Here’s a little case study in alt-right hypocrisy.
Last week, like a lot of people, the wannabe self-help guru and alt-right opinion-haver who calls himself “DarkTriadMan” professed to be outraged by Kathy Griffin posing for photos with a stylized severed head of Donald Trump.
Given that DarkTriadMan’s whole schtick is based on the idea that men should act more like psychopaths if they want to get ahead in life, you wouldn’t think he’d be much bothered by Griffin’s admittedly dark stunt, but he made quite a show of his outrage, endlessly retweeting alt-right attacks on Griffin and adding his own spin to the news:
He was glad to see Griffin brought to tears by the reaction to her photos:
And fantasized about Barron Trump ultimately taking his revenge:
Today, in the wake of latest London attacks, Mr. Dark Triad seems to have gotten over his squeamishness about Griffin’s supposed call for violence against a sitting politician. Now he’s quite openly calling for the mass slaughter of Muslims.
He’s also talking about how great it would be if the mayor of London — a sitting politician, like Trump, with two children — were to be burned at the stake.
Or impaled:
Or torn apart by horses:
Or blinded and hung:
This is more or less what I’ve come to expect from the alt-right; their “moral outrage” is almost always in very bad faith. But it’s still a little surprising to see just how blatant their hypocrisy can be.
@ Fran
For true Russ-anime greatness, you should see First Squad. It was a joint production about, well… I don’t want to spoil it. All I can say is, it is totally absolutely true. Yep, that’s exactly what happened for reals. Training that all Russian scouts undergo is portrayed very accurately. :))))) Yes, I recall my own time in the training camp battling the undead teutonic knights in seventh grade. Good times, good times.
Already saw it, and it was awesome. You’re a person of quality taste, I can see.
The USAmerican Right, which has spent the past 70 years or so strutting about claiming to be more patriotic than the rest of us, or even to be the only real patriots, is now embracing our former supreme enemy. At least part of this is because they see Putinist Russia as a bulwark against those (their view, not mine) icky brown folks.
@Ivory Bill-senpai
This is true.
Also, I have noticed that when speaking to Europeans about racism, they tend to brush it off as merely being an American ideological issue, and that since there was not such a thing as mass chattel slavery of black people to the extent that it was practiced in the US, we shouldn’t try to preach at their faces about how best to conduct themselves around black people.
I find this last bit somewhat problematic, it’s like they’re saying “Well, this is how we DO THINGS in EUROPE, and you just have to DEAL with IT, sweetcheeks.”
But I really do understand their resistance to having outsides meddling with their affairs.
Hi! Been lurking for a long time, but I’d just thought I’d de-lurk for a moment to clarify something.
@Valentine (on page 3)
I’m pretty sure you’re getting ‘Spliced’ mixed up with another show called ‘Noah’s Island’, made by the same people who did ‘Animals of Farthing Wood’ and with the same format (39 episodes over 3 seasons).
Diverse group of animals living on a volcanic island? Check
Volcanic island moves around? Check
A rhino releases lava by moving a boulder to make the island move? Check
There’s a little shrew-like mammal (actually a desman) with a Russian accent named Sacha? Definitely yes.
That show was a major part of my childhood; the moment you mentioned Sacha I recognised it immediately.
From the other thread… but I knew I could find you here:
You know, it seriously never occurred to me I could learn Ukrainian now, at my advanced age. Hmm. Make you a deal, bro. You keep at that writing (because, as another commenter said, you will get through this if you keep working at it) and I’ll get started on the Cyrillic alphabet.
Anybody got any good advice on language- learning programs?
BTW, is there a way to search WHTM? I’d like to name the other Mammotheer I referred to above, but do not have the time to search for your name, for example. After I saw Wonder Woman I had to have the pic of the little fan girl, and it took quite a while to find it – and mad thanks to whoever posted that.
Wonder Woman is great. Except they could have come a little closer to, you know, acknowledging lesbianism. But I loved it and will see again soon.
Speaking of meddling outsiders, I once respected Putin in a “Rommel, you magnificent bastard” kind of way.
