Here’s a little case study in alt-right hypocrisy.
Last week, like a lot of people, the wannabe self-help guru and alt-right opinion-haver who calls himself “DarkTriadMan” professed to be outraged by Kathy Griffin posing for photos with a stylized severed head of Donald Trump.
Given that DarkTriadMan’s whole schtick is based on the idea that men should act more like psychopaths if they want to get ahead in life, you wouldn’t think he’d be much bothered by Griffin’s admittedly dark stunt, but he made quite a show of his outrage, endlessly retweeting alt-right attacks on Griffin and adding his own spin to the news:
He was glad to see Griffin brought to tears by the reaction to her photos:
And fantasized about Barron Trump ultimately taking his revenge:
Today, in the wake of latest London attacks, Mr. Dark Triad seems to have gotten over his squeamishness about Griffin’s supposed call for violence against a sitting politician. Now he’s quite openly calling for the mass slaughter of Muslims.
He’s also talking about how great it would be if the mayor of London — a sitting politician, like Trump, with two children — were to be burned at the stake.
Or impaled:
Or torn apart by horses:
Or blinded and hung:
This is more or less what I’ve come to expect from the alt-right; their “moral outrage” is almost always in very bad faith. But it’s still a little surprising to see just how blatant their hypocrisy can be.
I had no idea who Kathy Griffiths was until this; but now I think she’s the Artemisia Gentileschi of our time.
I’ll refrain from saying anything about Trump’s defamation of Sadiq Khan out of deference to the comments policy.
Do I? Do I know that?
Griffin’s joke was in bad taste and ill-conceived, but it was a joke. She didn’t body-slam a reporter, for instance, or leak highly-sensitive intelligence to the Russians for bragging rights. Her sins are small in the relative scheme.
Yes, this is the other thing that made me become uncomfortable with other people who share my fascination with medieval history.
Dismembering folks was considered acceptable.
Glad to see this guy is keeping it classy by reminding us what Duke William of Normandy would have done.
Just another loud-mouth alt-right bigot, move along, nothing to see here.
If seeing an image of your parent murdered makes you some kind of avenging angel, Barron will be outnumbered by Sasha and Malia, let alone Chelsea Clinton.
One of the worst things about the middle ages is the torture that went on during it. It’s not something we need to go back to, ever.
@ Weasel-Rah
But black and female parents actually get murdered. Their children are used to it, and shrug of mere threats of murder. Only white men are sacrosanct.
Yo, I like the fuck out of some princesses and knights and lords and ladies. I will be the first person to admit that. I am all about the Medieval Fantasy fandom and it was one of my first fandoms.
I do, however, also acknowledge the high mortality rate and the sickness and torture and whatnot, which is why I view people like the guy in OP very quizzically, indeed, when they reminisce happily about how things were so much simpler and easier back then, because, for most people it was not.
Also, another thing these guys tend to forget is that by and large most people were not knights or ladies, or nobles.
I know, but I’m really enjoying my mental image of Sasha and Malia as badass matching Jedis on a mission of vengeance…
No kidding, Sasha and Malia were 7 and 10 when they moved into the WH, and Chelsea was 12.
That being said, I’m sorry Barron was upset. Perhaps monitor what he is allowed to watch?
Imagine Batman, but his parents never actually get shot in front of him; he just sees some political satire in bad taste depicting the murder of his parents.
Mmmh, I like this fanfiction a lot. This hits all my spots.
Please proceed.
Honestly, I’m surprised Barron found this upsetting. Have you seen his artwork? He draws really wacky and extreme shit, which makes him no different from absolutely anyone on the Internet, myself included.
I actually think Barron and I would be friends if somehow we bumped into each other outside of the circumstances we are currently locked into.
CW: partial nudity (seriously!)
That first picture appears to be the first in a graphic novel about my life story. I am literally that girl in that first picture.
The asshole OP is *very* openly anti-Muslim, and advocates for ACT America, and is promoting for the March Against Sharia in Denver.
