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Last week: Outraged by Kathy Griffin. Today: Wants London mayor impaled on a pike

Underneath the mask, the alt-right is still the alt-right

Here’s a little case study in alt-right hypocrisy.

Last week, like a lot of people, the wannabe self-help guru and alt-right opinion-haver who calls himself “DarkTriadMan” professed to be outraged by Kathy Griffin posing for photos with a stylized severed head of Donald Trump.

Given that DarkTriadMan’s whole schtick is based on the idea that men should act more like psychopaths if they want to get ahead in life, you wouldn’t think he’d be much bothered by Griffin’s admittedly dark stunt, but he made quite a show of his outrage, endlessly retweeting alt-right attacks on Griffin and adding his own spin to the news:

He was glad to see Griffin brought to tears by the reaction to her photos:

And fantasized about Barron Trump ultimately taking his revenge:

Today, in the wake of latest London attacks, Mr. Dark Triad seems to have gotten over his squeamishness about Griffin’s supposed call for violence against a sitting politician. Now he’s quite openly calling for the mass slaughter of Muslims.

He’s also talking about how great it would be if the mayor of London — a sitting politician, like Trump, with two children — were to be burned at the stake.

Or impaled:

Or torn apart by horses:

Or blinded and hung:

This is more or less what I’ve come to expect from the alt-right; their “moral outrage” is almost always in very bad faith. But it’s still a little surprising to see just how blatant their hypocrisy can be.

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ Dan

Warwick the Kingmaker, might have got to put words in the Royal mouth

Didn’t exactly end well for him either.

7 years ago

@ fran

Yes i heard this about Pushkin ))) would be nice. I don’t know if it true or not though. There a nice statue of Pushkin in Novorossiysk.

7 years ago


Yes, another of the historically lucky owners of Middleham Castle.

Perhaps Ivan Throne would like to put his money where his mouth is. I would happily transport him in my Tardis to some medieval battle field, where he can put his expertise in the worlds of business and Japanese martial arts to good use. It would be like Michael Crichton’s ‘Timeline’, but much, much shorter. In the words of MacAdder, “I look forward to burying you in the old Highland manner.”

7 years ago

I also think Daenerys was not meant to be a white savior character, she’s meant to be more complicated than that, like most of Martin’s main characters. The show seems to bring almost every character down to their simplest aspects. Also a bunch of scenes with Daenerys have been altered as well. I know people have already discussed this to death but it really bothered me that the sex with Khal Drogo was pretty much depicted as rape in the show because in the book it is most definitely not rape. She says yes, she overtly consents. If you want to complain about rape in Martin’s books there’s already some there to complain about the show doesn’t need to create it and thats only one of many scenes the show totally changed the meaning of. I don’t even hate the show I actually enjoy it I’m just so sick of people harassing me and calling me elitist because I claim the books are better and have more detail. I’m going to stop this topic here because I can go on for pages about ASOIAF.

I’m so sorry your life is difficult right now. I know being a caretaker is difficult I was my grandma’s caretaker until she passed but she meant to be kind to me. Im not absolutely sure from what you’re saying(I don’t like to assume) but are your parents difficult and mean to you on purpose or just can’t help it because they’re losing their faculties? If the former, I’m deeply sorry, cause firstly, I know how hard being a caretaker is even without that from caring for my grandmother for 2+1/2 years.(I loved her more than anyone but my dad, and we were so cool with each other we smoked weed together? but it was still far from easy and she tried her best to make it as pleasant as possible)
Secondly, I sympathize with you cause I’m back living at my moms house again and we don’t get along so well. She was very disappointed when I stopped being the perfect child(I used to get yelled at for anything less than perfect at school, even a 97% wasn’t good enough, had to be 100%, everytime, or I was in trouble) obviously no one could do that forever so eventually I rebelled very strongly and became kind of a juvenile delinquent. Pretty boys and girls, drugs, partying, raves and punk rock concerts(and books, to be honest)were literally all I cared about for years. Since I felt her love was conditional on me being perfect, and no-one can be perfect, why try. Fast forward to now, and we’re better but I’m still not sure if she loves me. I tend to doubt it.

