intrigues me. It’s like you could only be in the SAS if you were Church of England or something (and also into the CoE version of Kabbala).
ETA @ valentine
They were quite happy to talk about practical stuff (within reason). It was the religious side they were more tight lipped about. Curious.
In defense of my beloved original Star Trek, languages do change over time. Perhaps by the second half of the 23rd Century, Russian had changed its initial and medial “v”s to “w”s?
Speaking of Trek, ever wondered what kind of redesign Scotty might produce for the Enterprise after way too much Scotch?
Wonder no more.
Cheap foreign knock-offs; gotta love ’em. ^_^
EDIT: I get REALLY tired of EVERY site having its own posting embellishments to learn. Grrr.
Please meet Robin Fellows:

Robin Fellows (and his 4 brothers) are being fostered by the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee.
@ ivory bill
It’s a very minor plot point in one of Asimov’s Foundation novels that at some stage in the future the letter ‘F’ reverses (ie looks like its mirror image).
Come now, surely you exagg–
Ok, you have a point.
@Everyone else, Pagan included-
Can I say how much I enjoy these types of conversations, with representatives from many countries chiming in on a wide variety of topics, (today’s being language?)
I love the commentariate here so much!
I got the above item from this article:
Click here.
Here’s another favorite of mine from the article:
Star Wars meets CHiPs.
You thought ol’ Darth was wheezing before? Wait ’til he gets a few good lungfuls of that Los Angeles smog!
Why does every picture of Trump look like he’s pinching a loaf?
@ Alan
Russian Orthodox Church is a bit mystical in general and also vaguely wedded to paganism in places (there is some saints and rituals overlap, because nobody really policed it very hard when these two forces met). So for some people religious imagery is like a throwback to earlier more authentic times (almost like a kind of historical cosplay) and they use religious imagery to signal their “true” Slavic-ness and treat it almost as a protective amulet. Same reason some people carry icon miniatures in their gear, so as not to like sink or get shot, cause the blessed picture would protect them. There may be a kind of an anti-Muslim angle there too, since spetsnaz got used so much against various jihadist groups. No idea. Same as with gang tattoos, it’s like belonging to a club, they’re meant to convey info to other club members and not to outsiders.
I recall hearing a story about a Polish student who spent a year at an American university. He came home and told his friends what it was like abroad; when he mentioned spellcheck programs, they thought he was telling an ethnic joke.
Meanwhile, over in a parallel universe.
ISIS attacked Japan.
Japan responded with its deadliest secret agent.
The jihadis threw everything they had at her.
It wasn’t quite enough.
This was the last thing the “Caliph” of ISIS saw.
I don’t wish to be a nuisance, but I couldn’t find anything in the comments policy on picture size. How big is too big?
Also, how can one make a link to a picture hosting site, rather than needing to post the actual pic?
EDIT: Maybe I figured it out.
They using cossaks in Krasnodar region to try to police movement from south part of Kavkaz where there are muslim russians. This might be same idea, I dont know.
@ ivory bill
That new Imgur app is a right pain in the arse; but if you hold your finger on the picture it’ll give you an option to create a direct link (after a few more steps) that you can paste here and then the picture will show
ETA: the direct link will be in the format
Post the direct image url of the image in question.
Also, I thought for a minute that was going to be a picture of Homura Akemi for some reason.
To get back to an earlier discussion we were having: did you ever see Strike Witches?
Yes, naval security, which makes Valentine like an electron. Heisenberg Valentine Principle. We can know where he is, but not when he is! 🙂
Being excited to meet Americans is nothing to be embarrassed about. It doesn’t occur to Americans that until very recently they were the “exotic” foreigners to Russians. Russians are used to everyone else. Europeans, Asians, Africans, what have you. But Americans, Canadians, and maybe even Australians are novel and interesting. They live far away. You don’t see them everywhere. They’re like giraffes. And they have many strange misconceptions about Russians in some areas of America, so it’s very exciting, it’s like: “hello, I am a real live Russian man from Odessa, how are you American suburban mom? You are getting cereal for your kids at this American supermarket. Mhm, mhm. In Russia we do not eat cereal (with bananas) for breakfast. We eat hotdog without bun and omelet.”
I’ve seen Trump’s look described as a guy meeting his kid’s stepdad
@ dashapants
That makes sense. There does seem to be a bit of an “only ‘real’ Russians need apply” element.
No, but I’m somewhat familiar with the premise, and I have a few of its pix in my digital image collection.
This one, for instance. Sanya & Eila–though where did the kids come from?
Sitting here typing catty-wampus cause I’m taking a break from moving my new drawer units into my office. After moving a shelving unit (super old Ikea Ivar) into the bedroom for the time being and before trekking into the garage to find an old oak tabletop which I’ll use as my work surface between the two new drawer units.
My office is asunder!
I love mayo, too. Wouldn’t touch it as a kid, though because I had Ideas. Like: White gooey stuff is supposed to be whipped cream. Period. Other white, fluffy, gooey things could go hang. I still have no use for meringue or marshmallow.
On Kathy Griffin – I have a very ambivalent relationship with her stuff; I generally like her standup, but her reality show made me cringe a lot.
Off to search for the tabletop…
Actually, I’m trying NOT to post the pix directly, until I know what the size limits for pix are. I don’t wish to be rude and post an over-sized pic.
Axe: ha!
@Ivory Bill-senpai
Well, to revisit the subject matter, we were talking about WWII-themed anime a while back, and you had mentioned your liking of KanColle, and I had mentioned how I had enjoyed Strike Witches for similar reasons.
In general I enjoy that sort of thing that draws on WWII. If you haven’t read the manga “Kutzusure Sensen ~ Witch Vasenka’s War”, I highly recommend it, you would like it.
I would recommend Valetine and Dasha check it out, too, because it’s got Russian Santa Claus (Ded Moroz) and Baba Yaga from the Hut With Fowl’s Legs in it.
@All, re: Russia
Guys, while I’m not trying to sound like Cold Warrior Nancy Reagan, and I am deffo not Russophobic, let’s just all take a second to acknowledge that some Russians maybe kinda sorta need to evaluate their relationship with black people, and not throw bananas at them or wear blackface.
I recently bought the Nichijou anime collection (26 episodes and the OVA) for a mere $11.90 from a Malaysian source on eBay. It took a while to get here, but I was willing to wait.
I’ve watched the first 8 episodes and the OVA. Give Misato some real ammo and maybe Japan could send her after ISIS.