He is scum.I have zero doubt he would love to implement medieval torture against Muslims.
I like a bunch of medieval myths and stuff. I’m similar to you in a lot of respects when it comes to this.
Though I’m more attached to the 1900s until the 80s.
I particularly love being a motherfucking princess <3
Gotta say, I honestly don’t give a shit about Kathy Griffin’s photoshoot and don’t think she should have apologised for it. If dozens of burning, hanged effigies all holding “DEATH TO OBAMA” signs on the White House lawn – you know, things meant as threats – are okay according to the US at large, then a one-off publicity stunt that’s over the top but not meant as a threat is okay as well.
Violent and cruel power fantasies.
Overly dramatic and sensitive about any slight. Vengeful lashing out.
Emotional maturity of a small child.
Yeh. Sounds like the most pathetic kind of bully… which I suppose is all the «Dark Triad» type of man really is.
Don’t bring proto-feminist Eleanor of Aquitaine’s son into this!
I’m going by the reports that Barron was upset, but they are generally by sketchy sources, so.
That being said, HOLY SHIT. I see that Barron shares a love with his father of major league yabbos.
ETA: Eleanor of Aquitane fucking rocked!
All of this.
Seriously, I am genuinely frightened by how this woman is being publicly pilloried for what she did. The fact that this gigantic nothingburger is such a huge story is surreal and disconcerting to me after years of driving past white people holding up pictures of Obama hanging from a noose, as Bin Laden, etc.
I mean, really. What would her detractors like to have happen to her? Should she be chained to a post with a scold’s bridle in her mouth? They’d probably like that, wouldn’t they?
That’s another inhumane, misogynistic torture device from Ye Old Days that these people rever so much, and it is exactly what it sounds like: a bridle made to fit a woman’s head. Some of them had sharpened blades in the section that went inside your mouth.
So romantic.
Griffin: Trump could stand to be a little bit shorter, eh?
FreedomBros: How very dare she? Simmonds. Simmonds! Fetch my fainting chaise lounge, I’m having a spell…
Maher: chattel slavery is the same as being a mildly inconvenienced tv millionaire
FreedomBros: some people just can’t take a joke. Sad!
Ignant Murican that I am, I can’t quite place the 4 kingly folks in that image. The Garnier Fructis looking dude in the middle looks to be Vladdy 3 (tho, I do always marvel at how eastern Europeans fall in and out of whitehood at the whims of white supremacists). Might someone be able to help with the others?
Honestly, it does scare me that Griffin is being made to answer for this too.
Poor taste? Yes. The right thing to do? Yes. Worth this shit? Fuck no. And the fact that people keep this going, keep saying that Griffin was such a bitch for doing this, keep crucifying her for doing it…I don’t think they’d do the same to a male comic.
In fact, I know they wouldn’t.
I’m reminded of one of the ways they found out if a woman was a witch. They’d attach a large stone to her and throw her in a body of water. If she floated, she was a witch and needed to be burned. If she didn’t, she wasn’t a witch.
That’s very much the system modern misogynists use too – guilty or innocent, women suffer because men demand they do.
I agree completely, you know one thing. How to end posts with “You know I’m right.”
You know I’m right.
No, Griffin should not have apologized, but I understand why she did. Unfortunately it hasn’t worked and isn’t helping her. She’s really committed the great and terrible crime of Being Female In Public, and is being punished as all persons who are Female In Public are punished.
I agree with others RE: Kathy Griffin apologizing. If GWAR can get away with decapitating every president since Reagan, why is everyone loosing their shit over this?
Reminds me of the time people freaked out because Game of Thrones used a George W Bush mask for one of their heads on a spike in season one. You couldn’t tell that’s what it was and it wasn’t intended as political statement. It was just something they had handy and could repurpose. The showrunners just brought it up in the DVD commentary as one of those little funny trivia bits. Of course, it caused a big controversy.
Yet the right harasses and threatens people all the time and no one cares.