Then he manipulated an orange creep into my country’s presidency.
Now, I hope Madame Karma is planning something special for Putin.
By “special”, I mean “Classic Twilight Zone Ironic Retribution” special.
I saw that article earlier. There are two issues being conflated there.
There are slurs being tossed about at futbol games, yes, but so are insults about people’s mothers, etc. That’s just people who don’t get “friendly” aspect of sports (i.e. many sports fans). It’s like mindless harassment one gets while playing videogames. It’s bad, but it’s not meaningful. The people throwing the slurs do not hate black people particularly, they just aim to throw a hurtful insult to demoralize. This tends to be less racism and more assholishness. Which, yes, there should be someone slapping that shit down. There is some actual racism too, but it’s nowhere near as pervasive as in the states. (On the other hand, I can speak only for parts of the former USSR that I had observed first hand, and there are boonies of Russia where some of my friends hail from, and the situation there may not be too different from some hicksville in the states, though the minority of choice there is not necessarily black.)
The parade itself was more like cosplay in poor taste. There wasn’t an insulting element to it. People just culturally appropriate everything in Russia, that’s how interaction with other cultures works there. “See a big fancy headdress –> want to wear a big fancy headdress and face paint!” is the mental process that gets followed, largely without considering how the people in the culture that produced it might interpret this. That’s why the Nigerian guy quoted at the end of the article was like “I don’t think they meant to be insulting; it was just some dumbass pageantry.”
Just did some google image searching, and every single time, yo. Can’t unsee…
I’m less than sympathetic…
Another example of everyone who isn’t a cishet white Republican Christian male having to take the “high road” and be “better people” or else we’re supposed to suffer for daring to do anything to the poor little snowflakes because how very dare we!
Otherwise known as “it’s only okay when we do it!”
Gosh threads here are getting epic. I spent all last night playing Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines for the first time (not easy on a laptop) and marathoning Darker Than Black. I need to catch up, stat.
The “Barmpot-in-chief”* has doubled down on his scurrilous attack on Sadiq Khan. That’s provoked someone called Bill de Blasio (? That’s what it sounded like on the radio) to come to Sadiq’s defence and (in a nicely snarky way) contrast his exemplary conduct in dealing with the attacks to Trump’s complete lack of experience.
(* as used by a commentator on the BBC last night; like it as it reminds me of my Northern childhood)
That’s our current mayor here in NYC (who is not without fault, but hey, this time it’s to the good).
Knew I was gonna get my snoot booped for that one. 😀 That’s what they usually say when I talk about racism in Europe, though: “We didn’t really do a slavery and Jim Crow and whatnot, so you can’t conflate what we do with what happens in your side of the pond!”
In all actuality, yes, slavery was very much a thing in Europe, but since I’m a nice person, I have allowed them to cede this one small hill in the ideological battle.
Also, since the U.S. has such a lengthy history of forcing their hand in the affairs of other countries, I don’t like to seem like Yet Another Imperialist American who Decides Things for The Rest Of the World.
Hence why I allow Europeans to posit that Trans-Atlantic Slavery was merely a weird little American thing.
I understand entirely, but when you get right down to brass tacks, they are actually just being racist, and even if racism is a tiny thing in Russia, it really is actually still just a thing.
I’m not saying I want to exact a punishment from the Russian people or that they are all bad people.
I just really wish people would stop handwaving away racism in Eastern European countries.
Honestly, Europeans get really fucking mad when you, as an American, say things like this.
It’s like they jump on your neck and start yelling “SO THE FUCK WHAT? YOU GONNA TELL THE US NAVY TO INVADE US? HUH!? IS THAT IT?”
Admittedly, if I launch a navy it will be under my personal banner and not the U.S. flag.
But this is why I am hesitant to debate about whether slavery was a thing in Europe.
