Here’s a little case study in alt-right hypocrisy.
Last week, like a lot of people, the wannabe self-help guru and alt-right opinion-haver who calls himself “DarkTriadMan” professed to be outraged by Kathy Griffin posing for photos with a stylized severed head of Donald Trump.
Given that DarkTriadMan’s whole schtick is based on the idea that men should act more like psychopaths if they want to get ahead in life, you wouldn’t think he’d be much bothered by Griffin’s admittedly dark stunt, but he made quite a show of his outrage, endlessly retweeting alt-right attacks on Griffin and adding his own spin to the news:
He was glad to see Griffin brought to tears by the reaction to her photos:
And fantasized about Barron Trump ultimately taking his revenge:
Today, in the wake of latest London attacks, Mr. Dark Triad seems to have gotten over his squeamishness about Griffin’s supposed call for violence against a sitting politician. Now he’s quite openly calling for the mass slaughter of Muslims.
He’s also talking about how great it would be if the mayor of London — a sitting politician, like Trump, with two children — were to be burned at the stake.
Or impaled:
Or torn apart by horses:
Or blinded and hung:
This is more or less what I’ve come to expect from the alt-right; their “moral outrage” is almost always in very bad faith. But it’s still a little surprising to see just how blatant their hypocrisy can be.
They smoking a lot of wheet to make this movie i think ? ??????? but it just really horrible and i just dont understand!!. I laugh only once when there that piece of chewing gum that looks like Stephen Hawking and he saying all his ingredient for his name and that he just ‘gum’ for short ))))
@IBH Ardipithecus
Crap, sorry – I posted my silly mayo thing right at the same time as your comment. Bad juxtaposition 😐
@Mish OTCA
No worries – the nature of this forum creates such juxtapositions – and my post is way out of the arc of this thread anyway.
@mish i don’t know who this is, but he correct ?i will add his list to my bookmarks ?
*wheet* … That’s a lovely misspelling of weed. And the image I get of a stoner smoking a loaf of bread is quite funny right now.
There’s actually some weird things that kids smoke in America because tobacco is illegal for young kids. Including the yellowish-white part on the inside of banana peels. And in the case of some of the dumber Boy Scouts I used to know, the bark of cedar trees wrapped in notebook paper. I tried to help them understand how dumb that was, but failed.
(I swear I’m not making fun of your English abilities, Valentine. You’re so much better at it than I am at Russian. Though I think I remember how to say “I read Pravda”, and “What’s that?” I likely wouldn’t understand the answers without google translate)
Spliced is a kids’ show I used to watch with my son. It’s hilarious. All the animals live on a volcanic island and they’re the results of a mad professor’s genetic experiments. Except for Patricia the platypus (the joke is that a platypus is weird enough without genetic intervention). My favourite episode has Peri (the little cat octopus) adopting a bat/puppy (a buppy) that he names Pistachio. Good times 😀
@IBH Ardipithecus
Thanks 🙂
I read your link and now I feel ill. I might watch some Spliced to recover.
These fucking people.
))))) ? fuck. I think i hear this one wrong then? My friend told me when we younger that he can get high from bread )))) i think what he experience was just energy from food. Since then we both smoke plenty “””wheet””” ? last time i thought i saw little babyshka outside my apartment but when i look again was just back part of one car looking like the woman with headscarf. Then i laughing too much to explain )))
Can you really get high from banana and trees? Or this kids little bit stupid?
Does this volcanic island move around? I rememer one thing where there are animals like this and the rhinoceros realeasing lava to make it move around…
I’ve been told that Foucault is much more readable in the original French, it’s just that the only English-speakers that translate him don’t really understand what he’s saying, and so trying to understand him in English is like trying to see through a warped lens. Nevertheless, I loved his concepts of things like the Panopticon.
Also, Kathy Griffin was on my list of “D-list celebrities I’ve long stopped giving a crap about” and “kind of an annoying person” before this. It was a cheap, stupid stunt that probably shouldn’t have been done, but also didn’t deserve the heat it’s getting either. I really don’t want to care about her just to defend her from this, and honestly I’m just going to wait until the news cycle finishes re-hashing this, which seems to already be occurring.
Valentine: well where I’m from, “trees” is a slang term for weed. But as to wheet, I’ve never tried smoking it before…
ETA: I tried trees literally when I was 16. It sucked. A lot.
Ayayayay this fucking confusing me now ? so some kids smoking actual trees but some people saying trees for real weed/wheet? But no one seriously saying wheet? This was just my mistake?
Yes, but no need to feel bad about it. All the slang surrounding marijuana is hard to keep up with, even for a long time stoner.
