Here’s a little case study in alt-right hypocrisy.
Last week, like a lot of people, the wannabe self-help guru and alt-right opinion-haver who calls himself “DarkTriadMan” professed to be outraged by Kathy Griffin posing for photos with a stylized severed head of Donald Trump.
Given that DarkTriadMan’s whole schtick is based on the idea that men should act more like psychopaths if they want to get ahead in life, you wouldn’t think he’d be much bothered by Griffin’s admittedly dark stunt, but he made quite a show of his outrage, endlessly retweeting alt-right attacks on Griffin and adding his own spin to the news:
He was glad to see Griffin brought to tears by the reaction to her photos:
And fantasized about Barron Trump ultimately taking his revenge:
Today, in the wake of latest London attacks, Mr. Dark Triad seems to have gotten over his squeamishness about Griffin’s supposed call for violence against a sitting politician. Now he’s quite openly calling for the mass slaughter of Muslims.
He’s also talking about how great it would be if the mayor of London — a sitting politician, like Trump, with two children — were to be burned at the stake.
Or impaled:
Or torn apart by horses:
Or blinded and hung:
This is more or less what I’ve come to expect from the alt-right; their “moral outrage” is almost always in very bad faith. But it’s still a little surprising to see just how blatant their hypocrisy can be.
Sorry i only just saw your comment. Youre welcome but actually i dont know what i said that help you understand this one! )))
Intent isn’t magic. If the targets of racism feel denigrated, the racism is denigrating.
Not another double post! Wtf is going on these past couple days? I guess it’s my computer’s fault cause I’m not seeing double posts from others.
Intent isn’t magic. If the targets of racism feel denigrated, the racism is denigrating.
Racism is abso-fucking-lutely a thing in Russia. I guess some Russians probably figure that, since race-based slavery wasn’t a thing in Russia, there is no ‘real’ racism, like, you know, in America.
Umm… I think you got played there. The word “Немецкий” is a derivative of the word “Немец” that has Proto-Slavic roots and originally meant “foreigner”. AFAIK, anyway.
“Немец” derives from dumb as in mute, i.e. unable to speak the human language, which would be Russian. It was a generic word for foreigner before it was ever a word meaning German person.
OK, I concede. Though who are these people from USSR times that think black people are not traditional? They need to go back to school to learn history. Due to all the free higher education USSR offered to “our foreign brothers” there were black people all over Russia at the time. It was very traditional. 🙂
By institutional I meant more like businesses and police, but I suppose these political group movements is how it starts, and like I said before, I heard from my friends from the fringes of the motherland that there are these nationalist reactionaries in Russia, and I believe it. I suppose I had a “sheltered” upbringing of sorts because of my family, since I mostly dealt with very cosmopolitan groups of people when I traveled. It might be a stratified by class and profession as well as geographical location. And when I didn’t travel, well, Belarus is a very relaxed place. Any racism that exists there isn’t very loud. Nobody cares. There’s an extremely low sense of nationalism, so it’s harder to rouse bigots.
The Russian people I butted heads with would say the same thing, and also they would mention how USSR sent people to Africa, so that means that anti-Black racism in Russia isn’t really a thing.
I always found that kind of odd because the other European countries sent people to Africa in times of old and it certainly didn’t stop them from being racist.
Okay, true, but here’s how it plays out in reality:
White person dresses up in blackface.
Black person says “that’s racist.”
White person says “I am not a racist. But I needed to denote somehow that I am cosplaying as a black person.”
Black person says “intent is not magical, that’s racist.”
White person says “(expletive deleted)”
Conversation deteriorates into insults. Racism persists.
Black person says “okay, I give you benefit of doubt on racism, maybe you did not mean it, but you got it all wrong and it’s denigrating.”
White person says “oh, I’m sorry, what should I do instead?”
There is a conversation. Racism potentially averted.