@ fran
Really appreciate the gracious Mulligan but when you make it over here, if we get time, I’ll show you Bristol and Liverpool. You’ll love some of the amazing buildings. Just don’t ask how they were paid for. :-/
ETA hope I’m not splaining Slavery to a black woman there
@Sir Alan
Delighted to. Honestly, I am painfully aware of how Americans are perceived as wanting to control everything around them, and I get that, so I don’t like to challenge Europeans when they declare that they had very little to do with the whole Slavery thing.
I know we’ve got a reputation and, therefore, I avoid playing up to the stereotype, so to speak. This is generally why I am tetchy about even ever mentioning the issues with racism in Europe to begin with.
On the contrary, it’s like a breath of fresh air to actually hear it from you and know that I am not, actually, just being an Oversensitive American™. You’re a credit to your people and I am glad you could be honest with me. I would like for more people to be like you in this regard.
Yes, naval security, which makes Valentine like an electron. Heisenberg Valentine Principle. We can know where he is, but not when he is! ?
Being excited to meet Americans is nothing to be embarrassed about. It doesn’t occur to Americans that until very recently they were the “exotic” foreigners to Russians. Russians are used to everyone else. Europeans, Asians, Africans, what have you. But Americans, Canadians, and maybe even Australians are novel and interesting. They live far away. You don’t see them everywhere. They’re like giraffes. And they have many strange misconceptions about Russians in some areas of America, so it’s very exciting, it’s like: “hello, I am a real live Russian man from Odessa, how are you American suburban mom? You are getting cereal for your kids at this American supermarket. Mhm, mhm. In Russia we do not eat cereal (with bananas) for breakfast. We eat hotdog without bun and omelet.”””””””””
This whole comment you made is my favourite comment of all time!))))
Sorry i cant get ‘blockquote’ button working. My internet very slow and shit. Looks like some small things disappear.
But now i an electron! Well i can tell you this electron soon will be in Philadelphia)) and i will go in city and have many conversation like this one you sampled here. I think i will try to find the cinema and veiw wonder woman. Sad thing about this ship is, i not eating breakfast at all! Because i work night shift from 0000 to 0400 and only awaken at 0940 when all food is already gone ((( maybe i will buy some lucky charms from walmart ? for personal consumption
To Lysistrata – yes! I agree to your deal. And i wish you luck with your learning. Ukranian will come quick to you i know becsuse seems like you very interested. And i will keep try to write something new ))
Fran – i m sorry that this was your experience. I can see there is some thoughts like this too where i live. My brother shared before when he in Nigeria on VK ‘god bless the *******’. You know what word is there i think and i not want to write it. My brother is a fucking moron though. He told me before after i share with him russian authorities questioned me in novorossiysk that next time if i not want questioning i should to say ‘крым-наш!’ (krimea is ours). He say only to annoy me. Also i found out one my favourite russian rapper RasKar is 1. White with deadlock and 2. Has one guy in black face in his Rastea video ((( i know he liberal thinking because he featured by Rotfront (worlds greatest band) and they have liberal veiw. I think (hope) he understand now it not acceptable.
But black russian people do exist. Like Тимати. And he fucking awesome rapper.
I like your response, it’s very nuanced and pleasant.
See, here’s the thing: if you were wondering why this is a sore spot with me, I have spoken to some Russian people who are just straight up like, “No, racism doesn’t real here, you fucking American Cyka Blyat. I bet you also think all Russians drink Vodka and wear little furry hats, you stupid American baby. Fuck off.”
In other words, they invalidate my concerns entirely. I am very glad that you have acknowledged that I do have good reason to think this way. As I said, I don’t want to exact some sort of toll or tell people how to live their lives, and I realize I’m not going to singlehandedly make Russia great again (lol). These were never my intentions; I merely sought out a simple acknowledgment of the sort you have given me, which makes you tres cool in my eyes.
The differences between Russians living on the mainland, and Russians in places where Putin has less control, seem more obvious to me than before. Russians minus Putin seem much more reasonable. Thank you Valentine.
пожалуйста ))) this racism also what make people forget that there can be black russian and mixed and nonwhite russian. That why i so glad that Тимати is popular. He put like new face for russia.