I didn’t mean to write a long depressing essay I just go off on tangents and don’t know how to be concise. My point is I like you a lot for someone I just met on the internet. I like a lot of people here because I feel welcome here, I’m very insecure, I rarely feel welcome anywhere so it’s a really good feeling. I particularly like you cuz we seem to have a lot in common so if is if there’s anything I can do for you let me know. If you want to talk about anything at all, I’d be happy to listen. You sound really upset and I have experience with self harm and self-destructive behavior so if you don’t have friends who would understand and want to talk privately to someone I can give me my email if you want. And lastly like we said before, you live in Long Island, I take the LIRR from NYC to Long Island occasionally if you ever want to hang. We can discuss fantasy novels and medieval history and pretty clothes and other awesome topics. I’m not trying to be creepy, you genuinely seem like a kind creative intelligent interesting person who’s upset and dealing with a lot who may not have enough people in there mental support system At my old age of 33 it seems I rarely make new friends IRL anymore though I’d like to. I don’t seem to know how anymore. It was so easy when I was young. But don’t forget, we’re awesome unicorns! That’s gotta make you feel least a little better? I hope you start to feel better soon.

@Everybody I’m like a vampire. I sleep during the day so I’m going to bed. I hope everyone is able to have a happy day or at least find a few moments to be happy if it’s not possible to have a totally happy day. Maybe we can go one day without any truly horrific news. I know thats wishful thinking but I try to be an optimist

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago


@Everybody I’m like a vampire. I sleep during the day so I’m going to bed. I hope everyone is able to have a happy day or at least find a few moments to be happy if it’s not possible to have a totally happy day. Maybe we can go one day without any truly horrific news. I know thats wishful thinking but I try to be an optimist

You’re a sweetheart. Sleep well 🙂


What everyone has already said. You know I always have spoons and hugs if/when you need them. Make sure that you go well, stay well xxx

occasional reader
occasional reader
7 years ago


Sorry for the lateness, it was a long week-end here.
Condolences for the terror attacks in England and Afghanistan, and the murders in Orlando.
I hope you are all safe ! Take care of you.

Have a nice day.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

One of Trump’s representatives was doubling (tripling?) down again on the Khan abuse last night. It was weird; he was literally using all the diversion, strawman, I know you are.., tactics that are more suited to 14 year old Internet trolls, and he works at the bloody White House.

But anyway, the news out of Whitehall about the Trump visit is, and I quote, “that’s been kicked into the very long grass and that grass is going to keep growing”. Bit of a fudge, be nice if they just revoked the invite; but I suppose diplomats gotta diplomat. I was also thinking if he did come it would be cool for everybody to be waving severed heads.

(Note to self: obtain IP rights on severed heads)

7 years ago

I believe there was a quote from Sadiq Khan about Trump having a state visit to the UK. “… You stand shoulder to shoulder with them in times of adversity, but you call them out when they’re wrong, and there are so many things that Donald Trump is wrong about, and in those circumstances I’m not in favour of a state visit.”

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Whoever the next president after this is going to have a hell of a time cleaning up the diplomatic mess Trump leaves.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
7 years ago

@Fransesca Many, many internet hugs to you. <3

Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
7 years ago

I’ll leave more hugs for everyone who is a caregiver. Especially for those dealing with difficult interpersonal relationships with those they care for.

Caring for my dad, I had everything one could possibly expect going my way and it was still not easy. All my respect to Francesca and KatieKitten and anyone else who is a care giver. I wish you many spoons!

7 years ago

I see over on Pharyngula that Trump does not know the difference between “ignorant” and “unintelligent”.

Khan pointed out that Trump is not in possession of certain information; Trump jumps like boiled milk (as we say here at home) and responds by … challenging Khan to an IQ test?????? (thereby demonstrating for all the world to see that a) he thinks “ignorant” means “stupid” and b) he apparently thinks IQ tests = general knowledge quizzes. Oh, and c) he actually thinks he would beat Khan on either one, which seems unlikely.) He … just beggars belief.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

I feel obligated to point out that Sadiq Khan was on the Hackney Labour Party’s pub quiz team; so I know who my money’s on.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago
7 years ago

Roy Larner (47), unarmed:

“Like an idiot I shouted back at them. I thought, ‘I need to take the piss out of these bastards’. I took a few steps towards them and said, ‘Fuck you, I’m Millwall’. So they started attacking me.”