There is in fact a difference between intentional and unintentional racism and how to respond to it. I am not trying to defend those people’s racist action, I am trying to say that they are accidentally racist, i.e. those specific people are not racist by ideology, they just committed an arguably racist faux-pas.
Just in case no one has posted this here yet:
Those Russians you encountered were full of shit. There’s a lot of casual racism toward black people that seems mostly inspired by American stereotypes.
I’ve seen a lot of jokes comparing black people to monkeys, for example. Notably, Obama, when our relationship with the US went pear-shaped.
Also, the same ideas about innate intellectual inferiority, penchant for crime, and other things that are probably all too familiar to you.
Valentine – Way back when I was learning Russian, we used to mix up the y and g a lot between handwritten English and Russian! I used to have my roommate proof read my letters home (she was taking Cantonese.) I would only make the mistake when writing in English, though! My handwritten Russian is flawless and easy to read. Typing is another matter completely…
ETA dashapants and Ayy lmao – I was told that by an instructor at the Defense Language Institute in 1979. She thought it was funny.
I seen those old posters too from ’70s. And yes propoganda say one thing but people say another. You ask many people same age like my parents and say you will marry a back person and they will say you wrong and abnormal…
Oh, good, I see it’s a quarter to whitesplaining blackface o’clock.
This is a wretched argument to have. My experience and your experience are different. I am sorry those Russians took what you said so personally that they had to defend themselves by defending all of Russia.
There is racism in Russia. I don’t think it is as widespread or looks quite the same as it does in the US and it’s mixed with a very different attitude towards foreigners than the one that persists in US, and it causes these arguments about what is or isn’t racism.
I agree with your original post that started this whole tangent. Somebody should clue those Russians in about racism and stop them practicing it.
Black people get asked again and again to patiently educate people on racism 101. They might not always be in the mood to do that. Giving free education to clueless people about an oppression that negatively impacts your life can be super draining. Especially since a majority of the people who ask to be educated are insincere and just trying to waste time and energy. See Chessman’s recent trolling by going into every thread and asking us to explain why the subject of the post was misogynistic.
If a white person does something racist and it’s truly unintentional and they’re not an asshole, all they should need to hear is “that’s racist.” That should be enough to make them stop the behavior. Don’t act like racism persists because the targets of racism don’t respond nicely enough to it.
Depends. You ask my mom’s generation, and they’d be freaked out a bit if someone married an asian person or a black person. Yet at the same time, down the hill from me here in NYC lives a Russian lady mom’s age married to a black dude who speaks perfect Russian he learned back in those propaganda days. It’s not all propaganda. It wasn’t even surprising back in Minsk. A friend of my mom’s is married to a Korean dude. It kind of seems to depend on your location and social circle. People where I’m from mostly think it’s a bit weird, but they don’t think the women married “beneath them” somehow. Then again it’s not like I can’t see that attitude in some other part of the country. And then there are Russians who are racist in that weird way where it’s like “all black people are ______” and then in the same breath they will tell you about the nice black couple they met the other day who are just the nicest people.
Trump’s new twitter header image, a fairly good-sized crowd… with Air Force One in the background. It appears to be on a military base. Is the only crowd he can get, the one’s that get ordered to be there? Or does someone recognize the location of the original?
Don’t bother reading his tweets, he’s doubling down on the Muslim Tourist Ban again.
My perspective on white fragility regarding the ‘r’ word:
Some people, particularly some white Americans, have an idea that racism is bad.
At the same time, they have an idea that only bad people do bad things.
They know that they, themselves, are good people.
When they are told, ‘hey, that thing you did/said was racist,’ what they hear is ‘you are a bad person’. Identity, not action. Instead of responding, they react.
Decades ago, I made a conscious decision to attempt to unlearn my learned racism, for the completely selfish reason that I didn’t want to be like that. Part of the process was learning to listen to POC and believe them.