ETA: I should specify I mean USA slang
I think if you high then will be harder to remember all this names. Also you probably generating some new bullshit. ))
Lol, yeah probably. Lord knows I do when I’m stoned. But, to my credit, nothing as bad as Sausage Party (I think… I hope)
@Feral Crone
I’ve never really liked that phrase. Surely, violence should be the last refuge of the competent, who might have at least exahusted the other avenues.
Or maybe its like “violence is the last refuge of the incompetent, because they’ll get their asses kicked and will have no further refuges”?
Kids smoking parts of trees and bananas are very stupid. Can’t actually get high from the two I mentioned (cedar and banana).
Wheet isn’t slang for marijuana (well, probably not)
Weed is slang for marijuana, as well as plants we don’t want.
D and T sounds have wider variation from one language to another than most. In some, they sound almost exactly alike. In English they sometimes sound the same, depending on which language we borrowed the word from.
For singers of English, at the ends of words, “D” usually has pitch, and “T” generally doesn’t.
Latin is much easier to sing.
According to one web-site:
Russian only has five vowel sounds, while English has 12. In Russian, there’s also no distinction between short and long vowels; in English, there are five long and seven short vowel sounds, along with eight diphthongs (like the letter A (sometimes), pronounced eh-ee but the two sounds are very very close together in normal speech).
I’ve had lots of training in singing Spanish, German, English, and Latin, though I’m definitely not fluent speaking in anything but English.
What JS said
Oh fuck i hope not. That movie probably most terrible one i have ever seen. I mean i have some fucked up idea or dream – last night i have a dream about someone making for me burgers from human meat and day before i dream that main engine was full blood inside. But then i not making this one into movies. And also when i try wheet before i just have nice thoughts- i think who made sausage party have something else wrong with them…
This all vowels on russian: йуеэоаыяюи. I read in a dictionary that i have, english has 22 vowel sounds? I’m not realy sure what you mean by short or long, but stress can change in words. In russian dictionary you will see little symbol for this but no one really putting in real life.
@IBH Ardipithecus
Wow. Their shittyness knows no bounds.
This looks like becoming the defining image of the Borough Market attack. Man flees suspected suicide bombers; without spilling pint:
In many languages, vowels can have different “lengths”. In this context, length means perceived duration, in other words the length of time during which the vowel appears to be going on. I make the distinction between duration and perceived duration because the important part is how long the vowel sounds rather than how long it is. A change in vowel length also comes with a change in quality.
English isn’t the best language for examples of vowel length, but you can compare the vowel pronunciation in cap (short) and cab (longer), or foot and food.
Nice! My Otter is the pasta maker around here. 🙂
Fingie is always looking for cat friends on Twitter!
You may well be off smoking something by this stage, or asleep – but yes, that’s the volcanic island! The rhinoceros is called Two-Legs Joe, and he’s the town mayor 🙂
Yes, that’s why a good translator with annotations is essential if you’re monolingual like me. When I first read French feminists like Cixous and Irigaray I was forever following up little side notes along the lines of: “this works better in French, obviously, as the word for X can be read as …”
With Foucault I always go for the translations recommended by people who spoke French and English, as my best bet. Did you know he had a cat called Insanity (of course)? 🙂
Alt-right meme attempting to persuade Brits how to react…
Westminster and Woolwich are both in London. Be sure to demonstrate you’re not from round here when telling us to reject outsiders.
@ Francesca Torpedo
Lewes Bonfire is…interesting. Fires, effigies, fireworks, ‘Bonfire Clergy,’ and (sorry to say) lurid anti – Catholic singing, the latter due to local Protestants burned at the stake during the 16th Century Marian Persecution.
Going further back in time I’m intrigued by an Anglo – Saxon trial method called ‘ordeal by cake’…
Mr Throne is the latest addition to my “people I’d never heard of until just now” list. I did manage to obtain a scan of his book though. I’m curious as to how people come to the views he expresses.
Now to be fair, he writes briefly about his childhood when he contracted meningitis, and that’s actually quite interesting; especially how it affected his relationship with his father. (Long story short: the meningitis left him deaf and half paralysed; his father insisted he receive no help with that. There was an incident where his father made him crawl to a table if he wanted to get food. He eventually managed that. He saw “the look of respect in (his) father’s eyes” and that dictated his life path from then on.)
If he’d just stuck to autobiography it might have been a compelling read.
As for the rest of the book though, it’s like Deepak Chopra as channeled through a 14 year old edgelord who’s read “Book of Five Rings” too many times.