Also like all country there right wing groups. Problem with Ukraine now though is people in US like to say we all nazis ((( which also not helping things because obviously we not nazis. People on twitter calling me nazi because i told one American he should not talk over eastern european jew talking about being jewish in Eastern Europe.
There lots of refugee from somali and other place in africa coming to russia – they always stopped for papers. Before also in Vladivostok i go out with second engineer (indian) and elec (filipino) and they stopped for papers because they not white. In Vladivostok! So many nonwhite people there because close japan, korea, china and police still stopping for papers! They never ask me for mine. All nonwhite nationality from that ship report me they stopped for papers maybe 3 – 4 times when they go out in Vladivostok…
Oh, no, for sure, there are people who are racist (and obviously not just against black people).
I suppose… what I’m trying to say is that it’s not like an institution, so it’s not as obvious, so that’s why you get those Russian people who just flat out deny there is ANY, cause to them it looks different to have ingrained discrimination (at, say, the workplace, or where police are concerned) vs. shit talking some “other” people. They’re like “oh well, that’s not REAL racism, lemme move this goal post here” so it becomes a semantic argument. But yeah, it’s like maybe a different smaller breed of duck, but it’s still a duck. Bigotry is in every country. We maybe did not do the slavery bit, but there’s still this whole civilization vs. barbarians vs. whatever I feel like othering today mentality that some people have that basically amounts to “I am better than those people over there” which gets applied to whomever is expedient. Like the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is not devoid of racism, despite the fact that both are Slavic people. They slur each other all the time.
But like that parade, that’s not conscious racism. Those people may need someone to point out that it’s kind of not good to portray other people as “quaint” or whatever, but that blackface dress-up / banana necklaces thing was not purposely aimed to denigrate. Like when in American films you have the aforementioned vodka drinking, fur hat wearing Russians. That’s annoying to Russians too. But they do not think that’s racism. They think that’s just ignorance.
Valentine – I noticed that back on page 2, you spelled бабушка “babyshka” which would be бабишка (which makes me think of a diminutive word for an infant, but only if you pronounced it “байбишка.”)
Also, I’ve taken German and hated it. I agree with the Russian word for it: Немецкий! (Nemetzski) Apologies to German speakers; it translates, I was told, to “dumb” as in unable to speak properly. I think my biggest problem with German is that we were being taught high German and also I was in (Lutheran parochial) middle school.
JS said
I have that book!! It also works very well in NW Iowa, btw.
wwth – Let me practice my Minnesotan: That video was not too bad.
(translation: I was crying with laughter!!!1!) I have lived through many a long goodbye in Iowa! *wipes tear*
With me, it was somebody telling me that the way he sits on chairs looks like he’s sitting on a toilet, and coupled with the poop-strain look? You’re right. Can’t unsee. Lmao
Forgive me but i have to little bit disagree that it not ‘institutional’ – there plenty right wing groups very organise who talk openly about race mixing making ‘white people less strong’ just like american righr wing group. My friend share with me one program by british tv presenter who black. I forget his name. But it called something like ‘strange russia’. He want to annoy me to get me to say it bullshit but sadly i agree with what i saw cos i meet already people like this ((( it not majority of people i know cos this extemist. But then there also lot of ‘conservative’ people who want ‘tradition’. And black people not traditonal russian in their eye. From USSR time also like this.
Sorry! Yes sometimes i putting y when i mean u on english because it y on russian ? я дебил.
@ Valentine
For reals? In Vladivostok? Wow.
Belarus is like whitest white landlocked Slavic enclave, but in the capital there are foreigners of all colors, living, and working, and visiting, and being stopped for papers is like some sort of unheard of dystopian police state thing. And given our beloved dictator and his government (which we largely ignore), you’d think they could get behind that sort of procedure. But no. The last time I heard of police stopping someone, that was my mom jaywalking across the highway, and they let her go when they recognized her. They were like “dear national treasure madam, please to use the subterranean crossing, so as not to get hit by bus, we have tickets to theater for next week.”