I just seen your post about Vladivostok. Maybe it different in belorossia because i saw this plenty times before. They asking for papers at stations sometimes, and also Vladivostok is port city so it different. In novorossiysk i didnt hear about this – but that because i not see single police officer when i was there. But like i mention already, immigration questioned me for one hour about too much bullshit in novorossiysk and i had to give too much personal detail to them. But i know this was just bullshit thing – they only interested after they find out my parents living in UK. Then they ask me what people thinking of russia and putin in UK. I say i dont know i dont live there, my parents living there. Then they ask all things about my parents and where they living and working before now. They smiling and laughing when they ask me and i polite – for me was not so bad. But just show that they still like this little bit there.
That sounds very reasonable from one perspective. But to a person who didn’t intend harm being suddenly called an ugly word can feel like a personal attack, so now both parties have insulted each other, and it’s never going to go anywhere good. People are defensive by default. I am not trying to bait you or to defend racism. I agree that it is draining to have to constantly explain things. But what other way is there? Concern trolling aside (I agree that there is no reason to be polite to a concern troll, but it’s usually pretty easy to tell that’s what they are), what way is there to fix things without antagonizing people into not listening to you.
@Ayy Lmao
You would be right.
Want to know how I know?
Two of them started calling me the n-word about twenty posts into the argument.
So much for IN RUSSIA THERE IS NO RACISM, I guess.
Black person points out racism, white person responds with abuse, and the person at fault here is…
The black person, because they had too much attitude. They should have been kinder and gentler. In fact, black people and their bad attitudes are why racism still exists. Oh , sure. That checks out. /s
WWTH beat me to it. In addition to her points, though, any mention of unintentional racism is usually met with doubling down by the unintentional racist. In my experience, unless someone is already actively working on their biases (and sometimes even if they are), they’ll get super defensive whenever you try to educate them.
I don’t know what the answer is. One thing I do is the socratic method – someone says something problematic, you ask them a series of questions about it. The idea is to get them to think through it on their own, and hopefully they start to question their beliefs. It takes a lot of time and patience and some people will find your line of questioning accusatory and will disengage, so it doesn’t always work.
What Robert Walker-Smith said.
I usually try to mediate that somewhat whenever I see the r-word applied to ignorance rather than ill intent. Which is why earlier I referred to Fran’s post about the rude Russians who accused her of stereotyping them. To me when Russians are portrayed as vodka-drinking, fur-hat yokels, that’s as much a product of easy go-to ignorant stereotype as blackface at the parade. And it’s usually less anger-inducing to tell people to not use that caricature/stereotyping than to call it racist, because yeah, people take it personally and stop listening in favor of yelling. Zero progress.
Like yes, in a perfect world we would all listen to each other’s experience and fix our behavior and be rational actors, but I’m not holding my breath waiting for this halcyon future to dawn. I try to talk to people and to listen to them and to see if they are listening to me and generally arrive at better communication. And sometimes we disagree because maybe our experiences are too different, maybe we learn better over time. But I am going to try to avoid a confrontational attitude in any case.
The reality is, in the second scenario where the black person explicitly gives the white person the benefit of the doubt and patiently explains why an action is denigrating, the white person is just as likely to get angry and respond with slurs and abuse. In my experience, people who are actually sincere about not wanting to be racist, will apologize and correct their behavior when called out on it. Not respond with a slur.
Racism persists because people choose to be racist. It is up to white people to choose not to be racist. It is up to white allies to not tolerate racism from other people. It persists because it’s socially acceptable.
As a white person, I actually find that other people are more likely to say racist shit to me when they know I’m not in a position to push back because I’m at work and am required to be polite. Or because it’s at my grandfather’s funeral and not a good time or place for an argument. In other words, they already know they are being racist.
Dasha, I don’t know if the phrase “respectability politics” is a thing in Belarus. So here’s a quick primer on it
It’s US-centric but can be applied anywhere.
What you’re doing right now. It’s respectability politics and it’s really not helpful.