“I didn’t think of my safety at the time. I’d had four or five pints – nothing major,” he said. “I can handle myself. But I was out with an old person and it was out of order.”

I’m not a fan of Millwall or their rep. But I have to say that this is a remarkable counter to ISIS.

Larner is reported to be recovering well in hospital.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ opposablethumbs

Just seen an interview with him in hospital. Amazing. More put out they were wearing Arsenal shirts than suicide vests.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Reminds me of Frankie Boyle’s comments after the airport attack.

“Al Qaeda tried to bring religiously motivated sectarian violence, to Glasgow. They don’t even have a football team”.

7 years ago

(I mean, I know we can’t assume anything either way, whether this exact same bloke might or might not think that the EDL or the BNP are great, and be a total homophobe, or similar, or on the other hand whether he’d be lining up with the anti-fas. Right now we have no idea. I don’t want to get all starry-eyed. But I did like what he said here.)

Yes, Frankie Boyle had some good stuff on the airport attack!

7 years ago

Ah, Donald, where would stand-up comedians be without you adding free material every day…

“IQ test” … Oh I’d LOVE to see the results of that. We might find out if he’s really playing 4D chess, or if he’s playing checkers on a tic-tac-toe board and always moving first.

I’ll admit his “IQ Test” line was mostly a humorous aside, but hey, if Trump can take things out of context, so can we!

Kathy Griffin should not have had to apologize. Trump’s made more jokes with more offensive punchlines.

MSMuslim Mayor of London, Thank goodness you exist!

Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
Weird (Encouraged by the RESISTANCE!!!!) Eddie
7 years ago

@ wwth

Whoever the next president after this is going to have a hell of a time

I’m just hoping we get to HAVE a next president. I’d always wondered if Dubya would leave office quietly… I can guarantee the dumpster won’t. He’ll declare a state of emergency and martial law.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ JS

MSMuslim Mayor

Sadiq Khan is a Microsoft product? But he works!

7 years ago

You’ve heard about the Microsoft Vacuum, right?
It’s the first vacuum that doesn’t suck.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

Still catching up to the thread, but I wanna point out something (it’s probably been done already, but it can’t hurt).

White person dresses up in blackface.
Black person says “that’s racist.”
White person says “I am not a racist. But I needed to denote somehow that I am cosplaying as a black person.”
Black person says “intent is not magical, that’s racist.”
White person says “(expletive deleted)”
Conversation deteriorates into insults. Racism persists.


Black person says “okay, I give you benefit of doubt on racism, maybe you did not mean it, but you got it all wrong and it’s denigrating.”
White person says “oh, I’m sorry, what should I do instead?”
There is a conversation. Racism potentially averted.

In my experience (and I got the kind of skin that blinds you if you drive near me at night with your headlights on) that’s not how it plays out at all, even when it’s a white person explaining ’em. A black person’s gonna have to struggle even harder to keep the idiot’s attention. That’s pretty much why you still have a lot of black folks doing that explaining, by the way. ’cause there’s still a need for them, ’cause the point still hasn’t gotten across. Racists are notably thick-skulled.

Look, I actually broke a friendship over that just a few weeks ago, because the moron voted Front National. I gave it all my patience but he just got defensive and really damn agressive. And again, I’m friggin white, deemed worthy of explaining something to another white person. Ignorance is one thing, stupidity is another, and clinging to your ignorance is where I draw the line. Regarding the example, anyone who thinks for any reason that blackface is tasteful certainly falls into the second category and I won’t blame anyone who doesn’t have a lot of patience for them. It’s not like they’d ever actually listen and examine their own behavior. That doesn’t only apply to blackface, by the way.

7 years ago

Was going to say WWTH’s points before I was beaten to it. Daenerys is a deconstruction of Mighty Whitey and the Mary Sue heroine, at least in the books. Hearing that they purged her (and most of the other characters) of their extra dimensions in the TV show is one more reason I probably won’t watch it.

7 years ago

Today, somebody said to a female friend and me that we womansplained him.

He was defending street catcalling and saying that women being brutally honest about their disinterest was as bad as male groping females.

I do think that sad excuse of a human being was trying to be contrarian more than anything else. He still was infuriating.