boobs creepy evil sexy ladies evil ugly women men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit vaginas

MGTOWs agree: Women are objectively ugly; only male lust makes them seem sorta hot

Area man discovers that women are secretly unattractive and vaginas are weird

Ladies! The jig is up! Men are discovering that even though some of you seem, like, really hot, you’re actually all quite unattractive!

In the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, a few of the more enlightened souls have uncovered the secret truth about women: they’re basically weird and disgusting and only male sexual desire makes them seem sexy.

EndlessPontification 15 points 1 day ago A lot of mgtow men still have trouble understanding that women are vastly inferior to men in pretty much every way. Women aren't even attractive, it's the male sex-drive, cultural indoctrination, and makeup that makes them appear to be. Strip all of that away and shave her head? Her outside will match her inside, as she'll look like an autistic freak permalinkembedsavereportgive goldreply [–]LemonZeppelin27 5 points 1 day ago I have thought about this. Objectively, the vagina is really weird and boobs just exist. But the male sex drive makes them appear to be attractive. You hear blue pill guys saying "I love women" but I just don't love women. I'm not even sure if I like women. At best, I am ambivalent towards women. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]Muginns 3 points 1 day ago They are supposed to be a support to men, and a way to give birth and/or nurture children, but they have to go and fuck it all up.

I don’t want to alarm any of the fellas who might be reading this, but I have heard that most if not all females are also infested with cooties. Best stay away!

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7 years ago

explain how catcalling is harassment but unwanted / unwelcome / unsolicited gaze-harvesting is not

7 years ago

I’ve never commented before, but I need to ask chessman a question. Why? Why do you insist on lying and wasting everyone’s time?

7 years ago

Easy – catcalling is a thing that objectively exists. Gaze harvesting only exist subjectively in the mind of the gazer.

7 years ago

Actually Chessman, I think your comment is harassment. I know it seems like it’s just sitting there and I’m perfectly at liberty to ignore it if I want, but oh god MY EYES, IT’S HARVESTING MY EYES

7 years ago

Do you have anymore really stupid questions Ludo-man? I have answers.

7 years ago

*squeaks* Holy shit chessie thinks gaze harvesting is a thing!

7 years ago

Willful fucking ignorance that’s what I call it. Reality is like water off a duck’s back to chessman. Sometimes I think he is a bot.

7 years ago

WTF is “gaze-harvesting”?

7 years ago

MGTOW: “Women? Pssh, whatever. I can take ’em or leave ’em. Since I Went My Own Way, they have no impact on my life. I don’t even think about them at all!”

[Woman walks past 50 yards away]


7 years ago

Its MRAs way of saying “We’re allowed to leer at you, but if you enjoyed the attention then that’s bad”

7 years ago

I have to go to work now at the male gaze processing plant where we take the male gazes and make them into processed male gazes. Not sure why but it keeps me in dinners and movie tickets. Ya’ll play nice with chessman now. xxx

Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
Francesca Torpedo, Femoid Special Forces Major
7 years ago


…don’t become Naga the Serpent…


It’s too late for me. I already made her one of my Trans-Goal End-Points.

Also, I’ve been told I cackle in a most evil and annoying way already without trying while playing Counter-Strike and chatting on voice.

comment image

I’m so sorry. I’m a horrible person.

Perhaps even evil, one might say.


Although if I say so myself I look damn good in a bikini.

There’s quite a nice beach nearby my house if you should ever happen to visit, and a glut of swimming pools.

7 years ago

Sooo, Chessman…

Leaving aside the idea that you can tell which women want you to look at them (I promise you cannot), what about (quiet) street performers? Are public mimes and jugglers harassing you with their performance? Do outdoor non-commercial murals target you specifically and force you to pay attention to them? Are cute puppies deliberately gaze-harvesting? Can something just existing in the public space (other than perhaps an advertisement) have intent to target you personally? Now what about someone who comes up and walks next to you for three blocks while telling you how juicy your ass is and what they’d like to do with it, is that targeted intent or passive existence?

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

Chessman burns through his entertainment value faster than I do with my pot stock and that’s saying something considering I’m having a pretty shitty week.

I don’t think there’s any more fun to harvest from him, so unless any of ya still haven’t met your male-gaze quota, I vote ban as well.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ cleverforagirl

I love your new pic!

7 years ago

I think Chessman would be slightly more interesting if he actually bothered to read and respond to, like, anything that was actually being said here, rather than yelling into his own version of this website.

He wouldn’t be much more interesting, mind, but at least there would be something to do other than laugh at the absurdity of his posts.

LindsayIrene, Rioting Werebonobo

@ Banananana dakry

And now it’s summer, the season of perpetual underboob sweat. Gotta smear Lady Anti-Monkey Butt Powder on to keep painful rashes away.

7 years ago


I feel a bit slighted. I very politely asked you some mature questions and you didn’t answer. It was on the previous page, maybe ya accidentally missed them. it’s ok, I do that too.

But chessman, you accuse commenters of cyber bullying but you won’t explain to me your version. I would very much like to know what you think it is, so I can adapt my behavior.

Please please respond!

7 years ago

@ Chessman

Surely you’ll respond to my post, it would be very rude to not. After all, I am talking to you. I wouldn’t think you were that sort of person.

PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Timber-Rattling Booger Slut, But Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Chessy, simple.

Nobody is forcing you to either of those things.

You understand that catcalling is harrassment, (I think) so you need to understand that looking at somebody is also dependant on YOU, not the person you’re looking at.

Basically, you are trying to blame a woman for you looking at her.

And that’s about as absurd as it gets. DON’T LOOK AT HER.

How dumb.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ peevee

Basically, you are trying to blame a woman for you looking at her.

A common theme of both MGTOWs and incels is that women beguile men with your sexy wiles thus stealing their time and distracting them from their important work doing (insert something here).

7 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

important work

The myth here is that men are doing important work they take a break form to harass women. A man who harasses women does no important work, period.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ ignoresandra

A man who harasses women does no important work, period.

Yeah, I do find it amazing how much time that crowd devote to either harassing women or slagging them off to each other. Now theoretically they could be taking a break from their busy lifestyles, but somehow I’m not convinced of that. It’s a common refrain to see declarations of how they’re such productive hard workers (in real jobs, that matter) but can’t help think they doth protest too much.

One thing I do agree with them on is that incel and MGTOW is not just a philosophy, it’s a lifestyle. It does seem to disproportionately occupy their time. It seems, for some of them, misogyny is a full time thing and all they live for.

ETA: it’s a really obvious contrast, but Mammoth is a site ostensibley devoted to feminism and obviously a lot of Mammotheers are commited feminists; but just look at the wide range of other hobbies, interests and careers people end up actually chatting about in our inevitable, but fun, derails on every thread. Compare to any incel or MGTOW site, where interests and aspirations are dismissed as ‘cope’.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

If anybody wants a laugh at Chessman’s expense, this is still one of my favourite threads ever (he’s Orange Tango Drinker).

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Chessman thinks that if a woman looks good in public, that’s harassment because it’s unsolicited gaze harvesting? That explains why he thinks he’s being bullied because he’s chosen to troll here and we’ve chosen to mock his posts and then he chooses to continue trolling even though he’s unwelcome.

Are we doing unsolicited and unwanted troll post harvesting by existing while being feminist?

Yeah, that sounds about right. They all blame their annoying or predatory behavior on the women they target. We had it coming.

My cats and dog very successfully harvest both gazes and treats from me. They’re all female too. Hypergamous bitches!